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Chapter 2507 Who is that person?

Cosmic races like the Evian tribe are extremely sensitive to spaceships. After hearing Gu Cheng's words, they immediately paid attention to the flying battle fortress called Xingyun Castle!

"Elder, can Xingyun Castle really hold hundreds of millions of transformed beings? And it has swallowed all the interfaces?!" Gerilie said in shock.

"Yes, although I haven't seen Xingyun Castle yet, I heard from Ling Daozi that the population in Xingyun Castle is close to one trillion, and it has swallowed countless stars. Therefore, Xingyun Castle is an out-and-out castle.

It’s a space battle fortress, and it’s also a super-light spacecraft!” Gu Cheng nodded.

"What?! Super light speed?!" Hearing this, Gerilie and others couldn't help but gasp!

You know, in the star field where Yika Star is located, those races feel proud of themselves if they can own a light-speed spaceship. The Evian tribe also relies on the only light-speed ship in the tribe to squeeze into Yika Planet.

One of the top races, but now, everyone has heard that the Star Fortune Castle is actually a super-light spacecraft. If it were placed on the Yika planet, it would definitely be the top spaceship, and no one can match it!

"I'm not sure whether it's true super-light speed, but it's certain that Ling Daozi owns a light-speed spaceship, because I've been on that starship recently!" Gu Cheng said.

"Wo..." The scene was in an uproar again.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the Star Fortune Castle, there is also a Star Fortune Ship, which is also a light speed spacecraft!

With two such spaceships, their strength cannot be matched by other races, not even the Evian tribe.

In other words, with these two super spaceships, Li Yun and Ling Daozi can surpass the strength of the entire Evian clan!

This fact shocked Gerilie, Mona, Dusha and others. At the same time, they also fully realized the importance of super spaceships and powerful talents. Two people and two super spaceships are more valuable than your entire race.

Much more powerful!

Gerilie suddenly thought of a question and said quickly: "Elder, our Yika planet is now being attacked by outsiders. All races are struggling to support themselves. The situation is extremely serious. I wonder if Li Yun and Ling Daozi can help us.


"Yeah, it would be great if they could help. Those outsiders' spaceships are extremely fast and have a huge advantage in Star Wars. If our clan didn't have that light-speed spaceship to dominate the battle, I'm afraid we would have been in big trouble!

"Mona agreed.

"Well, please tell me the current situation in detail..." Gu Cheng hummed.

"Yes! Elder!" Gerilie responded quickly.

He quickly recounted the situation of the invasion of outsiders faced by the various tribes of Yika Star. After listening to it, Gu Cheng's face froze slightly, but he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Now it seems that those foreign invaders did not

It has reached the level of power predicted by Ling Daozi in the Faith Cave World. With the strength of the various tribes on Yika Star, they can still barely withstand it. Otherwise, it would be impossible for Xiangge Rilie, Pingliang and others to control this bronze fleet.

Escape from Yika Star and find a way out.

"Could it be the belief in the cave world that is causing trouble?" Gu Cheng thought to himself.

This question cannot be determined now, because neither he nor Ling Daozi has ever seen what the truly mutated Faith Cave World looks like. Only when he arrives at the scene can he make a judgment.

"Have you ever learned about their origins?" Gu Cheng asked.

"I don't know! These outsiders didn't show their signs at first, but occupied some small stars outside our planet as bases. Due to our lax monitoring, we didn't notice them at all. Later, they expanded even more.

Only then were they discovered by some of our fleets, and conflicts began to break out between the two sides, from small to large, and finally turned into a full-scale war. At the beginning, the various tribes of Yika Star had a slight advantage and somewhat underestimated the enemy, but they did not expect that their subsequent reinforcements would become more and more

The more people there were, the more the combat level continued to improve. Eventually, the various tribes on Yika Star were suppressed to a greater extent, so the tribe sent several of our bronze fleets out to find a way out..." Gerilie said.

"So, they should have migrated from other star regions?" Gu Cheng thought.

"It should be! There are many races among them, and there should be an alliance behind them. We have also captured some of their low-level ships and personnel, but we cannot understand the other party's information because we do not understand the other party's language!"

"Oh? No one can understand?"


"Is there any existing video information or other information items?" Gu Cheng asked urgently.

"Yes! Elder, please take a look..."

Gerilie asked Mona and others to create a light screen and continuously play out the information about the other party stored in the spacecraft...

While Gu Cheng watched carefully, he kept communicating with Ling Daozi in his heart...

In fact, the reason why he chatted so carefully with Gerilie and others was that he wanted Ling Daozi to also learn about what was happening in the Yika Star Territory, including broadcasting information about the invaders, and he also wanted Ling Daozi to help

, see if you can decipher it...

"Brother Ling, can you decipher it?" Gu Cheng thought to himself.

"No problem, it'll be done in a while!" Ling Daozi's voice came.

"Wow...that's great!" Gu Cheng was overjoyed.

"Hey, deciphering the information is just a piece of cake. Now it seems that the invaders in the Yika Star Territory should also be at the level of fourth-level civilization, but their overall strength is stronger than you. This situation is a bit strange.

..." Ling Daozi smiled.

"What's weird?"

"For them, of course, they have a more appropriate assessment of their own strength. They should also know what the level of civilization of the various races on Yika Star is. Since both sides are equally powerful, they only have a slight upper hand.

, why choose Yika Star to start with? You know, the universe is so vast, they also have the ability to find other life planets to thrive. If they do that, the resistance and the price they pay will definitely be much smaller than now..." Ling Daozi analyzed


"It makes sense! There must be a reason why they specifically picked Yika Star to attack!" Gu Cheng suddenly realized and couldn't help but agree.

"Therefore, we must understand the reasons in order to make the most correct judgment on this war and determine the rhythm of our actions..."


Gerilie saw Gu Cheng's thoughtful expression, but he didn't dare to disturb him, so he adjusted and played the information while stepping up his efforts to absorb the soul energy factor...

In space at this time, the Hongtong Space Pirate Mantis Fleet seemed to have discovered something strange, because Gu Cheng was a little careless when he came to find the Bronze Fleet and did not hide, and the Space Pirates had been monitoring the movements of the Bronze Fleet.

At this time, Lang Pu and others obviously discovered this situation.

"Who is that person? He was picked up by the Bronze Fleet. He was obviously someone who was here early in the morning!" Lang Pu was a little uneasy.

He immediately ordered to check this person...

"No need to check, I know this person!" Mancang, an elderly space pirate, said with wide eyes.

"What? Who is he?!" Lang Pu asked anxiously.

"This man's name is Gu Cheng. He is a senior elder of the Eyun tribe. He is in charge of warfare and is a famous powerhouse of the Eyun tribe!" Mancang said in a deep voice.

"Elder Zhanfu?! Oh my god!!!" Lang Pu screamed, feeling bad!

No wonder this bronze fleet dared to go deep into such a wild star field. It turned out that their war elders stayed here, so following them all the way, wouldn't it be like sending fish into the net?

"That's right! Gu Cheng used to often escort the Evian tribe's caravans to and from various planets, and he has acquaintances with many people from various planetary races, so it is not surprising that I recognize him, and..."

"And what?!"

"I heard that about two thousand years ago, Gu Cheng accidentally obtained a treasure map, which attracted countless people to besiege and fight for it. Gu Cheng broke through and escaped alone and disappeared from sight. Unexpectedly, he would appear today.

Here!" Mancang thought.

"Treasure map? Yes, I seem to have some impression of this matter!" Lang Pu suddenly said.

"Yes! It is said that he must have been injured and escaped. Now it seems that he must be hiding in this star field to recuperate. Looking at the appearance of his soul body now, his recovery is very good. We are in some trouble!" Mancang said on the side

Observe and analyze.

He is indeed a treacherous man with a very vicious eye. He can tell Gu Cheng's recovery status based on the video he just saw.

"Trouble? You mean..." Lang Pu was startled, Man Cang's judgment coincided with his.

"The strength of this bronze fleet should be lower than ours, but if Gu Cheng is added, it will be a big difference! No one on our side can be his opponent! And if Gu Cheng is added to a bronze fleet, its strength will be

You can reach the silver level immediately, there is no doubt about this!" Mancang analyzed.

"Oh my God!!!" When the thieves heard this, they exclaimed.

They know that the strength of their fleet is roughly equivalent to the Silver Fleet of the Evian tribe. If you take into account the space pirates' rich combat experience and war reserves, the strength can be a bit higher than it, but it cannot be much more. Therefore,

, if the two sides fight, it will definitely be an extremely fierce situation!

Lang Pu's mind was spinning, and he felt that the emergence of this variable had disrupted all his plans. He still wanted to follow the Bronze Fleet to see if they had any other movements. At the same time, he also planned to find out what happened in this star field.

According to the specific circumstances, if the plundering operation is carried out again, it now seems that this action plan has been basically interrupted!

"Captain, we must adopt a new action plan, otherwise we will be in danger!" Mancang said loudly.

After hearing this, Lang Pu nodded and said: "That's right! It's just that Kun Ying and Ji Yaohua are both on the planet now, and our personnel are not organized..."

"Ignore them for now! It's better to run away quickly. It won't be too late to pick them up later!" Mancang said anxiously.

"Escape?!" Lang Pu was startled.

"Exactly! Gu Cheng must be familiar with this star field. We have no advantage in fighting him, so it's better to escape first!" Mancang said loudly.


Immortal Yun Zhuan

Immortal Yun Zhuan

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