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Chapter 1024

Niu Yidao was slapped and laughed silly, and he defended: "Isn't there no one now? You don't know this little guy's skills. You are not good at one-on-one, but when you fight one in a group, we are good at it."

An expert at it."

Seeing Old Uncle Wu raise his hand again, Niu Yidao quickly shut up and stopped talking, but his heart felt sweet. Being slapped by Old Uncle Wu was also a blessing. It meant that the old man didn't treat you as an outsider, and others were just getting along.

Head up, old Uncle Wu won't even look at you.

At this time, Jiang Han asked tentatively: "Old Uncle Wu, how about I ask Brother Xu to go to the Marshal's Mansion to hire a master to help with the situation?"

You must know that although Jiang Han is an agent who has studied in the Soviet Cheka training class for many years, his fighting skills are not outstanding. He is good at assassination, lurking, disguise, intelligence and other agent skills.

He knew that there was no way he would end up, so he could only seek help from other sources.

The commander-in-chief has many talented people, including many martial arts masters. Among them is a personal guard who is also a master in the later stages of Jinqi. With the relationship between the commander-in-chief and the mercenary group, it is not a problem to recruit him.

"No, our mercenary group cannot afford to lose this person. We have to find our own place."

At this point, Old Uncle Wu looked at the two people who were thinking hard, and said with a smile: "This kind of thing is not what you are good at. No matter how old and confused I am, I will not let you two novices go to fight with each other.

Others put it into competition."

Both of them knew that Old Uncle Wu was joking, but they felt a little embarrassed.

In the eyes of Old Uncle Wu, who was used to seeing Qi Jin masters, the two of them were just noobs. Even if one of the brothers from the first team came up casually, he could take them down with one hand.

"I came here to ask you to do what you are good at, disperse the people, and keep a close eye on everyone in the Kong family. Where did they go? Who did they meet? What did they eat? Get them all for me.


"Jiang Han, please take charge of this matter. Let's see if you can figure out what they want to do when they come to Taiyuan this time. What are their plans for us?"

"As for the matter of finding the place, we don't have to worry if we don't have anyone now. We'll talk about it when the scholars come back. Hehe... The Kong family is a big family, so are you afraid that we won't be able to find anyone by then?"

Jiang Hanzehui reported: "It is clear where they are going. The person who picked them up at the airport was an official from the provincial party headquarters. The hotel they stayed at was the Shanxi Grand Hotel, which occupied the entire third floor."

"Official of the provincial party headquarters?" Old Uncle Wu frowned.

After Liu Ruoshui was transferred from Shanxi, his successor came quickly. This person's surname was Ren. After arriving in Shanxi, he was no longer called a special commissioner, but took up the long-vacated post of director of the Shanxi Provincial Party Department.

However, after arriving in Shanxi, Director Ren not only showed no respect for Zhou Wen, an officer from the Central Party Committee, but also behaved in a bossy manner, as if he was Zhou Wen's superior.

Zhou Wen later learned from Liu Ruoshui that this person was from another faction of the Central Party Headquarters, so Zhou Wen no longer favored him, and his relationship with the Provincial Party Headquarters became estranged.

But he didn't go too far, and arranged for Zeng Erniu to continue to take charge of the provincial party headquarters' security work. He planned to transfer Zeng Erniu out after the director had trained trustworthy subordinates, and he would follow him from now on.

There is no longer any involvement with the Shanxi Provincial Party Headquarters.

"How come there is no news about such an important matter from Zeng Erniu?" Old Uncle Wu said with some dissatisfaction.

"Could it be that the director of the provincial party department deliberately hid it from him?" Jiang Han also wondered.

It stands to reason that Zeng Erniu is a senior figure in the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee, and he has familiar relationships with everyone at the top and bottom. Even if he is deliberately alienated by the new director, there are no clues that cannot be detected.

Old Uncle Wu didn't think of calling Zeng Erniu over to ask. After all, Zeng Erniu was a peripheral member of the mercenary group, and there were some secrets that he shouldn't let him know.

He thought for a while and said: "Let's do it this way, keep a close eye on the person first."

The next thing that is very strange is that these visitors from the Kong family seem to be on official business. They meet with some businessmen and government officials every day. Moreover, out of etiquette, the commander-in-chief even asked his subordinates to entertain them once. After all,

Mr. Kong Da still needs to be given some face.

But other than that, these people don't do much movement anymore, and they don't go to any entertainment venues. After finishing their errands every day, they should eat and sleep.

Even Jiang Han, an intelligence expert, couldn't see any clues. Uncle Wu also began to wonder if he was worrying too much.

On the other hand, Miss Kong Er knew about Beautiful Hospital from somewhere and went to the hospital every day to pester Liu Ruolan who lived in the villa, which made Liu Ruolan extremely annoyed.

However, as long as Kong Linglin, a gangster, didn't come, Liu Ruolan really couldn't bear to treat Miss Kong Er.

After all, the Kong and Liu families had been friends for many years, and the two had known each other before, which made her worried and unwilling to cause trouble for the family.

She had no choice but to reluctantly take one day to take Miss Kong Er on a tour of several scenic spots in Taiyuan City.

Fortunately, three days later, Miss Kong Er was finally leaving. This news made Liu Ruolan feel relieved, and she was glad that she had finally sent away this god of plague.

But Miss Kong Er asked Liu Ruolan to take her to the plane in person. After seeing Liu Ruolan's expression change, she said that her brother would not leave by masturbation this time, but would take the train back after a few days of business in Taiyuan.


By this time, Liu Ruolan no longer doubted his presence and just wanted to send this annoying guy away, preferably never to see him again.

So, at noon that day, Liu Ruolan personally sent Miss Kong Er to the airport.

After the last conflict, in order to prevent accidents, Uncle Wu sent three cars to Liu Ruolan's trips in the past few days. In addition to Hao Laodao and his men who insisted on accompanying Liu Ruolan despite being injured, Jiang Han also sent several

A skilled agent is accompanying you.

But everything was calm for several days. The playboy named Kong Linglin never came to bother him again, and the informant sent by Niu Yidao came to report that except Miss Kong Er, everyone else from the Kong family had left early this morning.

Jinci Temple tour.

After receiving this news, Liu Ruolan no longer doubted what kind of tricks Miss Kong Er could pull off, and just thought that it would be over as soon as possible.

So when she arrived at the airport, she couldn't resist Miss Kong Er's coquettishness and cuteness, so she had to put her on the plane with a wry smile.

Of course, Liu Ruolan's other entourage could not be allowed to board the plane. This was not because Miss Kong Er did not allow it, but because the flight attendant blocked everyone in front of the gangway.

He said that he was not allowed to board the plane unless he was a passenger. Ms. Liu was a special case due to her high status.

Hao Laodao and the others were just rubbish, and none of them had ever flown on a plane. Although they were a little murmuring in their hearts, they didn't bother anymore.

But when Liu Ruolan walked into the cabin, she saw a character that surprised her.

This chapter has been completed!
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