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Chapter 689: Medical Treatment Fee 3 updates

The young and old of the He family had a night's rest, and the next day they still got up early on time to exercise, packed themselves up and walked with their ancestors on the cobblestones in the yard, exercised for a while, and took family photos together.

After breakfast, the young people packed their belongings and loaded them into the car. The ancestor He took his two sons, four daughters-in-law, the fourth eldest son of the third and fourth generations, four eldest great-grandsons and great-grandchildren, and his adopted grandson Xie Yiyuan.

In particular, I took Xiao Fifteen and Xiao Sixteen to Chao Er’s house.

Lan San also stayed at the He family last night. He was very good at being in the air. Even when the He family arrived with the captain, he fell behind the He family when entering the hall. Then he quietly sneaked to the banquet and just took himself out.

I acted as a passerby for a whole night.

The young and old of the He family dispatched, and Lan San followed the convoy in a cheetah carrying various experimental samples of the little Lolita. Because there were some strange things in the cheetah, Young Master Yan did not let his grandmother and elders ride in the cheetah. He accompanied his wife

Grandma was riding in the He family's car.

The He family dispatched a total of more than a dozen people, using an extended version of the Hongqi sedan and several small cars to form a convoy, charging through the long queue of cars on the street with the courage to defeat six generals in five passes.

When a team from the He family went to the Chao family, Director Wang personally drove to the He family's mountaintop villa with gifts. He was fast and arrived before nine o'clock. He was welcomed into the villa by the concierge and was left behind by the He family.

Brothers welcome.

Director Wang did not see the old man and the old lady, nor the eldest son and grandson of each room of the He family. He was very surprised. When he entered the reception hall of the west building and handed the things to the He family, he repeatedly expressed his regret for his father's drunkenness last night.


He Qiwu was the representative and accepted the gift on behalf of the family: "It is common to drink and get high. Director Wang does not need to be so polite. We all understand that our ancestors and old ladies took their eldest son and grandson to Chao's house to give the little girl medical money.

We have arranged for our second sister-in-law, third sister, eleven brothers and eleven brothers-in-law to go to the hospital today to pay last night’s ambulance fee and pay for Mr. Wang’s medical expenses for this hospitalization. I must have missed it with Mr. Wang.”

Hearing that the ancestor of the He family took people to the Chao family and arranged for people to go to the hospital to check out, Director Wang's face turned green. He said a few words and left quickly, walked out of the He family villa, climbed into his car, and drove away.

Shimi called his wife and wanted to say that the He family sent someone to help pay for the medical expenses. His wife first told him that the He family sent someone to the hospital to visit the patient. He was not feeling well and could not say anything more.

I can tell you to receive the representatives of the He family humbly and politely, and then hang up the phone.

The He family doesn't hold birthday parties, weddings, births, etc. They don't hold banquets. This time they finally celebrated Mrs. He's birthday, but the atmosphere was ruined by their old man. The He family asked the Chao family's little righteous grandson to help with the diagnosis.

Paying the medical bills is equivalent to taking full responsibility and compensation for the accident caused by the drunkenness of their father. If the He family does not entertain guests for this reason in the future, will all the powerful people in Beijing hate their family behind their backs?

Wang Ju had a deep awareness of the crisis and drove back to the hospital in a hurry. He felt quite regretful in his heart. If he had known this, he should have taken his father out of the hospital in the morning and stayed in the hospital after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

On the second day of the National Day holiday, countless people poured into Beijing, and only black heads were seen in various scenic spots. The streets were also crowded with people, and cars crowded the road, moving like the waves of an endless river.

The He family motorcade trudged forward for three hours and finally broke out of the encirclement. After a lot of hard work, they finally arrived at Mr. Chao's villa area.

They set off before 7:30 in the morning and arrived at their destination after 10:30. When they entered the villa area, the roads were clear, and those who had just fought their way out of the siege felt like they were reborn.

The motorcade drove to the courtyard of the villa building of Mr. Chao's house and stopped one after another. The young and old of the He family got off the car one by one, the younger generation carried their belongings, and the old man and the old lady helped the ancestors into Mr. Chao's house.

The courtyard door of Chao Er's villa was not only unlocked, but also open. Uncle Li was originally watering the grass, but when he saw a car driving by, he noticed that it had stopped in front of Er Ye's house and informed the old man and old ladies on the first floor.

Mr. Chao and his wife were drinking tea, playing chess, and chatting with their relatives and friends on the first floor. They were having a great time. When I heard that there were guests, they stopped what they were doing and went out to see them. When I walked out of the building, I saw

Hey, a large group of people from the He family came into the hospital in a mighty manner.

The eight heads of the Chao family immediately went out to greet her, and Mr. Xiao and others also went to welcome Mrs. He. This was the second time that Mrs. He visited the Chao family, which shows how much he cares about the little girl of the Chao family.

"How dare you bother me to come here in person? You can just send me the medical fees. If there is a traffic jam during the holiday, if the road becomes stuffy and hot, how can your body be able to bear it?" Mr. Chao greeted.

Welcoming the visitors, we personally supported the seniors. At the beginning of this year, two more registered revolutionary veterans went to meet the revolutionary comrades. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer veterans with revolutionary meritorious service every year. Mrs. He’s wife, Kangtai, also kept a legacy fire for the inheritance of the revolutionary cause.


"I can still handle such a small thing as a traffic jam. Compared with the grievance the little doctor suffered last night, the depression of the traffic jam is nothing. How is the little doctor today?" Grandpa He held Lao Chao's hand and smiled.

Mimi held Mrs. Chao's hand again.

Li Lao Xiao, Lao Luo Lao Qing, Lao Yang and Lao Zhou greeted the two and congratulated the three. Mrs. Li, Mrs. Zhou and the Chao family's daughter-in-law greeted the female guests. The three brothers of the Chao family entertained He Qiwu, congratulated Qi with gifts, congratulated Qishu, He Qiying, Jie Yiyuan and several others.

Young people, looking at the young people holding boxes, buckets, etc., the corners of their eyes are twitching wildly, what are they doing? What are they doing?

Yan Xing and Lan San followed the large army in silence.

Old Mrs. Chao also supported Mrs. He and spoke with a smile: "The little one woke up and almost forgot all the unpleasant things. She made a fuss with her brother and went to hide in the kitchen to make moon cakes. A few boys

I don't know if it's because you keep coming here, but you stay outside the kitchen and don't want to leave, and you don't even come out."

"Can the little doctor also make mooncakes?"

"Little Guaiguai likes to mess around with food. If you don't know how to make something, you can find a sample online. If you follow the instructions and learn to make it, you can make it look decent. I'm learning how to make cornmeal mooncakes this year. I guess I haven't finished it yet, and I haven't smelled the fragrance yet.

Mrs. Wang smiled and replied: "You see, I left my husband and son to live in my primary school student's house for food, but I couldn't bear to leave."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Gudong -" He Xiaoliu, who followed his ancestors, was so greedy that he drooled, mooncakes, delicious mooncakes!

"Xiao Wang, you reminded me, in order to eat, I will do my best today. I won't leave until I can eat the moon cakes made by the little doctor, so I will stay here." Old Ancestor He smiled so hard that he couldn't even see his eyebrows.

The brothers of He Jiaming's generation almost applauded, their ancestor was so considerate, and they also wanted to repay the little beauty for the mooncakes.

"Don't worry, no matter who is missing, your old one will be missing, right?"

"As long as I have it, my kids don't like mooncakes, so there's no need to give them a share."

"..." Wow, the brothers of the He family almost burst into tears. Ancestors, we love to eat mooncakes, we love them very much!

The eight parents of the Chao family and Mr. Li and others invited the young and old of the He family into the hall on the first floor. Because they had to have activities, they played cards and chess in the hall. Four tables were set up, one for ladies, one for middle-aged men and women, and one for old men.

There is a table, and the young people also have a table.

When the He family entered the living room, the old man, the old lady and Mr. Qi sat down first, and the younger ones followed Mr. Chao to the small hall near the kitchen to put their belongings.

The beautiful boy and his three friends, Wang Erxiao, moved a bench and sat in the corridor outside the kitchen, reading a book and holding a computer. When they saw the He family brothers coming over, they had questions on their faces, which meant: What are they doing here?

The He family brothers put their things in the small hall and rushed to the door of the courtyard to move the items again. The He family came with their eldest son, eldest grandson, four eldest great-grandsons, and one great-grandson, as well as He Xiaofifteen and He Xiaoliu, plus

A Lan San, a total of eight people, moved back and forth three times to move everything into Mr. Chao's house.

Only He Xiaoyi is married among the He family brothers. He was with an unmarried young man. He was afraid that if he leaked something and embarrassed the young people, he asked the younger brothers to go to the Chao family brothers to play with them, while he went to the hall.

The handsome guy from the He family and Yan Xinglan rushed up to the five top students and tried to establish friendly relations. In fact, they wanted to occupy the territory so that they could have a sneak peek when the kitchen door opened.

In order not to give the young Chao family room to have a fit, Yan Xing lowered his voice and asked, "Xiao Chao, let me ask you something serious. Little Lolita has some weird things. Where can I put them here?"

"What's weird?" Mr. Xiao and his friends looked strange.

"There are little Lolita's luggage and a few specimen samples." Yan Xing couldn't say that they were blood and flesh samples collected from the patients, so he could only blur them.

"Let's do this. Give me my sister's personal luggage. The weird samples will be put in the warehouse where my sister stores her things. You come with me and I will show you the place."

The beautiful boy also guessed what specimens might be beyond the normal range, and decided to put them in the warehouse where Xiao Lele stored the stones.

Xiao Shaoluo, Li Shaowang and the other two young masters were guarding the door of the kitchen. The He family brothers followed to watch the excitement. The beautiful boy went to the first floor to get the spare key, took people to the place where Xiao Lele put the stones, and opened the door.

The He brothers took a look inside and saw that the place was neatly tidied, the jadeite stones were also arranged in an orderly manner, and there were some boxes and baskets, but they didn't know what they contained.

The He brothers wanted to help move things but Xiao Longbao declined. Curious about the little beauty's collection, they were allowed to admire the stones;

Young Master Yan and Lan San went to the car to move the little Lolita's belongings, carried all the medicinal supplies and samples to her small warehouse, stored them carefully, and gave the backpack to the Chao boy.

After moving the things back, the He family brothers didn't appreciate the stones either. The beautiful boy locked the door, carried Xiao Lele's big backpack up to the second floor, and sent it back to her room. When he came downstairs, he saw He Xiaoyi, He Xiaosan, and He Xiaosi.

He went to the living room, and He Xiaoliu, He Xiaoshi, Yan Shao, and Yan Shao's brother Lan, a handsome guy, also moved a bench and sat at the door of the kitchen as a doorman.

The beautiful boy silently clenched his fists, really wanting to beat up those guys. Of course, he was a gentle and beautiful boy, and he couldn't let his sister know that he was violent, sitting on his bench holding his computer while watching.

This chapter has been completed!
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