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Chapter 451

In the Luo family camp, Luo Yunyang looked at Chu Chen with a sullen face and frowned at Chu Chen who was using Xiaoyaoyou Palm Technique to paint on the high platform. He cursed silently countless times, hoping that the piece of rice paper in mid-air would fall to the ground. However, the result was doomed to disappointment.

The rice paper, which was obviously thin, was rotated at such a high speed and was constantly touched by the pen tip, but there was no damage at all.

"Hmph! It's just a shameless show off of skills. Painting is not accomplished by showing off skills." At this time, Luo Yunlong said coldly, "After all, Chu Chen's kung fu is amazing and he can use his skills to perfection."

To be fair, Luo Yunlong was very jealous.

Who doesn’t want to have this ability to show off skills?

It's a pity that it's not his, he must lash out hard.

"This kind of dazzling work can indeed receive some applause, but don't forget that the four judges are all top masters in the field of chess, calligraphy and painting. How could they be affected by Chu Chen's dazzling skills."

At this time, Tiannan Chess King Tao Ju laughed and looked at Chu Chen on the high platform, "Elder brother has really mastered the skills of kung fu painting."

"Chenchen, this kid, likes to be cool since he was a child." Nangong Jun's eyes were full of adoration.

The crowd screamed in surprise again and again.

"As soon as Luo Ke's Eight Horses painting came out, I thought this battle could be declared over early, but now... to be honest, even if Chu Chen's painting skills are slightly inferior, I would like to vote for this unique skill of painting alone.

Piao Chuchen wins."

"If I had one-tenth of Chu Chen's abilities, why would I have been single for thirty-five years."

"If I had one percent of Chu Chen's abilities, I would already be the King of the Sea."

Some professionals put forward the analysis, "The key lies in the level of the painting. You may be able to get a lot of applause just by showing off your skills, but it is not easy to win the final competition."

At the judges' table.

"Kungfu painting." Hu Liyong sighed, "I quote a saying from Teacher Yuan Jing, today's trip is well worth it!"

"It seems that this is what Teacher Yuan Jing is looking forward to." Zhang Shi smiled, "Whether it is Chinese Kung Fu or chess, calligraphy and painting, Chu Chen can reach this point at such a young age, which is worthy of admiration."

"Let's go back to the competition itself." Zhong Xiuqing said, "I personally think that Chu Chen's kung fu painting techniques are amazing, but this alone is not enough to defeat the Eight Horses. In the end, it still depends on the level and quality of the painting."

Huangfu Yuanjing stroked his beard with a smile on his face, "Let's wait for the result together."

The crowd exclaimed again.

Everyone's eyes were wide and round, looking at the high platform in disbelief.

Chu Chen’s performance!

At this time, Chu Chen's other hand also picked up a pen.

Two pens, heads raised, hands raised, reflecting the sun, the rice paper is spinning...

Liu Guan's body suddenly stood up.

finally come!

The two immortals are in ecstasy!

Liu Guan's eyes were intense and excited as he watched Chu Chen bend down almost leaning back and raise his hands to paint quickly, with both hands almost at the same time without stopping.




Everyone in the square was shocked, as if they had seen an extremely incredible and magical scene...

"Can my Tian Chuchen really paint with this difficulty with both hands at the same time?"


"I can see that what Chu Chen drew is also the Eight Horses Picture! He actually wants to use the Eight Horses Picture to deal with the Eight Horses Picture."

"My friends and I in the whole square were shocked."

At the judges' table, Zhang Shi stood up, his lips trembling and pointed at Chu Chen on the high platform, "Could this be...is..."

"I only heard about it, but I saw it with my own eyes today." Huangfu Yuanjing turned on the microphone and said with great emotion, "The painting technique Chu Chen is using is called 'Double Immortals Entering the Goddess'. From ancient times to the present, it has been the most popular painting technique

There are countless schools, and there are countless styles of painting. There are many schools. Among them, the most respected ones are the Five Masters! In today's painting world, the Five Masters have almost disappeared. This is a fault in the inheritance of the Chinese painting world.

!Today, we are fortunate enough to see one of the five great masters, the 'Double Immortals Entering God', reappear in the battle. This is our honor."

Huangfu Yuanjing's cloudy eyes even showed a bit of crystal light. This national master who had reached the pinnacle of the painting world was extremely excited at this moment.

Zhang Shi also sincerely admired, "Kung fu painting combined with the two immortals' ecstasy, it's like a perfect combination of two swords!"

The crowd exploded instantly.

“‘Double Immortals Become God’! Oh my God, someone actually mastered the ‘Two Immortals Become God’ stunt!”

"Looking for some popular science, what is 'Double Immortals Entering God'?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it sounds very powerful...I suddenly became a little optimistic about Chu Chen. Although I haven't seen Chu Chen's works yet, look at the expressions of the four judges. Teacher Luo Ke just painted Eight Horses.

They were not so excited when we were taking pictures."

On the side of the high platform, Luo Ke also stared at Chu Chen.

He had already learned from Luo Yunyang that Chu Chen had the painting skills of two immortals in trance. However, Luo Ke was still confident that even if two immortals were in trance, he could not beat his painting of Eight Horses.

However, at this moment, a trace of worry flashed deep in Rock's eyes.

He also didn't expect that the appearance of the two immortals in trance would cause such a big sensation.

The 'power' of this competition has completely rested with Chu Chen.

Kung Fu painting combined with the two immortals' ecstasy is Chu Chen's biggest weapon today!

"It's a pity that choosing the Eight Horses picture is your biggest failure." Luo Ke raised his head and glanced. He had drawn countless Eight Horses pictures. It was easy to tell that what Chu Chen was drawing was indeed the Eight Horses picture.

In his entire life, Luo Ke had never seen anyone draw a picture of eight horses better than him.

There was no such thing in the past, Luo Ke was confident, and there would definitely be no such thing now and in the future.

The Eight Horses Picture belongs to his domain.

"Come on, Mr. Chu!"

"President Chu will win!"

At this time, Beichen's cheering group became even more powerful, shouting excitedly.

Mr. Chu's performance was really cool.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, he has now shocked the whole audience and stunned everyone's attention.

in the crowd.

Situ Jing silently stared at Jiang Yingtao beside him, with a strange expression on his face.

Sister Tao just reminded her to pay attention to her surroundings at all times, but now, Sister Tao stared straight at Chu Chen's performance on the high platform without blinking for ten minutes.

Situ Jing admitted that Chu Chen on the high platform was indeed covered in light and eye-catching, but Sister Tao, what a mission!

On the other side, Qiu Lin narrowed his eyes coldly and stared at the high platform, murderous intent flashing past him.

"The Jiuxuan Sect has such a demonic descendant. It must be eradicated as soon as possible. Otherwise, the Tianji Sect will never be able to succeed."

Qiu Lin whispered, murderous.

He had walked around the square several times without gaining anything, so he could only focus on Chu Chen again.

We must find a way and find an opportunity to kill Chu Chen!

This chapter has been completed!
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