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Chapter 1731 A crack of more than a hundred miles

In fact, there were many beauties at the scene, such as Xing Zun, Wang Huaixu, Fairy Youmeng, Luo Li, Fairy Yimei, Fairy Cuixiang, Fairy Peach Blossom, Fairy Baiqiao... and a great beauty Lei Mo, but they were all eliminated by Fairy Fanhui.

She ignored it intentionally or unintentionally from the bottom of her heart and pretended not to see it. Therefore, she held her head high and stood confidently next to Li Yun, enjoying the bathing in the light of faith and merit that poured in like a tide. As expected, she became more and more beautiful.


Now that it's here, let's make peace with it. Li Yun still had a calm and carefree attitude, directing everyone to step up the repair of the formation.

The problems here are different from those in other walks of life. The main reason is the serious impact of the endless ice and snow here.

The Binglin Realm is indeed worthy of its name. It is extremely cold here and is covered with ice and snow everywhere. Moreover, the weather almost never changes. It is always frozen for thousands of miles, snow drifts in the sky, the cold wind howls, and the air-conditioning is oppressive. Compared with before, Li Yun

It is even worse than any ice clan territory I have ever visited in the lower realm!

After Li Yun arrived here, in addition to eliminating the problem of spiritual pressure in the core space of the Spirit Gathering Array, he also explored the condition of the earth veins and found that they were quite strong. However, the further up he went, the problems gradually became apparent.

This is because the formations in the Binglin Realm are built between mountains, and the formations are mostly located in the ground beneath the mountains. This is not a big problem originally, but due to the long-term snow here, the snow turns into ice.

The ice turned into glaciers, and the size of the glaciers increased day by day, and finally evolved into glaciers!

Even though the mountains here are covered with white snow and ice, in fact, they are moving slowly at an imperceptible speed, forming extremely powerful glaciers. Wherever the rivers go, the mountain roads are flattened and damaged, and the trees

Uprooted, the boulders moved with the river, forming extremely powerful heavy weapons...

The reason why people with the meaning of ice are extremely powerful is not only because of its cold meaning, but also because ice is changeable and can evolve into countless forms, such as ice edges, ice spikes, ice flowers, ice rain, ice arrows, ice spears, and ice knives.

, Glacier... Each of these forms has its own lethality and usefulness, and is pervasive, making it difficult for opponents to guard against...

And if you can form the glacial Dao intention, you can simply kill everyone and rarely encounter opponents!

Now, the glaciers around the formation are formed naturally, not by manpower, but the power of nature is more powerful and plays a role all the time. Therefore, the mountains are almost completely destroyed by these glaciers, but the appearance still looks good.

It's just that it doesn't come out much.

Moreover, some glaciers have penetrated directly into the ground, causing the earth's veins to continue to bear pressure.

When the formation came to the glacier, it began to be affected to varying degrees, and the consumption of spiritual power was intensifying. This is understandable, because the formation must constantly offset the impact brought by the glacier. As time goes by, the consumption will continue.

The ground intensifies.

"Xiaoxing, it seems that the repair of the Binglin Formation is different from other formations!" Li Yun sighed slightly.

"Indeed. However, this is just another manifestation of destructive power. The solution can be the same as the previous large formations." Xiaoxing said.

"Yeah, that's right." Li Yun nodded.

This problem has already been deduced by Xiaoxing before coming here, because in these interfaces with extremely harsh natural environments, the natural destructive power is extremely serious, and the impact on the formation is all the time and pervasive.

For example, the water power of the Miaolin Formation, the wind power of the Fenglin Formation, and the thunder power of the Leilin Formation that were repaired earlier are all relatively typical. The pressure of the formation is too heavy, and the formation spirit cannot be adjusted in time. Over time, the

It would be strange if there is no problem.

In Xiaoxing's view, if we want to eliminate the influence of these natural forces, we must focus on diversion, replacing the previous pressure-bearing and anti-pressure thinking. Drainage is always better than strong blockage, which has been proven in countless disaster relief cases.

However, due to the extreme environment in these realms, it is not easy to channel them. Therefore, although the people of the Lin tribe have corresponding ideas in this regard, they do not do it the same way.

In the final analysis, this is due to the lack of Taoism. The so-called Taoism means that you understand a thing from the beginning to the end, from the inside to the outside, from the cause to the consequences, from the consequences to the dependent origin, from the outside to the inside...all aspects.

, it is possible to study it thoroughly and fully grasp it. If you can achieve this level, you can naturally get the meaning of it.

The research of the Lin people is not without effort, but how can their research compare with Xiaoxing and Li Yun?

Moreover, since its main research tasks are all done by the great master of the Lin clan who previously built this formation, the natural environment will definitely undergo many changes over countless years. If the level of the formation spirit is enough, it can be adjusted, but those formation spirits are basically

If the above is not enough, the problems have accumulated to the point where they cannot be solved.

In Xiaoxing's think tank, just to solve a problem, thousands of models, sometimes even hundreds of millions, may be built. Simulation tests are carried out all the time, so all problems are almost traceless.

Escape, and the solution was naturally formed during the research process!

Through the ground network, as well as the spiritual consciousness of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, a large amount of information continuously entered the model built by Xiaoxing. Each miniature ice lin world has been formed in the think tank, and its changes are constantly

It is accelerating.

With the continuous introduction of information, these miniature models are constantly being adjusted and changed. Many problems have been solved, but some problems will be more troublesome because their development and changes are the cause of more problems later.

If it were other people, it would be very easy to be confused and confused by these superficial problems, and it would be difficult to grasp the core of the problem. In this way, it would become a headache to treat the head, and a foot pain to treat the feet, even if it seems to solve one problem on the surface.

problems, but new problems will arise, so we put out the fire everywhere, but in the end the fire became bigger and bigger...

But under the deduction of the model, these deeply hidden problems were uncovered one by one, and they were magnified and presented before the eyes of Li Yun and Xiaoxing...

Fairy Fan Hui followed Li Yun all the way and was not doing nothing. She was closely watching Li Yun's every move and was extremely interested in how he solved the problems in the formation.

Seeing Li Yun directing some powerful people to operate deep into the earth veins of a formation, she asked curiously: "Master Yun, didn't you detect the earth veins before and there was no problem? Why do you still have people go there?"

"No problem means there are no big problems, but there are still small problems." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Small problem? I don't know what kind of problem it is?" Fairy Fanhui was startled and asked urgently.

"Actually, this ground vein has already cracked. The glaciers from north to south have cut it open like sharp blades. The gap has reached more than a hundred miles."

"What?! This is so?! This can't be just a small problem, right?" Fairy Fan Hui was so shocked that she covered her mouth with her delicate hands.

The people around him were not calm after hearing this, and they all frantically stretched out their consciousness to check the earth's veins, but they found that their consciousness had been blocked by the formation.

It can be seen that the formation can still work, and it is precisely because of this that the people of the Ice Lin Clan have not realized that the problem has become so serious until now, and still believe that the formation spirit is taking good care of them...

"Well, this is indeed a problem, but it is not difficult to solve."

"What...isn't this difficult to solve? I wonder how Master Yun solved it?" Fan Hui said in astonishment.

"If you want to know, why not go down and have a look yourself and find out."

"This... Master Yun, can't you get down?"

"I have to direct other people to work, so it's inconvenient for me to go down."

"That's it...then I'd better go down and take a look myself!" Fairy Fan Hui gritted her silver teeth and said decisively.

In her opinion, this matter is as serious as the sky falling. As her own territory, how can she rest assured if she doesn't go and see it in person?

Even if he had to leave Li Yun's side temporarily, he wouldn't care.

Her figure quickly disappeared into the formation, and she went to check the earth veins below...

The figure flashed, but it was Xing Zun. He came to Li Yun and asked, "I wonder how Yun Zun solved this problem?"

"Create a channel to allow the glacier to flow smoothly, gradually melting into water under the earth's veins due to the ground temperature, and flowing along with the underground river..." Li Yun said.


Xingzun was stunned. It took him a long time to react and asked urgently: "Where is the crack? It is more than a hundred miles long. I am afraid that the earth veins here cannot bear the responsibility of the formation eye, right?"

"That won't happen, the earth veins will be very strong."

"How is it possible? I found that the heat deep underground here is higher than the ground. It is cold at the top and hot at the bottom. The foundation of the formation is easily displaced. After so many years of destruction, coupled with such a large crack, I am afraid that the ground veins here will be damaged.

I can no longer bear the responsibility of the formation." Xing Zun analyzed.

"Senior's words are reasonable. However, after this transformation, the geothermal heat was absorbed by the glacier, converted into water and taken away directly, causing the temperature of the earth's veins to continue to drop and freeze into a solid piece of soil. Its hardness has been tested to be higher than before.

More than ten times, there will be no displacement." Li Yun said.

When Xing Zun heard this, he was stunned again, speechless, his face changed, and suddenly said: "I want to go down and take a look..."

He couldn't wait to fly towards the leyline...

Li Yun looked at his disappearing back and nodded slightly. It seemed that Xingzun's spirit of exploration and research was extremely admirable. He did not blindly believe what he said, but rather believed in his own eyes and thinking.

Although Li Yun has successfully repaired many large formations before, this does not mean that he will succeed every time. Even when he faces a new large formation, he is still trembling and cautious, conducting research and preparation.

Never treat it carelessly.

Therefore, it is also a good thing for Xingzun to go and investigate in person. Not only did Li Yun not feel that Xingzun did not believe in him, but he felt that Xingzun was a tolerant, independent-minded person with independent thinking, and could fully shoulder the responsibility of being the wisest man in the spiritual world.

identity of…

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