Chapter 145 Xu Tiannan's Doubt (5)

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While talking to Chen Liangshan, Xu Tiannan's thoughts were always thinking about how to verify the authenticity of what the other party said.

Is Chen Liangshan really not involved in Liu Jianmin's death? Did he really spend the entire afternoon repairing circuits in this zoo yesterday?

At this time, Xu Tiannan was in a very irritable mood. He disliked his occupational disease of "preconceptions" and "inference of guilt", and the object of his suspicion was not others, but his best friend.

If the object of suspicion at this time is a stranger, Xu Tiannan can directly hand over the matter to Wen Sibao. The criminal investigation detachment has the power to summon the suspects related to the case to the bureau, and conduct an itinerary investigation, witness and material evidence, etc.

Ways to identify or eliminate a person's suspicion.

But Xu Tiannan couldn't do this. He knew that the only clues he had at hand now were the demolition report at the scene of Liu Jianmin's death and the height and body shape of the murderer calculated by the forensic team based on the shoe print model left by the murderer.

But all this is too thin. There are hundreds of thousands of men with a height of about 1.75 meters and a weight of about 74 kilograms in Mobei City. To doubt one's friends based on these clues alone is a thin thing in itself.

An almost untenable reason.

Moreover, Chen Liangshan was a person who had been in prison. Xu Tiannan firmly believed that the other party knew the horror of crime better than himself, so it was difficult for him to believe that the other party would kill someone over a shop.

Maybe you really are overthinking it?

Xu Tiannan was thinking this, but he still wanted to finally put an end to this matter, so he asked: "Liangshan, do you know Liu Jianmin?"

"Who?" Chen Liangshan seemed to have all his emotions on Xiao Yanran at this time. He asked without looking back: "Which Liu Jianmin?"

Xu Tiannan: "It's Liu Jianmin, the boss of the demolition company who wants to demolish your shop!"

Chen Liangshan hurriedly asked: "What happened to him?"

"He was killed yesterday! He died in his villa!"

"Liu dead?"

When Chen Liangshan heard this, he suddenly became excited. He grabbed Xu Tiannan's arm and asked, "Are you sure? Are you sure the person who died is really him?"

Xu Tiannan's heart sank. He didn't understand why the other party reacted like this, but he still explained: "Yes, it was the boss of the Jianmin Demolition Company who wanted to demolish your shop. He was killed!"


Chen Liangshan cursed loudly, punched the wall next to him, and said angrily: "Why... why did this guy die!"

Xu Tiannan was puzzled and asked: "Liu Jianmin is dead, and no one will bother you anymore. Isn't this a good thing?"

The other party suppressed his anger and whispered: "Tian Nan, there is something... Actually, I have never told you the truth. The reason why I became a nail shop is... actually just to get more money from Liu Jianmin.

Demolition compensation.”

Xu Tiannan said in surprise: "How could this happen? You once told me that that shop was the only bond between you and your father..."

The other party patted Xu Tiannan on the shoulder and whispered: "Tiannan, the reason why I haven't told you the truth about this matter is actually because I was afraid that you would look down on me and think that I am a profit-seeking person..."

While Chen Liangshan was speaking, he picked up his cell phone and kept scrolling through Xiao Yanran's insulting text messages. He said painfully: "Do you know? Poor couples suffer from everything. You have also seen what kind of life I live now. In fact, for a long time, I

They all regard Liu Jianmin’s demolition of their own house as the last straw. I just want to get more money from this matter. Even if I change it to a house with a lower floor for my wife and children, I will be satisfied...

...But now that Liu Jianmin is dead, I...I have nothing!"

Xu Tiannan knew that this was an important clue and an important logical relationship. If, as Chen Liangshan said, he wanted to rely on Liu Jianmin's demolition money to improve his family's living environment, then Chen Liangshan would have no reason to kill Liu Jianmin.


Therefore, when Chen Liangshan said these words, Xu Tiannan was always observing the other person's expression.

When a person lies, his eyes are erratic, unconfident, and accompanied by a series of symptoms such as blood surge when he is nervous. However, now, Xu Tiannan thinks that the other person is not lying, at least when Liu Jianmin said that he wanted to win in this demolition.

When paying more compensation, what the other party says is true.

In fact, this has been Chen Liangshan's true inner thought all along. He was reluctant to let go of the last bond left to him by his father, but in order to let his family live a better life, he had to disguise himself as a demolition nail household in order to win in this matter.

More compensation.

Even though Liu Jianmin is a cold-blooded, treacherous and cunning businessman, one thing he said is really right, that is, as a nail-biter, what Chen Liangshan actually wants is more money.

It has to be said that Chen Liangshan's words did make Xu Tiannan believe him, but today's matter must come to an end, so Xu Tiannan stopped hiding it and finally asked the words that he had been holding back in his heart.

" were indeed at this zoo yesterday repairing circuits?"

Chen Liangshan slowly raised his head and asked doubtfully: "What?"

Xu Tiannan said solemnly: "Were you really here repairing the circuit around 7 o'clock yesterday afternoon?"

At the same time, Lin Aji suddenly came over. She held a hard-cover notebook in her hand and handed it to Chen Liangshan. She said: "Brother Liangshan, please check the amount of work for repairing the circuit yesterday afternoon. If there is no problem,

After signing it, I showed it to the leader."

Xu Tiannan's eyes were always fixed on the notebook. He found that it recorded the time and maintenance content every time Chen Liangshan came to the park to work. It could be seen that he had been here many times before, and there were many dense records on it.

Maintenance work used to be done here.

The last maintenance work record clearly stated that it was "public toilet circuit maintenance", and the time was between 4:00-8:00 yesterday afternoon.

However, according to the confession of Liu Jianmin's driver, the other party sent the female secretary to the villa area at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon. This means that Chen Liangshan had sufficient alibi during the time when the murder occurred yesterday.

He has no suspicion!

Xu Tiannan felt relieved. After knowing that his brother was not a murderer, his heart that had been hanging on him finally dropped. It was not until this moment that he realized that his forehead was also covered with a layer of tiny sweat particles.

Xu Tiannan took a long breath and gently wiped the sweat beads from his forehead. When he did this, he found that the girl in front of him was looking at him uneasily. When he looked at her, the girl also teleported away.

He opened his eyes, but it was obvious that the other person's hand holding the notebook was trembling a little due to nervousness.

"Lin Aji?"

Xu Tiannan looked at the work ID hanging on the other person's chest and immediately called out the other person's name, "Do we know each other?"

Lin Aji was so nervous that he hesitated when he spoke, "No, no..."

Upon seeing this, Chen Liangshan returned the notebook in his hand to Lin Aji, smiled and said: "Aji, this is my friend Xu Tiannan, you can call him Brother Nan."

Lin Aji didn't dare to look directly into the other person's eyes, and said in a small voice: "Brother Nan... hello."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the notebook and turned around to leave without looking back.

Looking at the other party's back, Xu Tiannan's eyes also darkened. Although he no longer doubted that Chen Liangshan was related to Liu Jianmin's case, in that short moment just now, he felt that this person named Lin Aji

There is some kind of indescribable relationship between the girl and Chen Liangshan.

The heart that had just been relieved was suddenly lifted at this moment, all because Xu Tiannan thought that this loyal, kind and honest man in front of him made a mistake that all men would make.

He was unfaithful to his family!

This chapter has been completed!
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