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Chapter 3939 Additional Offers

Tong Yi, Si Qingyan and Yu Qier were dumbfounded by Xiaoxing's words, and felt a deep sense of powerlessness in their hearts...

Yes, a race as powerful as the Jianyang Black Hole Clan has the right to speak in this pan-starry sky. They call it black and others don't dare to call it white. They call it a deer and others don't dare to call it a horse. It's just like Xiuzhen. Just like the strong are respected in the world, the so-called justice in the universe is also in the hands of the strong!

The strong hold the scepter of the universe, while the weak can only crawl in front of them, wagging their tails to pray for protection, and begging for scraps to fill their stomachs...

However, if a weak person happens to be sitting on a treasure mountain, then it will be an eyesore to the strong person. He has low ability but many talents, weak virtue but great reputation. This is often an important reason for disaster. In the eyes of the strong person, , such a weak person must be incompetent in virtue and unable to protect wealth, so it is only natural to remove him or put him under slavery...

Before that, Tong Yi and the other three were still powerful men in the universe who were aloof, holding the power of life and death over others, making them round and flat, all in one thought. But they never expected that in the blink of an eye, this role would happen. A huge reversal, now people like myself have been reduced to nothing in front of the Black Hole Clan.

"Then what should we do? Should we escape in advance or be enslaved by them?" Tong Yi asked unwillingly.

Little , protect your own planet and resist foreign aggression. If you can keep one side safe and stable, then their reason for forcibly intervening will be untenable, because this starry sky does not need them to protect and maintain stability at all..."

"But, even so, the strength gap between us and them is too big. If they want to forcefully occupy this planet, there is nothing we can do?" Tong Yi sighed.

"Well, that's true, but..."

"but what?"

"Actually, you don't need to worry about this. If the sky falls, there will always be someone tall to hold it up..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"A tall one? You mean... the Tiangang Black Hole Clan? But didn't you say that their strength is far inferior to the Jianyang Black Hole Clan?" Tong Yi said suspiciously.

"Yes, their strength is indeed not as good as that of the Jianyang Black Hole Clan, but now it is the Jianyang people who want to come here to cause trouble, so the Tiangang Black Hole Clan has the right time, place, and people. As long as they don't make mistakes, they will not let the Jianyang people succeed easily. On the other hand, if the Jianyang people and the Sishui people want to succeed, they need to rely on the power of the Tailao Black Hole Clan to suppress the Tiangang Black Hole Clan. In short, this is a matter between them. Who will win has not yet been determined. As for you, you don’t need to care about their affairs at all. You only need to do your own thing well. As long as you show a strong side, it will be the greatest support for the Tiangang Black Hole Clan! If the upper-level In the conflict, if the Tiangang Black Hole tribe wins, then everything will continue as usual. If the Jianyang people and the Sishui people win, then you just have a different master... Remember, you also have a master now, the Tiangang Black Hole tribe, but But this master doesn’t care much about you. Of course, you can also understand this master as your backer..." Xiaoxing said.

"Wo..." Tong Yi and the others couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief when they heard this, and they suddenly felt a lot more relaxed!

Just as Ling Daozi said, it turns out that he has a backer!

It feels good to have a supporter. When you are desperate, it is so important to have a shoulder to lean on and take a breath. Many people are at a low point in life and have someone to help them at the critical moment when they are helpless. Maybe It is possible to be reincarnated and reach the pinnacle of life...

Yu Qier said happily: "Xiao Ling, why didn't you tell me earlier? It turns out that we are also protected by the Black Hole tribe, so let them fight to the death with the Jianyang people and the Sishui people, and we will attack the poisonous people. Just be with other foreign invaders..."

Little You must be mentally prepared. Once they fail, the Tiangang Treasure Star will definitely belong to the Jianyang people and the Sishui people, and even the Thai people will come to carve it up. Therefore, you must make good use of this time. , desperately improve their own strength, even if they cannot defeat their coalition forces, they can at least save their own lives..."


"Oh my God..." The three of them exclaimed, and their hearts that had finally calmed down suddenly tightened again!

Although it is good to have a backer, if this backer is not reliable, it will be troublesome. Maybe it will be cheated by it at a critical moment. All three of them have had painful experiences with this...

"Xiao Ling, please tell us how we can quickly improve our strength. What other powerful treasures do you have in Xingyun Palace? Take them out immediately. We will buy them even if we lose everything. Anyway, if the Tiangang Black Hole Clan loses , we will also have nothing!" Yu Qier said loudly.

"Yes, Xiao Ling, we have never seen the strength of the Tiangang Black Hole tribe, and they never seem to care about us, so that we don't know their existence at all, so our current backers are actually not them, but your planet. Yun Palace! I believe that as long as you are willing, there will be a way to help us, right?" Si Qingyan came back to her senses and quickly agreed.

"Haha, well, our Xingyun Palace has never looked for a backer, and we have never been anyone's backer. We just make friends and do our business well. As long as it is profitable, we will do it. Of course, the prerequisite It means not doing evil, not cheating, not deceiving others, being open, fair, just and reasonable...So, if you want to do business with us in terms of improving your strength, of course we will do our best and provide you with some additional discounts..." Xiaoxing laughed.

"Oh?! We must do this business, and there are additional discounts? I wonder what they are?!" Si Qingyan asked in surprise.

"In fact, I have given this discount to you in advance today!" Xiaoxing said.

"What?! Where is the discount?!" Si Qingyan asked in surprise.

"The information you heard today is very valuable! If I hadn't revealed it to you in advance, I'm afraid you wouldn't even know how you died!" Xiaoxing snorted.

"This..." The three of them looked at each other with helpless expressions on their faces, because it was indeed the case. This information was too important. If not touched by this information, how could they have taken more crazy actions to improve their strength?

Xiaoxing continued: "Our Xingyun Palace's business network has spread all over the pan-starry sky, and the corresponding information is much better than yours. Therefore, if you do business with our Xingyun Palace and establish a partnership, then you can

Get extra benefits from our information network! Even if you really need to escape in the end, you can escape faster than others..."

Yu Qier smiled sweetly and said: "Xiao Ling is right, this point is actually very important! It seems that my sister must get closer to you in the future, so that she can be ready to run away at any time!"

"Sister, do you want to run away on your own?" Xiaoxing teased.

"This... of course not. At least there are members of our White Fox clan. If possible, I will try my best to take more people to escape..." Yu Qier said with a slight blush.

"Sister is really kind-hearted. Just what I said to my sister, if there is an emergency, I will definitely inform her as soon as possible..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Giggle, I knew Xiaoling was our supporter, sister, I really like you so much!!!" Yu Qier laughed so hard that she winked at Ling Daozi, full of electricity...

Tong Yi really couldn't stand Yu Qier's flattery, so he changed the subject and said: "Xiao Ling, you just said that our Tiangang Star is just a market segment of yours and is not profitable, so wouldn't it be right to continue this business?

Are you very disadvantaged?"

Xiaoxing listened happily and said: "It may be an exaggeration to say that we don't make money, but it is true that we don't make much! In our business network, Tiangangxing is just one of the markets, so it is called a market segment. Ours

Many products can earn super profits on multiple planets. Not to mention, on the opposite planet Tailo, our products have made a lot of money, and in other markets we have made super profits.

The big money, of course, is mainly because our products are extremely popular in those markets... And in Tiangangxing, what we charge is basically the cost price, and at most we add some labor costs and shipping costs, you say

How much can we earn? If it weren’t for the fact that this is the birthplace of our Astrology Palace, would we do this?”

"This...since you are a commercial force, you must earn what you should earn. You cannot cut off your financial path just because you have to take care of us. In that case, we will also feel guilty..." Tong Yi said.

"Oh? Could it be that Tongshuai said this because his conscience found out? He feels embarrassed?" Xiaoxing teased.

"Aha, of course we understand that it is not easy for anyone. Business competition is also extremely cruel. Although your Xingyun Palace's products are very competitive, we cannot rule out that other business forces will catch up and surpass you, right? So, right?

, earn more while you can now, and then invest the money you earn in product research to create more advanced and better-used products. Won’t this increase the competition in your horoscope?

Are you strong yet?" Tong Yi said.


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