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Chapter 1098 Analysis

"Looking at the whole of Asia, the only regions with the richest resources and the largest markets are China and the countries in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia is banned by the Western powers. If Japan wants to get involved, it will risk war with the powers. They don't dare."

"Therefore, our vast land of China has become the only stepping stone for the rise of the Japanese and their only hope."

The principal was a little amused that a young guy like Zhou Wen would analyze the international and domestic situation in front of the head of his own country. At first, he was just patient and prepared to change the topic after he said a few words, but now he

I was attracted by his conversation unconsciously.

"Now, both China and Japan know that there must be a war between each other, and it is not a local war, but a war that will overwhelm the two countries. The war will only end with the complete annihilation or surrender of one side."

"Since it is a war that will overwhelm the country, both our country and Japan will do their best to prepare for the war. Therefore, insightful people from various countries, including the Japanese government, believe that this will take a certain amount of time.

, which is the 7-8 years of preparation time we analyzed previously.”

"However, the outbreak of war never depends on human will. Especially now that the Japanese army has deployed its troops in the important town of Pingjin, and the military deployments of both sides are intertwined. Any sudden incident may cause a large-scale conflict.

, thus triggering a total war."

Looking at this young man in his early twenties, standing in front of himself, the head of a country, talking eloquently.

The point of view is novel, the explanation is clear, and there are extensive quotations from Chinese and foreign classics. It has the style of a wise man who talks about the past and the present. Unconsciously, I am even more curious, and I am more and more interested in hearing this guy's point of view.

Seeing that Zhou Wen was speaking eloquently and his voice was a little dry, the principal handed over the tea cup that he had never put down. Zhou Wen quickly bowed to take it, and without being polite, he picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp.

The principal looked at the young officer in front of him who had repeatedly refreshed his impression. Although he was only wearing a suit now, it did not affect his heroic and upright military temperament, and he also had a kind of temperament that had been accumulated after he had achieved countless victories and achievements on the battlefield.

Confident and calm, I just regret that this person cannot be my confidant.

Zhou Wen wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and continued: "I believe that the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War does not depend on the proper preparations of both parties. It is likely to be unilaterally provoked by the Japanese garrison."

"After the Sino-Japanese War, Japan completely changed its attitude towards China, from admiration to contempt. Japan changed from a state of lack of self-confidence to a state of inflated self-confidence. The Japanese even used extreme thinking to completely classify the Chinese as 'inferior'


"This mentality has evolved over decades and has filled the hearts of every Japanese citizen. Especially their army. After successive defeats of the Qing Dynasty and Tsarist Russia, the confidence and arrogance of the Japanese officers and soldiers have risen to an extremely blind level.


"They always think that China is so weak that it can conquer all of China with only a small number of troops."

"And in the September 18th Incident, their view was confirmed. Just over 20,000 Japanese troops scared hundreds of thousands of Northeastern troops into fleeing in panic. They did not even dare to resist, and handed over a land that was more than twice the area of ​​Japan.

Give in. This is the so-called snake swallowing the elephant, and it actually succeeded."

"When the news of the occupation of Northeast China spread back to Japan, the people in Japan cheered and ran to the streets to drink and dance to celebrate. They would rather have honest soldiers than corrupt politicians, and the domestic peace parties in Japan gradually lost power completely."

"Just last year, Japanese Prime Minister Takeshi Inukai was assassinated by several soldiers, and Japan's political arena gradually began to be controlled by militant soldiers. And the Japanese people's support for soldiers has reached the highest peak in Japanese history."

When Zhou Wen said this, he noticed a sullen look on the principal's face. Thinking that he had hit the principal's soft spot, he paused. Just as he was about to consider his tone, he saw the principal say in a deep voice:

"Go on, don't have any worries. Someone must bear the responsibility for the loss of Northeast China, and Jiang will definitely give an explanation to the people of the country."

Of course Zhou Wen knew the reason for the principal's anger. It was because the Northeast was lost. Many domestic public opinions pointed at the principal, believing that it was the result of the principal's non-resistance policy.

Zhou Wen, who had memories of his previous life, knew in his heart that as the head of a country, the principal had to bear a great deal of responsibility for the loss of the country, and it was also related to his policy of settling the country first before going abroad.

However, the real culprit was Marshal Zhang, who was frightened by the Japanese army and lacked correct thinking and judgment.

Based on Zhou Wen's understanding of Marshal Zhang, this man was a figure like Zhao Kuo who was born with a golden key and had hardly experienced many hardships in his life before he took the position of commander in chief of the Northeastern Army.

When Marshal Zhang first assumed power, he could be high-spirited and full of ambition.

In June 1929, Marshal Zhang, who had just taken office, was worried that Northeast China would continue to be infiltrated and eroded by the Japanese and Soviet Russia, so he negotiated with the Soviet Union at that time about the Eastern Railway (the Eastern Railway was built by Tsarist Russia on Chinese territory in order to plunder and invade China and control the Far East.

A railway built.) The issue of ownership.

This was originally a just act to safeguard national sovereignty, but because he underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Soviet Red Army and was bewitched by some of the Northeastern Army's staff and the Japanese, he blindly believed in the strength of the Northeastern Army and took very tough measures from the beginning.

s method.

He sent military police to search the Soviet Embassy in Harbin and arrested the Soviet Consul General in Harbin. At the same time, he closed the Soviet Union of Employees of the Eastern Railway, took back the telegraph and telephone rights of the Eastern Railway, and sent Soviet employees back home. This triggered a great struggle between China and the Soviet Union for ownership of the Eastern Railway.

large-scale armed conflict.

What is even more bizarre is that in order to show its support for the Northeast Army to regain national sovereignty, the Nationalist Government rashly declared war on the Soviet Union without being fully prepared.

On August 11, 1929, the Soviet army, with one corps, three divisions and an Outer Mongolian cavalry unit, launched an attack on the Northeastern Army in the direction of Manzhouli, and the Eastern Route War broke out.

As soon as the war began, the Northeastern Army adopted an all-out defense posture. The initiative had already been given away before the war even started. This was also a passive and backward tactic that China had consistently adopted in the history of wars since the late Qing Dynasty.

What's even more irritating is that when the Soviet Union concentrated its army to attack Manchuria with all its strength, the Japanese, who had been encouraging the Northeast Army to go to war with the Soviet Army, actually used the neutral country's force when the Northeast Army wanted to use the railway to mobilize troops for reinforcements.

As an excuse, the Northeast Army was prohibited from using railway lines controlled by the Japanese to transport soldiers and supplies.

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