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Chapter 1137: Reciprocity

"Xiao Xing, can you tell whose feathers those are?" Li Yun asked with interest.

"It's the Three-Eyed Sky Owl, the boss of the Black Prison Forest!" Xiaoxing said.

"Three-Eyed Sky Owl? Is this the Venerable mentioned in the message?"

"Yes. I don't know who it offended, but even its tail feathers were knocked off, giving Jin Feng an advantage." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Haha, it's not easy to get this bargain. People like Jin Feng are having a hard time now." Li Yun said with gloating.

Unexpectedly, a piece of low-grade spiritual crystal could cause such a big disaster, which made Li Yun deeply understand the difficulties and dangers of the lower class society in the spiritual world.

Li Yun also wanted to see what would happen around this low-grade spiritual crystal, so he asked Xiaoxing to pay more attention to the situation of the Jinfeng team.

"Sir, the Jinfeng team is currently hiding in a remote courtyard in the city, as if facing a formidable enemy... By the way, Blackstone Ridge is already within the coverage of our underground network. When Xiaonu sorts out what happened at that time,

Adults can watch it.”

"That's great!" Li Yun said in surprise.

It didn't take long for the scene described by Jin Feng to reappear in Li Yun's mind. It was indeed a fierce and powerful battle!

There is one black-faced man and one red-faced man on both sides. The black-faced man is the boss of the Black Prison Forest, a venerable three-eyed owl. I don’t know who the red-faced man is, but in the end both sides show their true colors and fight. Look carefully.

The red-faced man turned into a lion with wings on its back, with flying hair, sharp teeth and claws. No wonder the owl lost one of his tail feathers after he beat him, and fled the battlefield in panic...

The two-winged flying lion did not pursue in the end, but turned into a human form and slowly headed north...

"Isn't this person here to challenge the Three-Eyed Sky Owl and seize the hegemony of the forest?" Li Yun guessed.

"It remains to be seen, it doesn't seem like it."

"Oh, what did you see?"

"The three-eyed owl fled to his lair in the central area, to the northwest of the battlefield, while the two-winged flying lion went due north. Beyond the forest is the Zen domain." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense. It seems that the fight between the two happened when they met on a narrow road. The three-eyed sky owl thought that the other party was coming to challenge him, so he attacked first. Unexpectedly, he was defeated. The real destination of the two-winged flying lion was the Zen realm."

The two communicated and basically revealed the truth of the matter.

It seems that although this battle is fierce, the consequences are not serious and will not cause any major changes to the Black Prison Forest and Fengyuan City.

However, what Li Yun and Xiaoxing got was the most original first-hand information. After Jin Feng's description and the dissemination of the matter by people at the scene, and then confirmed by the Tianji Palace here, within a few days, it was

It cast a shadow over the entire Fengyuan City, and many teams that wanted to go hunting in the forest were hesitant.

As we all know, if something like this happens, there will definitely be some unpredictable changes in the forest, which will bring many risks to the hunters. Although the hunters are used to living a life of licking blood with the blade of their knife, if they know that there are dangers in the mountains,

Tiger, it would be a bit stupid to go to the tiger mountain.

Therefore, those teams that have not yet entered the forest basically stayed in Fengyuan City to observe the situation and wait until the news passed before making plans.

Li Yun walked around the city every day and collected many new species. He was already very familiar with Fengyuan City. At noon that day, he unknowingly came to Fengyuan Restaurant again and walked up to the second floor.

"Sir, Yin Sheng, Guan Jiu and the others are upstairs." Xiaoxing reminded.


Li Yun quickly turned around and went down. He had been distracted just now and didn't pay attention to this matter. However, he didn't want to be entangled by philistines like Guan Jiu, Lu Xun, and Xiaoyu.

Unexpectedly, Yin Sheng, Guan Jiu and others did not enter the forest these days, so they focused on looking for him in the city. And Lu Xun was even more thoughtful. In addition to sending several brothers to search throughout the city, he also suggested that Yin Sheng and others come there every day.

Fengyuan Restaurant came to wait and see. These people had strong spiritual awareness and had noticed Li Yun when he came downstairs. At this time, seeing Li Yun turning around and walking downstairs for some reason, Yin Sheng rushed downstairs and stood at the door.

Stop Li Yun.

"Aha, isn't this Brother Feng? What a coincidence, we meet again!"

Yin Sheng's red face shone with light, and he smiled sweetly. He patted Li Yun's shoulder with his big hand and shouted.

Li Yun's heart shrank, feeling that this smile looked a bit like a weasel giving New Year greetings to a rooster.

"So it's Brother Yin, why are you still here? Didn't you say you wanted to enter the forest?"

"Don't be in a hurry to enter the forest. We encountered an unexpected incident. I'll let you know as my brother. Come up quickly. Our captain and several brothers are up there."

"This...I just had something happen..."

"What's so urgent? It's dinner time now, it's not too late to do it after dinner!"

Yin Sheng dragged Li Yun to the second floor, pushed him into a seat, and then introduced Guan Jiu, Lu Xun and Xiaoyu to him.

Now that they have come, let them be in peace. Li Yun picked up the wine glass and said: "I am fortunate to meet three seniors today. I would like to respect you if I go first!"

"Gee, what's wrong with seniors? Just call me Sister Yu!" Xiao Yujiao said with a smile.

"That's right, we have long heard from Brother Sheng that there is a genius like you, and now that we have seen him, we are really impressed by his talent!" Lu Xun praised.

"There is no need to differentiate between seniors and juniors here, we are all brothers and sisters!" Guan Jiu said, finishing the drink in one gulp.

"How dare you be so abrupt? Seniors, please don't let the juniors commit the crime of disrespect!" Li Yun said quickly.

Guan Jiu laughed and said: "Aren't you and Yin Sheng called brothers? We are both Yin Sheng's brothers and sisters, so after all, you are our little brother, so it can't be wrong!"


Li Yun was immediately speechless, and it seemed that there was no need to argue anymore.

He felt that the consciousness of several people was looking at him unscrupulously, and he thought slightly, asking them to just watch it, so as not to let his title of genius boy be in name only.

The more Guan Jiu looked at it, the more excited he became. An extremely flattering look appeared on his face. A flash of inspiration appeared in his hand, and a jade box appeared. He said with a smile: "I met Brother Feng for the first time today. I really like him very much. This is because of my brother's presence."

I accidentally got a five-thousand-year-old ginseng in the forest and gave it to Brother Feng as a meeting gift!"

Yin Sheng, Lu Xun and Xiaoyu looked at Guan Jiu in shock, their hearts beating wildly.

Guan Jiu, who has always been quite stingy, is now so generous?! However, his eyesight has always been very accurate, so he must have seen something, these people thought silently in their hearts.

"It's impossible. Brother Guan got such a treasure with his life. How dare I take it?" Li Yun quickly declined.

"What? Does Brother Feng look down on Brother Wei's meeting gift?" Guan Jiu said coldly.

Li Yun was startled, and it seemed that he had no choice but to accept it, so he accepted it with a sweet smile on his face and said, "How dare you, Brother Guan is such a generous gift, I will remember it in my heart!"

"Haha, what kind of gift is this? Brother Wei is going into the forest this time, and the storage ring is empty, so he doesn't bring anything good with him. Next time we meet again, brother Wei will definitely bring a gift for brother Feng.

!" Guan Jiu laughed.

"Brother Guan has such great love, I'm really ashamed! It's a pity that my cultivation level is too low and I dare not enter the forest. Otherwise, I would follow you in so that I can see the graceful and heroic appearance of all the seniors!" Li Yun saluted.

"Hey, the days are long! We will still have to rely on Brother Feng for support in the future!" Guan Jiu said.

At this time, Yin Sheng, Lu Xun and Xiaoyu also took out a jade box and gave it to Li Yun as a meeting gift.

Li Yun saw that since he had already accepted one, he didn't care about accepting a few more. After some humility, he took advantage of the situation and accepted it.

"Thank you to my brothers and sister Yu. I don't deserve any reward for my merits, so I might as well go to the forest with you to see it!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"No! Don't blame Brother Wei for talking nonsense. Although Brother Feng is a super genius, it will be difficult to protect himself when entering the forest with his current level of cultivation. In that case, it will hinder our team. We should stay in Fengyuan.

In the city, when we return from hunting, we can have a drink with Brother Feng!" Guan Jiu said decisively.

"This... I have my own means of protecting myself, Brother Guan, don't worry."

"No, no! Brother Feng must not enter the forest rashly, the risk is too great!" Yin Sheng interjected.

Lu Xun and Xiaoyu also spoke out to dissuade him.

Seeing this, Li Yun had to give up and asked, "I wonder when you plan to set off?"

"In three more days, if there are no changes, you can enter the forest." Yin Sheng said.

"But why?"

"Brother Feng doesn't know. There was a big event in the forest a few days ago. The master of the Black Prison had a fierce battle with a powerful man. I don't know what the outcome will be. Everyone is waiting for the news!" Yin Sheng said in a low voice.

"So that's what happened."

"Oh? Do you know that too?" Yin Shengqi asked.

"Of course! I heard the elders in the sect said this." Li Yun nodded.

"Really?!" Yin Sheng was stunned.

Guan Jiu asked anxiously: "I wonder what Feng Di's elders said?"

"I heard that a powerful man passed by the Black Hell Forest. As a result, the owner of the Black Hell Forest thought that the other party was coming to compete for territory, so he fought with him. As a result, he lost and fled back to his lair to recuperate. However, the passing powerful man did not

Instead of killing them all, they hurried to the Zen realm." Li Yun compiled.

"This..." Guan Jiu and the others were a little shocked when they heard this and looked at each other.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Now other hunting teams in the city are waiting for news and dare not enter the forest, but it is a great opportunity for you. If you enter the forest in advance, you can definitely catch more black wind martens before others."

Guan Jiu had a very exciting look on her face after hearing this. She stared at Li Yun closely and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Brother Feng is right! Don't miss this opportunity. Let's go into the forest immediately!"

"team leader?!"

Yin Sheng and others looked at Guan Jiu in surprise, unable to believe that he believed Li Yun's words so much.

"Brother Feng has already paid for this table of food. Brother Feng, please use it as you please! You guys are coming with me right away!"

After Guan Jiu finished speaking, Huo Di stood up and walked downstairs.

"Brother Feng, please use it slowly!"

Yin Sheng greeted Li Yun and followed Lu Xun and Xiaoyu.

Li Yun felt their departing figures, a smile appeared on his face, but his eyes were looking towards the Black Prison Forest in the distance...

This chapter has been completed!
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