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Chapter 1007 Morse Code

It is said that what kind of officers lead what kind of soldiers. The six people in the artillery team of the first detachment are all stupid, big, and rough like Xu Dacheng.

Their military skills are very good. Except for Xu Dacheng and Cui Dayong, the other four cannons are also very accurate. They would be the kings of artillery in other troops, but they are all contaminated by Xu Dacheng's arrogance.

It’s also a mistake to admit death.

However, Zhou Wen had nothing to do with Xu Dacheng, who was indeed a master of artillery. Moreover, the power of heavy bombs was indeed very great, which would not only bring direct destruction to the enemy, but also cause a serious blow to their psychology.

So Zhou Wen could only let it go.

But Xu Dacheng is not in a good mood now, why?

Being despised and stuffed.

Just after Miaohua agreed to stay and take them with her, she unknowingly glanced at them with a trace of dissatisfaction.

As a result, everyone including Ti Jing knew that it was Miaohua's dislike of their cultivation that was holding them back, causing Zhou Wen to have to go out alone again.

Think about it, these are all masters who have come to the door of Qi Jinjing. Any one of them who is released is a martial arts master that is rare for ordinary people to see. However, if he is placed here by Miaohua, he will be despised and disliked.

Who can you talk to for reason?

And the strange thing is that several people, including Zuo Mingqing and Zhou Mingyuan, could not feel any dissatisfaction in the face of Miaohua's contempt, but felt a little ashamed and aggrieved.

You know, Xu Dacheng, the eldest among them, is only 22 years old now. At such an age, he has reached the Dzogchen state of vitality. Even in a sect like Shaolin, he is a genius and monster.

But now he has become a laggard.

But the actual situation is indeed like this. If it weren't for the difference in perception and speed among them, Zhou Wen would not have been allowed to fight alone again, and Miao Hua was deliberately left behind to lead them.

Xu Dacheng and the others cried out in their hearts: "It's not that brothers don't work hard, it's that Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping are too evil, and the requirements for senior brother Miaohua have also begun to be frighteningly high. It seems that they can't do it without Qi Jinjing.

If you can't get into his Dharma Eyes, Brother Shanzi doesn't have the Qi Jinjing Mirror either, he is still the second in command."

I wonder what they will think when they see Gao Xiaoshan. Will they be so excited that they cry?

The moment Zhou Wen transferred the artillery shells to Xu Dacheng, it meant that the tactical team had entered into preparations for the battle, and Xu Dacheng had to be ready for artillery support at any time.

Then Zhou Wen nodded slightly to Miaohua, turned around and ran towards the mountains in the distance.

Now all six intercoms have been returned to their positions. One for Zhou Wen, one for Miaohua, one for Xu Dacheng who is in charge of artillery support, one for Zhao Xiaojin at the back, and one each for Chen Wanli and Zhu Jinhui from the second team at the back.

Although the mercenary group has been divided into three parts with a certain distance in front and back on the way, due to high-tech communication equipment such as communicators, battlefield information can be transmitted quickly, and all commanders know almost at the same time that there is a mercenary group ahead.

At the same time, he also knew that Zhou Wen was walking alone again.

Therefore, while Chen Wanli and Zhao Xiaojin ordered their troops to prepare for battle, they also accelerated their march.

However, after Zhou Wen once again started acting alone, he felt a little inexplicably excited. Even he felt strange. Could it be that after traveling through time, he actually had a fondness for adventuring alone in his heart?

But it has to be said that in this still dark mountain forest, Zhou Wen's super perception and ability to see the night as if it were daylight made him feel like a fish entering the sea and a bird flying in the sky, with indescribable ease and ease.

Once his body skills and speed are fully deployed, his figure running through the mountain forest is like a whirlwind blowing through, causing branches and leaves to sway and grass and trees to fly across the path.

As the saying goes: going down the mountain is like the wind, and going up the mountain is like... also like the wind, hehe!

At this time, the sound of gunfire in the distance had become clearer in his ears, and the unique clicking sound of the mg-13 machine gun could also be heard.

Even machine guns were used, which shows that the exchange of fire between the Japanese army and Gao Xiaoshan was very fierce. It was no longer a sniper killing or sneak attack, but a face-to-face fight.

He felt even more anxious now, and took the semi-automatic rifle on his back in his hand as he ran.

In the early morning, when the sky is still dark, he is the only one who still uses precision shooting mode instead of continuous-fire submachine gun.

Just after he ran for a while, he suddenly realized that the firing sound of the mg-13 machine gun was not just bursts and bursts, but a regular combination of long and short bursts. It didn't seem like he was shooting at the enemy, but something like

Beating the drum rhythmically... Wait, this rhythm seems familiar.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Wen immediately understood that this was not the sound of machine gunfire, this was Morse code.

Morse code is a signal code that is on and off, expressing different English letters, numbers and punctuation marks through different arrangements.

It was invented in 1837 and is an early form of digital communication. Unlike modern digital communication, Morse code only uses binary codes of two states: zero and one, and separates each character through dots, dashes and pauses in between.

and punctuation marks are sent independently of each other.

In the telegraph code, the length of the keys and the consecutive keystrokes can be used to represent characters.

Morse code played a very important role in early radio, and it is something that every radio communicator must know.

Due to the continuous advancement of communication technology, various countries stopped using Morse code in 1999. However, because it occupies the least bandwidth and has technical and artistic characteristics, it is difficult to use in real life.

Has a wide range of applications

When Zhou Wen and others were learning telegraph technology from Zhou Yongbin, Morse code was a basic course that they must master.

He didn't expect that Brother Shan Zi, who was usually steady and down-to-earth, would actually come up with such an extremely imaginative way to deliver the news. What a genius idea.

This surprised and delighted Zhou Wen.

But he knew at this point that Gao Xiaoshan and the others had not yet reached the critical moment of life and death. The fact that they could use the machine gun to send out Morse code at this time showed that they were still fighting calmly.

As a result, Zhou Wen slowed down, began to listen carefully to the rhythm of the machine gun, and began to arrange the 24-letter combination in his mind.

Although when he first arrived in Shanxi, Zhou Wen required the veteran team members to not only learn Japanese, but also speak simple English. Morse code itself is a combination of English words.

Fortunately, Gao Xiaoshan has always been active in learning, so his English proficiency is also among the best among the mercenary groups, which is why he has today's feat of using machine guns to send codes.


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