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Chapter 2709 The cruelty and wonderfulness of the universe

That's it..." Everyone was stunned.

The Great Lord praised: "What the Great Elder said makes sense! Qiming throws such a challenge to us at this time. Its purpose is to drag us into the competition track they have set to avoid us in the past.

Go attack them, but what they don’t know is that we actually hope they don’t attack them, because now we have no confidence in defeating them..."

"Exactly! Now the strength of our fleet is indeed inferior to theirs. If they attack, the result will be self-evident. Therefore, we might as well compete with them according to the track they have set. In this way, Qiming's

Everyone and all resources will also be kidnapped by the lightspeed spacecraft plan, and they will not be able to attack us. The competition between the two sides is to see who can achieve lightspeed flight first!" said the great elder.

"Okay! But do you think we have a chance of winning in this competition?" the Great Lord asked.

"Of course! A skinny camel is bigger than a horse! Although we in Yimi have been hit frequently and suffered heavy losses recently, we are leading the way after all. We have reached a realm that they have never been to before, and we have seen a different starry sky. This

They are far behind! As long as we are willing to concentrate on research, we will definitely be able to achieve light speed flight earlier than them. Even if both sides fail to achieve it, we can still go further than them on such a competitive track.

Far higher and stronger..." the great elder said boldly.

Everyone's blood boiled with enthusiasm, their hearts surged, and they nodded frequently...

The Great Elder gave everyone a shot of chicken blood. Soon, the Great Lord replied to Qiming with a letter of challenge, announcing that both parties would target the light-speed spaceship. Whoever builds it first will be the overlord of the starry sky.


Throwing out this letter of challenge is equivalent to setting new rules of war for both sides. The starry sky has temporarily returned to a peaceful state, but this is only a superficial phenomenon. Both sides understand that as long as one side achieves the speed of light first, the outcome will be determined.

The balance will fall to whichever side, so whether it is Yi Mi or Qiming, they can only devote themselves more and work harder than before to realize the unreachable dream of flying at the speed of light...

As the Great Elder analyzed, after the new research plan of both parties was launched, almost everyone and all resources were slowly kidnapped by this plan!

Direct, indirect, and even seemingly unrelated people and things are gradually involved in this terrible plan, and no one can completely stay out of it...

This research plan is like a spaceship flying ahead, but it is dragging an entire civilization behind it. Everyone is behind to support it. The rich contribute money, the wise contribute wisdom, and the powerful contribute their efforts.

, things come out of things... Everyone is doing their part to supply the spacecraft in front and promote its flight speed, hoping that it can fly faster, faster, and a little faster...

Such a tense and exciting situation made Ling Daozi and others roar with excitement!

"Xiao Ling, can they really fly at the speed of light?"

"Who can win between them?"

"Will they all run out of resources and lack stamina?"

"Will they collapse early..."

Ling Daozi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, okay! You are all cunning and cunning. You don't say anything about your own ideas, but you want me to show your shame, no way!"

"Hey, who doesn't know that you have sharp eyesight and can see through everything at a glance?" Ince said cheerfully.

"How is it possible? There are so many variables in such an arms race, and any variable may affect the final result. Therefore, no matter which side takes the lead temporarily, it will be impossible to count. The only way to see who can build a light-speed spaceship first is in the end.

And only when the test flight is successful can we determine who is the winner! For us, what we really need to pay attention to is the process of their research, not the results..." Ling Daozi analyzed.

Ince was slightly startled and said suspiciously: "You mean we want to see their research process? For Xingyun Castle, let alone light speed spacecraft, even super light speed spacecraft have become a reality, so it is still necessary to see their research.


"Of course, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade. Different civilizations may have different understandings of light speed flight. Although everyone has the same goal, there may be many ways to achieve this goal. What will Yi Mi and Qiming use?

What method can be used to achieve light speed flight is worthy of our reference and research. Although our Xingyun Castle has already achieved light speed and super-light speed flight, if we can obtain their methods, it will also be of great help to further consolidate and improve our speed.

Very helpful..." Ling Daozi said.

Ying Si, Minte and Pai Lan were stunned. They didn't expect that Ling Daozi had such a humble side. In their minds, Ling Daozi was simply the embodiment of wisdom. It seemed that no problem could stump him.

, no matter which field or topic is involved, Ling Daozi can show his knowledge that is superior or even superior to others, so that sometimes they listen with interest, sometimes they feel like they have fallen into the fog and have no idea what is being said, but

They know that it must be the reason why their knowledge cannot keep up...

Just listen to Ling Daozi continue: "From my understanding, light speed flight should be one of the main signs of a civilization achieving a level transition. Only by achieving such a breakthrough can it be possible to explore farther into the starry sky, otherwise

, many civilizations can’t even fly out of their own solar system, so how can they achieve space navigation?”

"Yes! Just like the previous Yimi civilization, in order to colonize the Yika starry sky one light-year away, I don't know how many portal-like treasures were consumed, as well as countless resources and energy, as well as a long time,

Only then did a small number of battleships and puppet races be sent over. If you have a light-speed spaceship, you can achieve this goal in just one year. The difference is really huge!" Ince agreed.

"Haha, wouldn't it be more convenient if we had a starship like ours and could go back and forth in less than a month?" Pai Lan laughed.

"This...comparison between people can make people angry. It seems that comparing boats with boats can also make the boat angry..." Ince sighed.


When Ling Daozi and others heard this, they couldn't help but smile from ear to ear...

The continuous changes in the starry sky of Yimi have also attracted the attention of countless people in Xingyun Castle. Many people are paying close attention to the competition between the two major forces of Yimi and Qiming. The kind of competition between you and me, life and death, in pursuit of achieving the speed of light.

Their desperate drive to develop various fields allows them to feel the cruelty and splendor of the universe!

That's right, even civilized forces at the level of Yi Mi and Qiming will always face major and sudden blows in the universe. Maybe someone who is not prepared or has insufficient strength will be colonized or destroyed. It is really too big.


Especially the scene where those devouring monsters swarmed in last time made everyone in Star Fortune Castle sweat for them...

A civilization may go a very long way from its birth, development, growth, and maturity, but it may be destroyed in a short period of time. This is a manifestation of the ruthlessness of the universe!

Therefore, any civilization must have a clear understanding of its own. Once it is born and grows, it must seize every opportunity to develop, sprint, and leap into a higher civilization as soon as possible to improve its own strength and ability.

Protect yourself better so that your seed of life can be preserved in the universe and continue to multiply...

If, like in the previous world of Souls, everyone did not want to make progress, but was keen on horse racing and other entertainment activities, this kind of entertainment-to-death attitude is tantamount to committing suicide. If you encounter a small group of space pirates, it is possible that the whole world will be destroyed.


The universe is full of dangers. As the ruler of civilization, and every person in civilization, we need to keep a clear head. We should not be a frog at the bottom of a well, but should jump out of the small well to see a broader world!

This time, the competition between Yimi and Qiming in the Yimi Starry Sky area also allowed the people of Xingyun Castle to see the splendor and magnificence there, making them yearn for the universe even more...

Most people in Xingyun Castle previously had a small range of activities, limited to the Xuanling Continent. They had never even left the Xuanling Solar System, just like a frog living in the small well of the Xuanling Continent.

I don't know what the outside world is like.

But since they boarded Xingyun Castle, they have walked through the Xuanling Solar System, the Yika Solar System, and now they have seen the Yimi Solar System... The starry sky is constantly expanding, and their horizons are constantly broadening. Many people are in this process.

Enlightened and improved!

They began to gradually transform from ordinary mortals, soul warriors, monks, and immortals to the zodiac race, and truly became people who could survive and develop under the stars of the universe!

During the time when Li Yun and Xiaoxing were studying dark energy nebulae and black holes, the people of Xingyun Castle did not stop their evolution. They gradually became different from before, and everyone learned countless knowledge about the universe.

, proficient in some cosmic languages, and experienced how to survive and develop in the universe...

In fact, Xingyun Castle is like a small universe. It now has a population of trillions and countless cosmic races. They each have their own territory and small civilization. Since they all belong to the large civilization of Xingyun Castle, each race has

They have become very friendly. In addition, they are relatively close to each other, which is very conducive to exchanges and cooperation, learning and communication between races. In this way, each race can learn from each other's strengths and offset their weaknesses, making themselves faster.

The land develops!

This development model that integrates while maintaining relative independence is actually very creative. It not only adapts to the characteristics of the cultivation civilization of this universe, so that the cultivation genes of each race will not be lost due to integration, but also allows each race to learn other things.

The strengths of the race, drawing on some development ideas, thereby improving the overall level of civilization...

This chapter has been completed!
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