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Chapter 35 Exploring the secluded

After about half a month of hard training, Li Yun had become extremely proficient in understanding the Heavenly Level Great Seal Palm, and his Xuan Gong had also deepened. He felt that it would not be a big problem to enter the cave at this time.

On this day, Li Yun Yun Gong was completed and he looked refreshed. He was eager to try it and said in his heart: "Xiao Xing, you can go explore the cave!"

"Master, I'm afraid that the cave is deep and dark, and may be full of insects, snakes, centipedes, and bats. You must prepare protective items in this area before entering." Xiaoxing said.

"That makes sense. It seems like I need to go to Chaocheng first."

Li Yun rode a dragon horned horse and galloped all the way to the south market.

This is the territory of the Chen family. The Chen family is mainly engaged in business and controls nearly one-third of the business in Tingchao City. There are a wide variety of shops and items.

Due to the large crowd, Li Yun dismounted and walked to the largest store here, "Wanbaohui".

He handed the horse to the clerk outside the shop and walked in casually.

"There are so many items!" Li Yun sighed.

There are five floors here, each floor is extremely spacious, and a variety of products are displayed in a dazzling array.

"Alchemy cabinet!"

At a glance, Li Yun saw a row of display cabinets filled with pills.

After looking carefully, there are "muscle-enhancing pills", "moistening blood pills", "qingzang pills", "detoxifying pills", "yunxuan pills"...

"Master, it would be great if there was a recipe for them."

"Well, I can also make these elixirs. However, each company has different formulas and different effects. You have to compare them before you know."

There was not enough time now, so Li Yun naturally couldn't do it by himself, so he spent some black stones to buy several elixirs and planned to study them by himself.


After wandering around for a while, I finally found a display cabinet selling mysterious artifacts, but it was on the third floor, covering the entire floor.

"Xiaoxing, can you scan them all?"

"Master, you have to get closer. If you are too far away, you won't be able to sense it."

Li Yun pretended to be wandering around and walked slowly from beginning to end, asking Xiaoxing to record the styles of all the mysterious weapons.

"Hey! Li Yun!" An exclamation suddenly came.

Li Yun looked back and saw a pretty girl walking out of the room, it was Chen Sichun.

"Senior sister, why are you here?" Li Yun asked, unable to help but think of what happened that night.

"Wanbaohui is the property of my Chen family. I came to play today. I didn't expect to meet you here! Are you here to buy a mysterious weapon?" Chen Sichun asked excitedly.


"Come, senior sister will accompany you for a walk. If you need anything, just tell senior sister."

Chen Sichun immediately followed Li Yun and introduced him.

"Thank you, senior sister. I need a black sword, a headlamp, and a water-proof bead..."

"There are all of these. Let me ask senior sister to guess where you want to explore?"

"Senior sister is so smart."

"Junior brother is so sweet. Senior sister, can I go with you?"

"It might be a bit dangerous. For someone as delicate as Senior Sister, it's best not to go."

"You?! Humph, you don't let me go, but I insist on going!"

"No, if you insist, then I will buy it elsewhere."

"Okay...you win again! However, it's so dangerous, you'd better not go alone."

"It's okay, I'm sure."

"Well, let's do this. Senior sister will give you a gift. If you accept it, I won't agree to go."

"How...why are you so embarrassed?"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you don't accept it, I'll call someone."

"What are you calling for?"

"Say you molested me!"

"Where is it?"

"You must have seen me clearly that night..."

"Stop it...I'll take it!"

Li Yun was riding a dragon horned horse. He was wearing a piece of black iron soft armor, a black iron soft hat on his waist, a black iron soft hat on his head, and a headlight function. He also carried a large number of weapons in his arms.

Mysterious medicine.

The Black Iron Soft Armor was given by Chen Sichun. It is an eighth-grade mysterious weapon and one of the treasures of the "Wanbaohui" store.

She was the only one who could do such a generous act. She worked hard for Li Yun's safety.

However, given Li Yun's reputation at this time and his contribution to the Chen family's avoidance of being implicated in the Tingchaocheng battle, I believe Chen Gangba would not have any objections. This is one of the reasons why she dared to make her own decisions.

The Xuan Sword and Xuan Iron Cap were both of high grade, reaching the sixth grade, but Li Yun insisted on paying for the Xuan Stone himself.

When we returned to the waterfall, it was already afternoon, and Li Yun quickly adjusted his breathing.

After being prepared, Li Yun leaped into the waterfall and used the "Ogi Flower Sword Technique" to dig a hole in the water curtain. He stepped on the "Xuan Ladder Step" and walked through the water curtain to the cave behind the waterfall.

The entrance to the cave is deep, as if no one has been there for many years, and is covered with moss.

Li Yun stepped in carefully, turned on his headlight, and illuminated a distance of about ten meters in front of him. This headlight was activated by black stones and could replenish energy at any time.

The entrance to the cave is narrow, the ground is made of relatively flat stones, and the rocks on both sides are covered with tree roots and moss.

Gradually going deeper, Li Yun was surprised to find that this place turned out to be a self-contained space, with light coming from the top, so there was no need for a headlight to illuminate it.

He turned off the headlight and continued deeper. He didn't know how far he had gone when he was suddenly blocked by a stone door.

"This door..." Li Yun inspected it carefully.

There is a protrusion in the middle of the stone door with a gap on it, which looks like a keyhole somewhere.

"Xiaoxing, the key should be this gap."

"Master, there should be a key to open this place."


"Master, let me try it!" Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun's eyes lit up. There are millions of ways to unlock the lock in Xiaoxing's think tank, and even if there is none, it can still be opened through calculation. It is only a matter of time.

He immediately illuminated the gap with his headlamp, held two middle-grade black stones with both hands, and absorbed them.

After a while, the black stone in my hand turned to dust and I continued to suck.

After absorbing twenty middle-grade black stones in a row, I finally heard Xiaoxing's voice, "Okay!"

Li Yun immediately followed Xiaoxing's instructions and whittled a piece of solid wood into the shape of a key.

"Hey, this key looks like a sword!"

He inserted the wooden sword into the gap, and after a while, the stone door slowly opened! It's done!

Li Yun pulled out his wooden sword, stuck it on his body, and quickly walked in. The stone door slowly closed again.


When Li Yun saw the scene in front of him, he let out a soft cry.

The space behind the stone gate is extremely open, with a forest in front and sunlight shining in from the top. From time to time, the sound of birds chirping can be heard in the forest, which is pleasant to the ear.

Passing through the woods, I saw a sparkling small lake. On the opposite side of the lake, there was a green mountain surrounded by lakes and mountains. The scenery was extremely beautiful!

On the mountainside in the middle of the green mountains, a red pavilion is surrounded by greenery. It can be said to be "a little red among the greenery", full of poetry and painting.

"Is this... a paradise?!" Li Yun sighed.

"Master, I feel that my energy center is rapidly replenishing energy." Xiaoxing said suddenly.

"Oh, great! I feel that the air here is very fresh and comfortable!" Li Yun took a big gulp of air and showed an intoxicated look.

"It seems that the air inside is rich in energy, and its quality is much better than that outside." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes, if I can practice here regularly, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to improve my Xuan Gong." Li Yun said.

"Master, if anything goes wrong, there must be a demon! You must be careful!"


Li Yun was shocked and came to his senses. Fortunately, Xiaoxing reminded him, otherwise he would have been intoxicated here.

Li Yun walked around the lake and found many strange flowers and plants along the way, which he had never seen or heard of before.

"Xiao Xing, read them all and pick them up if you need them later."


I walked around the lake easily, and there was nothing unusual. The lake was very clear, and there were schools of fish swimming around. There were slightly fewer big fish, and significantly more medium fish, while the small fish were in groups, full of them, and they looked very fishy.

Fat look.

"It would be nice to grill fish here." Li Yun thought to himself.

"Master, it seems that there is no one else here. Otherwise, these flowers, trees, lakes and fish would not be in such a state."

"Well, maybe there will be someone in that red pavilion."

He walked slowly towards the pavilion, feeling a little uneasy.

In a strange space, there is a strange pavilion, which has to make people suspicious.

There were many fruits hanging on the trees on both sides, but he didn't dare to pick any of them.

After finally walking through a row of dense fruit trees, I arrived in front of the pavilion and found that the door was open.

"Hey, here is a mysterious sword!"

Li Yun saw a stone tablet standing in front of the door. There were many inscriptions on it, and a mysterious knife was inserted deep into it.

"There is a corner missing here, as if it was cut off by someone." Li Yun looked at the stone tablet and muttered to himself.

"Master, the inscription has been read."

"Okay! Can you sense what's inside?"

"Everything within ten feet is empty."

"Well, then I'll go in, and you can remind me."


At Xiaoxing's prompt, Li Yun slowly crossed the threshold and walked in.

It was a little dark in the pavilion, but fortunately with Xiaoxing's reminder, we didn't encounter any trouble.

"Master, be careful, there is a corpse lying on the stone bed on the left!"

"What?!" Li Yun broke out in a cold sweat on his back.

"It looks very strange, like a giant strange bee...the mouthparts are extremely long!"

"Are you sure it's dead?"

"He should be dead. He is not breathing at all and has no heartbeat. He seems to have huge wounds on his stomach and legs, and there is also a big bloody hole in his head. With such injuries, it is difficult not to die!"

"Okay, what else is around?"

"There is an altar directly opposite you. There are some items on it, but nothing else."

"What item?"

"There are several classics, a bag, a square jade stone, and five statues."

"It seems that this dead bee left it behind, so I won't be polite!"

Li Yun walked slowly to the altar, swept away everything on it, and put it into his arms.

Thinking about the strange bee, Li Yun felt a little natural fear in his heart, so he quickly exited the pavilion and walked back along the lake.

"Master, there is a red fruit tree over there. The fruit is just ripe. Pick it quickly!" Xiaoxing suddenly said.

"Zhu Guo?!"

Li Yun was shocked. Zhuguo is a fruit that only exists in legends. It is recorded in classics, but few people have seen it.

It is said that red fruits are also divided into grades. Each grade is only effective for an individual for the first time. Eating it in the future is just like eating better fruits.

The red fruit must be picked when ripe and taken within one day to be effective. Naturally, this effect is unimaginable by ordinary people, but the specific details are not described in detail. In short, it is necessary to greatly increase your power and prolong your life.


This chapter has been completed!
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