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Chapter 1216 Canaan Temple (3)

"Three levels!!! Pass three levels in a row!!!"

Meng Hao and others were stunned. They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Suddenly, their legs gave out and they collapsed to the ground...

The Blue and White Zen Master and the Red Leaf Zen Master on the side also had dull faces, their hearts were beating wildly, and their heads felt like they were all blank!

They suddenly discovered that this Liufeng could never be an ordinary golden elixir, and even if he was, he was not someone they could taint, because the person who faced three eternal Zen couplets one after another had a high level of wisdom that they could look up to.

Such a person will definitely be a master of Zen in the future and the founder of Zen. There is no doubt about this!!!

Sure enough, while they were in a daze, the voices of the disciples in the temple could be heard in their minds: "Old Ancestor, the abbot of the main temple, Zen Immortal Bourbon, is looking for you. Please come back immediately!"

The two of them did not dare to neglect, and quickly flashed back to the back hall. When they saw the formation light screen, the figure of Zen Immortal Bourbon appeared.

"Great Abbot!!!" Blue and White Zen Master shouted.

"Qinghua, who came up with the Zen couplet? Is it really Meng Hao?!" Zen Master Bourbon asked urgently.

"Meng Hao? No, he is a little golden elixir from the Cuixiang Divine Realm named Liufeng!"

"What?! Liufeng?! What's going on?!" Bourbon was stunned and his eyes widened.

Zen Master Qinghua reported in detail what had just happened, which immediately shocked Bourbon into a daze.

"Send the video message immediately, our ancestors are waiting to see it!" Bourbon said loudly.

"Yes! Yes! Send it immediately!!!"

"Bang!!!" There seemed to be a loud noise coming from outside.

"What's going on?!" Bourbon Zen Immortal frowned.

"Great Abbot... That Liufeng has made another pair!" the Blue and White Zen Master said in a trembling voice.

"What?! Which pair?!!!"

"The first couplet is: There is no need to sweep the pure land. The second couplet he is right about is: There is no need to close the empty door." Blue and White Zen Master replied.


Bourbon Zen Immortal lost his mind for a moment, feeling as if he suddenly realized something and was about to enter a state of retreat and enlightenment...

"Great abbot! Great abbot! Great abbot!!!" Qinghua Zen Master shouted without knowing the current situation.

The Bourbon Zen Immortal was pulled back from the state of enlightenment by his loud shout. He was furious and shouted: "Qinghua, don't you know that I was about to enter the state of enlightenment just now?!!!"

"Ah?! It's impossible, right?!!! Just a few words?!!!" Blue and White Zen Master said in shock, feeling bad.

"You...you...you are so stupid!!! Send the video of Liufeng's response immediately, and report back immediately if you have any information. Remember, you must keep an eye on him and don't let others rob him. Wait for the ancestor to go

See him!" Zen Immortal Bourbon said fiercely.

"Yes! Yes! Great Abbot, please rest assured!!!" Qinghua Zen Master responded quickly, his face turned pale.

It seems that it is impossible to rob people today. We must keep an eye on these people to prevent any accidents.

He never dared to leave the formation main control center again, keeping a close eye on the whereabouts of Liu Feng and his party, reporting to Zen Immortal Bourbon at any time...

Meng Hao and the others were looking at Liu Feng now. What was revealed in their eyes was no longer shock, but reverence and admiration. The slightest light of faith emerged from their bodies and merged into Liu Feng's body!

There are also countless faithful men and women following behind, who actually treat Liufeng as a Zen ancestor, kowtowing step by step, and following respectfully. The light spots of faith are like trickles, coming out of thin air, making the little

Xing was dumbfounded.

It is worthy of being the center of Zen Buddhism. People's belief in Zen ancestors has reached the highest level, and the fan base is expanding rapidly...

"Brother Liu, the fifth archway is ahead. I wonder if Brother Liu is sure?" Meng Hao asked respectfully.

"Well, the first couplet of this memorial arch is well written. I have already drafted the second couplet. Let's see how it turns out." Li Yun responded casually.

The scene at the formation in the back hall just now has fallen into Li Yun's mind. It seems that this matter has attracted great attention from the top management of Canaan Temple. Even the chief abbot showed up. There is an ancestor coming from behind. Is it possible?

Is it the Zen Tao Sanxian who created the first couplet?

This person's wisdom is extremely high, and the first couplet he wrote is full of Zen, which is admirable!

It seems that there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Zen realm, and powerful people are competing with each other!’

Li Yun sighed in his heart, and when he came to the fifth archway, he had already scanned the first couplet with his spiritual consciousness, which read: "Effects have causes, causes have effects, effects have causes, and what you sow will bear fruit."

He was thinking in his mind that the old Zen immortal created the first couplet and asked people to carve it on every archway for people to deal with. This in itself was planting a cause, and was he expecting a result like this?!

It is said that this Zen couplet has a history of thousands of years. Could it be that the old Zen immortal was waiting for him to succeed?!

Regardless of all that, Li Yun picked up his pen and said: "The heart is the Buddha, the Buddha is the heart, the heart is the Buddha, and if you want to seek the Buddha, you must first seek the heart."

The pen is put away, the sound is moved, the light is raised, the treasure is reached, the joy is leaping, and the pious chanting...

The group of people went up step by step, and along the way, people lined the streets to greet them, kowtowed, and prayed...

In the following archway, Li Yun recited all the second couplets, including:

"The sound of pines, bamboos, bells and chimes are all at ease; the colors of mountains, water, and haze are all empty."

"Now that I am in my own body, I hope that all living beings can sail through the voyage of mercy together and overcome the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible; to save the future tribulations, I hope that I, the Buddha, will cast a rain of Dharma and turn the tide."

"The universe allows me to be at peace, and fame and wealth are allowed to be busy by others."


"Until hell is empty, I vow not to become a Buddha; only when all sentient beings are saved can I realize Bodhi."

This last couplet was so loud and sonorous that everyone was shocked. The whole archway erupted with a strong sound, and the sky was filled with light. Finally, a red peach wood sword rushed out, circled in the air, and landed on the ground.

Li Yun’s hands!

Li Yun holds a mahogany sword in his hand, pointing at the sky, with a holy light on his face, and the light of faith comes out like a substance. At this moment, it is like the Zen ancestor appears in the world, making everyone prostrate themselves and prostrate themselves to the ground!


Even the blue and white Zen statues and the red leaf Zen statues in the back hall unknowingly prostrated themselves on the ground and offered their most respectful Buddhist gifts!!

When Bourbon Zen Immortal saw this scene, he was stunned!!!

In fact, this peach wood sword is the last psychic magic weapon that can be obtained by those who clear the level. It does not need to be issued by the city lord. However, because this matter is too old, the rumors are a bit biased.

Li Yun sensed that the sword spirit in the peach wood sword was very lively and cute, and he was overjoyed and quickly put it away.

Looking around, I found that they were all devout men and women, kneeling in a large area in darkness. I thought to myself that if I didn't take advantage of the moment when everyone was in a daze to get out of the way, I might be unable to move even a moment later.

So, he quickly led Xiaodi and others into the main hall on the top of the mountain, and soon disappeared.

Meng Hao woke up from his dream and rushed in to look for someone, only to find that Liu Feng and others seemed to have disappeared and could not be found.

"It's over! It's over!! Where did Liu Feng go?!!!"

Meng Hao and the others were searching everywhere as if they were crazy. Soon, the Blue Flower Zen Master and the Red Leaf Zen Master also joined the search. Then, the whole city's guards were also mobilized, looking for Liu Feng and others everywhere.

It's a pity that Liufeng and others seemed to have disappeared suddenly, and not even a trace was found.

The Blue and White Zen Masters and the Red Leaf Zen Masters returned to the apse to control the formation and launched it with all their strength, but it had no effect.

"Junior brother, don't they have jade tokens to enter the city? The formation should be able to sense it?" said the Blue and White Zen Master.

"According to the guards, one of them has a Zen realm clearance jade token, so they don't have this city's jade token on them." Hongye Zen Master responded.

"What should we do? Now the formation cannot search for them, and the great abbot is still waiting for my reply! I heard that the ancestors are also here!"

"Senior brother, don't worry, I have my own way!" Zen Master Hongye said proudly.

"Oh? Tell me quickly, what can you do?!"

"Hey, didn't I give Xiaoyu a jade plaque before? There is a ray of my consciousness in it. As long as it is within a certain range, I can sense where he is!"

"That's great! Junior brother, hurry up and feel it! I can't wait for you!" Blue and White Zen Master said with great joy.

Zen Master Hongye sat down cross-legged and activated his spiritual consciousness, which soon covered the entire Nanye City. He tried his best to sense the location of his ray of spiritual consciousness...

"Eh? They are still in the city, they seem to be in some inn... No!!!" Zen Master Hongye suddenly yelled.

The Blue and White Zen Master stared at the Red Leaf Zen Master in shock, and found that the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and a trace of blood actually flowed out!

"Junior brother...are you okay?"

"Damn it!!! Damn it!!! Xiaoyu actually put away my spiritual consciousness!!!"

"Put it away?! Are you sure you weren't killed?!"

"It's not that it was destroyed. If it was, I can feel it. Now it's sealed by him!" Zen Master Hongye said harshly.

"Isn't it incredible that a person in the Yin-Yang realm can seal your consciousness?!" Blue and White Zen Master said curiously.

"Is this...what's weird?! Xiaoyu can't do it, but Liufeng can definitely do it. Didn't you see that he has corrected all the ancient Zen couplets in Canaan Temple?! He can do such things, what else can't he do?

Come out?!" Zen Master Hongye asked.

The Blue and White Zen Master was silent for a moment, then suddenly reacted, and immediately asked the guards to seal off the entire city, prohibiting entry and exit, and began to send people to search major inns. At the same time, he also shouted to Liufeng through the formation, asking him to come out, saying that he was the ancestor of Canaan Temple.


This matter immediately caused an uproar in Nanye City. Liufeng's reputation became so great that almost everyone knew about it!

Moreover, the fact that Liufeng had revealed all the ancient Zen couplets in Canaan Temple was immediately spread from Tianji Hall and spread widely in the Kasyapa world...

Canaan temples in various places in Kassapa world were shocked when they discovered that all the ancient Zen couplets had lower couplets. They almost started to move and began to help search for Liufeng...

The six of them, Li Yun, ate in a private room of a restaurant and discussed the next step.

"Sir...it's probably hard to go out now! It's probably impossible to travel in Kasyapa Realm!" Shishe said with a sad face.

"Yes! Canaan Temple seems to be going crazy. They won't give up until they find you!" Kuang Zheng agreed.

"Sir, what should I do?!" Xiaodi asked with a smile.


This chapter has been completed!
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