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Chapter 53 The truth is revealed

While a group of police officers were conducting an inspection in the zoo, an abandoned factory in the southern suburbs of Mobei City.

Director Jin and Du Yongzhi, armed with weapons, quietly climbed into the factory area.

Du Yongzhi whispered: "Jin Bureau, are you sure it's just the two of us going in?"

Jin Ju smiled and asked: "Are you afraid?"

Du Yongzhi clicked his tongue, "Look what you said!"

Jin Bureau explained: "You also know that Boss Qian must really hate me for falling out with him, so it is difficult to ensure that this guy doesn't talk nonsense during the rescue. After all, my wife will take my little sister to Beijing the day after tomorrow.

I'm having surgery, so it's best not to make any mistakes in the next two days.

At this point, Director Jin's eyes dimmed again, and he said slowly: "Just think of it as this is my last mission before I take off this police uniform."

Du Yongzhi patted the other party's shoulder and comforted him: "I told you, don't always act like you are parting from life or death as soon as you open your mouth."

"No! Listen to me, Lao Du." Director Jin explained: "I know that Boss Qian is desperate and will say anything in front of the police in order to survive. I will never drag you into this.

I mean, but can you promise me that if we arrest Boss Qian, you will hold him in the pre-trial room for two days, just two days! After Meiyue's operation is completed, I will take the initiative to go to the prosecutor's office with you!


Du Yongzhi's eyes dimmed and he nodded, "Don't worry, old leader, I promise you this, and I think even if we go to the procuratorate together, the organization will remember that you did not cause social harm this time, but instead

For the sake of cleaning up the casino, I will be open to everyone no matter what."

"I hope so!" Director Jin said with a wry smile: "Then let's stop talking nonsense and leave quickly. If you finish the work today, you can still leave me a day to write some memoirs or something!"

The two walked along the root of the courtyard wall for several hundred meters, passed through several abandoned factories, and finally arrived at the door of the processing workshop.

Du Yongzhi bent down to check the door lock and found that it was an old-fashioned spring lock. So he took out his ID card from his body and carefully stuffed it into the gap of the spring lock. Then he gently pulled the door handle and shook it a few times before stuffing it into the gap of the door.

My ID card also felt like something was pushed open suddenly, and the door lock was opened.

The two loaded their pistols with bullets and entered the room back to back.

In the early years, when the factory was relocated, most of the equipment in the factory area had been taken away. Therefore, this huge processing room with a color steel roof was very spacious, and there was no hiding place around it.

The two walked through several small rooms and finally arrived at a door at the end of the corridor.

At this time, it was very quiet inside the door. Du Yongzhi listened carefully and found that there was no voice inside, so he pointed to the window above his head, and pointed to his eyes with his index finger and middle finger respectively.

Director Jin realized that the other party was trying to climb up to check. So he knelt down on one knee, supported his knees with both hands, and used the strength of his strength to lift the other party up.

Du Yongzhi stretched out half of his head to check carefully, made a stranglehold gesture towards Director Jin, then made an inverted "eight" shape and crossed his arms.

Director Jin immediately understood from the opponent's tactical sign language that Boss Qian was being held here, and there were no enemies in the room.

The two of them counted down five seconds, kicked open the small door and rushed in.

This square room was not big. After a quick search, after confirming that it was safe, the two put away their guns and came to Boss Qian.

Boss Qian was curled up and lying on the ground, covered in blood. The wound on his severed finger had been tied with a rubber band. Because the blood could not flow for a long time, the wound area turned purple-black. Even if people were standing nearby, they could smell it.

The stench emitted by a wound due to suppuration and decay.

"Wake up! Hey! Wake up!"

Director Jin pushed the other party, and after a while, the other party woke up. When he saw the person coming, his eyes suddenly looked surprised and said: "You... why is it you! How did you find this place?"

"Shut up and follow me!"

Director Jin was too lazy to explain to the other party, and stretched out his hand to check the metal collar around the other party's neck. The collar was connected to an iron chain, and the other end was embedded in the wall.

Boss Qian finally woke up from his stupor, "You...did you watch the video that these people forced me to take?"

Jin Ju and Du Yongzhi looked at each other and said solemnly: "Leave here with us first!"

"No!" Boss Qian pushed the other person away and said in horror: "You must have watched the confession video. You are here to arrest me! I won't go with you!"

Du Yongzhi said sternly: "You surnamed Qian, don't be ungrateful! Everyone knows what you have done now, and the gang of executioners will kill you at any time! The only way out is to follow us!"

After his videotape was leaked, Boss Qian already knew that he would be dead no matter whether he fell into the hands of the executioner or the police, so he looked behind the two of them and found that there were no other police officers.

, so out of the instinct to survive, he began to openly bribe the two people in front of him.

"Jinju, Detachment Du... please let me go! Let's not tell anyone about this today. As long as you two let me go, the price can be whatever you want! One million... No! Three million, okay? Yes.

I’ll give you as much as you want!”

Du Yongzhi snorted coldly, "You are too underestimated. We did not take the risk to come here just to covet your dirty money!"

"Bad money?" Boss Qian said with a low face when he saw that the bribe failed.

——"Ask the old leader standing next to you, does he dare to say such things to me? Without the dirty money he took from me, would his daughter be alive?"

——"Jin! You are a fucking liar! You took one million from me, but in the end you also raided my casino! Let me tell you, sooner or later this debt will have to be settled with you!"

Seeing that the other party still ignored him, Boss Qian threatened again: "Let me go! As long as you let me go today, all the previous matters will be wiped out. Otherwise, once I get into trouble, I will dare to say anything, and everyone will be killed."

Everyone in the world will know that you are a dignified deputy director and yet you defrauded me of money to pay for your daughter’s surgery!”

In the face of threats, Director Jin remained indifferent and said expressionlessly: "Have you said enough? Come with us if you have said enough. I am different from you. I will admit the mistakes I have made. I don't need you.

Go to the police and tell them."

"I won't go with you!" Boss Qian suddenly went crazy, tearing at the metal collar around his neck. "Following you will lead to a dead end! It's better to find a way to escape by yourself...ah! This, this is..."

Director Jin and the two were surprised to find that the iron chain connected to Boss Qian's neck collar began to tighten, dragging the other's body and pulling him over. The other end of the chain should have passed through the wall. At this time, there was also a sound on the other side of the brick wall.

The roar of machinery.

"Hurry! Save people!" Director Jin shouted, and with Du Yongzhi, he stepped forward to pull the chain. However, the thumb-thick chain coupled with the agitation of mechanical gears was not a force that these two people could compete with.

After a while, as the chains were almost completely retracted into the wall, Director Jin and the two had no choice but to let go of their hands. Seeing that Boss Qian was about to lose his head, his body accidentally hit the wall behind him, and they only heard "wow"

With a bang, his body suddenly knocked out a big hole in the wall, and the machine that tightened the iron chains on the other side of the wall also stopped running.

"Ah? I...am I not dead?"

Boss Qian breathed heavily and looked towards the wall behind him. He found that a hole had been dug here, but the hole was blocked with brittle plywood, and the surface was painted with the same white latex as the wall.

Paint. Perhaps a long time has passed, or the surface of the latex paint has been deliberately aged, so the previous wall has blended into the surroundings, making it impossible for me to notice it earlier.

"This...is this?"

Boss Qian saw a pistol in the hole behind him. The barrel of this pistol was made of round steel, and the bottom was wrapped with a wooden handle. It looked like a homemade gun.

Although he was confused about this matter, Boss Qian immediately understood that the gun was left to him by the executioner. He had no time to think about it, so he raised his hand and pointed the gun at Director Jin.

No one present could have expected such a change. Du Yongzhi quickly pulled out his gun, but Director Jin was suddenly pulled in front of him and became a hostage.

Boss Qian put his gun firmly against Director Jin's temple and threatened: "Don't move! If you don't want him to die, don't fucking move!"

"Don't mess around!" Du Yongzhi persuaded loudly: "I tell you, put down the gun before the situation worsens, and we can discuss anything!"

Although Boss Qian was still wearing a collar around his neck, he hid his entire head behind Director Jin's head and ordered: "I want you to find me a tool! Open this thing around my neck! Hurry up!"

"Old Qian." Director Jin finally spoke, "Don't make the same mistake again and again. Don't you think everything that's happening now was arranged by the executioners? They want to see us killing each other like this.

We have all been fooled! So you listen to me, put down the gun and go back with me..."

"Shut up!" Boss Qian shouted loudly: "In this situation, falling into the hands of these people means death, and going back with you means death. I might as well take a gamble and escape from Mobei City! Who dares to stop me today?

, I want him to be buried with him!"

"Okay, okay, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive!" Du Yongzhi spread his hands, pointing the muzzle upward, to dissuade the other party: "I'm going to find tools now."

"Wait a minute!" Boss Qian pointed the gun at Director Jin with one hand, and suddenly took the gun from the other man's waist with the other hand, pointed it at Du Yongzhi and said: "Throw your gun over here too!"

Now that the opponent has two guns in his hand, if he throws his own gun over again, all the initiative will inevitably be in the hands of Boss Qian. Just when Du Yongzhi hesitated, Director Jin suddenly said: "Old Du.


Du Yongzhi: "What?"

Just listen to Director Jin's response: "You go."

Du Yongzhi asked in disbelief: "You...what are you talking about?"

Director Jin: "He will never dare to kill you. Just walk out of here now and bring someone over. Even if this kid has a gun in his hand, he won't be able to escape even if he kills me."

"How could I leave you here alone!"

Director Jin shook his head and said: "This is the best way to do it now. Boss Qian has countless lives in his hands. Even if I die here today, I will never let him go!"

"you shut up!"

Boss Qian hit the opponent hard on the head with the butt of his gun. Director Jin was immediately beaten to the ground, a stream of heat flowed over his eyes, and blood immediately flowed down.

At this time, Boss Qian was frantic. He pointed his gun at Director Jin and said sternly: "Du, you fucking wait a little longer! Believe it or not, I'll beat him to death now! I can't survive anyway. I'm dying."

It wouldn’t hurt to ask the deputy director to support you!”

"Don't be impulsive! I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you!"

Du Yongzhi was afraid that the opponent would really be defeated, so he gently put the pistol on the ground and slid it towards the opponent.

However, just when the pistol was about to slide to Boss Qian's feet, Director Jin, who was knocked to the ground, suddenly kicked the opponent's ankle hard. Boss Qian screamed in pain, and his whole body fell down, and his neck was tied.

The collar he was wearing suddenly strangled himself.

Taking advantage of this moment, Director Jin used all his strength to rush forward, facing the pistol sliding on the ground.

Just when Director Jin was about to get the gun, the sliding pistol hit a pebble, and with a "click", the bullet immediately changed its direction.

Boss Qian stood up with a red face, raised his gun one by one, pointed it at the two people in front of him, and shouted angrily: "Damn it! Since you don't want me to live! Then you go die first!"

At this time, Director Jin and Du Yongzhi were both exposed to Boss Qian's sight and could not avoid it.

Just when the other party was about to shoot, two bright lights suddenly came from the window, like two silver lightnings, hitting Boss Qian's hand accurately.

As Boss Qian let out a scream, Murong Shui leapt in from the window. The moment he landed, he stamped his feet on the ground. Suddenly, his whole body flew towards Boss Qian like a white bird, flying continuously in the air.

He kicked out twice, knocking the weapon out of the opponent's hand.

After a moment, Boss Qian howled in pain. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Murong Shui in disbelief. At this time, his hands were stained red with blood because they had been stabbed through the back of his hands by two bright butterfly knives.

, blood kept flowing down.

Director Jin wiped the blood stains on his face and said in surprise: "Miss Murong Shui, you...how do you know this place?"

Murong Shui smiled proudly and said: "Boss already knew that you would leave quietly during today's arrest operation, so we have been following you."

Director Jin asked in disbelief: "Xu Tiannan? How did he know?"

Murong Shui said: "Then you have to ask him."

Xu Tiannan's voice suddenly came from inside the room.

——"I'm sorry, Director Jin, I already started to doubt you during the case discussion meeting after Qian Er's death."

——"I told you at the time that the executioner used torture on Qian Er in order to obtain evidence of collusion between the bank and certain senior officials. Although you said nothing, your body language was very honest.

I noticed that your nails holding the water glass were pinched and turned white, so I knew you were nervous at that time."

——"But for a moment, your eyes were lowered to look at the police badge in the conference room, and it was only then that you regained your composure."

——"So since then, I have known that you must have some unknown relationship with the bank company, but you have not forgotten in your heart that as a police officer, you should have justice, so you must have something to hide."

——"The second time you exposed yourself was in the breeding farm where the executioner's vehicle was found. The moment you received the call from the executioner, you immediately put your sunglasses back on your eyes. It can be seen that at that time,

You heard some words that made you nervous, but you knew very well that I would make judgments by the micro-expressions on a person's face, so you could only wear sunglasses in front of me to hide the panic in your heart.


——"If I guess correctly, the first words the executioner said to you at that time should be related to the transaction between you and Boss Qian."

——"The last suspicion is also the ironclad evidence for my suspicion of you. Since it is our first time to go to Mr. Qian's villa, then why did I find three 'Oasis' brand cigarette butts in the garden under his balcony?

?In my impression, you only went to the balcony once and only smoked one cigarette."

——"Only four of the task force members who were in the villa that day were smokers, but you were the only one among the four who smoked this brand, and the creases on the butts of the three 'Oasis' cigarettes when they were stubbed out were basically the same.

This means that these three cigarettes are all owned by the same person."

After the words fell, Xu Tiannan finally appeared outside the window, and he explained to Director Jin.

——"This abandoned factory was the scene of a missing child case that you handled ten years ago. It was precisely because of the case you solved in the Financial Bureau that you were promoted to deputy director. I don't

I believe you don’t even know this place.”

——"At the same time, this factory has a special feature, that is, all the south-facing rooms can only reflect the shadow of the lighthouse in the distance at 12 o'clock in the morning, and this shadow appears in the videotape sent by the executioner.


——"So when we watched the videotape, you asked me again and again if I could find clues in it. I knew at that time that this was your test of me."

Director Jin didn't expect that he had not deceived the other party from the beginning, so he had a dejected expression on his face.

Xu Tiannan held the window frame with one hand and flew over it in a very handsome posture. The whole movement was clean and neat, without any sloppiness, just like a hero who suddenly entered the battlefield.

However, just as he landed, he heard a "tearing" sound, and the back hem of the windbreaker was cut into two pieces by broken glass, turning it into a tuxedo.

Everyone looked at each other, and Xu Tiannan also frowned, mentally cursing the piece of broken glass that ruined his handsome appearance ten thousand times.

Xu Tiannan said: "Director Jin, I'm sorry that I caused you so much trouble while your daughter was sick."

Director Jin sighed and said, "It seems that you have heard what we just said."

Xu Tiannan nodded, "But I admire you quite a bit. Under such circumstances, you can deliberately get the address of the casino in this city from Boss Qian."

Du Yongzhi signaled Xu Tiannan with his eyes, and the two came outside the house. He whispered: "Tiannan, we will take Boss Qian back today, but we will interrogate him the day after tomorrow. Do you understand what I mean?"

Xu Tiannan smiled, "It's because once this matter is exposed, the money Director Jin took from the other party will be taken away as disciplinary money, right?"

Du Yong said: "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you. Anyway, just do me a favor. You and Miss Murong go wherever you like these two days, just don't let me see you."

Xu Tiannan smiled and said: "It's clear, it's clear."

Suddenly, Boss Qian's screams came from the room again. The two rushed in immediately, only to find that the other party was foaming at the mouth and twitching, and there was a burnt smell in the air.

"Don't touch him!" Xu Tiannan immediately stopped Murong Shui and said, "It's high-voltage electricity! The collar around Boss Qian's neck is energized!"

This metal collar was placed very firmly around Boss Qian's neck, and the few people present could only watch helplessly as he was turned into charcoal by electricity, with white smoke rising from his body.

Xu Tiannan said: "It seems that from the moment Boss Qian was captured, every step we took was part of the executioner's group's plan. Today, the other party wanted to borrow Boss Qian's hand to kill the Jin Bureau, but they didn't

Thinking that the plan failed, Boss Qian has now lost value to them and will only end up with a tragic death."

Just when everyone didn't know how to deal with the current situation, they suddenly heard the alarm bell ringing outside the window.

"You called the police!" Du Yongzhi angrily asked Xu Tiannan, but the other party had a confused expression on his face.

"You are the police, why should I call the police if I want to come over?" After Xu Tiannan said this, he looked around the room.

Suddenly, he stopped at a wall and knocked lightly. As expected, the wall made a hollow sound, and at the same time, he also discovered a small hole in the wall.

Xu Tiannan punched the wall. The wall was the same as behind Boss Qian just now. The plywood covering the outer layer was immediately broken, revealing a small camera.

Xu Tiannan saw the power cord and network cable connected behind the small camera. He immediately disconnected the network cable and said: "Oh no, what happened just now was posted online by the executioner!" (Note)

At this time, the area around this abandoned factory was surrounded by dozens of Procuratorate cars, and countless case investigators wearing Public Procuratorate uniforms rushed in.

This chapter has been completed!
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