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Chapter 289: Respect and Interests

By the time the shadow guards carried him away, his limbs were limp and drooping, his orifices were bleeding, and he was probably unable to do anything except breathe.

Xiao Ye and Xiao Ruxue exhaled, with relaxed and happy expressions on their faces.

Xu Qing took Su Qian's bare hand and smiled and said: "Madam, we can be more ruthless in the future. If we are not ruthless, we will really be looked down upon by ordinary people. My husband at the time still remembers that Madam never drew her sword."

When Su Qian heard this, she couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on her face, and then said with a smile: "Then from now on, your husband will have to clean up the mess for me, and don't let others come to your door."

Xu Qing nodded and said, "Don't worry, if there is such a short-sighted person, the lady will just take action and bear the responsibility for her husband if something happens."

Xiao Ruxue looked at the increasingly dark sky, pulled Su Qian over and said, "Sister Su, the banquet is about to begin, let's go in first."

After Su Qian was pulled away by Xiao Ruxue, Xu Qing looked at Li Ming standing by the lotus pond without a single lotus, frowned and said: "Why do you associate with such idiots? This is how my uncle taught him.


Xiao Ye looked at Li Ming, then turned to look at Xu Qing and said, "Brother Xu knows him?"

Xu Qing said: "On my wife's birthday last time, my uncle's only son was born."

Xiao Ye nodded and said: "That's it."

Li Ming was just the son of a foreign minister, a member of the Du branch, and he was not favored by his father. At this time, facing this prince, a county uncle, he looked embarrassed. He was so anxious that tears fell down.

Xiao Ye frowned slightly when he saw this scene and turned his head. How unbecoming was it for a man to cry? If it wasn't illegal to cry, he really wanted to beat him up together.

Xu Qing walked over and looked at Li Ming and said, "Hasn't anyone taught you these two sentences: When a man tears, he should not shed them easily. If he knows his mistakes, he will improve them. What's the use of crying?"

Li Ming looked at Xu Qing with red eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "Am I wrong? What wrong did I do? You are the uncle of Anding County. You are liked by your wife at home, protected by your father-in-law, and you can be with the prince and the princess outside. What about me?


"My father at home hates me and has never even looked at me! People outside also look down on me! I can only try to please the son of a minister little by little in order to help my father in the officialdom in the future.

I can make my father look at me seriously."

"My father doesn't like my mother, and he doesn't like me, but what's wrong with me?! What's wrong with me?! Why am I not liked by my father?!"

Xu Qingdao: "Pleasing the son of the Minister of Household Affairs? You won't get respect from others by trying to please him, you will only get contempt from others. How can Song Mingzhe think highly of someone who is trying to please him? You don't even have to give up your self-esteem to please him?"


Li Ming stared at Xu Qing and said in a hoarse voice: "You are noble! You are amazing! Are you the uncle of Anding County who is in charge of the entire Guoshang Yuan? You can easily gain the friendship of His Highness the Crown Prince, but what about me? I have nothing!"

"How many people in this world throw their self-esteem to the ground and let others trample them in order to get the chance to climb up?! What does it mean to have one more Li Ming for me?"

"As long as I can help my father, as long as I can get my father's favor, what's dignity? I don't want it! I don't want anything! I don't care!"

"You are the uncle of Anding County. You have a happy family. You can't imagine what kind of life I am living in. Why does God treat me so unfairly?!"

Xu Qing looked at Li Ming, whose eyes were red, and said, "Oh? I had everything from the beginning? My uncle from Anding County was not born with it. I was still a small catcher in Yong'an County at the beginning. You are a Yuanwailang after all.

Your son has a better background and a better family background than me, and at least your father is still here. In such a comparison, who is being treated unfairly by God?"

When it comes to grievances, Xu Qing is no less angry than him! A great future in another world is still waiting for him, but in the end, he came here by fooling him. Not only did he come here, he had to start from scratch.

Did he complain about all this?

Well...well, he did complain when he first came...

After hearing Xu Qing's words, Li Ming suddenly froze. Compared to Xu Qing himself, he seemed to be much luckier. At least he had no worries about food and drinks since he was a child. He was from a scholarly family and an official family.

Xu Qing looked at Li Ming, who was stunned, and continued to educate him: "I am also step by step to become the county uncle and the dean of the National Business Academy. No one can succeed casually. They always have to go through hardships. Is it easy for me?

?I, ahem, it seems that it’s really not that difficult. Just wait a moment and I’ll organize the language.”

Originally, Li Ming, who had just been in a better mood, almost burst into tears again. Was he specially sent by God to attack him?

After Xu Qing organized his speech, he said: "You are kneeling down to please Song Mingzhe, but do you know that you have to sacrifice your dignity to get what you want, and it is not absolute. After such a long time, Song Mingzhe

Did I give you any benefit and what you wanted?"

Li Ming's body trembled when he heard this. Apparently Xu Qing was right.

Xu Qing continued: "What will happen to those who rely on groveling to gain power? Even if you become an official, can you treat the people you govern well? Can you treat your subordinates well?"

"I have seen a lot of people like this, and few can stick to their true intentions. Once most people successfully achieve their goals, they will need innocent people to vent their dissatisfaction and the humiliation they have suffered over the years, thus forming an endless cycle.

As a result, the officials of the imperial court and local governments became worse and worse from generation to generation."

"You come from a scholarly family and have read the books of saints and sages. Is this the way to be a human being? Is it the way to be an official?"

When Li Ming heard Xu Qing's words, he obviously lost the feeling of resentment just now. His eyes were still red and he said: "I... I just want my father to look at me."

Xu Qing looked at him and said, "So you are going to grovel and please that Song Mingzhe?"

Li Ming looked at Xu Qing and said, "I failed the imperial examination twice. I... don't know what to do."

Xu Qingdao: "Wait for me at the Guoshang Academy tomorrow. As long as you ensure that you have talents and value for my use, your father will not only look at you, but will also be proud of you. Telling you today can earn respect and benefits at the same time."

A method, mutual benefit! Of course, I have the benefits you want here, but you also need to have value that can be used by me. This is an opportunity, do you want it or not?"

Li Ming looked at Xu Qing, his eyes became hot: "Yes!"

Xu Qing nodded and walked back. Suddenly, he stopped in his steps and said, "Also, I will give you what I should give you, but I will give you what I shouldn't take. If you covet it, then Song Mingzhe will learn from the past!"


Li Ming looked at Xu Qing's back, took a deep breath and said, "Li Ming, keep this in mind!"

Xu Qing and Xiao Ye walked towards the palace.

Xiao Ye looked at Xu Qing and said, "Brother Xu's last words just now don't seem to have much respect for him."

Xu Qing smiled and said: "Brother Xiao has forgotten what I just said. Respect is only about mutual benefit. He has not created value yet. Moreover, there is no absolute respect and equality in this world. Everything is relative. Really

In comparison, I spent a long time trying to enlighten him and lead him on the right track. Isn't it much better than Song Mingzhe writing a bad check and directly yelling at him? "

Xiao Ye nodded and said: "I understand the truth, that is..."

"Just what?"

“What is a bad check?”

This chapter has been completed!
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