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Chapter 106 Final Goal

Seeing that several of the leaders were unable to turn their heads, Zhou Wen decided to explain it carefully. He said: "Why should our mercenary group be stronger than others in the future? First, our personal force and military skills far exceed others.

, this is the food we have been training for, we cannot lose it.

Second, our combat experience and teamwork are the reasons why I take you to the battlefield.

The third is our technological advantage. Talking machines, radios, driving cars, etc. belong to this. There will be new technologies to learn in the future.

The fourth is our equipment. We are better than others. In addition to our personal abilities, we also need the best guns, the best cannons, the fastest means of transportation, and the strongest armor in the world. I will gradually improve these in the future.

After getting it all, equip the brothers.

The fifth is advanced concepts, which is the most important. What are advanced concepts? You have thought of what others have not thought of. You have already done what others have thought of. The tactical ideas and tactical skills I teach you are advanced.

Concept. Now let everyone learn to play radio and drive. This is also an advanced concept.

In short, the one thing is that we must always be one step ahead of others and always be in front of others, then we will never fail or lose."

Miaohua and the others admired Zhou Wen so much that they were numb with admiration. He was truly a man who could fly in the sky. Now that he said this, he really wanted to take everyone with him to fly with him. Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore, just follow him, oh no

--Just follow and fly.

Uncle Wu was stunned again and said, "How much will it cost? Do we have that much money?"

Zhou Wen laughed, and Miaohua laughed too. They both knew how much money they had made this time.

Zhou Wen thought for a while and said: "Let me tell you about my family background. Before the war, we had more than 200,000 yuan to suppress the bandits. Basically, they were all exchanged for gold bars and I took it with me. This time I killed Shi San and saved Hong Xiu.

We also unexpectedly made a fortune. Let’s put it this way, our current capital is probably more than one million yuan.”

At Shi Shouxin's house, Zhou Wen had previously moved the U.S. dollars, pounds, and half a box of gold bars into the beads space. It wasn't because he didn't want to take more, but because the space was already full. These alone were worth nearly 800,000 to 900,000 oceans.

He has not yet included the five hundred thousand yuan cashier's check promised by Chief Gu. That will have to wait until he gets it.

Gao Xiaoshan and Old Uncle Wu both looked at Zhou Wen as if they were monsters. They both knew what the supplementary group was like in the past, and it could be said that they were poor and useless. Old Uncle Wu, who was in charge of logistics, planned carefully and saved a lot of money.

It never went beyond five hundred oceans.

But Zhou Wen came here for just over a year, fighting bandits and joining the Nationalist Army. He earned a million easily. This is a million oceans! A number that he had never dared to think of before.

Zhou Wen smiled and said: "What is this? When we go to Shanxi, we will invest in industries to make more money. We will also set up a mercenary group to fight and make money. In the future, our money will only be more, not less. But

Money earned should be spent, and there are more places for us to spend money. Cars, radio stations, brothers' equipment, relatives' lives, and housing. In the future, we will expand our business to Shanghai, where we need to spend more money."

"What about the future? We can't fight for the rest of our lives, right? We made so much money in the end, so we have to have a goal, right?" Miaohua couldn't help but ask.

Zhou Wen smiled again. Brother Miaohua's question actually represented everyone's intention. Yes, what are you trying to make money for? If it is to improve your life, then the current one million is basically enough.

Zhou Wen said seriously: "I have worked so hard to lead my brothers to fight, and I do have a big goal. It's time to tell you about it.

As you all know, our country is very poor and weak, and there are constant wars internally every year. Without a unified government and army, the country has no strength to resist foreign enemies. Therefore, it has been bullied by foreigners in the past hundred years. Just like

Those bullies in the village came to rob your house when they saw you had good food and clothing.

But now there is such a bully country. He feels that robbery alone cannot satisfy his desires. He feels that we are so weak, but we occupy such a large area and have such rich resources. However, their country only occupies a few small islands.

, there are typhoons and earthquakes every year. Resources are also scarce. We don’t even have the iron ore to make guns and cannons. We have to spend money to buy them from other countries.

He felt it was unfair, so he deliberately thought about how to occupy all the land in our country, kill all our people, and let people from their country come to live in our country and cultivate our land.

Develop our resources. He does not want to come here for a year or two, but wants to make our country his country forever.

You say, if that’s really the case, what should we do?”

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect such an incredible thing to happen.

Miaohua was the first to jump up and said: "What should we do? Isn't the purpose of our martial arts training to resist foreign enemies? Just fuck it."

Old Uncle Wu also said loudly: "Yes, do it. Scholar, do whatever you say. Uncle, I am willing to do it."

Gao Xiaoshan said thoughtfully: "Awen, are you talking about Japanese people?"

Zhou Wen asked deliberately: "Brother Shanzi, tell me why you are an Oriental?"

Gao Xiaoshan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and said: "When we were in cultural class, you told the brothers about foreigners bullying our country. I was thinking about it, in order for people from their countries to come and live here, they must be

The countries that are relatively close to us. The only countries that are close to our country and are great powers are the Orientals."

Zhou Wen smiled appreciatively and said: "Brother Shan Zi's analysis is correct, that is, the Japanese. In fact, there is another country that meets this condition, and that is Lao Maozi. But they are currently too busy taking care of themselves, and are not that ambitious. Only Japanese devils would think

The snake swallows the elephant, and they have been planning it for many years.

They will initially try to encroach and infiltrate us bit by bit, just like they are doing in the Northeast now, occupying a small area first, then stationing troops in the name of protecting expatriates, and then gradually expanding. However, when they feel that the time is right,

When the time comes, they will increase the intensity of the invasion until a full-scale attack.

This time will not exceed ten years. It will be an unprecedented national war. Either the invaders will be beaten back, or the country will be destroyed. At that time, only the whole country can unite as one, share the same hatred and rise up to fight. Only then can we win the final victory.

Victory. This will be an arduous and long-term battle. There is no way, our country is too weak. Our army cannot defeat them for the time being. We can only retreat while fighting, lengthen and widen the front. Slowly grind with him. Use

Space and time drag them down.

However, in this case, the sacrifices and prices paid by our country will be too great. That’s why I want to take everyone back to Shanxi and arrange all our relatives so that we can kill the Japanese with peace of mind."

This chapter has been completed!
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