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Chapter 3702 Crystal Crown Command?

When Tong Yi saw this scene, he broke into a cold sweat!

He is very aware of how dangerous the current situation is. In fact, the level of this battleship has not yet reached the silver level, but its speed is higher than that of the bronze battleship. It is precisely because of this that, coupled with the silver level Only a captain can make the entire fleet reach the silver entry-level level.

With the strength of this battleship, even if it faces a big devil, it may be defeated by it even if it is not good. What's more, there are five big devils here, as well as countless small and medium-sized devils, and a lot of them. Magic cannon!

It can be said that under normal circumstances, this battleship came here just to seek death...

He didn't think so much just now, he just followed Ling Daozi's instructions and fired three cannonballs. But now that he came back to his senses, his heart was beating wildly and his hands were shaking...

However, the situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, leaving him no time to stop and think carefully. Ling Daozi's instructions came from time to time in his ears. He could only follow the instructions as quickly as possible without even thinking about the true meaning of these instructions. clear…

When the two big demons below attacked, they had already locked the battleship in advance. Under their lock, generally speaking, this bronze-class battleship could only stay in place and wait to be beaten. However, what they did not expect Yes, the battleship suddenly had a layer of dim light all over its body, and then teleported away from where it was. The next second it came to the sky above Voldemort, and gave him a second blow with a "boom--". This time Voldemort He really fell to the ground, a deep pit appeared in the ground, and Voldemort's figure also disappeared at the same time. He was probably beaten to the bottom of the pit...

The Blood Valley Demon and the Kaishan Demon who had just been adjusting their momentum couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they saw this scene. They didn't expect this battleship to be so weird. Its actions were completely beyond the scope of a normal battleship. It was as flexible as a human being. That's okay. I have never seen a battleship that can teleport. What is going on?

Looking at this lively battleship, the two people had solemn expressions on their faces. They communicated loudly with the other two big demons, and moved towards it from four directions...

Since they could not lock the battleship before, the four simply stopped locking it and decided to fight in close quarters, even if they collided with each other, they would smash it to pieces...

"Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——" "Boom——"...

Just as the four people were about to approach, the sound of cannons rang out, but it was fired by the bronze battleships above the formation. At this time, many holes appeared in the anti-aircraft formation deployed by the devil, and those cannonballs came from those holes. The shot came in, and the direction happened to be on the path that the four people were flying in. The four people were caught off guard. Three of them were hit by the shells and were thrown away. Another person was hit to the ground and could not move for a while!

With a sound of "Boom--", the battleship controlled by Xiaoxing fired a shot, hitting the big devil on the ground. This person also disappeared into a large pit on the ground...

The three Blood Valley Demons were furious. They didn't expect that the five great demons would be forced to such an extent by a bronze battleship. They were filled with hatred and attacked the bronze battleship from three directions. Their magic power spread throughout the entire air defense formation. Space, prepare for a head-on confrontation with the battleship!

But they saw the battleship's whole body radiating light, and it jumped up with a "whoosh", and actually got out of a hole above...

"Boom, boom, boom..." The entire air defense formation space let out a terrifying roar, and streaks of black light shot out from the holes above. The formation was crumbling under the impact of the black light, and some places were blown away like rags.

I don’t know where I ran to…

You can imagine how chaotic the air defense formation was inside at this time, but the warships outside the formation seized this opportunity, and shells flew in from various holes as if they were free, hitting the target with incomparable accuracy.

Go up, and after a while, countless demons got out of multiple holes and fled like crazy...

Of course, there were the five big demons among them. It was impossible to destroy them with the cannonballs of the bronze battleship, but after multiple consecutive cannonballs hit them with incomparable accuracy, the five people also suffered great trauma. At this time

I didn’t dare to fight anymore, but chose to give up and escape...

Xiaoxing arranged ten battleships, and they continued to bombard the five people in groups of two. The others ignored it and left it to the city guards and the elites from Tiangang Academy to deal with it. The remaining battleships continued to move and quickly targeted the other big demons.


As the saying goes: "Capture the thief first, capture the king first", Xiaoxing's battleship combination firmly targeted the thirteen big demons of the demonic forces and bombarded them at all costs, causing them to flee all over the city. They tried their best to escape until they finally had no choice.

Instead of giving up the operation completely, I used the big teleportation talisman to escape from the capital city!!!

This scene made the hidden forces in the city stunned. They originally planned to take advantage of the chaos to deliver a fatal blow to Tiangang Capital City, but finally decided not to show up and look for opportunities later...

When Tong Yi saw this scene, he couldn't believe his eyes. He didn't expect such a dangerous situation, but he was saved by Ling Daozi with a few tricks. The demons in the city were now in a state of chaos, and were being attacked by the people in the city.

The guards and the elites of Tiangang Academy are encircling and suppressing...

However, this is of course not over yet, because there are still three silver-level demon fleets outside. After the thirteen big demons teleported away, they did not have time to notify them, so they were not aware of such a terrible reversal in the city at this time.

, still continuing to bombard, and the cracks in the protective formation are still expanding, which makes them feel that an opportunity is coming...

However, the next moment, the formation underwent an astonishing change. Many gaps suddenly appeared out of thin air in some areas of the formation. Battleships flashed out of the gaps, and then the gaps were slowly closed...

Two bronze fleets emerged from the formation, and a total of 200 warships suddenly appeared in front of the demon fleet, catching them off guard and feeling a little dazed for a moment!

But before they could react in time, the attack had already begun!

I saw that these two hundred warships were divided into twenty groups, one group of ten, forming an attack array. When one round of artillery shells went down, I saw that ten of the opponent's warships were severely damaged and fell straight down!

Although the opponent's warship is a silver-class warship with a protection capability that is ten times higher than that of a bronze-class warship, it cannot withstand the simultaneous bombardment of ten bronze-class warships. Moreover, they have been attacking and did not think of defending at all, so the protection level has not been improved.

, such a situation made them feel like they were not wearing armor when facing the ten bronze battleships, and they were defeated directly...

The ten battleships that had fired the cannonballs flew away after the attack, cooling down and accumulating energy, while the ten battleships behind locked their targets and launched another round of bombardment, and ten more battleships in the magic fleet fell down with black smoke...

The Demonic Fleet had a total of 300 battleships. Twenty battleships were lost at once. Moreover, these twenty battleships were the leading ships in the fleet, and the commanders were all inside. So the remaining battleships began to be a little confused, but

Their captain was still quite experienced and immediately ordered to upgrade the protection level. However, without unified command, these warships suddenly couldn't hear the action orders. They didn't know how to control them. Should they continue to bombard the formation below, or fight with those

Bronze warships fight?

While these demonic captains were still hesitating, the bronze battleship fleet flew over again, still firing ten cannons, bombarding a silver battleship. The result was no surprise. The silver battleship either started to spin around or fell.

He lost his fighting power and began to barely escape from the battlefield...

How often had the demonic captains seen such a formation? They simply could not imagine that the ten bronze battleships could fly so close and form a perfect attack formation. The power of the ten salvos would continue to explode in an instant, making

My own silver-level shield is even difficult to withstand...

Seeing one after another of their own warships falling or being disabled, the remaining warships were completely panicked. The captains immediately ordered the evacuation regardless of the situation. Soon the warships of the three Silver Fleets

They scattered in all directions, but the queue of bronze battleships behind them pursued them one after another, causing the opponent's battleships to fall one after another. In the end, only about half of the battleships escaped...

"Oh my God!!!" When the hidden forces inside and outside the city saw this scene, they were all shocked!

Two bronze fleets can actually defeat three silver fleets. This is absolutely unprecedented in the history of Star Wars. This kind of tactics also opened everyone's eyes. It seems that a battleship is a battleship, even if it is a bronze-class one, as long as it is commanded

If you play well and have the right tactics, you can unleash such terrifying power!

Of course, the premise is that there must be an absolutely powerful commander...

I'm afraid such a commander's level is not only the gold level, but also the higher crystal crown level, right?

Moreover, to be able to command the fleet like this is probably the highest quality among the Crystal Crown class, right?

Tong Yi watched the magic warships fall one by one, feeling as if he was in a dream, and Xiao Gang's excited voice came to his ears: "Master, you are so powerful! So awesome! So great!!!


"Strong? Awesome? Great?" A bitter smile appeared on Tong Yi's face. Such words should be given to Ling Daozi instead of himself...

In this battle, Ling Daozi single-handedly completely destroyed the plan that the demonic forces had carefully planned for an unknown period of time, and suffered heavy losses...

The Tiangang Clan defended the capital, and also the hope of the Tiangang Clan. The hope of the Tiangang Star made the demonic forces no longer dare to attack the capital...

"How is the situation in the city?" Tong Yi came back to his senses and asked quickly.

"Master, the level of the protective shield of the formation is rising. The demons in the city are running around. Elder Zhan, Elder Ding, and Dean Guan are chasing the demons..." Xiao Gang said.

"Very good..." Tong Yi was completely relieved. These demons who had sneaked into the city were now turtles in the urn. If there were no special escape methods, they would not be able to escape from the hands of these powerful people. It seems that the losses of the demonic forces this time are not as high as

The Tiangang clan is small, so I should be able to teach them a painful lesson...

This chapter has been completed!
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