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Chapter 1095 Those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes

As for why he wanted to put a head on Mr. Kong Da’s bed, it was Mr. Zhou’s bad taste and psychological intimidation.

In Zhou Wen's past life memory, there is a plot in his favorite movie "The Godfather". Fang Tang, the adopted son of the Mafia Godfather, is an actor. He wants to be the protagonist of a movie and take the opportunity to become famous.

But director Waltz looked down on Fang Tang and just didn't want to use Fang Tang. The godfather sent a man to smooth things over, using all kinds of inducements and threats, but the director just didn't buy it.

Because Fang Tang had previously seduced an actress whom Waltz had carefully cultivated, and then abandoned her. For this reason, he hated Fang Tang to his core and was determined not to give him a chance to become famous.

Later, the godfather sent someone to kill the purebred racehorse "Gatum" that Woltz bought for $600,000, and put the horse's head on director Woltz's bed.

The next day, director Waltz woke up, his bed was covered in blood, and he saw the severed head of his beloved racehorse. Apart from being frightened and distressed, he finally became scared.

Waltz was faced with two choices: revenge at all costs, or compromise with his godfather. This was also a question that the godfather weighed repeatedly all night before taking action: What would this person choose? Does he have the courage?

In the end, Woltz didn't have the guts to retaliate against his godfather and chose to compromise.

But this time Zhou Wen did something even more bloody and violent, not a horse head, but a bloody human head.

Although in terms of approach, it lacks the mafia's high-level demeanor of violent violence with a bit of artistry, it is more direct, more brutal and violent, and has a stronger deterrent effect.

In the face of absolute violence, most people who live a normal life in society, no matter how high their status and fame are, lack the courage to fight.

This has nothing to do with personal courage and bloodiness, but a question of whether it is worth it.

For example, you are a white-collar executive of a company, with an annual salary of tens or millions, and a lovely wife and children at home.

If you meet some street gangsters on the road, armed with sticks and daggers, and ask for some pocket money to spend, will you resist? Or will you obediently pay and avoid disaster?

Are you, an executive who is already in the middle and upper echelons of society, willing to work hard with street gangsters for hundreds or even thousands of dollars?

This is why barefoot people are not afraid of wearing shoes.

In "The Godfather", the Mafia is barefoot, and what they are best at is using violence to subdue others.

And that director is a socialite with status and reputation. He still has countless wonderful lives waiting for him to enjoy. As long as his fundamental interests are not touched, how can he fight against the mafia thugs?

In Mr. Kong Da's view, people like Zhou Wen who dare to fight against the Japanese are naturally barefoot, and they belong to the most barefoot type of people who don't care about their own lives.

The key is that a barefoot guy like Zhou Wen is not an ordinary street gangster, but a local tycoon who possesses quite powerful means of violence and has soldiers and guns.

He must not dare to risk everything to confront Zhou Wen publicly, because he cherishes his life, and because he is reluctant to part with his current position of power and wealth that rivals other countries.

Moreover, the compensation conditions proposed by Zhou Wen seemed to others to be a huge amount of money, a wealth that most people could not reach or expect in a few lifetimes.

For the Kong family, it only made them feel pain, but it also hurt their roots.

It's just the critical point where they don't go to great lengths for it, but are quite reluctant.

Of course, Zhou Wen didn't come up with such a particular compensation condition just by patting his head. Besides, although he knew the history, he couldn't accurately estimate how much the Kong family's property was.

This number is the conclusion Zhou Wen came to after consulting Mr. Du in Shanghai.

Although Mr. Du has a good relationship with the principal, it does not mean that his relationship with the Kong family is good.

On the contrary, Mr. Du and the Kong family have always had bad blood.

On the one hand, people with prominent family backgrounds such as Mr. Kong Da have always looked down on these gangsters with gangland nature.

Moreover, in the past few years, Mr. Kong Da has been trading futures, securities and financial markets in Shanghai, causing chaos in several markets. He has made a lot of money, but he has harmed the interests of countless people.

Among them, Mr. Du, who also opened a bank in Shanghai, was one of the victims.

As the saying goes, blocking a person's financial path is like killing his parents. He must be quite hostile to Mr. Kong Da. If Mr. Kong Da was not protected by the relationship of the principal's brother-in-law, Mr. Du might have wanted to send a killer to kill him physically.

Moreover, Mr. Du generally knew the wealth of the Kong family quite well. After he knew that Zhou Wen was going to rip off the Kong family, he immediately became energetic and tried his best to arrive at the figure of 700,000 US dollars.

Moreover, judging from the level of the principal's rage, Zhou Wen knew that the effect of using a human head to intimidate Mr. Kong Da this time should be pretty good.

Not only was Mr. Kong Da frightened, but it could also be seen from the principal's angry and rude behavior. Even the principal himself was frightened.

You know, although the Kong family cannot control the military, they nominally control the national police system, because he has the final say in the funding of police stations in various places of the Republic of China government.

Therefore, during this period of time, the police assigned to guard the Kong family were basically elite soldiers carefully selected by the police station. They also guarded the house in several shifts day and night, which can be said to be dedicated to their responsibilities.

But even so, someone still sneaked into Mr. Kong Da's bedroom quietly, and no clues were found afterwards. He didn't even know how the infiltrator entered or where he exited.

With such skill, even the principal would have to doubt whether his own protective power can protect him.

If someone can enter your room and put your head in there, they can easily cut off your head and leave.

This kind of ability will make anyone shudder if they think about it carefully.

The principal called Zhou Wenlai, not because he wanted him to admit it personally.

For the principal, it is best not to admit that such a bad violent incident occurred in the lair that he has absolute control without finding conclusive evidence.

If you, Zhou Wen, feel complacent and admit it stupidly, then you are throwing the problem to the principal.

What to do with you?

It's too serious, because I'm afraid that if I push you too far, everyone will completely fall out, and there will definitely be another bloodbath.

Not to mention the huge losses, in the end, it is very likely that Zhou Wen, the most powerful unit of the Republic of China, was pushed to his opponent. That would be losing his wife and losing his troops.

But it's not enough to be too gentle. Doesn't it mean that the leader of a country is too weak, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong, which greatly damages his own image and prestige?

Now this is the best situation. Everyone knows it, but they just don’t say it out loud.

This chapter has been completed!
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