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Chapter 1617: The Fall of Zhu Heng

A gentleman is not guilty, but a treasure is guilty!

This is another sentence Chi Yan heard recently. He thinks it is very reasonable. The turbid power of fire that he possesses is a rare treasure for some people. If he had not lived in seclusion in the starry sky of Dragon Realm before,

I'm afraid that after the world inside my body suddenly begins to collapse, I will be plundered and eaten!

The movement of Heavenly Dao is not static. As various elements in this world accumulate and change, it will slowly change accordingly. If you cannot change accordingly, then it is natural for you to be abandoned by Heavenly Dao...

Chi Yan's thoughts were turning secretly, and he kept reflecting on...

In the Lin Territory, which is far away from the Dade fleet, everyone seems to be still shrouded in the haze of the plague that broke out not long ago. The plague of all races in the Lin Territory is still spreading, and many people are in the plague area.

He lived a life of dire straits under torture.

Since the number of people infected with the plague is still increasing, all ethnic groups are now on high alert, taking strict precautions against the plague and adopting various methods to stop its spread.

During this process, few people from the Lin tribe were happy. However, there were exceptions to everything. There were also people who lived extremely nourishing and happy lives. That was Zhu Heng, the miracle doctor of the Rejuvenation God Realm. Ever since he began to imitate Huang Yimiao's method of suppressing demons.

He came to refine the elixir with elixir. He found that this elixir could really suppress the plague temporarily, allowing him time to slowly study the past and future lives of the plague in order to completely eliminate it. So he refined a large amount and used it to treat people infected with the plague.

Treatment of people.

With his superb medical skills accumulated over many years and his understanding of the Demon-Suppressing Pill, the "Little Zhu Pill" he refined has very similar curative effects to the Demon-Suppressing Pill.

Not only do I have to refine elixirs in the alchemy room every day, but I no longer have time to study the truth about the plague.

If you focus on one thing, you will miss the other. Because Zhu Heng lived an extremely hard life before, he didn't even condense a clone. He also has very few disciples and disciples under his sect, and their level is limited. Now he is almost entirely supported here.

He was so busy that he was so busy, but as he continued to be busy, his wealth was growing rapidly and his strength was constantly increasing.

Now he not only has a lot of money, but the name of Zhu Da Miracle Doctor has spread throughout the Lin region, and he has become an important figure that all races are competing to invite.

In a corner near Tiande City, the center of the Fire Lin Clan's divine domain, there is a small extinct volcano. Although this volcano is no longer active, it still has extremely strong geothermal heat and is a good place for alchemy. After Zhu Heng became famous, this place became

He established his exclusive alchemy place and built a large-scale palace called "Zhu Da Immortal Palace".

The environment of the Immortal Palace is good. There are many pavilions built around the volcano, nestled among the unique spiritual grasses and trees of Linyu. When the mountain flowers bloom, it is brilliant, pleasing to the eye and fascinating.

Introducing volcanic geothermal heat into the alchemy room can reach the level of fifth-level strange fire. If Zhu Heng's own alchemy fire is added, the firepower can be further increased, thereby refining higher-level elixirs.

Now, almost all of Zhu Heng's disciples have come to Lin Territory to help, and only a handful of them stay in the Rejuvenation God Territory. They do things for Zhu Heng, such as buying medicine, picking medicine, processing, packaging, shipping, etc., so

Once he arrived, Zhu Heng only had to concentrate on refining the elixir.

But even so, he still spent most of his time in the alchemy room, and the rest of his time was happy and carefree, enjoying the hard-won good life...

However, Zhu Heng has encountered a problem recently, that is, the source of medicinal materials has become increasingly tight. There are many types of medicinal materials required for Xiao Zhu Dan. Each type has its own specific effect and is indispensable. If there is a shortage, the medicine needs to be adjusted.

The recipe and refining techniques are required, and the efficacy must be discounted to a certain extent.

These medicinal materials do not mean that you can just buy them from the outside market. Some medicinal materials need to be refined in vivo, some need to adapt to the season before they can be used, and some need to be processed using specific refining techniques before they can be effective. These are actually all

It was summarized and accumulated by countless doctors in the Rejuvenation God Territory during long-term practice. However, because Linyu's medical skills were relatively backward, their level in this area was really far inferior to that of the Rejuvenation God Territory, so Zhu Heng had to do it himself, and even

It is necessary to open up a special small space to plant some spiritual grasses and spiritual trees. In this way, the number of his Little Zhudans cannot increase significantly, and this is one of the reasons why the plague in Lin Territory is still spreading.

Although Xiao Zhu Dan is available, the supply of pill pills is still very tight. Almost all Lin Realms send people to Zhu Da Immortal Palace to wait in line. As soon as pill pills are refined, they immediately spend a lot of money to buy them!

The current situation was achieved after some internal balancing, otherwise all the Lin Realms would almost fall out with each other. Later, it was the clan leader, Dechun, who personally intervened to mediate, and finally all walks of life agreed to line up to buy pills, and everyone had a share.

For the past month, representatives from all walks of life waiting for the elixir in Zhuda Immortal Palace have become impatient and anxious!

According to the past, pills can definitely be produced once in three days or at most a week. However, since the pills were purchased by the Fire Lin Tribe a month ago, they no longer produce pills. Everyone has been waiting here for a month for the pills to be released.

Didn’t get it!

Letters of encouragement from the clan came one after another, and everyone felt a little bad. They asked the medicine boy guarding outside the alchemy room one after another, but the answers they received were that Dr. Zhu was refining the elixir, and it was probably going to be finished soon.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Yes, if this continues, how will I explain it to the clan?"

"Oh, it seems I can't go back and revive..."

"The new patients in our clan are probably going to be miserable. Without Xiao Zhudan to suppress them, they would be sucked dry by the plague..."

"It's so terrible..."

Representatives from all ethnic groups talked a lot, and in the end they all shuddered, feeling that the situation had become a bit serious!

They didn't dare to break in and disturb Zhu Heng's alchemy, so someone ran to the Vulcan Hall to report.

When Dechun learned about this, he also felt a little uneasy. After thinking about it, he simply came to Zhu Daxian Palace by himself. With his identity, he could naturally enter the alchemy room directly.

He tiptoed into the alchemy room, believing that with his skills, he would not be discovered by Zhu Heng, and naturally would not disturb the alchemy. The scene that caught his eye made him a bit stunned, because there was no Zhu Heng in the alchemy room at all.

Heng, only the alchemy furnace is steaming...

"Hey, where is Zhu Heng?"

Dechun searched carefully with his spiritual consciousness, and finally found Zhu Heng in a space stone in the corner of the alchemy room. He was drinking wine, eating delicious food, and singing songs with a group of Lin girls, and his face was full of joy.

Under the red light, the whole person was lying in the gentle countryside and no longer knew the passage of time outside...

"This kid..." Dechun was startled and muttered.

In his opinion, Zhu Heng was almost a completely different person than when he first arrived in Linyu. At that time, he would immediately go to see patients and study good ways to treat diseases without even taking a break.

It is convenient and looks very simple and economical in every aspect. It couldn't be better!

This is one of the reasons why Dechun has a good impression of him and strongly supports him.

but now…

Looking at it like this, it’s probably impossible to get him back to his past!

Dechun is also reflecting on himself. Did he pamper and accommodate him too much during this period, which turned him into this?

Because while giving Zhu Heng all kinds of power and money, he did not set up corresponding supervision and control methods, and people's desires are endless. It can be said that everyone has desires and the need to become rich and strong.

Everyone has the need to pursue enjoyment after becoming rich and powerful. No one wants to live a hard life. The problem is only a degree, and it is difficult for many people to control themselves at this degree.

Accumulating small good deeds can turn into great good deeds, and accumulating small evil deeds can turn into great evil. As long as you are greedy and enjoy more every day, without self-reflection and self-control, you will slowly slide into the abyss of sin...

Some people may push this responsibility to the supervision method, saying that if someone keeps an eye on them, or puts some restrictions on their power in the supervision method, it will not be so easy for them to be greedy and their enjoyment will not be so beautiful. This is not

That’s it?

People who think this way are simply fucked!

Don’t you see, no matter how perfect and powerful the supervision methods are, there will always be people who can find loopholes in them or create loopholes to benefit themselves, because the methods are dead but people are alive, and the operation of supervision methods also depends on people.

Implementation, and no one is perfect, so there will always be problems of inadequate supervision of one kind or another, either the mechanism fails, or even the supervisors are assimilated...

Therefore, a wise man should examine himself three times a day, discover his shortcomings, improve them, and avoid some mistakes. This is a truly effective strategy for self-cultivation.

On the road of cultivation, there are many temptations and inner demons. If you don’t reflect on yourself more and have a strong will, all your efforts will be wasted if you are not careful, which makes you sigh with regret!

Dechun was filled with emotion. He remembered that he did not completely let Zhu Heng do it. He had also sent a powerful person to Zhu Heng's side to assist him on one side and to supervise him on the other. This person was the person he had once

Cured Kunzhi.

But now Kun Zhi is unknown, and Zhu Heng's life has been extremely corrupt and completely degenerated...

He pondered for a moment, and instead of calling Zhu Heng directly, he popped up a talisman and entered that space...

Zhu Heng squinted his eyes, raised his round belly, caressed Lin Nu, who was lying on his belly, raised a glass of wine with one hand, and poured the wine high and slowly on Lin Nu's body.

Laughing loudly...

Suddenly he was startled, his eyes opened, and he felt a little shaken. After finally taking a closer look, he saw a letter talisman stopping right in front of his eyes, and he was stunned!

what's the situation?

He finally reacted and quickly pushed Linnu away. With his spiritual consciousness, he sensed the letter talisman and was immediately shocked. He stood up and took out his robe to put on...

"Great Immortal! Great Immortal!!"

"Where is the Great Immortal going?!"

"We haven't had enough to drink yet..."

This chapter has been completed!
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