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Chapter 2628 Hongtong Space Pirates

"no problem!"

Li Yun was startled when he heard this, thinking that the Great Master Yun Duan still wanted to devour him, but he quickly realized that it was probably because the Great Master Yun Duan would not have the desire to devour him if he stayed by his side, so he agreed first.

"Thank you, Master Yun!!!" Master Yun Duan said loudly.

"No need to say thank you, everything depends on you. If you can't eliminate the desire to devour, I will still catch you here..." Li Yun smiled.

Great Master Yun Duan was stunned, gritted his teeth and said: "Then what if I also cut off the Dao intention of the Devouring Dao?"

"Of course it's the best! In fact, with your intelligence and wisdom, what kind of Taoist intention is not good to develop, why must you develop the Devouring Taoist intention? Moreover, the Devouring Taoist intention you developed is also incorrect..." Li Yun said.

"Incorrect?!" the Great Lord Cloud said curiously.

"Well, the way of swallowing in the universe advocates turning waste into treasure. What you swallow is grass, what is squeezed out is milk, what you swallow is soil, and what is transformed is earth energy. But if you swallow

It is other people’s essence and treasure, but what is transformed into you is only one ten thousandth of those essence and treasures, or even less. Isn’t this a waste of natural resources? And you yourself have to bear the terrible debt of killing and other people.

The effects of corpse poison will accompany you throughout your life, causing you to be affected and tortured all the time. Therefore, in the final analysis, what you are doing is a completely loss-making business..."

"I..." Master Yun Duan was dumbfounded and speechless, and his face turned red from holding back...

"Go and think about it yourself first..." After Li Yun finished speaking, he disappeared.

Only the Great Lord Yun Duan was left standing there in a daze facing the Six Elements Seat...

Xingyun Castle wandered around the territory of the Tata tribe and captured all the Devourers lurking here. Among them were the Donggui tribe, the Tata tribe, and other nearby races. There were as many as

More than a thousand!

Then he flew to the Donggui Tribe and found Taiga Lord. Li Yun repeated his old tricks and brought him to Star Fortune Castle to be a test subject, and the Devourer had more than a thousand small light balls.


Seeing this scene, the Great Master Yun Duan and the Great Master Tai Jia were both confused. Although they also knew that many people in the clan had become Devourers, they never expected that there were so many people, even some.

People who usually seem very honest have quietly turned into devourers!

After the two of them drank the special star wine provided by Li Yun, the corpse poison in their bodies was indeed washed away a lot, so their thoughts became a little clearer at this time. They suddenly felt that the faces of these devourers were extremely hateful and hateful, and

It's really shameful, shameful, and pathetic that I should associate with such people...

Thinking back to the various processes in which they had devoured their lives, the two of them felt disgusted for some reason. They couldn't help but vomited wildly, and the stains erupted like a mountain. This formation looked a bit scary, because the vomiting

It was so violent that it almost made them spit out all the life essence they had swallowed before... Even Li Yun and Xiao Xing couldn't stand it anymore and blocked the scene directly!

The two quickly treated the patients from the Donggui and Tata tribes. The process was very fast. Finally, they took the remaining strong men to visit Xingyun Castle, leaving them with a choice, and then changed direction.

, heading towards the Xinyun Star Territory...

"Sir, we discovered Hongtong's space pirate's lair!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Hongtong space pirate? Yes..." Li Yun suddenly remembered this.

In fact, in this starry sky, in addition to large star fields such as Yika Star and Xinyun Star, there are countless other small and medium-sized stars, some of which are so secretive that the Yimi people cannot discover them at all. Therefore, the Yimi people focus on

Their targets are only the main stars of those large star fields. For other stars, even if they are discovered, they have no time to take care of them.

Therefore, space pirates are still very active, and life on many small and medium-sized stars can still survive and develop without worries. It has also become a paradise for many people who have escaped from the main star, and the Hongtong space pirate is naturally one of them.

Stocks survive better.

The Hongtong space pirates Lang Pu, Mancang, Kunying, Ji Yaohua and others who tracked Pingliang, Gerilie and others last time were just one of the fleets. They also had many other fleets operating outside, and in Hongtong

Tong Space Island has gathered many of their elites...

The small star casts a light curtain, and you can see a desolate star suddenly appearing in the lonely space. The size of this star is not too big, it is inconspicuous in the vast space, and it looks extremely desolate from the surface.

, there are craters scattered everywhere, and there is no life. No one will pay attention to such stars, because there are too many.

However, if you observe this star carefully, you will find some differences. First, there is a large amount of polar ice at its poles. These permanent polar ice can become a stable source of water. Second, although there are many craters, they are all

There are no newly formed craters left over from a long time ago, which shows that this planet has reached a stable stage, and those possible sources of meteorites have either disappeared or been intercepted by some force.

The reason why Xiaoxing can determine that this is the famous Hongtong Space Island is, of course, due to the continuous monitoring of the monitoring network. From the collected information, it can be found that fleets of Hongtong space pirates enter and leave this planet from time to time, and

They actually entered and exited from several of the craters!

Hongtong Space Pirate is so cunning!

They actually built their base inside a meteor crater and used this desolate-looking star as a natural shelter. Moreover, they would be very careful when entering and exiting the base. They would carefully observe the surrounding starry sky when they went out, and they would look at the surrounding stars when they came in.

They stayed outside for a short period of time, and did not start taking action until they confirmed that there were no other spaceships around. Being so cautious also allowed them to not be discovered for so many years, and their life was extremely smooth...

Beneath one of the huge craters is the central base of the Hongtong space pirates. At this time, their core members are gathered here. It is obvious that a major operation is being planned...

The venue here is extremely luxurious, with sparkling gems and beads dotted from the ceiling to the four walls and pillars. There are also many tapestries hanging on them. The totems on them are many classics of Hongtong Space Pirates.


A huge oval table is made of the best wood in the universe. The floor is also covered with a thick high-grade carpet, which looks like the fur of some kind of life. Every chair around the round table is antique and valuable. The table

Each of the ornaments on the wall is fascinating and can be played with and admired endlessly...

Sitting on the main seat is Feite, the leader of the red space pirates. He has eagle eyes, a tall nose and a wide mouth, and a curvy beard. His appearance is quite majestic, his skin is bronze, and he looks unruly. His expression is a bit gloomy at this time, hum.

Said: "Have you received any news from Lang Pu and the others?"

Munger, one of the deputy leaders next to him, responded: "No, there has been no follow-up information since the last message I sent that said they were tracking a bronze fleet of the Evian tribe..."

"How unreasonable?! Don't they know the rules?" Feit said angrily.

"Well, it stands to reason that even if Trump doesn't know, Mancang on the ship will definitely remind him, but even Mancang didn't do it. In my estimation, they may be in trouble!" Munger sighed.

"What... can a bronze fleet cause trouble?" Fetqi asked.

"A bronze fleet should not be in trouble, but the information says that the direction they are following is to the Wilderness Star Territory. That star territory has been a forbidden land since ancient times. If Trump and the others really follow there, they will probably...

in trouble…"

"How could they go there?! What on earth do Trump and Mancang think?! They are really going to rebel, rebel!!!" Feite roared angrily.

The faces of all the thieves' leaders changed slightly, and they did not dare to answer. You must know that Feite was very angry at this time, and no one wanted to touch his bad luck...

Feite vented his anger and finally calmed down a little, humming: "The Langpu fleet blatantly violated the rules of our Hongtong Space Pirates, and ignored the safety of countless brothers in the fleet to go to the forbidden area. When they come back, no matter who sees it

They immediately planned to capture Lang Pu and Mancang and send them here to await their disposal!"

"Yes! Chief!" Everyone responded quickly.

"Well, now to discuss this operation, Munger, please tell me..."

"Yes! Big boss!"

Munger responded quickly, cleared his throat, and said: "According to reliable information, after the aliens captured the two main stars of Hongshan Star and Shangtang Star, they are building some kind of formation on a large scale there, but their main force is not there.

, but on the major stars such as Yika Star, Xinyun Star, Yuen Long Star, etc., so the current Hongshan Star and Shangtang Star are empty, with only some coolies working there, and the aborigines have already put down their weapons.

, join in the creation of the formation, so this is a good opportunity for us. Hongshan Star and Shangtang Star have been very fat since ancient times, and the aliens have accumulated a lot of property there. As long as we come to

If you raid, grab a handful and run away, you can eat it for many years!"

"Wo..." The thieves' eyes lit up when they heard this, and they exclaimed!

Unexpectedly, the big leader and Munger were so courageous this time, and they even targeted the property of foreigners!

This is a huge risk, because everyone knows that the aliens are very powerful and have crushed the natives on the main planet to death, and the Red Mountain and Shangtang planets have fallen. At this time, the space pirates

You should have actively avoided them.

Someone in the audience cautiously raised this question, but Munger laughed and said: "You are right, but for us space pirates, wealth is found in danger. Can a space pirate who dare not take risks still be called a space pirate?"

Then we might as well work as coolies for the aliens! Moreover, when we carry out this action, of course we cannot do it in the name of space pirates, but to blame the natives of the main star..."


This chapter has been completed!
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