Chapter 220 The clues in the accident scene (1)

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——"Give way, everyone, give way! Stop pushing forward!"

——"Hey, hey! Where are you looking? Yes, it's you! Who asked you to take the photo? Delete it!"

Usually when he appears on the scene, Xu Wudi, a trainee forensic doctor, always becomes the most dazzling one among the police officers.

It's not because of how high his professionalism is, nor because of how powerful his appeal is, it's just because Xu Wudi, a stupid young man, is a master who doesn't care about his own image at all, and dares to say anything and offend anyone.


But when he is around, some things will indeed be much easier to handle.

At this time, Xu Wudi was seen with one hand on his waist and the other hand shouting at the crowd of spectators.

——"You! You! You! And the reporters over there! Get behind the line!"

——"What right of interview is protected by law? I don't care about you!"

——"This is a murder case! Anyone who dares to cross the line again will be obstructing official business. Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Sure enough, under Xu Wudi's bully and unreasonable command, the reporters at the scene did not get any advantage and obediently retreated outside the cordon, and the scene returned to order.

"Xu Big Head! What are you doing!"

Li Mengxue yelled the other party's nickname, and had nothing to say to his "crazy" apprentice. Every time the crowd gathered, the other party would be as excited as if he had been given a shot of blood, and he always liked to drop the work at hand and not do it properly.

, instead choose some more dignified jobs that maintain order.

At this time, Li Mengxue also said angrily: "Go to the field tomorrow and don't follow me again!"

Xu Wudi snorted and immediately realized that he had done something wrong, so he ran back in a few steps, admitted his mistake obediently, then immediately picked up his tools, lay on the ground and started to clean up the traces left by the murderer again.

As soon as Xu Tiannan and Murong Shui stopped the car, they heard Wen Sibao shouting from a distance: "Tiannan! Here! Here!"

Wen Sibao crossed the cordon, brought Xu Tiannan and two in, and took the time to explain: "In the early hours of this morning, the Baima Police Station received an alarm, saying that a person was electrocuted to death in an accident last night."

"Accidentally electrocuted?"

Xu Tiannan asked: "Since the death was accidental, why did you call me here?"

"you listen to me."

Wen Sibao whispered: "Originally, the Baima Street Police Station was going to issue an accidental death certificate, but I always felt that something was wrong with this matter, so I asked the police station to slow down and wait for you to come and take a look at it together.


Xu Tiannan: "Who is the deceased?"

"I found this from the deceased's car."

As Wen Sibao spoke, he brought a plastic evidence bag with a driver's license inside. When he opened it, the name "Wu Juyang" was clearly displayed.

Xu Tiannan said in surprise: "Wu Juyang? Why is it him?"

Wen Sibao also nodded and said: "This person is the boss of Huahua News Magazine. The wife of your friend named Chen Liangshan whom we met in the hospital last time works in this guy's company. What? Do you know this person?


Xu Tiannan said: "It's not really acquaintance, but I know this person is a complete scumbag. Forget it... let's not mention this matter. Let's go and see the scene first."

Wen Sibao then led the two of them to the iron gate, pointed at the corpse on the ground and said, "That's him."

Xu Tiannan knelt down and inspected it, and found that it was a corpse that had been charred black by electricity. However, the deceased's right hand was still tightly grasped on the handle of the iron door. He always maintained the same movements as when he was electrocuted and immediately committed suicide.

Said: "Tonic reaction."


Wen Sibao explained.

——"I don't know what the deceased's purpose was at that time. In short, he should be preparing to push open the iron door in front of him."

——"But it was windy and rainy last night, and the branches next to the power pole and transformer were blown off and fell down."

——"One end of the rain-soaked branch was placed on the transformer and the other end was placed on the iron gate, so the deceased was electrocuted at that time."

——"And because he grabbed the handle of the iron door with a grip, this caused his muscles to have a tonic reaction when he was electrocuted, making his hand hold tighter and tighter, and he was eventually electrocuted to death on the spot."

Wen Sibao pointed to the pair of Martin boots worn on the corpse's feet.

——"And this person is really unlucky. If he wears a pair of shoes with a slightly thicker rubber sole, it is probably difficult to reach the breakdown voltage, but look..."

——"He actually wore a pair of metal Martin boots today, and the metal flying eagle on the boots just touched the deceased's calf."

——"This formed a complete path between the transformer, branches, iron gates, the deceased and the ground, and then the deceased was electrocuted."

Xu Tiannan looked up and saw that the circuit of this line had been cut off at this time, but the branches that were broken due to the wind last night were still scattered all over the ground. Among them, a relatively thick branch happened to be placed on the iron railing.

Between the door and the transformer, everything is consistent with what Wen Sibao said.

Later, Wen Sibao took out another evidence bag, which contained Wu Juyang's mobile phone. After adjusting his mobile phone to the text message page, he explained: "Tiannan, you see, the deceased had an appointment with a man named '36c'

We met at the White Horse Express Hotel, and judging from the other person's name, she should be a woman."

Murong Shui blurted out without thinking: "36c? Isn't that as big as a pear? There are not many women like this in the entire Mobei City, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous!"

Xu Tiannan interrupted the other party and asked: "Then you mean that the deceased was going on a date with a busty girl, but he died in an accident on the way?"

"Judging from the evidence left now, it should be true."

As Wen Sibao spoke, he changed the subject and said, "But I always feel that something is not right about this matter! Come with me!"

Wen Sibao took the two of them to the side of the road and came to the bright blue Volkswagen off-road vehicle. He pointed at the two light black marks on the road behind the off-road vehicle and explained.

——"After comparing the trace patterns of the forensic team, it can be determined that the two brake marks were left by this Volkswagen off-road vehicle. However, judging from this situation, there are still three doubts."

——"The first doubt: this is a two-way six-lane road. According to the text messages on the deceased's mobile phone, he and the busty woman made an appointment to meet at the White Horse Express Hotel. The hotel is still 2 blocks north of this road.

We just arrived at the intersection, so the question arises, the deceased obviously went straight north for two intersections, but he wanted to drive the vehicle into the right turn lane?"

——"The second doubt: Judging from the braking distance, the deceased's speed at the time was about 50km/h, so what situation did he encounter that required him to make an emergency braking action?"

——"The third doubt: After getting off the car, why did the deceased walk to the iron gate behind the forest belt and reach out to touch the iron gate?"

Murong Shui thought for a while and responded directly: "Fourth Master, what you mean is... Could it be that this was not a simple accident, but that the deceased was coerced by a murderer at that time? That led to him leaving the vehicle, and in

Under the threat of the other party, you touched the electrified iron door?"

Xu Tiannan analyzed: "This possibility is very small. The deceased had already braked suddenly at that time. Even if someone blocked the car, it would definitely arouse the vigilance of the deceased. Moreover, this Volkswagen off-road vehicle was an automatic transmission, and the deceased was in

If you are alert and discover any abnormality, you can just press the accelerator and run away."

"As for why it is easier to only take the right turn lane." Xu Tiannan added: "If I were the murderer, I would only need to place a few ice cream cones on the straight lane and the left turn lane. Generally, people with driving experience will naturally

I'll avoid those roadblocks and head towards the right turn lane."

Wen Sibao nodded, pointed to the unclosed cab door, and analyzed: "You are right, and I also found a doubt, that is, judging from the unclosed door, the deceased should have been

I got out of the car out of some volition and thought I would get back to the car soon, so I didn't close the door."

"There's another clue."

Wen Sibao then motioned the two of them to look at the triangular logo on the dashboard of the cab, and explained: "This car lost power because the lights were on all the time, but I found that the triangular logo in the car was pressed down.

, so this is more indicative that the deceased should have encountered an unexpected situation at that time, so he turned on the double flash emergency lights and got out of the car."

Xu Tiannan suddenly said: "Car accident."

"That's right!"

When Wen Sibao heard what the other party said, he seemed a little excited, "This time we really want to go together! And I checked the traffic police and 120 lines last night, and these two departments did not receive any calls related to this person.

A road-related rescue call. It can be seen from this that the car accident that occurred here last night was not serious, at least not enough to warrant a rescue call."

Xu Tiannan said: "So you suspect that this is basically a murder, and the murderer pretended to cause a car accident on this road and forced the deceased to get out of the car?"

Wen Sibao nodded, looking a little hesitant and said: "Yes, but these are just my inferences. I haven't found conclusive evidence yet, so what? Do you have any ideas?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a moment and said uncertainly: "I found a strange mark at the iron gate where the deceased was electrocuted just now. If this time is really as you inferred, this is a premeditated murder.

, maybe... that trace will reveal the murderer's intention at that time, let's go! Let's go and take a look!"

This chapter has been completed!
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