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Chapter 1072 Scarce Types of Arms

For example, Mu Qinghe led his troops to attack forward, but because the radio accidentally got flooded and failed to contact the headquarters, he almost ran into a dangerous situation with a large Japanese army.

Also, after the Japanese army captured Yiyuankou, the mercenary group was on the march and the radio was not turned on, so they did not know in time that there had been a major turning point on the battlefield. If Gao Xiaoshan had not left the customs overnight to report the news, maybe the mercenary group would have followed the Japanese.

The 6th Division came to a skirmish.

This shows the importance of timely transmission of communication information on the battlefield.

Admiral Chen was keenly aware of the incredible speed and timeliness of the mercenary group in this regard.

This was also what puzzled him because it was beyond his knowledge.

Of course, it was impossible for Zhou Wen to talk about a device like a communicator that was far ahead of this era, so he had to arrange some sentences.

But I heard General Chen say again: "Please don't misunderstand Major General Xiao Zhou. I have no intention of exploring the secrets of your department. This is purely a tactical discussion. I am just curious. If you have any difficulties, you don't have to answer."


After gaining an in-depth understanding of the strength of the Central Party Headquarters' teaching team, Admiral Chen no longer had the original greed for General Zhou Wen, and he already treated him as an equal and no longer looked down upon him.

But Zhou Wen cursed in his heart: "Mama Pi, of course I am in a difficult position, but in full view of everyone, especially in front of this very jealous principal, how can I not answer?"

"Sir Chen, you are overthinking it. This unit is always under the unified command of the Military Commission and the principal. There are no secrets that cannot be disclosed in front of the principal and other senior officers."

Zhou Wen's words made the principal's tense expression soften a lot, although he would not believe that this little bandit would really obey his orders, otherwise he would not abandon his promising future in the army after the Central Plains War.

Went back to Shanxi.

But saying such words in front of these confidants and generals of his will of course bring a lot of glory to his face and make him understand something.

"Actually, it's very simple to say. The humble troops are equipped with a large number of German low-power field radios. They are easy to carry and have reliable performance. They can be turned on and work anywhere in the field. Whenever there is a situation, they can report to my headquarters in time.

The headquarters can also issue orders to various units in a very short time."

After hearing this, General Chen showed disapproval on his face and said angrily: "Xiao Zhou, you are just joking. Could it be that your radio soldiers can be like other combat soldiers, capable of lurking, intervening, and omnipotent?"

Zhou Wen knew at a glance that Admiral Chen had misunderstood and thought he was perfunctory.

"Actually, I am dissatisfied with Chief Chen. There is no such branch of radio soldiers in the teaching corps of Beizhong. Instead, including Beizhong, all the officers in the teaching corps, as well as the more than fifty brothers of the most elite unit under Beizhong, all can

Use the radio.”


"is it possible?"

The scene was immediately in an uproar.

"Is everything you said true? Including the two warriors who sniped at the Japanese leader, did they use the radio?" the principal asked without feeling moved.

"Yes, there is no need for me to lie. That's because the radio station in my army is equipped with every company-level unit. When necessary, it can even be deployed at the squad or platoon level, so the orders and communications on the battlefield are very fast.

Moreover, the teaching corps also has a communications team of 50 people, and all the soldiers in it are proficient in radio and telephone technology."

What the hell, I knew you were a big dog, but I didn’t expect you to be such a big dog.

You know, it is only 1933, and the principal's German weapons division has just been put on the agenda. In the entire Central Army, only a few divisions have basically completed the standardization of equipment. Most of the troops even have rifles for ordinary soldiers.

They are a mix of rifles made in Hanyang and Shanghai, and some are still using old sleeves from more than ten years ago, not to mention telephone radios.

It would be a good thing for a messenger to be equipped with a horse, but most of them had to rely on two legs to run back and forth to deliver orders.

You have already equipped the latest and most advanced German field radios to the squad and platoon levels. How can you make the regimental commander feel so embarrassed when you let the brigade commanders under my command who can't even afford old-fashioned radio stations?

Moreover, even ordinary soldiers have to spend effort and money to train them to use radios. When did using radios to send messages become as easy as drinking water and eating? Why didn’t I know?

At least you need to be able to read and write, right? At least you need to learn some radio knowledge, right? At least you need to know how to use and translate passwords, right? You can learn this in a day or two?

Damn it, your soldiers are highly skilled, have superb military skills, are accurate in marksmanship, are well equipped, can fight and run, I recognize all these. But it’s a bit too much to be able to use high-tech gadgets like radios, you’re special

Why not let them fly?

In fact, this was Zhou Wen's deliberate exaggeration of the mercenary group's use of radios, but he could only explain it this way. It cannot be said that I still have several high-tech communication devices from the 21st century.

But this alone almost made the eyes of the elite leaders of the National Army almost pop out of their heads.

You know, it is not easy to train a radio operator in this period. Even if you are willing to spend money, it is impossible to train a person without a certain cultural foundation. The radio operators in the National Army select those who are at least

Students who have graduated from high school (junior high school) are trained, and once they graduate, they are treated as officers starting from second lieutenants.

Even so, it is still difficult to recruit suitable candidates because the education popularity during the Republic of China was very low and the number of students was too small. Most of them were unwilling to join the army. Some of those who were willing to join the army were unable to be recruited due to various reasons. Therefore

This resulted in a shortage of radio soldiers.

This is one of the reasons why many units of the Central Army cannot be equipped with radio stations.

Moreover, during this period, not only the military, but also many government and private institutions also needed a large number of telegraph personnel. Telegraph operators had become a job that everyone envied. In the early days of the Republic of China, the monthly income of telegraph operators could be around 100 yuan. This kind of salary and treatment has become

If you belong to the high-income class, who the hell would want to join the army and suffer the hardships of being a soldier?

Therefore, in some movies and TV dramas of later generations, female National Army radio operators often appear in voluptuous costumes. This is really true, because technical positions such as radio operators are so scarce that all students, regardless of gender, are recruited as long as they are willing to come.

Come in and talk.

But Zhou Wen was not ready to let go of these lieutenant generals and admirals who usually behaved calmly, but now they stared and opened their mouths, completely shocked and losing their composure.

He is also preparing to reveal another big piece of information, so that these elites of the party and state who are above the top will never dare to underestimate himself and the mercenary group again.

This chapter has been completed!
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