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The ninth and sixty-eighth chapter trip to the underworld (1)

 Zhuge Shang suddenly thought of this problem. The Xuanyin Sect has been coveting the Dayan Realm for a long time, but they spent a very long time preparing and implementing it in order to seize the Dayan Realm. They paid a lot of money to use the Teleporting Demon

This method is used to try to wait for these demons to grow up and then break through the Dayan Realm from the inside to achieve the purpose of occupying it.

In addition, they also sent some low-level magicians to attack the Dayan Realm from outside, which made the battlefield outside the territory always tense. However, they have been unable to succeed and were blocked by the natural protective formations of the Dayan Realm.

In the past, when Zhuge Shang didn't know much about the situation in the Dayan Realm and the Heavenly Demon Realm, he felt that such a situation was probably because the world spirits in the Dayan Realm were very powerful and could detect the Xuanyin Sect's conspiracy in time and mobilize the interface.

Top-level forces are used to protect themselves. Perhaps this is why lower-level interfaces like Dayanjie can exist for a long time and remain independent.

However, after experiencing the levels in the Wanshi Conjecture Tower and obtaining more information from the system, Zhuge Shang discovered that the actual situation was not as simple as he thought.

In fact, after understanding the system information, Zhuge Shang discovered that many lower-level interfaces are actually master interfaces!

These lower realms are all under the management of certain big forces in the upper-level interface. These big forces will adopt some different management methods. Some will let you operate and develop independently, while others will send people to manage them. Basically, they will use the lower-level interface to manage them.

Treating it as a resource supplier, it not only collects materials, but also selects top talents for its own use. Of course, these top talents often gain opportunities to join higher-level forces through their own promotion.

Therefore, the ascending passage from the lower world to the upper world is actually obvious. People in the lower world know where they will go after ascending, and they will have many contacts with the upper world, and even use the resources they produce to

In exchange for resources from the upper world, thereby accelerating one's own progress and development...

So, why doesn’t this happen in the Dayan world?

Judging from the comprehensive information from all parties, Zhuge Shang has roughly understood the reason. The most important thing is that the Dayan Realm is too remote, and it is also located at the junction between the Immortal Realm and the Demonic Realm. It is a place where neither world cares.

This has led to the Dayan world being in a state of being forgotten for a long time.

Of course, this situation is not uncommon in the universe. On the contrary, there are many deserted places in the universe. It is normal for a large number of interfaces to be forgotten or undiscovered. Although there are many subordinate interfaces with masters, in the entire universe

Still only a minority among them.

There is a relatively risky industry in the higher-level interfaces such as the fairy world and the demon world, and that is interstellar exploration. People in this industry specialize in searching for unowned lower-level interfaces in the vast interstellar space. Once found, they can make a fortune!

Generally speaking, after finding an unowned lower-level interface, if they are strong, they can take it as their own, but they will definitely keep it secret, because once it is made public, there will definitely be more opponents fighting for it, and it is likely that they will

If the interface changes hands, there will also be heavy losses.

Therefore, after these interstellar exploration groups find the unowned lower realm, if they feel that this lower realm cannot be fully controlled by themselves, they will choose to disclose and hand over the information to the higher-level interface, and the management forces of the upper-level interface, such as the Holy Court and the Immortal Realm of the Demon Realm, will

The Immortal Court of Xianting sent people to take over, and the expedition group can get extremely generous rewards from it, and even commissions on the subsequent development of the lower-level interface, etc. In the long run, this is safer and the rewards are actually quite a lot, just look

It’s just about whether the appetite of the adventure group can be satisfied...

However, no matter what choice you make, discovering an ownerless lower realm is something worthy of celebration, and the first person to discover it is very likely to gain great benefits. From now on, whether it is to cultivate demons or immortals, it will be useless.

The pressure and resources are sufficient.

But if Dayan Realm is investigated, it is really not an ownerless interface, because it has long been included in the management scope of the Immortal Realm, and there are records in the Immortal Realm. However, for unknown reasons, it was actually taken down later.

People forgot about it, resulting in no one coming to the fairyland for a long time, making it an ownerless interface, and was eventually coveted by the Xuanyin Sect!

This involves an important figure, and that is Tu Zhen Jinxian. Before Xuanyin Sect intervened, he actually came to Dayan Realm and helped the cultivation world defeat the siege of the three realms: Demon Realm, Demon Realm and Barbarian Realm. In the end, he succeeded

He matured and returned to the fairy world.

So how did Tu Zhen Jinxian learn about the interface information of Dayan Realm?

His subsequent manipulation actually exposed his idea, which was to occupy Dayan Realm for himself and turn it into his own resource supply place!

Originally he might have succeeded, but it was a pity that Xuanyin Sect also discovered the Dayan Realm and the arrival of various stars in the Xingyun Realm. Among them, Huang Jiuxiao discovered the secret of Zhong Xuanxin, so the plan of Tu Zhenjinxian was exposed...

Perhaps it was the information about the Xuanyin Sect's attack that made Zhong Xuanxin speed up the implementation of the plan, because only by mastering the Dayan Realm as soon as possible could he open up the passage to the Immortal Realm and let the Earth Shock Golden Immortal arrive as soon as possible to prepare for the Xuanyin Sect's advance.


After synthesizing this information, Zhuge Shang now feels that the reason why Xuanyin Sect is so weak may have many reasons, and it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

On the one hand, it can be known from the system information that it is not easy to send people from the Demon World, and the cost is extremely high. With the strength of Xuanyin Sect, we can only send some low-level magicians to attack, and then through

The Demon Seed is transmitted, absorbs energy from within the Dayan Realm to breed and grow, and finally cooperates with the outside to achieve the purpose of occupation.

On the other hand, they did this probably because Ancestor Xuanyin wanted to occupy the Dayan Realm alone. This goal is consistent with the Earth Shock Golden Immortal!

Because of this, the ancestor of Xuanyin will not report the matter of Dayan Realm to Ximen Xiansheng and ask him to help him realize the occupation, because if he does so, the big head will definitely be taken away by Ximen Xiansheng and left to Xuanyin.

The ancestor himself may not be able to survive. This is what the ancestor Xuanyin does not want to see, and he is an ambitious person, so he does not make this choice.

However, if Patriarch Xuanyin knew that Dayan Realm had long been recorded by the Immortal Realm and that there was a Earth-shaking Golden Immortal coveting it, he might have changed his plan and handed this information to Ximen Xiansheng.

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Also, the Xuanyin ancestor didn’t know that there was another branch of the Shadow Tower located here, which was the Hidden Weapon Sect. This meant that the Shadow Tower had already had information about the Dayan Realm. He thought he was the only one in the Xuanyin Tower.

Zong discovered this lower-level interface and was very excited. He was dreaming of plundering resources after taking over the occupation, and then his cultivation would advance rapidly, so that the ranking of Xuanyin Sect would also be greatly improved...

For this purpose, Xuanyin Patriarch did not want to make a grand attack on Dayan Realm, but only arranged a small-scale attack. In Zhuge Shang's view, Xuanyin Sect's attack on the battlefield outside the territory was actually just a sheep attack strategy.

, the combat power of those low-level magicians is too low, and it is impossible to achieve anything in the first place. They mainly want to attract the top combat power of Dayan Realm to stay in the outer battlefield, and the real strategic intention of Xuanyin Patriarch is to let those demon species in

Dayan World can be successfully nurtured and grown within it, and then the goal of occupation can be achieved from within!

It can be said that whether it is the world spirit of the Dayan Realm or the super powers of the Star Realm of the Dayan Realm, they have fallen into the trap set by Xuanyin Ancestor from the beginning. If this plan continues, if it is not the recent

With the changes, Dayan Realm is probably now occupied by those dozen low-level demons!

As for the people in Dugu Mansion and Shadow Tower being able to freely enter the Dayan Realm, it is mainly because they are following the right path. As long as they pay a sufficient price, they can pass smoothly. This is not difficult to do with their strength. As for Tu Zhenjin

Immortals, Xuanwu in the Immortal Realm, Spin Turtles in the Immortal Realm, and even the Wanshi Guess Tower, etc. They may be taking a secret path. As long as they pay the price, they can do it. After all, these people and the treasures are stronger than the Xuanyin Ancestor. They

Can afford this price.

The last question is how Du Ke got into the Dayan world. This question is a bit magical. After he was shot down by Duguye with a palm, he was seriously injured and was about to die. He was like a waste. He even stopped breathing.

Therefore, it is very likely that he got mixed in in the form of items when energy and matter were exchanged between the Dayan Realm and the outside world. Even the world spirits of the Dayan Realm cannot detect this!

In Zhuge Shang's opinion, this is the most likely possibility, because an interface as large as the Dayan Realm cannot completely seal itself. It is very likely that some exchanges of energy and matter will occur with the outside world in certain areas, and Du Ke

It just so happened that I slipped in at one of those places...

Of course, entering the Dayan Realm is actually a piece of cake in the eyes of some powerful people, such as Li Yun and Xiaoxing. They are now fifth-dimensional advanced beings. In their eyes, everything in the Dayan Realm is

Under their eyes, they can enter from wherever they want, and go directly wherever they want. No one or force in the Dayan Realm can stop them...

And some powerful people in the higher-level interface can also easily tear apart the protection of Dayan Realm and enter and exit freely by using their holy power and immortal power...

Zhuge Shang was thinking about these issues when the ship spirit suddenly reminded him: "Master, we are approaching the Star Cultivation Domain!"

"Okay, look for the blind spot area in the sky space world!" Zhuge Shang said.

"Yes! Master!"

The ship spirit responded, and almost at the same time, a group of light and shadow slowly unfolded in front of Zhuge Shang's eyes. The picture above was exactly the Xiuxing Domain and the area covered by the Sky Space World...

"Master, I have found the three best parking locations, please decide!" After the ship spirit finished speaking, three bright spots appeared on the light and shadow, which were the three better parking locations discovered by the ship spirit...

This chapter has been completed!
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