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Chapter 176 The grandson

As Xiao Ye explained, Xian Wang's expression gradually became surprised. The brochures were used to repay the expenses, and the advertising space was used to make money. So that's what he thought?

Xian Wang also knew about advertising. He had seen it when the Zhuyeqing Tavern released advertising flyers. Not only did he see it, he also took it to exchange for drinks.

Moreover, Xu Qing issued advertisements twice, and ordinary people were very interested in this novel gadget. If other shops also spent money to advertise in newspapers for the sake of reputation, wouldn't Xu Qing be able to make money?


So that's the case, no wonder Xu Qing kept asking him last time if he really made money from newspapers, how should he distribute it.

Now it seems that this kid has clearly planned it!

It turns out he makes money from this thing!

This novel way of making money, no matter how much the wise king wanted to make money, he would never have thought of it!

It's not a matter of whether you think about it or not, it's just that you don't think about it at all. In Xian Wang's view, there are only three ways to make money: reduce costs, increase sales, and increase prices.

How could he have thought that sometimes information dissemination can also be a channel for making money?

Alas, that's all, let that kid come up with whatever idea he wants. As long as he can run the newspaper well, he can make whatever money he wants.

Besides, the public wouldn't be able to make much money by publishing a few advertisements, so I wouldn't want to argue with a junior over such a small amount of money.

Then the wise king picked up the big newspaper next to him. This was a big newspaper, almost as long as a forearm.

Although this newspaper looks a bit rough...but...there is still no problem with the handwriting and printing.

The Xian Wang flipped through the newspaper. If I had to say it, the pamphlet was indeed more elegant and convenient, but the price of that pamphlet was also really bad! It was so bad!

Suddenly, the wise king noticed a jingle underneath the entire newspaper:

Ants moving snakes across the aisle, heavy rain is coming.

Before and after the Qingming Festival, plant melons and beans.

The morning glow does not go out, but the sunset glow travels thousands of miles. Why? It will rain...

The following sentences are also jingles related to Nongsang.

The wise king has been staring at these jingles. If these jingles are all accurate, and if every farmer in the Chu country can master them, wouldn't the level of mulberry farming in Chu country have to be improved to a higher level?

Especially these jingles for predicting when it will rain and when it won’t rain, they are so useful!

But... where did these jingles written by Xu Qing come from? Are they reliable? No, I have to ask him tomorrow. If they are true, they will be of great use, but if they are false, won't they be bad?

The Chu State has always paid attention to farming and warfare. The amount of food cultivated is the top priority of the Chu State. There is no room for carelessness!

It can be said that if these jingles are true, then Xu Qing has made great achievements, but if they are false, then Xu Qing has committed great crimes.

Fortunately, this newspaper has not yet conveyed the news, so there is still a chance to remedy the situation.

Su Mansion

Xu Qing finished delivering the brown sugar ginger water to Su Qian and watched her come out of the room after drinking it. When she came out of the room, she saw Magistrate Su squatting at the door of the kitchen.

Out of politeness, Xu Qing came over and looked at his father-in-law and said, "Father-in-law, you haven't left yet?"

Magistrate Su looked at Xu Qing and said, "You just came out like this?"

Xu Qing nodded: "What else?"

Su County Magistrate asked: "A man and a woman were alone in the same room, secretly in love, and then you came out?"

Xu Qing wondered: "Should I still go in?"

County magistrate Su said in a huff, "Let's not tell you whether you can go in or not. You shouldn't come out at all! You can just take care of Qian'er for a while! Why would a father have to deal with a son-in-law as stupid as you?"

Regardless of whether he was going in or out, Xu Qinglao felt that his father-in-law had something to say. Do these two words still mean the same thing when they come out of his father-in-law's mouth?

My father-in-law knows a lot!

But it's impossible to go in. It's not convenient for my wife to let him in these days, right?

Xu Qing shook his head and said: "Father-in-law, you have to know that my son-in-law is such a beast..."

Magistrate Su squatted aside and looked at him: "Don't insult other people's beasts, you are worse than a beast..."

As he said that, he moved to the side again.

Xu Qing: "..."

When Xu Qing arrived at the shop the next day, he saw Xian Wang's face again.

Xu Qing couldn't figure it out. A great prince of Chu always came to him when he had nothing to do. Didn't the wise prince have anything else to do besides wandering the streets?

Xu Qing cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, do you have anything?"

The wise king put the newspaper on the table and said, "Look at what's written on it first."

Following Xian Wang's finger, he saw that it was the jingle column. After Xu Qing read it, he raised his head and looked at Xian Wang: "What's wrong with these jingles?"

King Xian said: "I would like to know if these jingles of yours are correct? Do you know how much damage would be caused to farmers, mulberry and other affairs if these jingles of yours were incorrect and spread to the people of Chu?"

When Xu Qing heard this, he also understood the purpose of King Xian's coming here. He said: "Whether it is correct or not, can't you find out if you ask a few farmers? What I write below is all reasonable and well-founded."

The wise king said: "I will ask people to ask you later, but...where did these jingles of yours come from? You have never been engaged in farming, how could you write these jingles? If these are true, then in the future I will

The agricultural and mulberry business in Dachu will definitely rise to a higher level."

Xu Qing's heart: Can I still tell you that it was copied from a primary school textbook?

Xu Qing said superficially: "Of course it is based on surveys of many farmers, plus daily observations. After all, major newspapers are mainly for the common people, and more practical suggestions will help increase sales."

"Moreover, it is a bit exaggerated to raise the agricultural and mulberry industry of Chu State to a higher level. These jingles can at most save the next generation of farmers from having to start over and accumulate experience when farming, and they will be more handy in the future. In fact, the agricultural knowledge contained in these jingles

Many old farmers know the general idea, but most of them have not read books and cannot summarize it in words. I just composed it for them in the form of a jingle so that it can be spread easily."

The wise king said: "Even so, if these jingles can be accurately applied to mulberry production, then you can be regarded as a miracle."

Xu Qing really didn't expect that the wise king came here just to verify the authenticity of a few jingles. He still underestimated the importance of farming and mulberry farming in this era.

Xu Qing wrote so many good poems and lyrics that have been passed down through the ages, but the wise king ignored them and didn't take them seriously at all.

But today, a few farmers' proverbs made King Dexian rush over in a hurry. The last time he was so anxious was when Xu Qing supplemented the law.

This chapter has been completed!
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