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Chapter 1046 Don't fight, your own people

Only he knows the nature of his troops.

When fighting against a tailwind, everyone is scrambling to be first, fearing that if they fall one step behind, others will take all the credit and benefits.

Defeat the formation? Hehe, the best example was when we faced the Japanese. Before other people's infantry came up, they just hit a dozen cannons and they were all in a panic.

He immediately ordered the two infantry regiments to form a fighting formation on the spot. Even with a hand planer, they had to find a blocking position that they could hide in. If they wanted to turn around and retreat now, it would be too late.

However, although he knew that his men were not strong soldiers, he still overestimated their courage and character.

You know, today his troops walked dozens of miles, and then fought with Liu Guitang for several hours, and finally defeated Liu Guitang. It was just when people relaxed mentally and physically that they had to fight another battle.

Even the strong army can't stand it, let alone these cowardly puppet troops.

When they were gathered just now, many soldiers and low-level officers began to curse and complain in low voices. Now when they heard the gunshots and cannons in the distance, almost everyone's face turned green. How could they still have the courage to fight?

When they heard that they were going to defend on the spot, even the senior officers began to murmur in their hearts with these 3,000 infantrymen who had no fighting spirit and were exhausted.

So, the captain of the infantry detachment came up and said: "Commander, you know the current situation of brothers. Do you have any handy tools? Even if you dig the soil with your hands, it is too late to establish a position. It is better to withdraw."

If it weren't for the fact that this detachment leader was a close confidant who had been following him for many years, Li Shouxin would have almost slapped him with a big ear.

Don't I know the situation of my own team? But the problem is that it is because of this moment of unstable military morale that we cannot retreat immediately.

Li Shouxin believed that as long as he gave the order to retreat, these men would most likely run back.

It would be okay if he could run away. At worst, he could gather his troops to resist again after returning to Duolun City. Because Li Shouxin had long seen that after Liu Guitang's troops were defeated, the few troops stationed in the city also ran away on horseback.

, the current city of Duolun is an undefended city.

But you are afraid that when you are running, the opponent's artillery shells suddenly fall down, and the whole army may collapse. This is a life-threatening threat. Half a year ago, because of the Japanese artillery shells falling down, the entire army was completely destroyed.

The officers and soldiers' faces turned pale, their calves were trembling, and in the end they had no choice but to surrender.

And now the opponent has more than a dozen cannonballs. Just listen to the dense clouds of explosions, and I am afraid that dozens or hundreds of cannonballs are falling from the sky at once. How many of these cowardly soldiers who have never seen the world will be different.

Coaxed away?

On this kind of grassland, the most feared thing is the collapse of the army. Just like Liu Guitang's army just now, as long as it is chased by the cavalry, the whole army will be annihilated.

Li Shouxin was worried about the opponent's artillery, so he thought of relying on his strength to stabilize his position first and then make plans.

What's more, there is still the main force of his cavalry fighting hard in front of him. He cannot leave his brothers to the enemy and just ignore them. Otherwise, who will be willing to follow you in the future?

Li Shouxin himself was also full of contradictions. He waved his hand impatiently to the leader of the puppet infantry detachment and said, "Hurry up and order the troops to prepare for battle. Don't give me any discouraging words..."

I was about to reprimand him a few words, but suddenly I heard someone in front shouting: "There is the sound of horse hooves, there are many cavalry."

Li Shouxin was shocked and quickly picked up the telescope given by the Japanese and looked forward.

I saw smoke and dust billowing in the distance. I could tell at a glance that it was a large group of cavalry galloping, but I couldn't tell whether it was an enemy or a friend.

But before the smoke, the adjutant and several personal guards he sent out to check the situation were galloping towards this side in panic, waving and shouting something.

Not long after, the sound of intensive horse hooves reached Li Shouxin's ears. The horse under him seemed to know the danger and kept pawing its hooves uneasily. The news that the adjutant brought about the cavalry unit's retreat also made him and the puppet troops around him

The officers felt a little panic.

You know, that's a whole 3,000 cavalry! It took just one pack of cigarettes to defeat them? Even if you caught 3,000 pigs, it would take longer than this, right?

At this time, the infantrymen, who were being ordered by officers at all levels to form combat formations, performed even worse. Everyone looked panicked, and the formations began to scatter.

"They are our cavalry."

Someone in front shouted again. At this time, Li Shouxin had already identified his own cavalry in the telescope. Before he could calm down a little, he found that the cavalry running towards him were in scattered formations. Everyone looked frightened, and there were some

Keep looking back.

"No, we are defeated." Li Shouxin's heart suddenly contracted.

"Let them run to both sides quickly and don't attack the infantry queue." Li Shouxin turned pale and shouted in a hissing voice.

Li Shouxin knew the consequences of letting these desperate soldiers rush over who just wanted to escape.

The rout is also a rout on horseback. Hundreds of horses rushing over can cause the same damage as an enemy cavalry charge.

At this time, the infantry's battle formation had not yet been fully deployed. In addition to the previous panic, more than 3,000 people were crowded together, and something big was going to happen.

"Shoot, shoot me, follow the horses." Li Shouxin saw that these defeated soldiers were about to rush within 500 meters, and he was a little panicked. He could only grit his teeth and let the infantry shoot, regardless of whether he was one of his own or the enemy.

You can never let these war horses attack your own formation.

"Ping ping ping pong..."

"Da da da……"

Various rifles and machine guns immediately started shooting, and people and horses of the puppet cavalry in the distance kept being shot.

"Don't fight! One of our own...ah!"

These puppet cavalrymen are really crying this time. Why do they have to fight their own people? I finally escaped from the nightmare-like battlefield, but now I have been beaten to death by myself. How can I let others live like this?


Some people kept crying and cursing, but the bullets from our own people continued to pour in without stopping.

Some of them finally realized that their horses were charging straight forward, fearing that they were not going to disrupt the formation of their own people, and they also knew in their hearts the reason why their own people fired.

But once the speed of the war horse soared, it didn't mean that it would change direction. Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to its own camp, I suddenly felt sad and couldn't change direction. Anyway, I could survive by rushing over.

The past is death, who cares about anything else?

In fact, it's no wonder that these puppet soldiers didn't realize this in advance. When people were overwhelmed by fear, they only thought about how to get rid of the chasing troops behind them as soon as possible.

Between two points, a straight line is the shortest. In this case, running in a straight line is the instinct of humans and horses. How can they consider so much.

This chapter has been completed!
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