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Chapter 3357: Time and space tunnel?

Xiaoxing now realizes that no matter what topic these people bring up, it may end up involving him. Who will cause him the most troubles?

You must know that the number of things that you are dealing with at the same time is far beyond the imagination of these people in front of you. At present, your spiritual consciousness has been spread across countless racial civilizations throughout the universe, and some of them also include Li Yun's spirit.

The physical body also participates, but generally speaking, one's own spiritual body is the most widely distributed.

This is another form of travel. With the help of top-notch networks, you can throw your spiritual consciousness into the civilizations of various races. In this way, two people can experience countless civilizations at the same time, which will enrich their experience and improve themselves.

The benefits of vision and knowledge are really great. Moreover, this kind of spiritual consciousness is not like a clone. It is just a spiritual consciousness. There is no room for continuous evolution like a clone, so there is no possibility of backlash. It can also be quickly passed through the Internet.


If Shui Xin and others knew that Xiaoxing and Li Yun traveled in this way, they would suddenly realize that no wonder these two people are just infant-level monks, but their knowledge is much better than those of them, the old foxes in the universe...

Regarding what Yang Cuo revealed to everyone, Xiaoxing felt that there was no need to treat it as a secret. However, he still did not want to explain the matter directly, but deliberately said: "They did not come in a spaceship, but through a time and space tunnel.

Came through time!"

"Space-time tunnel?!!!" Everyone was shocked when they heard it!

Shui Xin asked anxiously: "Xiao Ling, what's going on with this space-time tunnel?! Does it exist in the universe?"

"There will be natural space-time tunnels in the universe, but some are relatively stable and some are very unstable. If you travel through them, you may be thrown out at some point, and you don't know where you will appear.

What time and place..." Xiaoxing smiled.

"Is this so?!!!" Everyone was dizzy after hearing this, and felt their imaginations were opened, as if a new world they had never seen before was coming...

For these great powers, many people have the power of time, and they can understand some issues related to the long river of time. However, when time is added to space and becomes a time and space tunnel, they feel a little confused, because

In the long river of time, they can control some things at the other end at one end of time, but people cannot get through it. However, judging from what Yang Cuo just mentioned, the time and space tunnel can not only travel through time, but also

Let people travel through space and go to another time and place!

This situation is much more complicated and magical than a single time meaning. If you can really go to the future or go back to the past, wouldn't you be able to realize many of the things you want to do?

Nothing done?

At the thought of this, everyone's hearts suddenly became hot!

Yes, such a need is almost inevitable for everyone. Everyone will have shortcomings or regrets of one kind or another in the process of growing up. Looking back, if I could not make mistakes at that time, or do the right thing,

If things happen, then the future may completely change, and you may become better and stronger!

Of course, these people only think about the good aspects, but intentionally or unintentionally ignore the bad aspects. For example, even if you did not make a mistake and did the right thing at a certain point in the past, you may have become better at that time, but in this way

It will also completely change your life trajectory. Whether you can reach this point in such a new life trajectory is a completely new question. Maybe things will go against your wishes. After changing the past, you may also end up with other reasons.

If something happens and causes the trajectory of the entire life to go in the opposite direction, then the gain will outweigh the loss!

In fact, this is also the reason why many people are unwilling to change things in the past even though they have the power of time. They would rather change other people's past than change their own past, because once their past is

If you change, you will very likely not exist as you are now. This risk is so great that no one dares to change yourself!

However, if we talk about going to the future, that is acceptable, especially since the existence of the space-time tunnel allows a person to go to the future in a short time. Wouldn't it be possible to learn a lot of things in advance?

This attraction is too powerful...


This new time and place may be in their future time, or it may be in their past time, it depends on their luck..."

"Oh my god..." When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but take a breath!

It seems that although this space-time tunnel is magical, it is also too risky!

If you accidentally end up in a dangerous place and end the game in one go, or meet someone and be killed by them when you are at your weakest, that would be too unfair...

Xiaoxing continued: "Actually, whether you go to the past or the future, you have to take great risks, because you may encounter another self, and there will be a paradox problem here. Any mistakes

It may lead to serious conflicts between the two of you, and ultimately lead to disaster!"

"Paradox? Xiaoling, what are you referring to?" Shui Xin asked quickly.

"For example, if you go to the past and see yourself back then, how would you feel?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This...if it's really like this, it's really amazing..." Shui Xin thought.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Senior, this is not a question of whether God is magical or not, but a very dangerous question!"

"But why?" Shui Xin asked anxiously.

Everyone also stared closely at Xiaoxing...

Xiaoxing said: "You are two people and one person, but you met at the same time and place. This itself is a difficult problem in the universe to solve. For example, if you go back in time and kill your wife with a knife,

Grandpa, what will you do?"

"Oh..." Everyone exclaimed, their expressions changing dramatically...

"Any changes you make to the past may affect your current self, so if you go back to the past, you must not contact your young self, and you cannot affect any people or things around him. You can only

Just watch and never intervene. However, this is easy to say but extremely difficult to do, because when you go back to the past, you add an unstable factor to the past, which will continue to increase with the increase of entropy.

It grows, expands, and eventually affects the past self and affects the present self!" Xiaoxing explained.

"Oh my God!" Everyone was in an uproar again...

"Then what should we do?!" Shui Xin asked again quickly.


It is best to go to another time and space, where there is no factor related to your past, so that it will not affect your existence and development. In the same way, it is the same when going to the future. You'd better not encounter the future.

yourself, otherwise terrible disasters will happen..."

When Yangcuo heard this, he quickly said: "Xiao Ling, then the four of us coming here will not have any impact, right?"

"Hey, of course not, because what you are traveling through is not a space-time tunnel at all, but just an energy channel..." Xiaoxing said happily.


"Energy channel?!!!" Everyone was confused again...

After talking about the space-time tunnel for a long time, it turned out that we were just discussing the magical phenomena that exist in the universe, not the time-travel operation that Yangcuo and the others had experienced...

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Of course you cannot build a space-time tunnel casually. Unless it is necessary, it will have a great impact on the universe and ourselves! What I built for the four of you that time was actually a high-energy, high-speed tunnel

Channel, in that channel, your spaceship used the energy in it to achieve super-light flight, and in a relatively short period of time, it traveled a journey that would have taken millions of years to complete. Here, the so-called

Millions of years is actually a concept of distance, not a concept of time, that's all..."

"This..." Everyone was stunned for a while, but they still spent a lot of time savoring it before they finally understood what Ling Daozi explained...

Shui Xin came back to his senses, and couldn't help but feel frightened again. At the same time, he had a lot of confusion, and said suspiciously: "Xiao Ling, you mean you built a high-energy and high-speed channel here that extends to Xiaoyang and the four people."

Where can we bring them here again?"



"But what?"

"It goes without saying that this passage requires an extremely large amount of energy. Where does this energy come from? In addition, Xiaoyang's spaceship must be extremely backward. Can it really withstand super-light flight? In my opinion, only stars

Only transport ships have the quality and ability to fly at faster than light speeds. It is impossible for a spaceship at the level of the Milky Way, and it will definitely be destroyed in the passage!" Shui Xin said flatly.

Xiaoxing praised: "Senior said it very well! However, this problem has been solved for me, because I can use part of the high-level energy to protect their spacecraft, so that its spacecraft will not fly at super-light speed.

Will be damaged..."

"That's how it is?!!!" Shui Xin and others were dumbfounded!

Xiaoxing continued: "As for the huge energy problem that senior mentioned just now, this is not a problem for me at the moment. Senior, you must know that the energy required to build a new network has already far exceeded the black stone energy you provided before.

, those new energies are actually what I continuously absorb from the universe. The extension speed of the new network depends on the speed of this energy absorption..."

This chapter has been completed!
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