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Chapter 1709 Dreamland

With a smile and a flip of hair, the image of Fairy Youmeng has become deeply rooted in people's hearts!

She is the girl of your dreams, almost no one can deny this!

At this moment, people can do nothing, but they must take a good look at her to see if the fairy in the dream will come to them, dance for themselves, sing for themselves...

As soon as the piano played, the fairy in the dream was suddenly startled, as if she had just woken up from a dream. A slender leg was lifted up, revealing a flawless white foot. With a slight twist, the leg could be twisted at will without any joints.

It moved, almost twisting everyone's gaze into a mess!

"Oh..." The scene was in an uproar!

Another slender leg was lifted up, and then another mess was created, which finally made everyone's eyes untied...

"Oh my god..." The scene was in an uproar again!

Two jointless twists made Fairy Youmeng's pair of slender legs and perfect feet deeply imprinted in people's minds, and it will be difficult to erase them!

The beautiful figure turned over, her light robe slightly swaying, her delicate body half exposed, causing everyone's hearts to tighten again...

Fairy Youmeng's delicate body is twisted into a slightly exaggerated curve. It should be big, small, round, round, flat. It is natural and natural, just like a child of nature.

Freshly carved jade makes people feel happy!

The sound of the piano sounds, and there is emotion before the melody is formed. The strands of love are injected into Fairy Youmeng's delicate body, making her face full of emotions, such as sadness, resentment, singing, crying, joy, shame, and shame...

The dream space seems to be slowly expanding, covering the entire inner and outer courts. Everyone can clearly feel Fairy Youmeng's mood at this time and respond to her emotions. Therefore, she is happy when she is happy, and she is angry when she is angry.

When one is angry, one is sad when one is sad; one is happy when one is happy...

There is a dream behind the curtain, the music of the piano, and the sound of singing floating in the city.

This song is "Spring River with Flowers and Moonlight Night" written by Li Yun. The sound of falling nature is as close to the ears as it is melodious and fluttering up and down, telling the story of a river of spring water, beautiful flowers and full moon, heaven and earth, and the moving beauty of the universe.


The fairy in the dream moved, she appeared from the dream, walked from the snow-capped mountains, and swam on the river. There were water plants floating on the river, ducklings playing in the water, mandarin fish swimming shallowly, pufferfish jumping, egrets flying low, and fishing boats singing late.

There is a grasshopper fishing alone, a child playing in the water, and a fisherman wearing a veil...

The moonlight shines through the trees and shines on the river. There are many shadows of flowers. The water is as clear as jade. The rapids swirl, slow and rhythmic, galloping and singing, and merge into the ocean tide...


The river and the sea meet, the tide rises and falls, and thousands of lives gather here to carnival, performing scenes of the song of life!

Schools of fish in the sea are swimming upstream towards the upper reaches of the Spring River; seabirds are flying high and low in the sky, waiting for opportunities to peck; flags of whales, sharks and dolphins are frantically blocking schools of fish; there are beasts on the river to catch jumping big fish, and only sea turtles are quietly crawling out to sea.

On the beach, he secretly laid turtle eggs, and then slipped back into the sea...

Hey, what are these life forms on the beach? They seem to be some kind of shell life in the sea. At this time, taking advantage of this full moon night, they gathered here to mate and reproduce like crazy, and the eggs they produced dyed the sea water a different color.


Yes, no matter how life develops, it is always inseparable from the act of reproduction. This is the beginning of everything. Only by continuing life can the future be possible.

Taking advantage of the beauty of tonight, if you want to go crazy, go crazy...

Fairy Youmeng brought everyone's attention and let them feel the joys and sorrows of countless lives under the moonlit night of the Spring River. These lives have been completely integrated into her dream. This dream is really colorful, overwhelming, and full of emotions.


The sound of the piano seems to have become more intense and high-pitched, the wind and clouds are surging on the sea, like an army pressing down on the land, and the thunder and lightning are as strong as a fairy calamity, which makes people suddenly startled!

When the waves stirred up, the wall of water reached hundreds of meters high. Such powerful water power made even the powerful men of various races who were used to seeing big scenes change their expressions!

The delicate figure of Fairy Youmeng dances wildly on the top of the water wall, like a doomsday carnival, dazzling people and doubling their pity...

If this is really a dream, then this dream is too real!

The dancing shadows are like ghosts, the dancing shadows are like smoke clouds, the dancing shadows are like silk catkins, the dancing shadows are like flowers... It's like dancing on the tip of a knife, running naked in the busy city, shuttling in the rain of arrows, dodging in the meteorite flow...

Everyone's heart was tightened and they were extremely nervous. This wall of water, this whirlpool, this thunder, this lightning... It's so terrible, it can destroy everything, including all this beauty!

Of course, it also includes all the bad things!

When the nest is overturned, how can there be any eggs?!

"What should I do? What should I do?!" Everyone was anxious.

Life in the river and sea noticed the powerful wall of water coming from a distance, and they all ran for their lives and fled in all directions!

However, the power of the water wall was beyond their imagination. In an instant, these beings were stunned or killed one by one by the powerful water power. Beautiful scenes were shattered one by one. Thunder and lightning burned all the flowers, plants and trees on the ground.

The coke was instantly flooded by the incoming tide...

"Oh my God!!!" everyone exclaimed.

Beautiful things are so fragile and short-lived. If you don't cherish them well, they may be fleeting...

Everyone fell into deep thought...

The river and sea are like a black hole, swallowing up everything, leaving only ruins in the world, with almost no breath of life, and the dream world has entered a super dark era!

Some people can't bear it and have fallen into coma. Even those who are still in the dream have a look of sadness and pity on their faces, with tears streaming down their faces. It seems that their whole body and mind have sunk into boundless darkness and despair...

"Ding...ding ding..."

The sound of the piano gives people hope and pulls their hearts back from the abyss of despair!

A little light appeared in the black screen, and a graceful figure began to rotate, dancing gracefully, like a bird, like a flowing cloud, like a spinning top, like smoke and fog... At the turning point, the black screen was opened a little, and then a little more, and there was more light!

Never before has the light and dancing shadows brought people full of hope, dispelling the gloom in their hearts, and the light has entered their hearts again...

People were excited, some cried, some laughed, some made noise, and became a mess.

The darkness will eventually pass, and the light will eventually come. As long as you believe, as long as you persist, as long as you work hard, as long as you live long enough, you will definitely wait for that moment!

Faith is the most important!

The sound of the piano is melodious, high, low, intermittent, clear, bright, scratchy, hoarse, empty and full...

The singing is like complaining, crying, soft, hard, non-rigid, strong, long, short, high, heavy, male, female, illusory, real...

The dancers in the dream disappeared in the darkness and were reborn, performing a passionate and energetic dance. They were like messengers of light, planting the seeds of light in everyone's hearts...

The dancing shadows are getting smaller, the singing is getting quieter, the sound of the piano is getting quieter, and the dream is quietly shrinking, shrinking, until it disappears...

Good dreams, sweet dreams!

People would rather be immersed in such a dream and never want to wake up again...

The sound of the piano seems to give people this hope, and it sounds again when it is almost no longer heard, but people can only appreciate it in their own dreams, because they no longer want to wake up, and the sound of the piano seems to have no intention of waking them up.

People seem to hear another natural sound soon in their consciousness. Those who are familiar with music will know that it is a flute sound. The flute sound is exciting, and the melodious sound of the piano is constantly echoing and rippling in the sky above Dadi City.

As it continued, other sounds sounded from time to time, which seemed to be the sounds of some shattering explosions...

Not long after, the flute sound suddenly screamed and stopped abruptly!

The sound of the piano finally slowly disappeared and there was no more sound.

In a low valley outside Dadi City, a person is sitting on a rock in the valley. His hair is disheveled, his robes are in pieces, and there are still a few traces of blood on his face. His expression is dull, and his eyes are staring at a flute with a small hole in his hand...

Of course, this person is Wen Qing, the youngest son of the noble king, who followed Fairy Wenhui from the fairy world to the spiritual world.

When he watched the dream performance just now, he was already a little distracted, and he almost fell into the dream and could not wake up. Fortunately, he had a strong Taoist will and powerful immortal power, and finally kept the clarity of his mind.

However, the sound of the piano came back and came straight towards him. This was of course Xiaoxing teasing him. Wenqing realized it and quickly took out the fairy flute to deal with it. The fight between music and Tao was actually very dangerous. The two sides only fought for a short time.

After meeting, Wen Qing was completely defeated. Even the fairy flute had a small hole opened and was greatly damaged!

No wonder everyone is confused!

If that piano sound just now had taken advantage of the victory and pursued him, I'm afraid he would be in trouble now!

Wen Qing was startled and screamed secretly, his whereabouts must have been exposed, because since someone discovered him and challenged him with the sound of the piano, it meant that he had been discovered a long time ago.

It is said that the person who played the piano was called Ling Daozi, and he was one of Li Yun's favored slaves. If he had discovered it, then Li Yun must have discovered it long ago. But what about Wen Hui and Du Lin?

As soon as he thought of this, he quickly stood up, but felt dizzy. When he raised his immortal power, he found that it was empty. It turned out that in the confrontation with Qinyin just now, all the immortal power in his body had been exhausted!

"It's over, it's over..." Wen Qing screamed.

He quickly took out the pills and swallowed them crazily. He grabbed an immortal stone in each hand and sucked in the immortal power...

"Gee, isn't it too late to prepare for the battle?" came a laugh.

Wen Qing was stunned, looked up and saw a charming figure appearing in the distance, "Wen Hui?!!!"

"Brother Wenqing, I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence!" Fairy Wenhui said with a sweet smile.

"Yes, what a coincidence?! When did sister Wen Hui come to the spirit world? Why don't you tell me earlier, so you can let your brother accompany you!" Wen Qing said with a smile on her face.

"It's better to avoid it. If I didn't tell you, why didn't you follow me all the way? You've practiced this companionship skill really well!" Fairy Wenhui teased.

"Haha, hahaha! My brother also wants to practice this kung fu well, but it's a pity that no matter how good I am, I can't get any benefits in front of my sister. All the benefits are taken by Nian Lun!" Wen Qing laughed a few times and said loudly.


"Shut up!!!" Fairy Wenhui screamed, her face turning pink.

This chapter has been completed!
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