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Chapter 3337 There are no bad talents, only misplaced talents

Zitona heard this and asked: "I wonder what bottleneck they have hit?"

Quan Bing responded: "The Turia people are originally a race that is optimistic and lively by nature, loves freedom and nature, and is full of innovation and creativity. This is the main reason why their civilization can continue to progress! However, since the last saint,

After Emperor Yun Xiaotian came to the throne, the situation changed!"

"Oh? I wonder what the change is?!" Zitona asked quickly.

"Yun Xiaotian introduced heavy codes and implemented strict management of the entire civilized order from top to bottom. There are also many regulations with extremely serious penalties. People who violate these regulations will be punished accordingly. There are two reasons for doing so.

As a result, on the one hand, the entire civilization appears to be in order and the integrity is much stronger than before. As the Holy Emperor, Yun Xiaotian also tasted the sweetness from it, that is, he enjoyed the pleasure brought by supreme power. This pleasure

As a result, he continued to strengthen his governance, and the scope of the Chongdian became larger and larger, and his management became more and more detailed, and it even penetrated into all aspects of people's lives and work!"

"I see…"

Everyone was stunned for a while after hearing this, and secretly admired the methods of the Holy Emperor Yun Xiaotian. No matter what, such a tough person can always be admired by many people...

Quan Bing continued: "On the other hand, the implementation of heavy codes has, to a certain extent, killed the optimistic, lively and undisciplined nature of the Turia people, making them scrupulous about doing things and not even daring to say nonsense.

, for fear that if they make a mistake, they will be severely punished, and sometimes they may even lose their lives just because they say a wrong word! Under such circumstances, the nature of the people of Turia is curbed, and the innovation in their bones

The spirit of creativity and creativity has also been lost, because no one dares to try new things casually. Everyone knows that new things are uncontrollable. In the process, some things that violate the rules will inevitably occur, and then they are very likely to be punished for this.

Implicated, for the people of Turia now, the best thing to do is to keep silent, only do what they are familiar with, and just live with it!"

"That's how it is?!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect that the implementation of strict and cruel governance would lead to such a result. Thinking about it, they were drunk...

It can be said that Yun Xiaotian's management behavior has also set an example for many races, from which many experiences and lessons can be learned...

Zitonna asked: "So, is it the heavy code that has led to changes in the behavior of the Turia people, thus causing the development of their racial civilization to hit a bottleneck?"

Quan Bing shook his head and said: "The change in behavior is only one of them. The more serious consequence is that the thinking of the people of Turia has undergone profound changes, especially their innovative spirit and creative ability have been greatly restricted.

, and this led to another terrible result!"

"What's the result?!" Zitona asked urgently.

"There is a shortage of talents! Most of the current Turia tribe's talents who hold power and play a role in civilized governance are core figures who grew up before Yun Xiaotian took office. These people should have enjoyed their blessings by now, but

Since there are no outstanding young talents to take over, they have to continue to take on important responsibilities in various fields of civilization and cannot resign. Due to the lack of outstanding young blood to join, the vitality of various fields has been greatly reduced, and new achievements have become less and less.

The development of the corresponding fields has reached a state of stagnation, and there are even signs of retreat!" Quan Bing said.

Zitona was overjoyed when he heard this and asked urgently: "Retreat? To what extent?!"

Quan Bing glared at him and said, "Even if they retreat, they won't be able to retreat to our level soon, so you'd better not have any illusions!"

"This..." Zitona was startled, his face turned red, and he was speechless...

Quan Bing continued: "Everyone, do you know what needs to be done if a civilization wants to advance to a large level?"

"How to do it?!"

"Brother Quan, speak quickly!"

"Yes, we are also worried about this matter..."

"If we knew what to do, we would have improved a long time ago..."

"That's right..."

Everyone urged Quan Bing to speak quickly. Such a good opportunity to absorb wisdom cannot be missed easily...

Quan Bing sighed slightly and said: "You may have misunderstood the issue I just mentioned. I am not referring to those small races and small forces, but to the large civilizations above the planet level! Of course, for the improvement of large civilizations,

Small races and small forces can also learn from the approaches and methods... However, within the large framework of the universe, only large civilizations at the planet level or even above the star cluster level are more likely to have the possibility of jumping up to a large level.


"But why?! Isn't the progress of small races and small forces progress?" Zitonna asked suspiciously.

"Of course their progress is also progress. However, because small races and small forces are too weak, they can often only achieve progress in one or a few fields, but cannot make progress in all fields. This has a negative impact on their upward leap.

Limitation, because many fields require cooperation. After you make progress in one or several fields, if others cannot keep up with your pace and fall behind, then in turn it will affect your continued progress!

For example, when we make a treasure, many weapon refiners are often only proficient in one or a few areas. Some are good at adjusting fire, some are good at selecting materials, some are good at ingredients, and some are good at mixing.

People are good at forging, some are good at later perfection, and some are good at cultivating weapon spirits... If a small race or small force is only proficient in a certain link, then it is impossible for him to create the most perfect weapon.

Those who can create perfect treasures are often the weapon refining sects of great civilizations, because they have talents in various fields, materials, and Taoism, and every link is not compromised, so that they can get the best.

Result!" Quan Bing said.

"It makes sense!!!" Zitona was extremely shocked and praised loudly.

Others were also fascinated by what they heard. They felt that they had benefited a lot today, and they almost forgot that they were selecting a general...

Quan Bing continued: "The same is true for a civilization. Development in all fields is extremely important. Don't only focus on the development of some large fields, thinking that as long as you grasp the key points, you can continue to develop. In fact, civilization

Don’t underestimate some small internal fields. If progress is not made in these inconspicuous small fields, it will also drag down the improvement of the entire civilization! Why do many civilizations stop developing after developing to a certain level?

What about stagnation and retreat? One of the reasons is that some fields are starting to lag behind! Without corresponding talents, these fields are unable to develop, and other fields will be greatly affected, and in the end even themselves will be affected.

Also started to retreat..."

"Wo..." Everyone nodded after hearing this, as if they had some understanding...

For them, the style of this speech has changed greatly. It has developed from the former commander-in-chief of the campaign to now Quan Bing preaching and answering questions, so they were still a little confused for a while, but after hearing Quan Bing's words

After the speech, everyone quickly fell into his context and it was difficult to extricate himself...

Zitona thought: "It is true. Without talents, there will be no one to delve into new things or make breakthroughs on the original basis. However, sometimes such talents cannot be cultivated without wanting to cultivate them. This is

There should also be an issue of talent involved. If you don’t have talent, no matter how much money and material resources you spend, it will be difficult to cultivate high-end talents!”

Quan Bing heard the words and praised: "Brother Qi's words are very good, so when it comes to the cultivation and development of talents, we must not treat it with rigid ideas, but we must appropriately let talents develop wildly!"

"Release development? Brother Quan means..." Chitonna was startled and asked in confusion.

"The so-called free development actually means that the development path of talents cannot be too restricted. For example, a certain sect in a certain field recruits a new person, then trains him according to the set model, and finally trains him at the cost of

By doing this, if the talent's talent happens to be in this field and the subdivision direction he is studying, then this training can be called perfect. However, the probability of such a perfect situation is extremely low.

, in most cases, what we see is that this talent grows up under a set model, and finally becomes a middle or lower talent in this field. Maybe his whole life has passed in such a mediocre state, and he can truly

There are very few people who have reached the top level! But..."

"but what?!"

"If this person changes his environment and changes his research direction, and this environment and direction happen to match his talents and interests, he can study hard but still maintain a strong motivation to study and continue to grow. Finally,

The things he studied produced the best results with his talents and interests, allowing him to become a top talent in his field! This is the saying that when a tree moves to death, people move to live. In addition, there is another truth,

It is said that there are no bad talents, only talents in the wrong position. Although this is not absolute, the principle embodied in it should still be paid attention to. If a talent finds his most suitable position, he will have a great possibility.

Give full play to his abilities and potential, and if he misplaces his position, no matter how hard he works, no matter how much manpower, material and financial resources the sect invests in training, the final result will not be the desired result..." Quan Bingkan said


"Brother Quan said it so well! There are no bad talents, only misplaced talents. So how can we prevent misplaced talents?"

This chapter has been completed!
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