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Chapter 720 Factor Transformation

Li Yun said from the side: "Senior Wu might as well ask junior to check it out."

When Wu Gao heard this, he became a little suspicious and did not dare to neglect. He quickly rushed to Li Yun's side. Li Yun checked and found that fortunately, there was no insect poison in his body.

This should be related to the fact that Wu Gao has been hiding in Zhongsun Cliff for Qing Dynasty for a long time. Moreover, he is a divine beast and generally does not accept other divine beasts as slaves, so he has not been spread by insect poison.

"Xiaoyun, what on earth is going on?!" Yan Shi asked again.

He just tried to catch the bug himself, but he couldn't even detect the bug in his body, let alone catch it!

This situation shocked him and made him feel quite depressed.

"Senior, don't be alarmed! This matter is the conspiracy of Tuke, the great soul master of the soul clan. He set up a plan more than 100,000 years ago and planned it carefully in order to control the power of the spiritual world and realize his control of the spiritual world.

The purpose!" Li Yun said.

"What?!" The two of them screamed in shock.

Li Yun recounted Tuke's conspiracy, causing the two of them to break out in a cold sweat!

"Senior, the phoenix crickets of the Phoenix clan are just one of the most serious insect pests. They have been discovered and are being treated. However, the insect pests that have invaded the bodies of many powerful people must have mutated and are still lurking. There is no large-scale explosion.

Therefore, those powerful people don’t know it yet, but once Tu Ke arrives and awakens the insect Gu, they can easily control them!”

"Damn it! Damn it!!! Tuke...I have to kill you!!!" Yan Shi yelled.

"Senior, Tuke is still sleeping in the Soul Realm. He will not arrive until the next Hundred Stars Lunch, which is estimated to be about five thousand years, so there is no need to worry for the time being!"

"This... how do you know about this matter?" Yan Shi asked urgently.

Li Yun briefly explained the cause and effect of this matter, and then said: "Now, Tuke has sent his souls to sneak into other divine beast tribes to spread the insect poison. This trick has succeeded, so this matter has become more and more serious.


"No!" both of them exclaimed.

Although Wu Gao was not bewitched, he actually belongs to the Xuanwu clan. It is impossible for Tu Ke to let go of such a race of divine beasts!

Therefore, of course he also wanted to send a message to his clan.

"Xiao Yun, it seems that we must return to the spirit world immediately and spread this matter as soon as possible, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!" Yan Shi said.

Wu Gao also nodded and prepared to go back with Yan Shi.

In their desperation, the two of them actually forgot their original intention of following Li Yun.

"Seniors, wait a minute!" Li Yun said loudly.

"What else can you say about luck?" Yan Shi asked back.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Senior, this matter is actually not suitable for spreading."

"But why?" they both asked.

"Tuke uses the mythical beast slaves to spread the word about their masters. If these slaves know that it is themselves who spread the insect poison to their masters, they will definitely feel guilty, and some masters will also dislike these mythical beast slaves. In this way,

, Not only may these slaves be heartbroken, but it will also affect the reputation of the various tribes of mythical beasts, and no one will dare to accept them as slaves in the future!" Li Yun explained.

"This...makes sense!" After hearing this, the two people suddenly realized and praised.

Li Yun said: "So, this matter can only be handled as an absolute secret for the time being. The only people who know now are me, my little slave, and you two!"

"But... if we don't tell them, the insect poison will definitely spread and intensify, and in the end I'm afraid it will be difficult to recover?!" Yan Shi sighed.

Li Yun nodded and said: "Senior, don't be anxious, there are still five thousand years left! There is plenty of time, and there will definitely be a solution in the future."

"A way?! By the way, weren't you able to catch one just now? Do you have a way to deal with the insect Gu?!" Yan Shi's eyes suddenly lit up and he asked urgently.

He tried several times but was unable to find the insect poison, but Li Yun caught one easily, which gave him a glimmer of hope.

"Well... junior can help senior catch it, but the concentration of insect poison in senior's body is extremely high, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch it all, and..."

"And what?!"

"If you can't catch them cleanly, they will slowly reproduce again. In addition, your slaves should have been infected with the insect poison, so when you favor them, they will spread it to you again!" Li Yun sighed.


"But why?!" Yan Shi asked curiously.

"I have studied carefully and found that insect poison can be spread through oral fluids, body fluids and blood. Therefore, once you favor the slave, you will inevitably be infected again. Therefore, if you want to cure it, those slaves will be infected again."

The slaves must also be treated at the same time."

"That's it!" Yan Shi's expression changed drastically.

Li Yun was thinking secretly in his mind, should he be treated? If treated, he would most likely be exposed as the provider of the new elixir, which would attract Huang Yimiao's attention.

If he didn't treat it, he seemed a little bit regretful. After all, doctors have a parental heart. Li Yun was deeply aware of this. If the patient in front of him was not treated, he might be left with heart problems.

Yan Shi's face changed, and he thought of many things in an instant, including the result of Huang Yimiao's treatment for the Feng clan. The result was naturally that the Feng clan was severely squeezed and enslaved by Huang Yimiao...

For him, instead of looking for Huang Yimiao, it is better to find other alchemists in the Rejuvenation God Realm to treat him. In other words, this matter is caused by Li Yunxian. He should be more confident about this. Maybe, the chance of treatment will be

In front of you!

"Xiao Yun...can you treat me and my little slave? Just tell me how much it costs, I will definitely pay it!" Yan Shi gritted his teeth and said.

Wu Gao said from the side: "Yes, Xiao Yun, our Xuanwu clan is probably in trouble too. Can you also help them treat it? The cost is not an issue!"

Li Yun thought for a while and said: "Seniors, if you want me to treat you, you must agree to two conditions!"

"But it doesn't matter!" they both said at the same time.

"First, we must swear to keep it secret and not reveal to others that it was me who treated me. Second, the treatment is conditional. After all, the elixirs come with a cost. I can't bear them all by myself. Lord Wu Zun's elixirs from the Xuanwu clan

It will be up to Senior Wu to sell and retrieve the resources, waste materials and medicinal materials from the Xuanwu world. I can personally treat Master Shi Zun's body and slaves, but you cannot accept other slaves from other mythical beasts for the time being. The cost is one per person.

Top-grade spiritual crystal. In addition, if anyone else in the Tianqin Divine Realm needs the elixir, you will naturally sell it and retrieve the resources, waste materials and medicinal materials according to my requirements."

"no problem!"

"These are the resources, waste materials and medicinal materials I requested. Take a look. If there is really no problem, just make an oath!" Li Yun smiled and handed over a jade slip.

The two of them looked at it and felt that Li Yun's charges were simply too low compared to Huang Yimiao's, so they took the oath without any hesitation.

"Okay! Then let me help Mr. Shizun treat him now! Well, relax your whole body and don't follow your mind..." Li Yun said as he treated him.

Yan Shi is a semi-immortal, so the research opportunity that comes to his door is not an easy one.

He carefully observed the inside and outside of Yan Shi's body, letting Xiaoxing analyze it anxiously, especially the male and female factors in his body.

Sure enough, Xiaoxing soon discovered that the male factor in Yan Shi's body had almost reached its extreme level, while the female factor was very little. This showed that he had almost never transformed, and even if he had, it was not in a complete form.

Therefore, his male body has become an immortal body, but the realm of his female body is extremely low. In this case, it is impossible to survive the immortal tribulation in the lower world and go to the immortal world.

"It turns out that the Immortal Tribulation is a comprehensive test of the male and female bodies. However, if the male and female factors in the body can reach the extreme, there will be no problem. But if you can't transform, how can you make the female factor reach the extreme?

"Li Yun thought in his mind.

"Don't worry, sir! I've already got an idea about this, little slave!" Xiaoxing said.

"Really?!" Li Yun was startled.

"Of course! Who told us that we come from the pre-universe? The pre-universe has already conducted advanced research on the genes of life forms, especially male and female genes. Some genetic masters have already achieved the transformation between them!" Xiaoxing said proudly.


"Transformation? Is it really possible?!" Li Yun said in shock.

"Yes! In fact, the male factor is an imperfect factor, which lacks a certain gene sequence, while the female factor is a perfect factor. Therefore, from an evolutionary perspective, females are more perfect than males! With evolution

With the continuous development, imperfect factors such as male factors will be eliminated, and eventually only female factors will remain! Masters in the previous universe have predicted that males will disappear within a certain period of time..."


Li Yun exclaimed in his heart, he did not expect that the choice of evolution would be like this.

No wonder that many interstellar colonial fleets in the former universe have evolved androgynous forms. It seems that the perfect factors will eventually eliminate the imperfect factors. This is almost an irreversible trend.

"Sir, through observing and analyzing the transformation process of Xiao Xiang and others, Xiaonu found that the female factors they produced during the transformation process did not actually come out of thin air, but were transformed from male factors!"

"Oh?" Li Yun was startled.

"In the process of transformation, they transformed from an imperfect state to a perfect state, so many of the missing male factor gene sequences in the body were naturally completed and converted into female factors and precipitated. This change was caused by external factors.

The internal changes are through external transformation, which promotes the internal male factor to mutate!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense!" Li Yun praised.

"So, since there are changes from the outside to the inside, there may be changes from the inside to the outside. The little slave has succeeded in the preliminary experiment, which is to complete the imperfect sequence in the male factor of the adult, so he got the female

Factor!" Xiaoxing said in shock.

"Really?!!!" Li Yun said in surprise.

"Hehe, it's absolutely true! Now, adults already have a lot of female factors in their bodies. As long as the slave continues to transform, adults can get the ultimate female factors without having to transform, and it will be easy to survive the immortal tribulation!

"Xiao Xing said proudly.

This chapter has been completed!
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