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Chapter 1081 Expansion

According to historical records, during the Sino-Japanese Great Wall War of Resistance, the number of Chinese casualties reached more than 40,000, including more than 14,000 killed in action, while the data released by the Japanese army was only more than 2,600 casualties and more than 900 killed in action.

Of course, the data released by the Japanese army are also greatly reduced. Among other things, the three divisions of the 17th Army of the Central Army fought bloody battles with the Japanese 8th Division at Gubeikou Nantianmen for nearly two months, causing most of their own casualties, but the Japanese also paid their dues.

The losses were heavy. There were more than a thousand corpses of Japanese soldiers who were taken away. It is not fake that the 29th Army chopped off the heads of five or six hundred Japanese soldiers at Xifengkou, right? There were also hundreds of people killed in the famous Luowenyu victory.

Hundreds of devils.

Even if the cold-mouthed 32nd Army fought against the Japanese for two months, it would still be able to kill at least two to three hundred Japanese, right?

Calculated in this way, nearly 2,000 Japanese soldiers were killed. The actual battle loss ratio between China and Japan should be 7:1. But this is already a relatively sad figure.

Think about it, the military strength comparison between China and Japan is 200,000 Chinese troops versus 60,000 Japanese troops plus 30,000 puppet troops. The Chinese side has the advantage in strength and location, but the aircraft and artillery are at an absolute disadvantage, but the result is a victory.

This situation can even be called a disastrous defeat.

Needless to say the reason for this, but the data is very ugly. Even future generations of Chinese people will feel humiliated and depressed when they see this period of history.

Now, in terms of the number of enemies annihilated, nearly 8,000 Japanese soldiers have been killed in the battle between the mercenary regiment and the model brigade alone, and all of them were killed, with no one left alive.

In addition, in the battle of Xifengkou, the Japanese troops who came forward were annihilated, and almost a whole regiment of Japanese troops was crippled. There was also the actual record of the 17th Army at Gubeikou killing thousands of enemies.

The number of Japs killed in the Great Wall War should have exceeded 10,000, and more than 4,000 were injured.

As for the Chinese army, the 17th Army of the Central Army suffered the most casualties. More than 8,000 soldiers were killed and more than 12,000 were injured. It can be said that they were basically disabled.

But apart from that, the 29th Army suffered more than a thousand casualties in the Battle of Xifengkou, while the casualties of the 32nd Army and the Model Brigade were not large, with a total of no more than a thousand.

Therefore, the current casualty exchange ratio between China and Japan in the Great Wall War is approximately 1.5:1.

The exchange ratio of those killed in action has reached 1:1, which is generally comparable to the Songhu Anti-Japanese War.

This is the goal Zhou Wen is pursuing now.

Generally speaking, I can't beat you, but I will make you pay more, shed more blood, and kill more people.

However, to achieve this goal, the mercenary group needs to further increase its strength and increase its strike intensity.

Of course, Zhou Wen cannot blindly expand. One is that more people will not necessarily increase the combat effectiveness, and the other is that the funding must be tailored. With his financial resources, without affecting the existing equipment and combat effectiveness, at most

There are only two thousand people, any more would be too much.

You know, raising an army is not just about daily training and equipment. The biggest expense is still in fighting.

There is a saying that fighting a war means making money, and there is really nothing wrong with this saying.

Take the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War as an example. Even though Zhou Wen was usually willing to invest in training, the consumption of ammunition and materials in three months of combat reached the total investment in training in three years. Materials and equipment worth hundreds of thousands of oceans.

, it was all gone in one fell swoop.

Moreover, how much material and equipment will be consumed in the war of resistance in the next eight years, and the cost of strategic reserves that need to be carried out are also astronomical.

What's more, Zhou Wen is still ambitious. To establish an aviation force and an armored force, even if the number is small, it is still a staggering expense. Even with Zhou Wen's current financial resources, it is a headache to think about it.

Therefore, Zhou Wen's plan is to upgrade the detachment to a regiment and set up a battalion under the regiment.

For example, in the first regiment, Zhou Wen plans to set up an infantry battalion, an artillery battalion and a fire support battalion. In addition, the engineering platoon, communication platoon and logistics team have all been upgraded to companies. These will require additional personnel, but not too many.

At most, it would be enough to expand the staff by one-third.

The Second Regiment was far away in Nanjing. Zhou Wen had other plans for the purpose of this unit. One of his plans was to transfer it to Pukou for garrison.

Although Zhou Wen is now far away from the emperor, and even if he quietly expands his army, no one will gossip, but now he wants to take advantage of the mercenary group's reputation in the country and the opportunity to have great achievements, so that he can be legitimately recognized.

The lesson he learned from the Great Wall War of Resistance is that one should not be too low-key. Don't let go of what you deserve and what you deserve. Even if you don't care, the country's atmosphere does, and so do ordinary soldiers.

As for the establishment of an aviation brigade, Wang Chengming and Zhang Jie, who have been sent to Germany to learn airplane piloting, have not come back. Their favorite aircraft has not yet been launched, and it will be too late to mention it in a year or two.

However, the establishment of the flying force cannot be done quietly by oneself. Without the support and permission of the government, it is impossible to implement it.

For example, the import issue of aircraft.

If you are a big warlord and control a large port with access to the sea, as long as you have money and your own airport, you can of course establish an aviation force without the consent of the government.

For example, the previous Northeastern Army had Port Arthur available, and the Guangdong Warlords had Huangpu Port available.

Therefore, among the dozens of warlords in the country, only these two warlords have their own complete air force.

As for Marshal Yan, one of the top warlords, he is not short of money, but because there is no port that he can control, the import of aircraft has been hijacked by the National Government and other warlords. Until now, he still has no aircraft that can really be used in combat.

And Zhou Wen couldn't control any ports. Without the principal's permission, even a plane couldn't bring him into Shanxi.

In addition, the aircraft is a powerful weapon in all-airspace operations. If it accelerates at any time, it may fly over the friendly defense zone, which involves many problems of identification of friend or foe.

What would you do if someone didn't know you were a friendly force and directly pulled out anti-aircraft guns to fire or sent planes to intercept?

This is the purpose of the Central Aviation Committee established by the Military Commission. On the one hand, it is to unify the coordination and identification issues of aviation aircraft across the country. On the other hand, the principal has too much appetite and wants to control all the country's aircraft in his own hands.

Finally, with the consent of the principal and the relationship between Zhou Wen and Commander Qian, the mercenary group's planes can land at any airport controlled by the Aviation Commission and receive fuel replenishment.

For the mercenary group, whether it is airborne or airborne, many special operations modes will be added in the future, which is of great significance.

This chapter has been completed!
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