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Chapter 36 Live Model Recasting

"Shui Gen, what happened to these people?"

Murong Shui really didn't like being called by her full name, but she unusually didn't protest at this time. Instead, her face was filled with a hesitant expression, which made people feel as if she had said a lot of things, but at the same time it seemed like she had said nothing.


Seeing everyone's expressions of embarrassment, Director Jin coughed dryly and asked, "Teacher Xu, as for this case, we have pretty much discussed everything just now. What do you think?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a while, "Oh! Well, I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on this case again. After all, well... the case discussion meeting itself is a process for everyone to learn from each other!"

"Boss!" Murong Shui poked Xu Tiannan with his elbow and whispered: "I advise you to just say whatever you have. This way... it will be good for everyone."

Xu Tiannan always felt that each of these people seemed to have something to say, so he asked Wen Sibao: "What's going on? Did I miss something?"

Wen Sibao hesitated and said: "This... you should ask Ah Shui."

Murong Shui thought for a long time and didn't know how to tell Xu Tiannan this embarrassing fact, so she got up and left the conference room. After running around quickly outside, she only heard the footsteps getting farther and farther away, and then from there again.

The other door of the conference room was getting closer and closer. The door opened with a bang. She sat back down and asked in a low voice: "Boss, do you understand..."

Xu Tiannan finally understood the cruel truth. He never imagined that he had gone so far just to avoid embarrassment. He never expected that he got away with it in the end. The feeling of having such a lie exposed in public was like a public execution, and he could no longer use embarrassment to do so.

I couldn't describe it, so I had no choice but to stand up and walk onto the podium.

At this point, there was nothing more to think about. Xu Tiannan cleared his throat and said bluntly: "Actually, what Director Jin just said is right. We should first check the surveillance footage along the way, but there is one thing we need to pay attention to, and that is

When you, Detachment Zheng, were conducting surveillance inspections, what you were looking for was not Qian Er's Audi, but a van."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the conference room was stunned. Zheng Jianghu was even more confused and asked bluntly: "Van? Why are you looking for a van?"

Xu Tiannan said: “After the murderer hijacked Qian Er, he did not drive the other person’s Audi directly to the crime scene. Instead, he hid the Audi in a van and finally took the van away.

The truck drove into the Fourteenth Company."

Everyone was in an uproar. Xu Tiannan did not explain. Instead, he inserted a USB flash drive into the computer connected to the large screen, played the four photos in a matrix arrangement, and asked: "These four photos are the cases of the case."

Please take a closer look at the four tires of the Audi car at the discovery site. Do you find anything?"

Zheng Jianghu replied: "There is a small amount of mud stuck to these four tires. It was precisely because it was raining at the time of the incident and the location of the 14th Company was a dirt road, so it further proves that the Audi car was driven into the incident."

Discovery scene.”

Xu Tiannan asked: "No more?"

The other party nodded, "No more!"

Xu Tiannan suddenly covered the tire on the screen with a book and said to Zheng Jianghu: "What now? Let's see what we find?"

Zheng Jianghu hadn't noticed anything yet, but Xingye seemed to suddenly understand and replied: "The fenders behind the four tires of this Audi car don't seem to be stained with traces of mud!"

"That's right." Xu Tiannan nodded to Xingye and asked, "Then do you know what this means?"

Xingye thought for a while and suddenly said: "It means that the Audi car... was not driven into the crime scene! It was brought in by a van!"

Now even Zheng Jianghu understood that if an Audi drove over the dirt road in the 14th Company when it rained, no matter how slow it drove, the fenders of the tires would definitely be stained with traces of mud.

, but now the fenders in these four pictures are as clean as new, which obviously does not meet this characteristic.

Xu Tiannan explained: "I believe everyone has understood that the murderer this time is very cunning. They know that Qian Er is also a celebrity in a sense. If he really drives the other party's car into the 14th Company, it is very likely that he will

It was seen by a familiar person or photographed by the surveillance cameras of businesses along the way, so the murderer hid the Audi car in a van prepared in advance and drove to the crime scene without leaving any trace."

Zheng Jianghu suddenly asked: "Then I have a question. Since the murderer controlled Qian Er with an electric shock baton, they could have put Qian Er directly into the van and taken him away. Why did they have to make the decision to bring the Audi car with him?

Driving away is such a unnecessary thing?”

Xu Tiannan smiled and said: "Detachment Zheng finally asked a valuable question, because according to my speculation, the reason why the murderer did not let Qian Er enter his van was because there must be someone in the van who could reveal the murderer's occupation.

It’s a clue, Director Li, what do you think?”

Li Mengxue also reacted at this time and replied: "That's right! If the murderer is apparently engaged in the seasoning business, or medicinal materials, or building materials, then there will definitely be traces related to the industry left in the truck.

Even if these traces have been artificially cleaned, they will eventually be detected in some special chemical reagents. Therefore, as long as there are only a small part of the traces in the van stuck in the gaps between Qian Er's clothes or fingernails, it will

It greatly reduces the scope of our police investigation and is definitely a big hidden danger for the murderer."

"That's right, although there are no traces related to the van on the deceased's body, as long as we don't miss any detail, we will definitely be able to find useful clues at the crime scene." After Xu Tiannan finished speaking, he took out a test report

The report explained: "This is the environmental sampling report I got at the crime scene yesterday. They are the sampling reports of the four tires of the Audi car and the interior seats of the vehicle."

Li Mengxue said in surprise: "Didn't the forensic team seal off the scene yesterday? When did you go in?"

Xu Tiannan glanced at Xingye and explained: "When she beat your boyfriend yesterday, you were all watching a show, and I just walked in."

Everyone in the conference room burst into laughter, Li Mengxue lowered her head in shame, and Wen Sibao wanted to go up and kick him. How could he talk about being repaired by a female anti-narcotics police officer in public?

Director Jin signaled everyone to be quiet, only to hear Xu Tiannan explain: "Yesterday, I handed over the environmental sample to the Biological Laboratory of the University of Political Science and Law for testing. The experimenter used specim hyperspectral imaging technology to identify a certain pollutant in the sample.

That is to say, when the Audi drove into the van, the tire surface was contaminated with some kind of pollutant."

"Pollutant?" Director Jin immediately asked after hearing this: "What kind of pollutant is it? Is it harmful?"

Xu Tiannan said: "According to the test report, the pollutant samples contain a large amount of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, as well as hydrogen sulfide, methyl indole and other elements. Combined with the content of E. coli, this pollutant is not harmful because

In words that everyone can understand, this thing is actually... poultry feces."

After hearing this, Li Mengxue immediately asked: "So you are saying that the van used by the murderer may be related to a certain poultry farm?"

Xu Tiannan said: "This possibility is very high, so Lao Zheng, your detachment not only needs to check the surveillance along the way from the area entering the city to the 14th Company, but also assign personnel to check all the poultry farms around the city. What are the findings?

Report to me immediately."


Zheng Jianghu reflexively wrote down what Xu Tiannan just said in his notebook. After finishing writing, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it carefully, he immediately refused. He raised his head and frowned and said: "Why should I report it to you? You

Who do you think you are..."

"Xiao Zheng!" Director Jin suddenly interrupted Zheng Jianghu's complaint and said seriously: "Do as Teacher Xu said!"

Now that his immediate superior had spoken, Zheng Jianghu did not dare to say another word and could only say bitterly: "I understand."

"Very good, let me continue."

Xu Tiannan changed the photo on the screen to the details of Qian Er's body and explained: "You must have seen it just now. The occipital bone, lower side of the cervical spine, coccyx, lumbar spine and the inner side of the groin of Qian Er's body were all found to have remains.

There were fresh pinholes, but after toxicology testing by the forensic team, no drug-related components were found in the body of the deceased. That’s because..."

Xu Tiannan paused and said bluntly: "That's because the pinholes left on the deceased were not caused by the injection of some kind of medicine, but some kind of torture method."

Wen Sibao was surprised: "You mean...the murderer also tortured Qian Er in the process of kidnapping and killing him?"

Xu Tiannan nodded, "The occipital bone, the lower side of the cervical spine, the coccyx, the lumbar spine and the inner side of the groin correspond to some of the more dangerous acupuncture points in the human body. If a silver needle is inserted 1.5 inches under the skin, it is a relatively safe depth.

However, if these acupuncture points are penetrated more than 3 inches and agitated vigorously, it will cause great pain to the victim and even cause some irreversible damage. This method is exactly the punishment method used by a gang many years ago. This method will cause

It causes great pain to the victim and forces him to reveal the truth, but the biggest advantage is that this method of execution does not leave any evidence of trauma, and even going to the hospital for an injury examination cannot be found."

Wen Sibao asked again: "Then where did the murderer torture the deceased?"

Xu Tiannan said: "The murderer this time is a very cunning person. He will not easily bring Qian Er to any place to increase the probability of witnessing it. Therefore, I think that when the murderer restrained Qian Er, he directly jumped into the Audi car."

The torture was conducted inside the Audi car, and inside the Audi at that time, the footrests of the passenger seat and the back seat were removed, which means that there were at least three murderers, which is similar to the murder of the Chen family and his son that we encountered before.

The portrait of the population is very consistent."

The vehicle's foot mat is an important clue in any case, because the murderer's shoe type, foot size and the distance between his legs when sitting can be recorded on this mat. From these data, the murderer's gender and height can be roughly analyzed.

It is very helpful for the detection of cases.

But at this time, Li Mengxue held an opposing view and said: "I have doubts. I think your analysis is a bit too subjective. Although the floor mats of the front and rear seats in the Audi car were taken away by the murderer, I think this is how the murderer confuses us.

It is entirely possible that the murderer committed the crime alone, but deliberately took away all the floor mats in the car, making us, the police, mistakenly believe that there were many of them."

Xu Tiannan smiled and said: "Thank you, Forensic Doctor Li, I just told you not to miss any detail of the scene, and you brought a negative teaching material to everyone."

"Hey! What are you talking about!" Xu Wudi was not happy when he saw someone talking about his master like this. He was about to stand up and continue the unfinished battle with Xu Tiannan, but was directly interrupted by Li Mengxue: "Wudi, don't do it.


"In addition to the sampling of the car tires just now, I also did an environmental sampling of the vehicle seats."

As Xu Tiannan spoke, he took out another environmental sampling report and explained: Everyone should know that it was raining heavily when the incident happened last night, and Mobei is an area with serious sand blowing, so the rainwater is generally alkaline.

Sexuality, but the environmental samples I extracted from the vehicle seats found that whether it was the cab, the co-pilot, or the two positions of the rear seats, the ph values ​​of all the above sampled values ​​were greater than 7 and the error did not exceed

0.5. At the same time, there was no clothing fiber left in the seat. According to our monitoring, there was no one else in the car when Yang Er came back from outside the city. All these data can only explain one situation, that is, there were at least three people.

After the murderers took Qian Er hostage, they got into the Audi car. They wore gloves and smooth raincoats, and pierced each other's acupuncture points with silver needles to ask for some information from Qian Er."

Seeing that everyone understood it almost, Xu Tiannan said to everyone habitually as he did in class: "Very good, let's continue. According to the identification of the forensic team, in addition to the 3cm restraint injury left by the rope, there were no other injuries on the deceased's body.

No resistance injuries were seen, so according to my inference, the murderer stunned Qian Er when he was unsuspecting."

Director Jin asked: "Teacher Xu, what do you mean, the murderer this time should be an acquaintance of Qian Er?"

Xu Tiannan thought for a while, "I'm afraid not."

Zheng Jianghu also echoed: "No way? You can't do this kind of thing even if you are not an acquaintance, right? If a person faces a stranger, he will be a little wary, let alone a social bastard like Qian Er."

"That's very well said." Xu Tiannan looked at Zheng Jianghu with a smile and asked: "Now the question is, what kind of person can stop the deceased's vehicle at night, and can also kill the deceased when he is unprepared?

Its corona?”

Seeing no response from everyone, Xu Tiannan asked again: "Then let me ask another question. Who do you think is the person who can stop someone's vehicle on the main road into the city at night without alerting the other person?"

Wen Sibao suddenly understood and replied: "The traffic police, it's the traffic police! Only if you are stopped by the traffic police while driving, you will not be alert. The murderer must be pretending to be a traffic policeman."

Zheng Jianghu didn't think so, but asked: "What you said are just inferences. Is there any evidence?"

Xu Tiannan turned to Li Mengxue and said, "Give me the deceased's cell phone."

Li Mengxue handed over a mobile phone in an evidence bag. It was the latest smartphone of this year. Xu Tiannan opened the call history of the mobile phone through the evidence bag, only to find that the last number had been dialed 3 times in a row.

times, and the owner of the last number is surprisingly the duty number of a private newspaper."

——"Everyone, according to the call record time on the deceased's mobile phone, Qian Er called this number three times in a row about 2 hours before his death, but was not connected. What do you think he wanted to do when he contacted the TV station at night?


——"There are telecommunication base stations installed on the road sections entering the city. Therefore, it is impossible for Qian Er to fail to call three times in a row. What does this mean?"

——"This shows that the murderer is a very predictable person. They knew through the preview of the case in advance that with the style of doing things of a person like Qian Er, after experiencing such a thing at that time, he would definitely find ways to make such a thing bigger.

People like Qian Er are not afraid of any negative news at all, but once a reporter gets involved in this matter, they will definitely write about it in the next day's newspaper, which will eventually make it impossible for our Public Security Bureau to come to power."

——"So at the scene at that time, in order to prevent Qian Er from making that call, the murderer must have had a signal blocking device prepared in advance."

After Xu Tiannan explained the above, he clicked on a mind map on the screen of the conference room. The various links of the murder were written in the picture. He explained: "This is my recast of last night's case. There may be certain

There are some discrepancies, but I think that the murderer’s kidnapping of Qian Er should be divided into four stages, and the evidence that Captain Zheng wants to see is among them.”

——"The first is the first stage. The murderer pretended to be a traffic policeman at night and stopped Qian Er's Audi car under some pretext. Because the murderers were wearing dark raincoats specially designed for traffic police throughout the whole process, they sat inside the Audi car.

No clothing fibers were left in the chair."

——"In the second step, I speculated that the murderer pretended to be a traffic policeman and made some kind of request to Qian Er, but was rejected by the other party. Therefore, the other party took out his mobile phone in anger and was about to call someone from the newspaper office to make a fuss at this time.

Big, this also agrees with the work style of people like Qian Er."

——"The third step, when Qian Er found that the phone call could not be reached, he could only accept the other party's inspection honestly without having any physical conflict with the other party. This is why Qian Er could not find anything on his body.

Resistance to injury causes.”

——"The fourth step, which is the most important step, is that the murderer stunned Qian Er during the examination. I will now show you how the murderer stunned the deceased at that time."

After Xu Tiannan finished speaking, he walked to the bottom of the podium, pointed to the police stun baton carried on Xingye's waist, and said, "Borrow it."

Taking the electric baton from the other party, Xu Tiannan slowly walked towards the podium, but suddenly turned around, raised his hand and poked the top of the electric baton towards Li Mengxue's face.

Li Mengxue did not expect that the other party would do this. In desperation, his body instinctively dodged backwards, and the metal firing pin at the top of the electric baton almost grazed his face.

"You're crazy!" Wen Sibao jumped up from his seat, and was about to step forward to stop him when Xu Tiannan said: "Have you seen it? The human body has an instinctive sense of self-protection against emergencies in front of it. One of these

One is the face, and the other is the crotch. When these two locations are hit by external blows, the body will instinctively defend and dodge, so even a girl like Li Mengxue can avoid it, let alone a social gangster like Qian Er."

Li Mengxue didn't mind Xu Tiannan's approach. Instead, she suddenly thought of something. She clicked on the wound on the deceased's lip on the screen and immediately asked: "That's right! I remembered it. I felt very strange when I saw this yesterday. The mouth of the deceased

There were a total of 4 electric shock injuries around the lips. It can be judged that they were caused by the electric shock rod with 4 striker pins. However, these 4 electric shock injuries not only did not hurt the skin due to the striker pins, but were evenly arranged in the midline of the lips.

It seems...as if the deceased was not coerced by others, but put an electric shock baton to his mouth."

Xu Tiannan nodded and added: "You are right. Since the electric shock injury on Qian Er's mouth did not hurt the flesh, it means that the murderer did not suddenly hit the other person's mouth with the electric shock rod. Otherwise, the electric shock rod's firing pin

It will definitely hurt the flesh."

"At the same time, Qian Er was wearing very thin clothes at the time. If the murderer used brute force to control him, it is likely to leave obvious resistance wounds on the other person's neck or wrist, and even the gaps between the nails may be contaminated with the murderer's dander. But Qian Er

Er Geng is not a fool and will not just stand there and let others stun him. So the only possibility is that the murderer pretends to be a traffic policeman and forces Qian Er to take an alcohol test, but the murderer uses an alcohol test that is modified into an electric shock stick.

Yi, only in this way can Qian Er be stunned and taken away without any suspicion from the other party."

At this point, all the details have been pieced together, and Director Jin also said with a serious face: "Teacher Xu, in your opinion, what is the purpose of the murderer who went to such trouble to create such a murder scene? Also, the murderer is so

By torturing Qian Er, what information do you want to get from the other party?"

Xu Tiannan sat back in his position, clenched his fists, put his thumb to his mouth and thought for a long time, and finally said slowly: "In this case, combined with the scene when the Chen family and his son were killed, I think the murderer and these deceased

There was no direct conflict, and it is even possible that... the murderer did not know the deceased."

This chapter has been completed!
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