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Chapter 2352 aircraft attack

Fairyland has indeed become a little different from before!

In the past, the Immortal Court was more of a center of power and entertainment that symbolized the entire Immortal World. It was a good place for the Immortal Lords to drink Panlong Immortal Peach Wine, compete with Pegasus Horses, and give advice, especially when the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan was on the throne.

At that time, there was a scene of singing and dancing, with large-scale performances one after another, turning every day into a festival...

And the much-anticipated Pegasus competition will be held as scheduled almost every once in a while. Immortals from all walks of life gather in the fairy court. The sight of thousands of galloping people is so exciting that they can't help but be excited...

Such performances make people happy, and such competitions make people happy, but such days cannot continue when the Xuanling world encounters disasters, and cannot lead people away from this land of right and wrong to find a better paradise!

In fact, Xiaoxing has long said that anything that can easily produce short-term happiness in people is poisonous to a certain extent!

After people taste a short-term happiness, they have not come back to their senses, and will soon be attracted by the next happiness. Under such constant stimulation, this poison can make people indulge in it, forget to leave, and be mentally affected.

Paralyzed, I began to sink unconsciously...

If you fail to wake up in time at this time, you may gradually fall into the abyss until you are hopeless!

This is an extremely terrible way of killing, because it kills people without blood, but instead makes people gradually die in happiness, just like constantly feeding people sugar, sugar will bring short-term pleasure to people, and eating it will bring you short-term pleasure.

It will become addictive, and you will gradually become unable to stop. As you eat more and more sugar, you will suffer more and more physical problems. In the end, your entire body may be filled with sugar, and even your urine will be sweet.

, and people will also suffer terrible torture in such seemingly sweet situations, and their will will be slowly worn away by various diseases, until finally the body completely collapses, and they die tragically unwillingly...

Here, whether it is performances, horse racing or candy bars, they are actually all kinds of temptations that will appear in the process of cultivation. If a person wants to achieve something and live a free and easy life, he must resist these temptations with determination and exclude them.

In your own life, you must be particularly vigilant because people cannot be like a treasure or a machine. There will always be peaks and lows. At such times, people's will is particularly prone to fluctuations and is affected by these temptations.

When people are at their peak, they are prone to self-inflation and have extremely strong confidence. They tend to live within their own circle of ability, ignore all external things, dare to do anything, dare to try any new things, and lack a sense of awe.

, under such circumstances, many temptations that can produce short-term happiness will be attracted!

When people are at a low ebb, they tend to become depressed, feel self-defeating, break things, and no longer cherish their own bodies. Therefore, those temptations that can bring them short-term happiness and continue to paralyze their spirits will take advantage of them.

Go straight in and occupy their bodies and minds!

At this time, self-reminder and reminders from friends, relatives, disciples, etc. are particularly important, but in the final analysis, we still need to maintain a sense of awe and self-reflection at all times, so that we can remain calm and humble at the peak, and stay calm and humble at the low ebb.

Maintain confidence and courage at all times, so as to strengthen your will, climb to the top bravely, and continue to explore and move forward on your own path...

The arrival of the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan caused a large number of immortals to feel self-narcotic, turning every day into a festival. They continued to sink in the short-term happiness of every day, losing the will, courage and confidence to explore the meaning of Tao.

As a result, although the fairy world is prosperous on the surface, it is actually riddled with holes on the inside!

Yes, without this upcoming catastrophe, perhaps this situation will continue. A large number of talents who work silently like Taoist Tianxuan, Master Jueyuan, and Yuan Yi will have a hard time getting ahead.

With the fall of the fairy world, these people have to fall with it!

When the ship sinks, everyone will sink into the sea with it, no matter they are good or inferior, noble or despicable, men, women, old and young, healthy and disabled...

This is indeed very cruel. Many civilized worlds had the opportunity to achieve a level jump and enter a higher level of civilization, but they perished in the universe in an atmosphere of entertainment to death and bad money driving out good money!

Having said that, when the Xuanling world was about to fall apart, the huge pressure made the top leaders of the fairy world finally realize how ignorant and decadent they had been living in the past. In fact, they were no better than those decadent immortals in the fairy world.

Where to go.

In this process, the various forces intrigued and competed with each other, consuming countless resources and energy, leaving the cultivation civilization in the fairy world in a state of stagnation.

When they saw that the Xuanling world didn’t even have an aircraft capable of traveling across the stars, all the great powers felt truly sad!

Of course, some of them were reflecting sadly, while others were worried about how they would escape if they couldn't build it.

However, although the original intentions of these two groups of people are different, their goals are the same, which is to build an aircraft suitable for interstellar voyages no matter what. It must not only ensure energy endurance, but also be able to carry a large number of life forms.

Can have powerful self-defense and counterattack capabilities!

In this process, there was an important event, that is, after the Holy Emperor of the Soul Clan left, the original Holy Emperor was finally restored to power, and temporarily retained the throne in a thrilling palace battle. This also became the beginning of the return of the immortal world.

The beginning of the original development track!

But the protagonist of this redevelopment is not the Holy Emperor, but an aircraft battle led by Taoist Priest Tianxuan, Kaiming Zen Immortal and others!

After hearing the news, the Enlightened Zen Immortal quickly rushed to Xianting from Mingkong Temple and brought a large number of masters with him.

In this way, the battle to build a long-distance aircraft has officially begun...

In the fairy world, there are many weapon-refining talents, and of course there are many outstanding ones. Zong Lin, the weapon-refining master who refined the lightning shuttle mentioned earlier, is a representative figure.

In terms of building aircraft, there are also several sects that occupy important positions, including Tianzhoushan, Youyumen, Benxing Sect, Zhengkong Valley...

Among them, the battleships of the Immortal Army were jointly refined by the three first-line weapon refining sects: Tianzhoushan, Youyumen and Benxing Sect.

Of course, second-tier weapon-refining sects such as Symbol Konggu also play a very important role in it. For example, they have put a lot of effort into the design and important components.

In any case, the Immortal Army Battleship is a huge order that cannot be taken down by one sect, and can only be refined through cooperation.

Therefore, these sects actually already have some experience in division of labor and cooperation in refining aircraft.

However, although the Fairy Army warship is a top-level warship in the fairy world, it is extremely weak when put on the battlefield of Star Wars. Not to mention that it is impossible to meet the requirements of this interstellar voyage. Even during the last insect extermination process,

There are a lot of problems and a lot of losses.

In the surrounding mountain valley somewhere in the Immortal Courtyard specially developed for the development of new aircraft, there is a place that is quite conspicuous because there are more than a dozen Immortal Army warships thrown there, which were all seriously damaged during the last insect war.

, In addition, there are some arrayed in the distance, and people found that almost every battleship has been damaged to some extent. If the war continues, these battleships will most likely not be able to come back.

Beside the damaged battleship, many people gathered. In addition to the Holy Emperor, Taoist Priest Tianxuan, Enlightenment Zen Immortal, Wine Cooking Scholar, Xiangming Zi Niang, Feng Kai Hua Zi and others, there were also lightning shuttle refiners.

Zong Lin, Ya Xi from Tianzhou Mountain, Dream Chaser from Yu Yumen, Shi Zhong from Benxing Sect, Feitian from Zhengkong Valley...

Each of the famous weapon refining masters brought several elite elders from their forces to carefully inspect the damage of these battleships. Their hearts were trembling as they looked at the mess on the ground...

Unexpectedly, the super battleships that I had worked so hard to build would be beaten into pieces by the Zerg army. Five or six of them had been completely deformed, and even the skeleton could not be seen, leaving only a pile of scraps.

The other warships whose shapes could still be seen were actually riddled with holes and badly damaged. It was obvious that they had completely lost their protective function under the corrosion of the Zerg poison.

If this situation were placed on an interstellar voyage, the consequences would be disastrous!

Because in the imagination, each aircraft used for long-distance voyages will carry a large number of lives inside. Once the outer shell is easily corroded, then a large number of lives inside may be in danger of being wiped out...

In the starry sky, people believe that there must be many enemies more powerful than the Zerg, so the current fairy army warships are definitely unable to cope with them!

Only by greatly improving the protective quality of the shell can people have a sense of security. Otherwise, no one would be willing to take the fairy army's warship to escape to the interstellar...

After rapid discussion, Yaxi, Meng Zhuizi, Shi Zhong, Feitian and others finally came up with several improvement methods. One is to find better mineral materials and refine higher quality shell materials;

The first is to use a new design to make the outer shell of the battleship more tightly connected to avoid being poisoned and invaded by races like the Zerg. The third is to create a better formation to provide the first layer of protection for the outer shell.

The method has been figured out, but this is only the first step. How to create the ideal shell next is a huge project, and no one dares to say that they are sure of it.

However, almost the entire immortal world's elites are now here. Under the auspices of Taoist Priest Tianxuan and Kaiming Zen Immortal, everyone is discussing this issue, and the first thing everyone thinks of is how to solve the third solution.

That is, the formation problem...

This chapter has been completed!
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