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Chapter 3329 The Battle of Justice

The number of spaceships in the Star Horse Fleet is not small to begin with. As the main fleet of the group, it has nearly 500 spaceships, and their levels are all relatively high in the Milky Way galaxy.

Because of this, Chen Xing and Jing Jia were so bold and planned to plunder any spaceship that was better than their own. However, compared with the large fleet that appeared now, the Star Horse Fleet was simply insignificant!

Just looking at the small light spots displayed on the screen, there are already more than 10,000, and it seems that the number is still increasing. Looking at the individually enlarged light spots, you can find that the style of those spacecraft is similar to the one discovered before.

The team belongs to the same generation and lineage, and the level is obviously higher!

It can be seen that this is a large fleet whose level far exceeds that of the Star Horse Group, and now the Star Horse Fleet has fallen into their queue. Isn't this looking for death?

As soon as he thought about this, Chenxing felt that all his thoughts were lost and he couldn't raise his fighting spirit at all...

I never thought that my luck would be so bad, what should I do now?!

Fighting against the opponent is obviously an egg against a stone. If the opponent fires thousands of cannons, I am afraid that my fleet, which has been built with countless years of hard work, will be wiped out in an instant. But if you want to escape, it is too late now.

Moreover, he took the initiative to fly into its array because he did not find the other party. If he wanted to blame him, he could only blame himself for his miserable life...

Everyone in the Star Horse Fleet was stunned. They looked up at the sky one by one. They saw giant spaceships appearing from the depths of the starry sky in the distance like exhibitions. They passed through the air in the blink of an eye and disappeared into the vastness.

In the nebula, the appearance, the speed, the momentum, the formation... it makes people tremble with fear and makes them feel weak. They feel like a small ant, crawling under such a group of behemoths, so small.

, so powerless, so helpless...

However, what surprised Chenxing, Jingjia and others was that this giant fleet actually turned a blind eye to their "small" fleet. Each spacecraft flew past them without even "looking" at them.


This "sea of ​​ships" completely frightened Chenxing and others, and they did not dare to move at all. Until this sea of ​​ships completely disappeared from their sight, they still could not recover for a long time...

"Oh my god, are we rescued?!!!" Someone finally shouted, bringing everyone back to reality...

"Wow, they didn't hit us?!"

"It's impossible that they didn't notice us, right?"

"Of course I found it. Didn't you see that they deliberately passed over our heads when flying?"

"Hey, they think it's a waste of shells to even hit us..."

"Our little possessions are not enough to fill people's teeth..."

"Why is this feeling of being ignored so good?"

"It's a joke, if people valued us, would we still be talking here now?"

"That's right..."

Everyone escaped from death and couldn't help but cheer and clapped their hands. It was much more exciting and crazy than robbing countless treasures...

Chenxing was in the same mood. After celebrating crazily with his men for a while, he suddenly stared blankly at the direction in which the sea of ​​ships disappeared, with a thoughtful look on his face...

"Where is that direction? What are they going to do?!!!" Chenxing said loudly.

"Boss, it seems to be an interstellar storm zone. However, according to the information, the storm has disappeared and a bubble world has appeared inside. Many heads of big forces have gone there to visit. By the way, there is also the blue fish.

The fleet also headed in that direction in the end..." Jing Jia said.

"Oh? This huge fleet should have come from the outer star field. Why are they going there?" Chenxing asked suspiciously.

"Boss, it remains to be confirmed whether they are really going there. Maybe they just happened to be passing by in the same direction. In any case, we'd better not join in the fun. If they fight, our core universe will definitely be in chaos!

"Jing Jia said with lingering fear.

"The world is in chaos? If the world is really in chaos, then wouldn't we be able to fish in troubled waters?!" Chenxing pondered.

"Boss, wouldn't you be too brave to do this?" Jing Jia said in disbelief.

It stands to reason that Jing Jia is more carefree than Chen Xing and is not as sensitive to risks, but he was really frightened just now, so now he is trying to persuade Chen Xing to be more careful...

Chenxing hummed: "Don't forget that we are in a risky business. We take risks. How can we make a fortune without taking risks? The momentum of this fleet looks similar to that of the blue fish fleet that appeared earlier. If they

If we fight each other, then we will be prosperous! Even if we pick up one of their spaceships, we can make a fortune!!!"

"This..." Jing Jia was stunned when he heard this, feeling that what the boss said seemed to make sense...

Chenxing added: "We still owe those old monsters in the universe a huge amount of compensation. Although we have gained a lot this time, we still have a long way to fill such a big hole. That guy from the training garden is still working hard."

It’s a reminder, so we must make another payment as soon as possible to settle this matter!”

When Jing Jia heard this, he suddenly felt something in his heart and said, "Boss, what you say makes sense, but why do I feel that this recent incident is so weird?"

"Weird? What's weird?!" Chen Xing asked curiously.

"Boss, do you still remember? The group of people we captured last time were also near this starry sky, and I remember that their spaceship seemed to be very similar to the fleet just now. It was... exactly the same!!!" Jing Jia


"Exactly the same?!" Chenxing was startled.

"Yes! Although most of the spaceships of that group of people were broken and sunk, I remember clearly that their appearance and design, even the logo on the outer shell, etc. should be the same! Could this large fleet be one of their clan's?

Has the person come here?" Jing Jia said with some horror.

"Oh my god..." Chenxing was completely shocked when he heard this!

He felt that what Jing Jia said made sense. It was almost the same in terms of time, it could be judged from the style of the spaceship, and it could also be determined from the talent and quality of those cauldrons, because he had already drawn conclusions from those people.

, those people must come from an advanced cosmic race, at this point they are completely consistent with this large space fleet!

Now it seems that the other party has really come here. As long as they find some clues, it is very likely that they will soon find the Xingma Group. When they come to ask for someone but they cannot hand it over, everything will be in jeopardy.

It’s over!

"No! It must be those people from the Cauldron clan who are looking for us. We must quickly avoid the limelight!" Chenxing said anxiously.

"Boss, we can run away, but the branches and Xingma Xing can't run away. What can we do?!" Jing Jia shouted.

"How can we care so much?! While they are still investigating, we first mobilize the fleet to hide it, and then explore their movements and reality. It is best to let them fight with the Blue Fish Fleet, then we will have a chance!

"Chenxing said.

"Let them fight? The boss is saying... let's spread some rumors that those cauldrons were captured by the Blue Fish Fleet?!" Jing Jia suddenly said.

Chenxing's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said excitedly: "That's right, let's do it! Immediately spread this rumor on all major information networks. By the way, aren't there also the two missing little sisters? Let's say that they were captured by this large fleet

They are being held hostage, so it would be strange if they don’t fight!"

"Haha, boss is so smart! Just do it!!!" Jing Jia praised.

The two people quickly sent the order, and not long after, the two pieces of information were spread all over the major information networks in the Milky Way galaxy, and everyone who saw it was horrified!

After the images of the huge formations of the Blue Fish Fleet and the Blue Wolf Fleet spread online, it became even more frightening...

Because people only now know that the super fleet that appeared in the core universe is not just the Blue Fish Fleet, but there is another one. It is unknown where these two fleets came from, but they are both incredibly super and mutually exclusive.

They are actually holding each other hostage, and it seems that they are going to start a war in the core universe. Once this war breaks out, the people in the core universe will definitely suffer...

"It's over, it's over, who are they? Why are they fighting on someone else's territory?!"

"That's right, if you want to fight, go fight on the other side's territory. Why come to our core universe?!"

"These cosmic races are really rogue, bullying us for being weak and incompetent!"

"Yes, we people in the core universe must unite to defeat foreign enemies!"

"Get up! Get up! People who don't want to be insulted! Use our flesh and blood to protect our beautiful home!!!"

"Get up! Get up!"


I don’t know who first launched the initiative on major information networks. As a result, it was recognized and supported by countless people. For a time, the Internet was agitated. Almost every race expressed their willingness to send warships to participate in this great war!

Although there are some heavyweight forces missing among these racial forces, such as the three major financial giants and several major monopoly groups, apart from them, there are still many powerful racial forces in the galaxy. The strength of some racial forces is actually not at all

No less than these large groups, their appeal is also extremely strong. Therefore, under the leadership of these large races and powerful forces, a fleet composed of a large number of warships began to form...

Countless spaceships appeared from every corner of the core universe and gathered towards the designated star field, and once this momentum started, it seemed that it would never end. At the beginning, there were only a small number of ships, but later more and more ships appeared, some

Seeing this situation, some vacillating races and forces at the beginning also sent ships to join in the fun. After all, they could not follow the facts anyway, because in everyone's eyes, this was a just battle to defend their homeland.

, if you don’t participate, your clan and force will be morally inferior to others, so you must come to participate in the war, even if only one battleship comes...


This chapter has been completed!
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