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Chapter 1031 Stormy Storm

Hongxiu sensed that among the two people behind him, the skinny one's breath was relatively short, and his bottom plate was not very stable, so he was naturally the first one to take it down.

At this time, when Hongxiu bent down, she had already quietly held the dagger tied to her calf in her hand. At this close range, using a knife would be faster and more sudden than using a gun.

Hongxiu guessed correctly. These four people were four of the five masters used by the Kong family to deal with the mercenary group. The leader was Zhu Youshou, the martial arts master who injured Hao Laodao.

There is another person who went to assassinate old Uncle Wu, and now he has turned into a cold corpse.

If the Kong family didn't have any modern communication tools, how could they know the time so accurately?

There is nothing surprising, but the sound of gunshots on Xiaobeimen Street means the start of the operation. Then someone calls Li Qiaoer from the pharmaceutical factory in the city, while Zhu Youshou and others find someone who can observe the medicine from a distance.

From the high point of the factory, seeing a car coming out will naturally signal the start of action, and the ox cart will naturally appear at the corner of the simple road as scheduled.

The sound of gunshots only signals the start of the operation. It doesn't matter whether the assassination of Old Uncle Wu can be successful or not, because the assassination itself can create a certain amount of chaos.

Of course, it would be better if the assassination was successful, as it would make the mercenary group more chaotic. If it failed, they would still have to make a phone call. The ultimate goal was to take advantage of the chaos and transfer Li Qiaoer out of the pharmaceutical factory.

Now, when everything is going smoothly, the leader Zhu Youshou is also excited that it is about to be completed.

In his opinion, the only person who was a bit of a threat was the driver. Drivers in this period also served as bodyguards.

But no matter how capable a little driver is, he doesn't even have to do it himself. Any of his subordinates can easily kill him.

The remaining two women, one big and one small, who are powerless but charming, one of them is still an untouched little girl, and she has just turned into two little lambs to be slaughtered, allowing herself to

Do whatever you want?

Although Mr. Zhang had specifically warned him before not to be rude to the kidnapping target, who the hell cared about this during the kidnapping process?

I don’t say that I have to do it seriously, but it’s okay to get used to it and get addicted to it.

At this time, Zhu Youshou and the little man were walking in tandem, only a few steps away from Li Qiaoer. The little man suddenly exerted his strength and was about to pounce on Li Qiaoer.

At this time, both Li Qiaoer and the driver heard the noise behind them. When they turned around, they saw two unfamiliar faces with ferocious smiles that instantly made her look pale. Before she could scream, a light figure was like a gust of wind.

, passed by her, and crashed into the little man's arms in just a blink of an eye.

At this time, Zhu Youshou also launched an offensive, but his target was the driver.

I saw him leaping up quickly and waving his hands in the air.

With a "whistle" sound, a flying knife flew towards the driver's face who was taking out a gun from his waist like lightning.

At the same time, the two men lying on the ground suddenly stood up and prepared to pounce on Li Qiaoer.

Both sides launched their killing moves almost at the same time.

But although Zhu Youshou and the others came prepared, when they took action, their main targets were Li Qiaoer and the driver, and they were completely unprepared for Hong Xiu.

However, Hong Xiu had already decided on the order of action in an instant, and even launched an attack when several gangsters were unsuspecting, catching the enemy by surprise.

Either prepared or unprepared, the two sides only got the upper hand at the beginning of the battle, and the upper hand meant the initiative in the battle.

Moreover, the timing of Hongxiu's activation was even more wonderful. It was exactly when the little man was pouring his power into his feet and was about to leap up, but it was also the time when his body was wide open and had no power to protect him.

No one could have imagined that a little girl with her back to the enemy still bending down to caress her feet did not make any preparatory movements in advance. It was like there was a spring under her feet, and she jumped back on the spot, and her figure was like the wind.

It hit the little man's chest at the speed of a bullet.

The little man had no time to react. He only felt a pain in his heart, and all his strength was taken away from the ball that had a big hole in it. He disappeared without a trace in an instant. As soon as his body went soft, he slowly fell to the ground.

At this moment, Zhu Youshou jumped up and threw the flying knife out of his hand.

As soon as he noticed something was wrong, he felt a gust of wind flashing in front of him. He felt bad and hurriedly twisted and changed his direction in the air. This was his master's secret body technique, called Fenghui Dianji.

The origin of his reputation as "Flying on Grass" in the world of martial arts.

This move of wind and lightning does not have the ability to completely change the direction in the air, so it is not a martial arts but an immortal technique. However, this move can appropriately adjust one's body shape in the air, and can also change the direction of a certain angle in a small range.

This is already an incredible martial arts stunt, which can often produce unexpected effects in battles, and can also be used to save lives at critical moments.

This was because Zhu Youshou had rich hands-on experience and a solid foundation in martial arts. He was able to use the unique skill of returning wind and lightning in a hurry, which saved his life.

But he also felt a coldness in his chest, and then a pain came. There was already a blood mark on his chest, and he was seriously injured.

It turns out that since Hongxiu has decided on the order of his attacks, he has already formed the order of his attacks in his mind. Once he takes action, he will launch them in succession like a violent storm, which will not give the enemy a chance to breathe.

She knew that although she had entered the stage of anger, her age was there, and her strength and stamina could not be maintained for a long time.

So, when she crashed into the little man's empty door, the dagger she held in her hand was completely buried in his chest, and the tip of the knife pierced his heart directly, killing the enemy with just one face-to-face encounter.

It's not that Hongxiu has evil intentions at a young age, but that Zhou Wen has taught her since she was a child that once she takes action, it's a life and death fight, and no room is allowed.

What's more, the moves Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping taught her were all killer moves. Any little girl wouldn't like to compete in martial arts.

So, while the dagger pierced the enemy's chest, her toes were just a little bit on the ground, and she had already used her strength to get up and attack Zhu Youshou, who was one position behind.

At this time, it was also the time when Zhu Youshou's leaping figure had not yet landed, and it was also the time when his empty goal was exposed.

Hong Xiu had a quick idea, taking advantage of the enemy's lack of preparation and reaction to resolve the battle as quickly as possible. She used the iron-cut dagger passed down to her by Master Ziqing, and it was like stabbing into the human body.

Cutting tofu is smooth and won't affect her next move at all.

It is a pity that Zhu Youshou is indeed a well-known master in the world. At the critical moment, he avoided Hongxiu's fatal knife attack on his chest with his Feng Hui Dian Ji.

According to Hongxiu Xiaonizi's calculation, the two strongest enemies had already fallen to the ground and died, and she only had to deal with the remaining two bad actors who had not yet completely stood up.

This chapter has been completed!
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