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The 3513th chapter has not fallen

After Xiaoxing told this story, he asked again: "I wonder what the two seniors think of this person's words? If it were you, which one of the two would you rather be?"

"This..." Upon hearing this, the two of them immediately fell into thinking...

This little story of Ling Daozi may seem ordinary, but it is not. With the vision and experience of Cai Lang and Jiang Wei, they naturally understand that there must be great truth in it.

Cai Lang smiled and said: "Xiao Ling, you must think that I want to be the brother who grows up and grows old by the sea, but..."

"but what?"

"Actually, I want to be that brother who goes to school and becomes an official and makes achievements. Although there are risks along the way, there are also times when achievements are glorious. But I have been at the seaside. It is good to live this life for a day or a period of time, but if

This life is really not what humans should live! I am quite disgusted with what this person said!"

"Oh? But why?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This person has never even set foot in that small fishing village in his life, but he ridiculed his brother, saying that he went round and round and finally didn't want to live a small life like his? However, what this person didn't understand was that,

His brother's life was so colorful, with highs and lows, successes and imprisonments, great wealth and penniless... Although he came full circle and returned to the starting point, his knowledge and experience

, His thoughts, the thickness and height of his life are far beyond this person! Therefore, this person's words just reflect his ignorance and humbleness!" Cai Lang said harshly.

"It seems that even though Senior Cai says he wants to live a peaceful life like an old tortoise, in his heart he still has that chivalrous spirit of riding fast horses and strong drinks, traveling through the world. I wonder what Senior Jiang thinks of it?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.


Jiang smiled and said: "Xiao Ling, you must think that I want to be that old man who studied outside, became an official, made contributions, had ups and downs in life, and went back to the starting point, but in fact, I would rather be that old man.

A man who has been fishing on the beach for a living!"

"I wonder how senior explained it?" Xiaoxing asked.

"This... it's not easy for anyone to make a living outside! Many people fail to achieve their goals, and instead get into trouble due to various accidents, and fall off the cliff before reaching the dangerous peak. It should be noted that personal abilities are limited, especially at the beginning.

What’s more, your cultivation level is low and your ability is too weak. In the wind and rain of the rivers and lakes, and the stormy waves, if you encounter a small wave, you may be buried in it and unable to get out. If you are not careful, you may end up with lifelong regrets. Brother Cai just said it well.

, instead of dying unexpectedly during the climb, it is better to live a wonderful little life holding a turtle shell! I don’t think that this turtle-like life is meaningless, or that its thickness and height must not be as good as that of the person outside.

The wandering brothers..." Jiang Wei said.

"Oh? Then what does senior think of this kind of life?" Xiaoxing asked.

"It is not easy to fish at sunrise, return at sunset, and bask in the sun during the day. It is not easy for a person to live such a life all his life. I think this kind of life is close to entering the Tao!" Jiang Wei said.

"Enter the Tao?"

"That's right! A person's life is quite short compared to the vastness of the universe. In such a short time, it is amazing if a person can do one thing well or study a thing thoroughly. Many of nature's

Life, throughout its life, is to live its own natural life according to the laws of nature. They live and practice within their own territory throughout their life, but the probability of successfully entering the Tao in the end is very high! This shows that if you concentrate on doing one thing,

Importance! Speaking of this brother who has been fishing at the beach for a living, we cannot say that he has not been out of the small fishing village in his life, that his knowledge is shallow, too plain, and too simple. On the contrary, if we think about his life carefully

, you will find that his life is not ordinary!" Jiang Wei said.

"How can such a small fisherman lead an extraordinary life?" Cai Lang asked.

"A person who spends his life fishing at sea will experience as much excitement as the ups and downs of the human world. Think about it, there are red suns on the sea, violent storms, huge waves, tsunamis and ferocious beasts...

A small boat on the sea is engaged in a life and death struggle with everything in nature. It walks between life and death almost every day. Maybe there is no harvest for many days in a row, but there is also the joy after the harvest. After experiencing life and death, this person

Brother is still in the mood to bask in the sun on the beach and enjoy that moment of leisure... If another brother was dismissed from office three times and went to jail, it was just three or four setbacks, nothing comparable to this

What about the way of life and death of a seaside brother, and how to deal with life and death calmly?" Jiang Wei said eloquently.

"Wo..." Cai Lang exclaimed softly, and he felt a little uneasy...

Jiang Wei's words greatly surprised him, because he found that he seemed to be far behind Jiang Wei in terms of knowledge and realm. As for the brother on the beach, he took it for granted that he was included in the mediocre people, but he didn't.

If you think about problems and see things from his perspective, if you are not so subjective, you should be able to think of these things that Jiang Wei sees...

"Pa" "Pa" "Pa"...

Xiaoxing clapped vigorously a few times and praised: "Senior Jiang said it well! This seaside brother is indeed not an ordinary person!"

Cai Lang said from the side: "Brother Jiang's eyes are as bright as a torch, his knowledge is extraordinary, and he is full of Taoism. I am ashamed of myself!"

"No matter what, I'm just discussing the matter and saying whatever comes to mind..." Jiang Wei said proudly.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Senior Cai's words are also very wonderful. How can you say that you feel ashamed?"

"Alas, I took it for granted and didn't think of the trap you hid in this little story. If I had thought more carefully, I would have chosen the seaside brother like Brother Jiang!" Cai Lang sighed.

"Oh? Do the seniors think that the juniors are telling this little story just to test your eyesight?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Isn't it?" Cai Lang and Jiang Wei wondered.

"Of course not! The junior tells this little story not to test the eyesight of the two seniors and to judge who is better between them, but to illustrate a problem..."

"what is the problem?"

"Everyone in life has his or her own experiences, brilliance, and achievements. Instead of being restricted by certain rules and regulations, you should act according to your own wishes and live in a more natural way. For example, the two people in this little story,

The seaside brother enjoyed his seaside life more, so he fought with the sea all his life, enjoyed a moment of leisure on the beach, walked between life and death, and gained a deep understanding of the way of life and death! As for the brother who entered the world,

He enjoys the kind of life of getting along with and fighting with others. The ups and downs of his official career and the ups and downs of his life have also given him insights into world affairs and understanding of life. He returns from walking on flowers with lingering fragrance on his feet..." Xiaoxing said.

"This..." The two of them were startled...

Xiaoxing continued: "So, in the eyes of the younger generation, there is no distinction between these two people, because they both live and struggle according to their own wishes, and their lives are all remarkable.

Everywhere is equally colorful. We have no right to accuse any of them of living wrongly or how they should have lived. On the contrary, we can feel the joys, sorrows and joys of their lives with an appreciative eye and a sincere heart.

Sing praises for their achievements and deeply regret their mistakes... Just like Senior Cai, you used to live a life of a powerful and powerful person with bright clothes and angry horses. You were high and mighty, and this was certainly an extremely wonderful life.

, and now you are living a solitary life, enjoying good food and wine, beautiful utensils and beautiful women. You have left behind the murderous knife, but picked up the painting pen. Your murderous aura is gradually disappearing, and in the calligraphy treasure

However, vitality has begun to breed in it. This kind of life may be a kind of degeneration in the eyes of some people, but in the eyes of younger generations, it is another wonderful life, because to the universe, vitality is far more important than murderous aura.

Importantly, if you want to live a happy life like an old tortoise, it is actually a natural manifestation of your state of mind at this time. Outsiders are absolutely not qualified to make irresponsible remarks on this, because they do not understand that everything in the world has its own way, as long as you follow your own

With your inner heart, you can choose the life you want to live in a natural way, which is close to entering the Tao!"

"This...Xiao Ling, you really spoke to my heart! I...have been repenting while thinking about my faults, thinking that I have become very depraved, cowardly and incompetent, and that I have even lost the ability to protect myself.

I am really ashamed of my disciples and myself for so many years of hard work... But now, after hearing your words, I suddenly understand that I have not really fallen, I just changed my life to another way according to my own wishes.

That's all..." Cai Lang said excitedly after hearing this.

"Hehe, of course! Senior, wasn't it tortured to death by that murderous aura before? But now, isn't that murderous aura gradually weakening unknowingly? Moreover, your Taoist intention has also given birth to an aura of vitality.

It should be noted that the way of vitality is extremely rare in the universe, and that it can be conceived in the body of a great killer like you is no small miracle in the universe!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Cai Lang couldn't help but get excited when he heard it, and said loudly: "Xiao Ling, is there really a breath of life in my spiritual flower calligraphy painting?"

"Of course! It's precisely because you didn't realize it that you didn't use the spiritual power lock to lock the life of the spiritual flower on the painting paper when you were painting, so that the flower was covered by the spring scenery in the apse garden.

Attracted and flew away, Senior Cai, this junior can be sure that your calligraphy treasures are more valuable now, because there are so few calligraphy treasures containing life, and if there are, then each one is almost priceless..."

This chapter has been completed!
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