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Chapter 18 Looking for clues

The next afternoon, Mobei University of Political Science and Law, Graduate School of Criminal Investigation.

In the office, three students were sitting around casually. Even though Xu Tiannan was explaining the latest topic in front of him, the notebooks in their hands were still as clean as new.

After a long time, Xu Tiannan noticed that the students were absent-minded, so he stopped teaching, picked up the infrared teaching pen in his hand, pointed it at one of them, and asked: "Hey! What kind of trouble do you want to make? What are you thinking about?"

A baby-faced female student was shaken so hard that she couldn't open her eyes and muttered: "Brother Nan, look at the weather today is so nice. Is it really suitable to sit in the office and waste your life?"

Xu Tiannan has always had a very good relationship with his students. Even in his class, everyone has become accustomed to not treating each other as teachers and students. At this time, he looked at the baby-faced girl and said: "Porcelain doll, since you don't want to do research

Topic, what do you want to do?"

The porcelain doll smiled and said: "I think... why don't you tell us about the 'Ghost Festival Judge Case'!"

As soon as the baby-faced voice finished, a boy wearing glasses suddenly became excited and shouted loudly: "Yes, yes! And that 'accidental murder'!"

The two cases mentioned by the students are two of the more bizarre cases among the many cases that Xu Tiannan has solved.

The Ghost Festival Judge Case happened on the night of the Ghost Festival of a certain year. A wealthy businessman died tragically in a closed room. In addition to this being a secret room murder case, there were also many unbelievable and bizarre things about the case, that is, the wealthy businessman

Before his death, he made a phone call to the newspaper office, confessed his sins on the phone, and then died on the spot. However, when the police received the report and broke into the door, they found a white porcelain gun on the ground in the room.

According to local folklore, when the Ghost Festival comes, the gate of hell opens. Every year when the Ghost Festival comes, there will be ghost messengers coming to the world to find guilty people for trial.

The method is to "judge the lot of life and death". The evil messenger will let the guilty person draw lots on the spot. If the lot is drawn for life, the sinner can live for one more year. If the lot is drawn for death, the sinner will be taken to the underworld for trial.

Another bizarre case was called an "accidental murder", not because of how surprising the case was, but because after police investigation, all the victims who died in this case were ultimately classified as accidents.

.That happened in a large gang. The main members of the gang were accidentally killed one after another in broad daylight and in full view of the public. This made the members of the gang suspicious of each other and started fighting. There were many rumors even among the common people. Those gangs that committed many evil deeds

In fact, the members were "punished by heaven", and in the end, the large gang was successfully destroyed by the police.

At this time in the office, Porcelain Doll seemed to have regained his energy and continued to explain to Xu Tiannan: "A generation of literary giant Steyer once said that experience is our most precious wealth. Therefore, we all agree that Brother Nan, you are solving those mysterious

The stories that happened in the case are the best learning and wealth for us."

The boy with glasses suddenly interrupted: "You porcelain doll, you are a tiger! The person who said that is called 'Tagore', not 'Style', and Tagore's original words were, 'Only those who have experienced hellish suffering can achieve success.

The power to create heaven'!"

"None of your business!" The porcelain doll threw a book in dissatisfaction, but accidentally hit the little fat man sitting cross-legged on the sofa. The little fat man moved his fat body, and the sofa was sunken and creaked:

"You two, stop making trouble! Brother Nan seems to be starting to talk."

This sentence was indeed useful. After hearing this, the two people immediately stopped fighting and looked in the direction of Xu Tiannan. They saw the other party taking out a worn black shirt from a handbag in the corner of the office and explained: "

There are many investigative techniques involved in the 'Judge Case' and 'Accidental Murder Case', but as for the story... I'll let it go first, but I will choose one important technique to teach you, which is also the most important technique I have used in handling these two cases.

The technique that is often used, I call it 'murderer model casting', which means to reversely cast a complete image of the murderer through certain objects or traces left by the murderer. Do you understand what I am talking about?"

Porcelain Doll: "I understand."

Glasses: "Got it"

Fatty: "I don't know, but I feel powerful."

Xu Tiannan did not explain anymore. He planned to show the other party with practical actions what "model casting" of the murderer was. He unfolded the old black shirt in front of the three students and analyzed: "Assuming that this shirt belongs to the murderer, then we

Looking from top to bottom, first of all, the collar of this wrinkled shirt is very dirty, with messy dandruff, and the collar can even reflect shiny oil stains in the sun. In addition, the collar of this shirt is too small.

The shape and waistline tend to be younger, so I can get the first clue first: the owner of this shirt is a man no more than 40 years old, who doesn’t like to take a bath or wash his hair, and has oily skin on his body surface and often


"Then look down." Xu Tiannan focused his attention on the chest of the shirt and said: "There are several black ink dots at the bottom of the chest pocket, and there are squeeze marks on the edge of the pocket. It can be seen that the owner of this shirt often

Someone stopped me while writing, and then I inserted the uncapped carbon pen directly into my breast pocket. This behavior shows that this person is informal and his position in the unit must not be high, because when he is bossed

When asked to leave, you need to leave immediately with a carbon pen to record the tasks assigned by the leader."

"Look further down." Xu Tiannan moved his gaze to the lower body of the shirt and analyzed: "Although this shirt has wrinkles, the most serious and numerous wrinkles are in the lower body of the shirt, even in some places.

Folds within folds, showing multiple irregular directions. This is an exclusive feature, do any of you still remember what this feature means?"

The three people rushed to answer: "It means this person often sleeps on the sofa with his shirt on."

After analyzing the above, Xu Tiannan picked up the shirt and smelled it at the neckline, and finally explained: "There is no odor or second smell at the neckline. From this, we can see that the owner of this shirt is single. Connecting all the above clues

, it is not difficult for us to reversely construct a complete model of the murderer: this person likes to sleep on the sofa in the work unit, does not take a shower or wash his hair, and is a young man at the bottom of the food chain at work, which is what you young people often say.

…social animals.”

While the students were laughing, Xu Tiannan asked: "Now the question is, if the owner of this shirt is a criminal, what crime will he most likely commit?"

Porcelain Doll was the first to answer: "Rapist! This kind of person is depressed inside and is often bullied and excluded at work, which is consistent with the characteristics of a rapist's inner loneliness."

Not to be outdone, Glasses said: "The dismemberment maniac! This kind of person will blame society for everything he encounters in life, so he urgently needs a way to vent. Killing and dismembering corpses is the most typical manifestation of violence by a criminal."

The fat man thought for a while and whispered: "Hannibal the Ogre..."

The fat man's words made everyone laugh, but Xu Tiannan noticed two people standing at the door of his office from the corner of his eye. After a while, Wen Sibao and Murong Shui walked in. Wen Sibao looked depressed and looked up from the ground.

After picking up the handbag, he stuffed the shirt in front of the student into it. At this time, everyone's mouths turned into an "O" shape, and they looked at the man in front of them in horror.

Only then did Xu Tiannan finally realize that it was Wen Sibao's shirt. He hesitated awkwardly for a while and asked, "Well... when did you come, Fourth Master?"

Wen Sibao said with a deadpan expression: "It comes from your analysis of the collar of the shirt."

Murong Shui walked up to Xu Tiannan and whispered: "I saw Wen Baobao looking so pitiful yesterday, so I asked him to pack up his office clothes and bring them back to be washed. Don't you have classes in the morning? But what are you doing now...


The atmosphere at this time was very awkward. The students looked at Wen Sibao one after another, and then whispered something among themselves, seeming to be very interested in the analysis object in front of them.

"It's time to leave, it's time to leave today."

After Xu Tiannan hurriedly asked the students to disperse, he coughed twice, pretending that nothing had happened, and asked Murong Shuidao: "How is the investigation about the refrigeration equipment factory in this city? Have you found anyone who bought it?


Murong Shui nodded and said: "This kind of low-temperature air conditioner for industrial use is expensive, so the shipment volume is not large. So we visited all the sales outlets in the city and investigated from last Friday to Sunday.

During this period, except for orders shipped outside the province, this city only sold two similar machines. According to the information provided by the sales manager of that outlet, one of the orders was for an indoor basketball stadium in this city, and Wen Baobao and I had already gone there.

After an on-site investigation, it can be seen from the surveillance that after they placed the air conditioner on the basketball court last Friday, it has not been moved in the past few days."

Xu Tiannan said: "Where is the other order?"

Murong Shuidao: "The other order is a private order. According to the sales manager, the customer who purchased the equipment is named Zhang Qiba, which means Qi Ba."

Xu Tiannan said: "Such a strange name, it sounds like a fake name at first glance."

Murong Shui said: "Yes, there are only two people with this name in Mobei City. One has passed away, and the other has not returned from a business trip in other provinces for more than a month."

Xu Tiannan said: "Continue."

"There is another point worthy of our attention." Murong Shui said: "The sales manager said that the guy named Zhang Qiba is very strange. He came to their downtown store early on Saturday morning and specified that he wanted to buy a certain model in stock during the meeting.

, and... Moreover, he was wearing a hat and sunglasses on a hot day, and he didn't even enter the store. After the manager arranged for someone to deliver it from the warehouse, he took it away on a cart himself. "

Xu Tiannan suddenly clenched his fists and said: "It looks like it's him! As expected, Butler Ma didn't come forward himself, but entrusted a subordinate to buy this equipment, and the time was right! You got the surveillance of that sales outlet


Murong Shui shook his head and said: "That person didn't enter their store at all, so naturally he didn't appear in the surveillance video, but I got this..."

After saying that, Murong Shui inserted a USB flash drive into the computer, and a video of about one and a half minutes popped up. Murong Shui pointed at a slovenly man riding a scooter wearing dirty clothes in the video and said

: "That's this person. He went to this place after leaving that sales outlet."

Murong Shui paused the screen and then zoomed in, showing that the man named Zhang Qiba stopped the trolley on the roadside and walked into a fruit shop called "Mengjialagua", staying there for less than ten seconds.

Then he walked out, and when he walked out, he had a bottle of mineral water in his hand.

Murong Shuidao: "This is the only clue we have now. I think we need to visit that fruit shop."

Looking at Wen Sibao, who had been silent all this time, Xu Tiannan frowned and asked, "What's going on? Fourth Master, let's go for a walk?"

"Ah?" Wen Sibao lazily raised his head, his words full of confusion, "Okay! Where...are you going?"

Looking at the other party's appearance, Xu Tiannan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, thinking to himself: Emotions are really a terrible thing.

Half an hour later, Shanghai Road Street.

In the police car, Xu Tiannan, who was sitting in the back seat, guided Wen Sibao all the way. Before getting out of the car, he said seriously: "This is the situation. Ma Bangde entrusted his accomplice to buy the low-temperature air conditioner. This fruit shop is the only place where his accomplice has appeared.

Do you understand? We have a clue now, Fourth Master! It’s not what I said, isn’t it just Li Mengxue? She looks for whomever she likes, we can’t control it, and we don’t have the time to do it. The key is you,

You have to stand up! Do you understand?"

Wen Sibao nodded hard, "Ming...understand! Let's go! Investigate the case!"

Shanghai Road itself belongs to the prosperous business district of Mobei City, and this large fruit store named "Mengjiala Gua" is located in the center of the business district, covering an area of ​​nearly 400 square meters. The business in the store is booming, with crowds of people, and seven or eight clerks are busy.

I was so worried that I kept filling bags and weighing them for the customers. Before I even entered the store, I could see the proprietress standing alone on the small table, with one hand on her waist and the other hand using a carrot, pointing and cursing at the employees. It seemed like

The loudspeaker roared, and her penetrating voice echoed throughout the store, making her look like she was ruling the world.

——"No. 6! You are blind! The mangoes are all sold out, so you can't see, right? Go to the warehouse and bring two more items!"

——"No. 3! This is your first time as a big girl getting married! You weighed so slowly last time, but I think you eat faster than anyone else!"

——"Seven! No. 7! I said they have nothing to do with you, right? The guests just buy two apples. What kind of handbag do you bring! Use a plastic bag for me! Just put it in a plastic bag!"

——"No. 1! Spit out what's in your mouth!"

"Hey! Tiannan, look!" Murong Shui pointed to the ceiling behind the proprietress. There were three cameras set up above, monitoring the little girl at the cashier from three different directions.

The camera is in an excellent position, and there is a "3MP 1080p" label on the top. It not only monitors every penny in the cashier, but also the customers standing in front of the counter.

"Give way! Give way! I'm sorry..." Xu Tiannan just squeezed past the customers queuing up to check out, came to the cashier and said: "Sister! Here, here!"

The landlady lowered her head and looked down at Xu Tiannan, then pointed the carrot in her hand at the little girl at the cashier and said, "Check out at her place."

"Sister!" Xu Tiannan tried to stabilize his body and shouted at the top of his voice: "I'm not buying fruit, I'm here..."

Before Xu Tiannan could finish speaking, the landlady interrupted with a straight face: "Why are you making trouble here if you don't want to buy fruit? Go to the back! Don't disturb other people's queues here!"


Xu Tiannan knew that he could not handle the middle-aged woman in front of him, and he felt as if he was holding back something. He squeezed out of the crowd dejectedly and said to Wen Sibao: "Come in!"


Wen Sibao raised his head and glanced at the tigress-like landlady. Thinking about how Xu Tiannan had been beaten just now, he couldn't help but retreat in his heart. However, Murong Shui's eyes were full of encouragement and he said: "Fourth Master! Now

I’m afraid this scene wouldn’t be possible without you, come on! Let me see your true strength!”

This chapter has been completed!
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