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Chapter 1043 Ten Thousand Horses Galloping

Nearly 200 semi-automatic rifles poured out more than a thousand rounds of bullets in one minute, killing more than 100 enemies. This data is already an incredible record for the general army. But for the mercenary group,

For the brothers, it was not something worth boasting about, but many of them still showed excitement.

This was the first time that the riflemen of the second team and the precision shooters of the first team were mixed together to fight. It was clear at a glance whose marksmanship was better.

Many soldiers in the second team found that although they still have a certain gap compared with precision shooters, this gap has been greatly shortened compared to the recruit training period. There are even a few soldiers who usually have good marksmanship, and they are already as good as the first team.

It's comparable to ordinary precision shooters.

So on the one hand, they are excited and proud of their ability to finally be able to fight alongside these warrior kings who they could only look up to and envy back then.

Another reason is that the regiment leader also promised that as long as the soldiers reached the standard of precision shooters, the regiment would treat them equally. Not only would they be given preferential training resources, but their equipment would also be on par with that of the first detachment. Everyone would be a German original G-

31 semi-automatic rifle, one Somi submachine gun and one Colt m1911 pistol.

They are all imported weapons with excellent performance, who wouldn’t want them?

Putting aside the issue of improving combat effectiveness, at least when you carry it on your back, you can arouse the envy and warm looks of your companions around you. This is glory.

Therefore, this seemingly simple and crude battle actually contains the hopes and pursuits of the members of the second team, as well as their sense of value in having their abilities recognized and reflected.

Zhou Wen didn't think so much at first. He was just fishing and didn't want to overly expose the firepower advantage of the mercenary group, so he organized the first wave of strike force composed entirely of riflemen, not to mention machine guns and artillery, even submachine guns.


Otherwise, there would be so much automatic firepower at the beginning, and Zhou Wen would be afraid that Li Shouxin would be timid and dare not fight, so running away or directly entering the city for defense would be troublesome.

But he didn't expect that his unintentional act would actually mobilize the enthusiasm and ambition of the members of the second team.

Not to mention, the foreplay designed by Zhou Wen was relatively successful. The puppet battalion commander originally didn't want to send anyone to support, there were just dozens of horse bandits. I already think highly of you by sending a company.

However, the battlefield that had begun to become quiet suddenly heard intensive gunshots from the north.

As a senior officer, the puppet battalion commander knew immediately that there were at least 500 rifles firing, and they also used volley firing methods. This was the only way for armies or horse bandits lacking artillery or automatic firepower to deal with cavalry attacks.


It was difficult to handle. I was afraid that the cavalry company of his company would suffer a lot of losses, and it seemed that the number of these horse bandits was not small. He no longer dared to make decisions without authorization, so he immediately reported to the regiment commander, who also did not dare

If you are negligent, continue to report.

Not long after, the situation was reported to Li Shouxin.

At this time, Li Shouxin was very satisfied.

You know, it is also the first time for him to command such a battle with tens of thousands of people. In the past, he only commanded a regiment of thousands of people to fight against opponents such as horse bandits, but this time it was his first time in his life.

For the first time, he commanded two detachments and six regiments, and faced opponents whose numbers were almost the same as his own.

After winning the battle, he felt a sense of accomplishment that he had become a famous general in the world.

After hearing that unknown armed men came to take advantage of the situation, although he was a little surprised and angry, he still maintained a certain level of sobriety.

He knew all the forces on the grassland. Whether it was horse bandits or the armed forces of Mongolian princes and nobles, no one could have more than a thousand men and horses. Although King De also had thousands of Mongolian cavalry under his command, King De surrendered to him.

The Japanese are older than us and are already in the same camp, so it is impossible for them to come and rob us.

The fruit of victory, even if he is not afraid of himself, he is also afraid of the Japanese, right?

Although he judged that the enemy could only number a thousand men, he still acted with caution like a lion fighting a rabbit and decided to dispatch all three regiments of cavalry to completely destroy the enemy with overwhelming force.

Not only that, he also ordered two of the three infantry regiments and the artillery brigade to start gathering and be ready to support at any time, leaving only one infantry regiment to continue to clean the battlefield and guard the prisoners.

From a normal military perspective, Li Shouxin's deployment should be said to be very stable. He did not underestimate the enemy, and he also made two preparations. Once the cavalry could not defeat the enemy in a short period of time, the infantry and artillery would support them.

However, his tactics are what Zhou Wen and Chen Wanli want to see most.

This seemingly prudent and yet spirited tactic will turn into a fueling tactic that is taboo for military strategists as long as the mercenary group strikes hard enough and fast enough to completely disrupt the coordination between the enemy's cavalry and infantry.

So, is the mercenary group's strike hard enough? Is it fast enough?

When the puppet army detachment leader gathered three regiments of cavalry, and then drove in the direction where gunshots were still ringing, on an inconspicuous small highland in the distance, a figure lying on the ground wearing a camouflage cloak

He saw all this and immediately used his headset to direct the infantry with the guns of the puppet soldiers.

Zhou Wen, who shot into the air, made a report.

When Zhou Wen heard that more than 3,000 puppet cavalry were dispatched, he was convinced that this fishing tactic was successful. He immediately ordered everyone to stop shooting, mounted their horses, and quickly ran towards the north.

When the puppet army detachment leader rushed to the battlefield with a dark group of cavalry, he saw only the corpses of the puppet army and a few injured horses neighing and struggling on the ground. His eyes were burning with anger and he could only watch.

Judging from the running figures of the murderers and the smoke stirred up by the horses' hooves, it looked like there were hundreds of them.

"Chai, if I don't kill all these damn horse bandits today, I will never be a human being."

This was the only thought in the furious mind of the puppet army detachment leader.

Although the terrain of the prairie is flat and open, there are always ups and downs, and the uneven terrain on the highlands will block your view if you move a certain distance away.

The puppet army detachment leader was afraid that after losing sight, the horse bandits would take the opportunity to change direction and escape. He ordered his men to speed up their horses and launched a charge.

The charge of more than three thousand cavalry was like a dark cloud covering the green grass in spring, and the smoke rolled up by the horses' hooves filled the entire sky.

Even if placed on this endless prairie, the galloping of thousands of war horses will still make people feel shocked and palpitated.

The earth is trembling, thousands of horses are galloping, and anyone riding on a horse can't help but feel hot and excited. Both humans and horses are in a state of excitement.

Even the most timid person, in this kind of camp, will be inspired by the momentum and the wind-flying spirit displayed by the cavalry group's charge. This is the power of the cavalry.

Take away his ambition first, then his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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