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Chapter 1291: On-site alchemy (2)

Under the firepower of the fourth-level alien fire, the medicinal materials began to melt and tumble, but they were clearly distinct and undisturbed. This was of course perfectly controlled by Liufeng through his spiritual consciousness. This alone made the people present speechless.

Speechless, a look of admiration appeared on his face!

Liang Ze's heart was beating wildly. He didn't expect Liufeng to dare to invest so many medicinal materials at the same time without worrying that the medicinal powers would conflict with each other and cause a spiritual explosion. Such a method made him feel a little suffocated.

If he is asked to refine it, he usually refines each medicinal material one by one, and finally fuses it. This is the safest refining method, especially for high-level elixirs, which will be lost once they are refined.

It was a serious risk, but he couldn't afford to take it.

When he thought about it, Liufeng either had too much money and was not afraid of losing it, or he really had the ability to control it. If it was the latter, how high could Liufeng's current level of alchemy be?

Just thinking about it made him shudder!

I saw that Liufeng was not in a hurry, and he seemed to have great experience in what to practice first, which ones to practice together, and finally how to prevent spiritual explosions.

The spiritual consciousness is divided into countless fine strands, and each strand grasps the medicine accurately and refines the medicinal mud in various areas of the alchemy furnace.

Each area has been separated by his spiritual consciousness and does not interfere with each other. Because the alchemy furnace is too large, each area has a different distance from the strange fire below and a different distance from the furnace wall. The heat of its fire is also different. Different firepower

Adapting to different medicinal materials, such fine control makes an expert like Liang Ze stunned...

It is said that laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the door. When Liang Ze saw this scene, he was so impressed that he almost fell to the ground and trembled all over... At the same time, he also doubted the power of Liu Feng's spiritual consciousness, because to do this, not only his spiritual consciousness

The power must be extremely powerful, and it must be extremely precise, so precise that it is impossible to achieve it!

How could Liufeng, a small transformed god, possess such power of divine consciousness?

Could it be...Liang Ze stared closely...

The medicinal mud is rolling in the furnace, emitting different medicinal smells. By distinguishing the color and medicinal smell of the medicinal mud, you can basically judge the degree of its refining. All kinds of information are pouring in!

I saw Liufeng closing his eyes, grabbing medicinal materials from Tianyun completely through his spiritual consciousness and melting them into medicinal mud, and then started to fuse different medicinal muds to form a larger main medicinal mud ball. With the continuous fusion, the main medicinal mud

The ball is getting bigger and bigger, becoming more and more fragrant, and the heat is getting higher and higher. From time to time, some spiritual explosions appear, causing waves of spiritual power...

"Ohh Ohh ohh--"

The spiritual power wave is getting bigger and bigger, pushing the onlookers back continuously, making people wonder if the furnace is about to explode!

However, looking at Liu Feng's expression, he seemed to have everything under control, and everyone couldn't help but feel reassured.

Of course, these spiritual explosions were within the controllable range, otherwise the furnace would have exploded long ago. Liang Ze knew in his heart that if Liu Feng was not sure, he would not dare to refine it on the spot like this.

Finally, I saw the main medicine mud ball rolling into a huge ball, slowly taking on black and white colors, spinning constantly, and exuding an unprecedented fragrance...

"smell good!"

Everyone smelled this charming fragrance and couldn't help but look intoxicated. A big stone that had been hanging in their hearts finally fell to the ground!

However, what opened their eyes was the following finishing stage. They saw that the main medicine mud ball began to divide, one into two, two into four, four into eight, eight into countless... The main medicine mud ball became smaller and smaller.

The number of pills is increasing, and you can no longer tell how many there are. Moreover, each pill is round and shiny, distinct in black and white, and has a rich fragrance. It is clearly a high-quality Yin Yang Pill!!!


Liang Ze exclaimed and collapsed on the ground, staring blankly at the scene in front of him...

Liufeng...Liufeng...actually refined high-quality Yin-Yang Pills in batches...Oh my god!!!

Liang Ze felt that everything around him seemed unreal, and he was completely in a hazy state. It wasn't until he woke up that he realized that he was back in his shop.

"Brother Liang, what's the matter with you?! Everyone else is rushing to buy Yin Yang Pills, but you're lying on the ground like a dead fish?!" Fairy Andai teased.

"Yin Yang Pill?! Is it really Yin Yang Pill?!" Liang Ze suddenly woke up and asked urgently.

"Of course it's the Yin-Yang Pill! I even bought one, which cost me most of my savings!" Fairy An Dai took out a jade box and said in a show-off manner.

Liang Ze snatched it away, opened the jade box and took a look, his eyes suddenly stared blankly...Yin Yang Pill! Yin Yang Pill!! It's really Yin Yang Pill!!!

"Brother Liang, don't scare me! You are like this, are you frightened by the scene of Liu Feng making alchemy?" Fairy Andai asked with some worry.

Liang Ze slowly recovered, recalling the scene just now, he sighed and said, "How many Yin Yang Pills did Liu Feng refine in total?"

"This... at least there are more than a thousand of them. Almost everyone present has bought them! There are still some people who came late but they are not there, but Liufeng said that he is busy now and will come to refine and sell elixirs next time. He doesn't know when it will be.

Yes." Fairy Andai said.

"It's over... it's over... it's over!" Liang Ze lamented.

"What's over? If you don't buy it, why are you sighing?"

"Sister, how do you know the heart of an alchemist! Liufeng is refining high-grade Yin and Yang pills in batches, okay? He refined more than a thousand pills at one time, more than a thousand pills!!!" Liang Ze shouted

He said, his whole body collapsed on the ground again.

Fairy Andai was stunned for a moment, then finally understood, and sighed: "Brother Liang, you can do it too! Try to figure out Liufeng's alchemy skills. In my opinion, it's not difficult..."


Liang Ze glared at Fairy Andai fiercely, and simply pretended to pass out again. The image of Liu Feng and a certain person were slowly brought together in his mind...

He secretly guessed in his heart, could Liu Feng be an adult?

If so, everything will be explained!!!

Because, if Liufeng was really a slave, there was absolutely no need for him to sell high-grade Yin-Yang Pills at such a low price. What he did today was more to help the slaves in the palace achieve breakthroughs...

Fairy Andai looked at his unconscious state and smiled: "That's fine... But that guy Liufeng is really awesome. He sold more than a thousand low-grade spiritual crystals after making one pill. I don't know how many years he will be able to run this store like ours."

The elixir is here…”

Li Yun packed up Liufeng shop and flashed back to the palace, feeling quite proud.

In the past, I was just refining elixirs alone at Lingxian Peak. No one knew that my alchemy skills had almost reached the immortal level. Refining elixirs of this quality can be taken lightly and easily!

Refining alchemy in public today is actually adding some difficulty to yourself, because the situation on the spot is a bit complicated. Firstly, there will definitely be interference, and secondly, if you fail, your reputation will be affected, so there is still a certain degree of difficulty.

Fortunately, these people are all their slaves, and they can have complete control over the scene during the refining process. As for pressure, of course there is, and you have to learn to resist pressure. Only when you complete such a thing under pressure will you have a greater sense of accomplishment!

Seeing Liang Ze's reaction, Li Yun couldn't help but smile on his face, and thought to himself: "Will this matter cause a major blow to him?"

"Of course I will!" Xiaoxing smiled.

"This...he won't be depressed, right?"

"It's very possible! Just like what Fairy An Dai said, you received more than a thousand low-grade spiritual crystals from selling a batch of pills today. Such sales are something Liang Ze can't even imagine. I don't know how many years it will take to sell them."

It’s possible to achieve it!”

"Dizzy... There are several other alchemists, and they all seem to have similar reactions to Liang Ze..." Li Yun also felt a little bad.

"Sir, just tell them the truth!" Xiaoxing suggested.

"Yeah...that's fine! Hey, Liang Ze called me..."

Li Yun felt that Liang Ze was calling him, and he used a ray of consciousness to answer: "Xiao Ze, why are you looking for me when you have time?"

"Sir... this little slave is almost finished!"

"Ah? Why?"

"Xiaonu watched Liufeng Alchemy today and feels that he has completely lost confidence in alchemy..."

"Haha, are you trying to trick adults?"

"This..." Liang Ze was suddenly speechless and his face turned red.

I didn't expect that my little thoughts could not fool adults at all.

"Well, I originally wanted to tell you that Liufeng is indeed my incarnation. However, this is a secret. You just need to know it yourself, because I still want to use Liufeng to experience life in the city." Li Yun smiled.


"Wow...it turns out that's true! Then I'll be relieved, little slave! I'll definitely keep the secret secret!"

"Well, you are doing pretty well now. Your cultivation has reached the Yin-Yang realm, and your alchemy has reached the yellow level. You can also have a certain status in the spiritual world. Keep working hard!"

"Thank you for the compliment, sir! I will definitely work hard, little slave!"

Liang Ze took back the small space, took a long breath of relief, and his whole body became energetic, as if he had had enough blood. He said to Fairy Andai: "Xiaodai, follow me to the alchemy room quickly!"

"What? What's wrong with you? Just now you wanted to live and die, and now you want to make elixirs? Be careful of the furnace explosion!"

"Don't worry, it won't explode! I'm in good spirits now!"


"Of course! Besides, if I don't make elixirs, who among you can replace me? Many elixirs are about to be out of stock!"

"Okay...Okay! If the furnace explodes, don't blame me for not warning you first..."

The two of them quickly went to the alchemy room...

Li Yun contacted several other alchemist slaves, explained the truth, comforted them, and asked them to cheer up and devote themselves to the great cause of alchemy...

"Sir, is it time to go back to the boat? Jin Chanzi, Wen Yuxiang and Kao Chaofan seem to be a little impatient with waiting..." Xiaoxing reminded.

"It's okay! If Sanxian doesn't have this patience, how can he still be called Sanxian? I have a vague feeling now that something is not quite right..." Li Yun said suspiciously.

"What's going on?" Xiaoxing asked urgently.

"It feels like something is changing..."

"If you can sense it, I'm afraid this matter must be related to you..." Xiaoxing judged.

"Of course...it seems to be related to the poison of the Tianxin Cone..." Li Yun finally caught a glimpse of the secret and discovered the matter.

This chapter has been completed!
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