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Chapter 914: The Beast Tide Didn't Come

Negotiation ended.

When Luo Sanxiang conveyed the results of the negotiations back to the capital, the senior officials at the Special Operations Bureau headquarters, Chu Kaiping and others were extremely excited.

"It seems that the tide of marine beasts has really pushed them into a desperate situation."

"If..." Mr. Luo's eyes flickered with a blazing light, and he took a deep breath, "If Chu Chen can really repel this wave of ocean beasts, this will be the beginning of immortality."


Everyone's eyes are shining.

In ancient times, this was the achievement of opening up new territories! "The next step will be up to Chu Chen."

Chu Kaiping picked up the phone and immediately dialed Chu Chen's number.

At this moment, Chu Chen was lying down in the villa. When he saw the call from Chu Kaiping, Chu Chen already knew what was going on.

He is also paying attention to the situation in Peda City. He knows that Peda City is now hanging on a thread. It can even be said that as long as the king of ocean beasts, the lion's mane jellyfish, is willing, it can flood Peda City at any time, causing the city to be flooded.

Peta City has become a paradise for mutated sea creatures.

"Second uncle."

Chu Chen answered the phone.

"Everything is ready, now it's just up to you."

Chu Kaiping's tone was a little excited.

Chu Chen was actually curious as to what conditions Li Tao Guo had agreed to for the special battle that could make his second uncle so excited.

Chu Kaiping did not hide anything and told Chu Chen directly, "Kill the lion's mane jellyfish and drive away the tide of marine beasts. The Baltic Sea area belonging to the Litao Kingdom will be ours."

Chu Chen's eyes lit up and he immediately smiled and said, "Wait for my good news."

Chu Kaiping clenched his fists.

"How confident are you?"

Chu Kaiping asked before hanging up the phone.

Chu Chen replied, "Ten percent."

......... At two o'clock in the afternoon local time in Peda City, Kunas, the general person in charge of Peda City, announced that the Chinese Chu Hero was about to set off for Peda City.

As soon as the news came out, many people immediately expressed disbelief.

"Master Chu is coming?"

"Hero Chu is really coming. I saw the news from China. Someone photographed Master Chu at China Yangcheng Airport and boarded the special plane."

"Only Hero Chu in the world has experience in defeating ocean beast tides. I hope Hero Chu can help us."

"Even though we knew that the King of Ocean Beasts, the Lion's Mane Jellyfish, was so powerful, Hero Chu still came. No matter what the outcome was, the people of Peda City will always remember Hero Chu!"

The people of Pedda City were excited and looked forward to it extremely much.

From the moment Chu Chen boarded the plane, the whole world focused on him.

Media outlets in many countries made headlines immediately.

"The world's most powerful man, Huaxia Chu Chen, will arrive in Peda City tonight."

"Following the God of War Mike, another world-class strongman will fight against the powerful king of ocean beasts, the Lion's Mane Jellyfish!"

"Hero Chu vs Lion's Mane Jellyfish!"

In Peda City, Jiang Qufeng also heard the news that Chu Chen was coming and said, "Oh."

Liao Qi was surprised and looked up at Jiang Qufeng.

It was just the first time he heard Captain Jiang speak.

"Team Chu is coming."

Liao Qi's eyes were full of light.

When peach blossoms bloomed in Europe and the United States, although he went together, he did not have the opportunity to witness it with his own eyes.

And this time, Team Chu battles the lion's mane jellyfish, which you must not miss.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

The Chinese Chu Daxia is recognized as the number one person in the world.

When the news that he was about to arrive in Peda City came out, the parade in Peda City naturally disbanded, and people returned home one after another, waiting for the arrival of Hero Chu. After all, Hero Chu was on the other side of the ocean, even if

Even if you take a special plane to come here, it will take at least ten hours.

According to the attack habits of the marine beast tide in the past two days, they will attack the coastline of Pedda City again in about ten hours.

"Order in Peda City has been restored."

The female assistant was excited.

From the very beginning, she suggested inviting the Chinese Hero Chu, because she felt from the beginning to the end that only the Chinese Hero Chu in the world could defeat the ocean beast tide.

That man, he is finally coming.

The female assistant felt that her whole body was throbbing.

Although he was very reluctant to admit it, Machius still had to lament the influence of the Chinese Chu heroes at this moment.

Because his departure directly affected the mentality of the people in the city, and no one else could be found in the world.

"Next, it depends on tonight."

There was a hint of complexity in Machisius's eyes. He naturally hoped that the ocean beast tide could be defeated, but when he thought that the people who could defeat the ocean beast tide came from China, and he himself was ruthlessly fleeced by China, Machius couldn't bear it.

I feel heartbroken.

"Nothing is more important than the safety of people's lives and property in this city."

Kunas saw Machisius's mentality and couldn't help but say something.

Marchisius nodded.

It's sunset.

The streets of Peda City began to gradually become deserted.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Tonight is the night that attracts the most attention worldwide since the occurrence of marine beast tides.

Because of Chu Daxia's departure, people in China also turned their attention.

"Isn't it just a small jellyfish? Hero Chu can kill it with one hand."

“Need another hand?

Master Chu can be killed with just one look."

"Stop teasing, haven't you seen the video of the battle between Mike, the warrior from the European Warrior Alliance, and the Lion's Mane Jellyfish?

The power of this lion's mane jellyfish is beyond imagination, and the dozens of tentacles contain venom, making it difficult to deal with such an opponent."

"Contempt your opponents from a strategic point of view, and pay attention to your opponents from a tactical point of view."

It's almost early morning in Pedda City.

The ocean is calm tonight.

In front of the coastline, the troops were heavily guarded and ready.

Although Hero Chu is already on his way, Pedda City cannot put all its hopes on Hero Chu.

The cold wind howled.

The combat headquarters was extremely quiet and filled with an extremely strange atmosphere.

Early in the morning, one o'clock.

Everyone's expressions showed confusion.

Tonight, the ocean beast tide did not come?


Machius was confused. According to the attack habits of the ocean beast tide, the first wave of attack from the ocean beast tide should have arrived an hour ago.

However, until now, the news just came back from the front, the sea level was calm and the waves were calm. Not even a single small fish or shrimp was seen, let alone the mutated marine creatures.

Countless netizens who paid attention to this incident also exploded.

"It's too peaceful tonight."

"I have a bold guess that the lion's mane jellyfish knew that Master Chu was coming and escaped in advance."

"That's not a big deal, right?"

Countless people are discussing it, but no one knows why.

Peda City, the roof of a tall building.

Jiang Qufeng, dressed in black and with a cold face, stood at the highest point, overlooking Pedda City.

Tonight, he has decided that before Chu Chen comes, he will take action as much as possible to save the people of Peda City. Anyway, the people of Peda City already know his identity.

He wanted another name besides Chu Chen to resound in the sky above Peda City.

However, Jiang Qufeng had been standing here for two full hours.

My legs are numb.

The tide of marine beasts did not come tonight! Jiang Qufeng's face twitched slightly. Would his desire to appear as a saint in front of others even be blocked by the tide of marine beasts?

Jiang Qufeng looked at the sea.

If the lion's mane jellyfish wasn't too powerful, he couldn't help but kill it long ago.

That’s all.

Jiang Qufeng sighed softly, turned around and went downstairs, because at this time, Chu Chen should be arriving soon.

...At the Peda City Airport, a special plane from China slowly stopped.

Chu Chen walked out of the airport.

Jiang Qufeng, Liao Qi and other members of the special team are already waiting.

Jiang Qufeng took a step forward.

"Brother Feng."

Chu Chen smiled, walked up, glanced at Liao Qi, and immediately smiled and said, "Liao Qi, we are on a mission together again."

Liao Qi was so excited that he didn't expect Captain Chu to still remember his name. He nodded immediately and said immediately, "However, it's very strange tonight. The ocean beast tide didn't come.

Some people on the Internet claimed that it was because of the arrival of Captain Chu that the tide of marine beasts was scared away."

Hearing this, Chu Chen was startled.

He was mentally prepared to jump into battle as soon as he got off the plane.

But the ocean beast tide didn't come.

Chu Chen frowned, "This is not a good thing."

Everyone was shocked.

Jiang Qufeng nodded, of course he knew this was not a good thing, as it caused him to stand on the rooftop all night in vain.

"The tide of marine beasts continues to impact the coastline of Pedda City, and it has always had the upper hand."

Chu Chen said, "It suddenly stopped coming tonight. It is very likely that...the king of ocean beasts, the lion's mane jellyfish, is going to break through tonight."

This chapter has been completed!
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