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Chapter 1057: Chief Song's Affection

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, in ten days, I crossed the entire Rehe without anyone noticing. It was a thousand-mile mountain road! No, it was just a mountain, and there was no decent road. This kid has such a long distance.

In terms of his ability to attack, Li Shouxin was really unlucky. The Japanese had not even warmed up to the position of commander, so he lost his life."

The person who was praising him this time was General Song Mingyuan, the commander of the 29th Army.

Of course, the telegram Zhou Wen sent him was different from that of the Marshal. After all, General Song Mingyuan was now the nominal leader of Chahar. When he arrived on his territory, he naturally had to do his homework carefully.

Zhou Wen not only explained the current situation in Duolun, but also gave nearly two thousand captured puppet troops to the 29th Army. This was really a great gift.

The chief of staff next to him looked at the telegram and said angrily: "Liu Guitang, this bastard, thanks to the military commander trusting him so much and trusting him with a city, he repays the military commander and our 29th Army with such perverse behavior?"

Song Zheyuan also sighed after hearing this, knowing in his heart that when talking about this matter, it was actually due to his ignorance of others, and it was also caused by his greed for profit at the time and his desire to kill Liu Guitang's thousands of people.

At that time, Duolun City suffered such a tragic disaster, so there must be an explanation.

Therefore, General Song Mingyuan pondered for a long time and then said to the chief of staff: "Send a message to the Nanjing Military Commission and report Liu Guitang's vicious behavior in Duolun. First of all, ask the Military Commission to revoke this bastard from his position as a division commander.

This thief is expressly wanted."

You must know that for unknown reasons, Liu Guitang, a capricious villain, has never been revoked from the title of division commander of the newly formed Fourth Division of the National Army, which also allows this person to travel around under the banner of the National Army.

Now, even if General Song Mingyuan has murderous intentions against this person, he must first seize the title of Dayi.

"Send a reply to Xiao Zhou in Duolun and ask him to stay in Duolun for a few days. I will immediately dispatch troops from Zhangjiakou to Duolun to take over the defense. In addition, if I encounter Liu Guitang, a thief like this, I will also ask him to help me.

It's easy to cook, and I, Song, will accept his favor."

Zhou Wen, who was in Duolun, felt a little embarrassed after receiving the telegram from Song Mingyuan.

It is okay to temporarily station in Duolun for a few days. Even if General Song Mingyuan didn't say anything, Zhou Wen himself would not be able to leave Duolun, a city without resistance, and let the horse bandits on the grassland or Liu Guitang's defeated troops come again to cause trouble.

The people here.

However, it is a bit difficult to find Liu Guitang and kill him.

Although Song Mingyuan's call was to kill this person if he encountered him, Zhou Wen knew what he meant behind the scenes. In fact, he was asking Zhou Wen to send troops to eliminate him and all his evil-doing men.

Just because Song Mingyuan said in the end that he accepted Zhou Wen's favor.

Hehe, is it so easy to accept the favor of a dignified general of the Republic of China?

Even in the night attack on Xifengkou, Zhou Wen used his talents and efforts. Not only did he win the night attack, but he also took ten Japanese artillery pieces and gave them to him. He did not say anything like words of gratitude. This shows that

The Song general hated Liu Guitang to the core, and he couldn't wait to come back to take revenge personally, so he wanted this evil thief to be killed immediately.

But the prairie is vast and sparsely populated, so finding an army with a small number of people is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Although the mercenary group has a large number of talented people, including locals who are familiar with the grassland, such as Delengtai and Talige. It may not be impossible to find these bandits, but it always takes a lot of manpower and time, and some are not.

So worth it.

But after all, General Song Mingyuan was a patriotic general who fought side by side against the Japanese army, and he really couldn't say anything to evade it.

What's more, if a villain like Liu Guitang lives one more day in the world, he doesn't know how many people will be poisoned by him, so it would be better to kill them as soon as possible.

When Zhou Wen thought of this, he had to summon several leaders to discuss the matter.

Before he could walk out of the tent in the telecommunications room, he suddenly saw Gao Xiaoshan hurriedly walking over from a distance.

Although after two battles during the day, there were no large armed forces around Duolun, Gao Xiaoshan still led the engineering platoon and members of the logistics team to set up sentries and guards at several city gates to prevent

There is an emergency.

When Zhou Wen saw him coming in a hurry, his heart tightened, knowing that something was bound to happen.

After Gao Xiaoshan whispered in Zhou Wen's ear, Zhou Wen had a strange look on his face, half-smiling, but with some surprise.

Zhou Wen secretly sighed in his heart, he really had the luck of Buddhism, and just when he was thinking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao came.

It turned out that not long after the city gate defense was set up at Gao Xiaoshan, several people in iron-gray military uniforms came to the city gate from the grassland and informed the sentry that they were friendly forces of the newly formed Fourth Division of the National Army and also from Duolun City.

City defense army.

The commanders of the troops in the city were also asked to go outside the city to meet with Commander Liu of the newly formed Fourth Division to discuss the ownership of Duolun City.

The new fourth division? Isn't it Liu Guitang's army?

Why did Liu Guitang suddenly come back again?

It turned out that after Liu Guitang was defeated by Li Shouxin and took advantage of the chaos to escape, a lot of broken troops gathered along the way. Later, there were actually five to six hundred people and horses approaching him, and most of them were cavalry. He gradually calmed down from the panic.

Come down.

I thought that as long as I had these few hundred people following me, I would still be considered a force on the grassland. At worst, I would go out at night and kill a few small Mongolian nobles. I would naturally be able to coerce some herdsmen to join them. In a few days, there would be another group.

A team of a thousand people can conquer the world.

Then he discovered that the cavalry who had been pursuing him suddenly blew their trumpets and retreated.

Although Liu Guitang was a bandit, he had been fighting for many years and still had basic military knowledge.

It is said that he has almost no resistance now. The chasing cavalry generally cannot easily let go of his defeated troops who have no fighting spirit. As long as they are overtaken, they can only kneel down and surrender. For the pursuers, it is just to reap the fruits of victory.

At that time, there was no reason to withdraw troops and return to camp after only pursuing for more than ten miles.

When something went wrong, there must be a monster, so Liu Guitang's mind became active.

At that moment, he stopped running and ordered a few of his subordinates to lead people back to investigate the situation.

It should be said that these bandits had already been chased by the enemy's cavalry until they were crying. Now, the prayers that I had been praying to God all the way finally appeared. If they stopped chasing, how could they have the courage to go back.

But Liu Guitang also had some tricks up his sleeve and scattered white flowers all over the floor on the spot.

As the saying goes, people will die for money and birds will die for food. Some bandits want money rather than their lives.

Therefore, when his subordinates who investigated the situation came back and reported that there was a team that resembled the National Army fighting Li Shouxin, Liu Guitang was naturally overjoyed and decided to sneak back with these hundreds of remaining soldiers to see if there was any advantage he could take advantage of.

This chapter has been completed!
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