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Chapter 2999: When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

"That's it..." Xiaoxing pretended to be "suddenly aware" and said loudly.

When Yangcuo heard that this was definitely not a good thing, he couldn't help but blushed with shame. He quickly turned his head away and didn't dare to speak anymore...

Everyone was overjoyed and laughed for a while, but saw that Ling Daozi continued to control, and the characters on the light screen disappeared one after another, but in their original positions, there was an extra "Xiang"...

Dingzhi was no longer calm and asked: "Where are those people? Can you let me take a look?"

"If you see there is no light on the ground, walk along the light and you can see them..." Xiaoxing said.

Nail looked down and found a flickering light and shadow on the floor, with an arrow pointing to it, so he followed Xiaoxing's instructions and headed in the direction of the arrow...

Naturally, Hammer was not to be outdone and quickly followed him, followed closely by Tali and others...

Along the way, they saw many things they had never seen before, and each of these things made them feel extremely novel. They didn't know what their use was, but they were definitely good things!

Each one is absolutely priceless!

There is also the design of the space, the design of the aisles, the decoration and layout... They find themselves as if they are in a wonderful extraterrestrial world. They even wonder if they have gone to the wrong place. This is not a spaceship, but an imaginary place.

In the world…

Appreciating this new world made them spend a lot of time without realizing it. Finally, they came to a space and found that it was empty. Except for some scenes outside the ship, there was nothing else.

When I was suspicious, I suddenly saw the light and shadow on both sides flashing, and suddenly gradually turned transparent, and I could see the scene inside at a glance!

"Eh?! It's them!!!" Yangcuo yelled.

I saw countless small spaces on both sides, and there was a person in each small space. It was the person I saw on the light screen just now!

These people are still in a coma and have no idea that someone is watching them outside at this time...

Dingzi and the others were stunned, they couldn't believe their eyes!

I didn't expect these people to be rescued by Ling Daozi so easily. If you hadn't seen such a thing with your own eyes, you would definitely not believe it.

Just as they were looking at each other in a daze, suddenly everyone's eyes lit up and they found that there was a small space on one side that was shining brightly. After a while, the "Xiang" in the small space slowly disappeared, while a figure slowly appeared...

Everyone was so surprised that they opened their mouths wide and could not close their mouths at all!

I saw that figure finally fully appearing, it was the cauldron being refined by a Ruixinchang slave trading organization!!!

"Wow..." Everyone was in an uproar, feeling that this continuous path-changing technique was really amazing...

Such a magical replacement technique opened their minds. Even Nail and Hammer felt that they were too young and had never seen too many things. It seemed that they still needed more experience...

They watched cauldrons appearing out of thin air, and lumps of "Xiang" were replaced by these people. The shock in their hearts had reached its peak, and they sincerely admired Ling Daozi and Dui Liufeng!

"Haha, why don't you come over and take a look? Fauci and Pompeo are going crazy!" Ling Daozi's voice came.

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly returned to their original space, and sure enough they saw Ruixinchang's leaders, Fauci and Pompeo, angrily inspecting the situation of the cauldron, with expressions on their faces that were both extremely shocked and extremely angry...

After the two of them suffered the biggest defeat in history, they were extremely depressed, but they did not expect to receive a report from their subordinates, saying that there seemed to be something wrong with the space where the cauldron was imprisoned, and the cauldron was missing!

As soon as the two people heard that it was okay, they immediately came to the cauldron space to check. The situation at the scene made them dumbfounded. They saw that the equipment that locked the cauldron was still in good condition, but the locked cauldron was miraculously.


This situation was so counterintuitive that they immediately concluded that it was the work of an insider!

However, they soon discovered that the "Xiang" was emitting an obscure and alluring smell. Based on their experience, they could judge that such an item was an aphrodisiac, but they had never seen it before.

Have seen…

Obviously, this item should be a foreign object, so someone should have sneaked into the cauldron space, rescued these cauldrons, and left this "Xiang" as a demonstration!

Thinking of this, the two became even more furious!

Unexpectedly, the hunting operation failed and a fire broke out in the backyard. I really lost my wife and lost my troops. Such a loss, such a failure, such a humiliation, I cannot accept it no matter what...

"Search for me immediately!!! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you will catch the infiltrator!" Fauci yelled.

"Yes! Boss!!!" All the subordinates responded quickly.

After hearing the news, everyone felt bad, because someone could sneak into the Ding furnace space to steal people. Not to mention that such a thing is rare, in fact, they have never heard of it, because everyone knows that the Ding furnace space is the entire Ruixinchang

The core wealth area of ​​the organization has the strongest formation levels, protection levels, and staffing. No cauldron has ever been able to escape there. It is not an exaggeration to call it watertight and impregnable!

But now all the cauldrons inside have been lost inexplicably, and a bunch of "xiang" has been released to humiliate them. Such a shame and humiliation has made everyone in Ruixinchang feel ashamed, and it can't be justified without breaking out...

Every person in Ruixinchang started to move as if they had been injected with a powerful dose of chicken blood, searching everywhere for any suspicious places or suspicious people...

After Fauci and Pompeo issued the arrest warrant, they slowly calmed down and began to reflect on today's events. This reflection made them suddenly feel bad, because there must be monsters when things go wrong, and strange things happened one after another today.

Almost everything happens to me for the first time. What does this situation mean?

"Is someone targeting us?!" Pompeo said in shock.

"Is there anyone? Who is there?! Who can do these things?!" Fauci snorted.

"This... we have made many enemies over the years, could this be one of them?" Pompeo asked suspiciously.

Fauci shook his head and said: "Even if there are really enemies who want to deal with us, I can't think of who could do these things... The invasion of the cauldron space is impossible in our industry, unless it is the entire

It is only possible if the organization is defeated. It can be said that as long as the organization is there, the Cauldron Space will be completely intact. If the Cauldron Space is invaded, it means that the organization will also be finished..."

"It seems unlikely that there is a mole. The other party should be the one who left the piece of 'Xiang'. As long as we can find out where it came from, can we find out who the other party is?" Pompeo thought.

"At this point, this is a very important clue! There is another one..." Fauci said.

"Which one?"

"Of course they are those prey! Now it seems that they are quite extraordinary. They not only escaped our pursuit, but also suddenly disappeared, and finally the cauldron was stolen. If these things are connected,

, is an obvious clue!!!" Fauci said harshly.

"Yes!!!" Pompeo suddenly realized after hearing this.

The clue that Fauci was referring to was that the actions of the prey were coherent. After being hunted, they not only found a way to escape, but also staged a surprise attack to counterattack their rear base camp. As a result, other tripods were killed.

The stoves were all stolen, which means that the most likely perpetrators are undoubtedly those prey!

"But..." Pompeo pondered.

"but what?"

"It's impossible for us to miss the cultivation level of those preys, right? With the two older ones, they are at the middle level in our organization at most, let alone the four younger ones. Why can they quietly

Silently entering our ships to commit crimes?" Pompeo analyzed.

When Fauci heard this, he was speechless for a while, because what Pompeo said was what he thought. It was precisely because of this that he did not connect the theft of the cauldron with those preys from the beginning.

However, as I thought before, there must be a monster when things go wrong. Since the monster happened to those preys before, then the monster that happens next is very likely to be related to them!

"Don't you think we underestimated them from the beginning? It was precisely because we underestimated them that they completely disrupted the siege formation, and in the end there was a disaster of energy network collision! Later, they all suddenly disappeared

, so that our sniffers cannot detect their scent, which is also extremely unusual! Perhaps, at that time, they took advantage of our chaos to sneak into our ships secretly

, stole those cauldrons!" Fauci analyzed.

Pompeo was dumbfounded and felt that Fauci's analysis was extremely incredible. He said: "Boss, with their abilities, no matter how many levels higher they are, it is impossible to sneak into our ship and sneak into the cauldron without anyone noticing."

Furnace space to steal those cauldrons?"

"This..." Fauci was startled and was speechless. He felt that the loopholes in his analysis just now were too big. Even if something really went wrong, there must be a monster, but it couldn't be to such an extent...

Pompeo said: "I believe that someone took advantage of our opportunity to hunt down those prey and sneaked into our ship to commit the crime! The biggest clue now is the batch of odorous substances, which must be related to some people who are good at using aphrodisiacs.

It’s related to the organization, we can check this first!”

"Okay, then I'll leave this matter to you first! Of course, those Black God Clan preys must not be let go, as well as the tribes behind them. Maybe the people who sneaked into our ship to commit crimes are from their tribes.

Master!!!" Fauci suddenly thought of this again, and felt that this possibility was very high.

Pompeo's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "That's right! As long as we check where the nearby Black God tribe is, we might be able to find our missing cauldrons..."


This chapter has been completed!
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