Chapter 70 The identity of the executioner: gradually becoming clear (3)

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"Then please, aunt, can you show me the website you mentioned?"

When Shuigan's mother heard this, she couldn't help but wonder: "Do you want to see this too?"

Xu Tiannan opened his notebook, which had already recorded a lot of dense text, all of which were the contents of the conversation just now. He explained: "After all, it is the information that was handed over to the school, so we try to write it all at once to avoid missing something later.

One trip.”

"Okay, there's nothing we can't see."

After speaking, Shui Gen's mother turned on her computer, logged into a colorful marriage website, entered her password and entered her personal homepage.

The avatar on the home page is a huge full-body photo of Murong Shui. It can be seen at a glance that the rough editing techniques are used to deliberately make the legs look longer. As a result, even the stool on the side has been stretched out of shape by the p-picture.

In the friend list below, except for a few advertisements, the only friend is a man named "Yun Dan Feng Qing". The real name shown in the other person's profile is "Yang Wanli", and the work column is filled in

It is "Wanli Monitoring Services Co., Ltd."

I have to say that a name as ethereal, free and uncontested as "Yun Dan Feng Qing" is actually a plus for a woman of Shui Gen's age.

At this moment, getting closer and closer to the truth, Xu Tiannan suppressed his nervousness and clicked on the friend notification speaker icon below, and a list immediately popped up.

He was surprised to find that on the list, regarding the method of adding friends of this "Yun Dan Feng Qing", it was written: "The other party added you as a friend through real-name search."

Xu Tiannan understood that a formal dating website like this would definitely require identity verification and name registration, and all the names involved were real names. Looking at the entire Mobei and even the country, he couldn't believe that he could find out the second person named "

"Murong Shuigen" person.

Therefore, there is only one possibility left, that is, Yang Wanli explicitly entered the name "Murong Shuigen" to add him as a friend, but the other party did not expect that the conversation would turn to Shuigen's mother.

However, such a small episode was nothing to Yang Wanli. Xu Tiannan quickly checked the chat history of the two people, saying "aunt" on the left and "so young" on the right, and then summed it up by saying, "Mother-in-law is the future daughter-in-law."

"The look" instantly caught a middle-aged woman like Shuigen's mother who was eager to sell her daughter.

After getting the information he wanted, Xu Tiannan also declined the other party's invitation to stay for dinner, but before leaving, he still pretended to be mysterious and said: "Aunt! The evaluation of the school's housing allocation this time is quite strict to be honest, I can't guarantee it.

It can be fully rated, so I haven’t told Murong Shui about it yet, and I hope you can keep it a secret for the time being."

"Definitely! Definitely! As long as Teacher Xu speaks, if you need any help, just ask, I will fully cooperate with you!"

Shuigen's mother sent him out with a smile, but unexpectedly, as soon as she got home, she heard her husband making noisy calls on the phone in the bedroom.

"Oh, old man! I'm going to tell you a secret, but don't tell it out! That stinky girl of mine has only been working for a few years, and the company has actually started to divide houses! Hahaha! I'm treating you today, let's go have a drink!"

On the roadside where people were coming and going, Xu Tiannan stared at the "Wanli Monitoring" company opposite, his eyes burning.

This is a company that looks very formal from any angle. It has a simple blue and white billboard, and a few standard yellow fonts below it say "monitoring and security, access control system, network equipment", and there is a shining golden shield next to it.

People seem to have a feeling of being unbreakable.

But at this time, the door of this company seemed to Xu Tiannan like a huge mouth full of fangs, and he could be swallowed into it at any time.

Xu Tiannan took out his cell phone and was about to call Wen Sibao when the other party called him first.

"Hey! Tiannan, where are you?"

Xu Tiannan said: "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you come back and have a look? I don't know what kind of illness Ah Shui has. She threw all the gifts and flowers that Yang Wanli gave everyone into the trash can. I asked her what was wrong and she didn't say anything. You said she was pregnant again?

What kind of nerves are you having!"

Xu Tiannan said: "Well done."

"Hmm? You...what did you say?"

Xu Tiannan ignored the chattering questions on the other end of the phone, hung up the phone directly, and then walked into the company door in front of him.

Today, he not only wanted to uncover the other party's hypocritical mask, but also used his own power to prevent Yang Wanli from ever being able to tangle with Murong Shui again.

This may be the way Xu Tiannan treats feelings, a little childish but never hesitating.

It was now working hours, but the company was so quiet that there was no sound. Xu Tiannan walked straight to the manager's office and found that the door was ajar, so he pushed it open and entered.

As expected, Yang Wanli and Xiao Pang were the only two people in the entire company. The other party was slightly startled when he saw him coming in, but his face soon became full of smiles.

"Hey! Isn't this Teacher Xu? Why do you want to come to me? Hello, hello!"

Yang Wanli still looked polite, and took the initiative to reach out his hand, and said to the little fat man: "Quickly, give Teacher Xu a glass of water."

Xu Tiannan did not shake hands with the other party, but said solemnly: "I have a job for you, can you do it?"

Yang Wanli didn't seem to care about the other party's unfriendly attitude. He just sat casually at the corner of the boss's table and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, all my workers left some time ago. Even if there is work available now, there is no work available for the time being."

People do it!”

"Where are your workers?"

Yang Wanli shrugged and said with a helpless expression: "These workers work for a day and get paid every day. Sometimes they may not come back the next day after taking the money. It is true that the turnover is large and difficult to manage."

While Yang Wanli was speaking, Xu Tiannan was staring at the other person's every move. Whether it was the micro-expression changes on his face or the body language conveyed in an instant, nothing could escape his eyes.

But at this time, Xu Tiannan's judgment on the man in front of him did not meet his expectations.

While the other party was talking, he was leaning on the corner of the table, standing with his legs casually on the ground, his hands interlaced in front of him, and his toes facing him.

The arms were bent naturally, and there were no micro-expressions such as raising or lowering the shoulders, wandering eyes, touching the facial features, loosening the tie, etc. that should be seen when lying.

When a person is lying, or when a person knows that he is lying, the unnatural tension will force his blood pressure to rise for a moment, especially for men wearing ties, which will cause compression of sensitive nerves in the neck.

This causes the liar to unconsciously touch any organ above the neck to relieve stress.

There are 44 muscles in the human face. When a person really encounters a topic of interest or smiles because of happiness, the zygomatic muscles, corners of the mouth and corners of the eyes will rise simultaneously, accompanied by crow's feet, especially crow's feet, squeezed out of the corners of the eyes when smiling.

This kind of judgment is difficult to disguise with a fake smile.

However, Xu Tiannan was surprised to find that none of the above characteristics of lying applied to the man in front of him. He even suspected that the smile on his face was a genuine smile.

This is absolutely impossible.

This chapter has been completed!
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