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Chapter 1101 Combat Purpose

"On Protracted War" describes how China can defeat Japan as follows:

" Question: Under what conditions can China defeat and eliminate Japanese imperialism?"

" Answer: There are three conditions: first, the completion of the Chinese anti-Japanese united front; second, the completion of the international anti-Japanese united front; third, the rise of the revolutionary movement of the people in Japan and the Japanese colonial people. From the standpoint of the Chinese people

He said that among the three conditions, the great unity of the Chinese people is the most important."

Remember, this is the first time among all the theories of protracted war that someone has proposed the idea of ​​an international anti-Japanese united front.

Japan's final defeat was precisely the result of the completion of the first and second conditions.

History has verified the foresight and far-sighted strategic vision of great men.

Today, Zhou Wen is preparing to instill in the principal four years in advance China's theory of victory and the strategy of protracted war, to enhance the principal's confidence, and at the same time make the principal prepare for war earlier than in history.

"Principal, I firmly believe that the final winner of the Sino-Japanese War must be China."

Zhou Wen stood upright in front of the principal, spoke loudly and decisively.

At the same time, his eyes showed confidence and determination.

When the principal heard this, he did not expect that this boy would say such confident words without hesitation.

You know, the staff he consulted before, as well as military experts including General Chen and General Jiang Baili, although everyone claimed that China would win, they all pondered for a while, with solemn expressions on their faces.

The boy in front of me came so crisply and confidently.

"Oh, tell me your opinion. Don't worry, just say it boldly."

Zhou Wen was so confident that the principal was energized, but he still had some doubts in his heart. Isn't this guy just a big talker?

Zhou Wen nodded in response, stepped on the broken glass on the ground, and walked to the map hanging on the wall behind the sofa in the living room. He pointed at the map and said: "Principal, many seniors in the military must have proposed that we fight against Japan.

Our country’s strategy should be to resist at all levels, trade space for time, and be prepared for a protracted war.”

Zhou Wen pointed to the northern area of ​​​​the Chinese map and said: "The three provinces of Hebei, Shandong, and Shanxi in northern China must be the first targets of the Japanese army. In the early days of the war, the Japanese army had sharp combat power and the convenience of mechanization, while our army in the north

Most of them were local warlord troops, and their equipment and training were difficult to confront the Japanese army head-on."

"My Central Army concentrated in the south is too far away and is inconvenient to mobilize. The logistics supply line is long, and the railways and roads may be blown up by Japanese aircraft at any time. It is not suitable for our southern army to move north. Therefore, Bei Zhi believes that in Hebei and Hebei

We cannot rush into a decisive battle with the Japanese army on the battlefield in Shandong, we can only resort to layer-by-layer resistance and gradually retreat."

"According to your opinion, it is impossible to defend Peiping and Tianjin?" the principal, who was also standing in front of the map, asked with a solemn expression.

"Yes." Zhou Wen said with a bitter smile.

"It seems that not only the Pingjin area cannot be defended, but also the entire Hebei and Shandong areas. The reason is that the Japanese army's absolutely superior navy, air force and mechanized forces have too great advantages in the northern region. And the Japanese army has been attacking China in recent years.

After repeated battles and victories, the confidence and morale of the Japanese officers and soldiers were inflated to the extreme."

"Coupled with the strength of the Japanese army and its superior equipment, the momentum of its offensive in the early stages of the war and the sharpness of its troops were unimaginable. With our army in the north, if we want to defend it head-on,

, the result is likely to be a loss of both people and land.”

"Hmph! If you can't keep it, why don't you keep it? Do you believe it or not? Once your views are known to those warlords, they will probably be eager to run away and stage another September 18th Incident." The principal snorted coldly.


"Principal, this is what I'm going to say next, an unstoppable strategy."

"Strategically speaking, although the Japanese army is coming in force, if our army retreats in large steps from the beginning, it will inevitably lead to the shaken military morale and morale, the disloyalty of the people, social unrest, and even affect the overall situation of the war of resistance."

"That's why I proposed the strategy of resisting in layers and gradually retreating. However, the purpose of resisting in layers is not to defend the city and the country, but to kill and injure the effective forces of the Japanese army. All defensive tactics and combat methods focus on how to

Killing enemies, how to kill more enemies is the only goal."

"Through this Great Wall War of Resistance, I also learned about the current combat strength and equipment situation of our northern army. Although the overall performance of the Northeastern Army is quite unsatisfactory, there are many troops who dare to fight. As long as the country does the work of Marshal Zhang, it is willing to

We must work hard to rectify and streamline the Northeast Army until it can no longer be used."

"What's more, we still have the 29th Army and the 32nd Army, backbone forces that have already made meritorious service on the anti-Japanese front line and have combat experience against Japan. As long as the purpose of the campaign is clear and the officers and soldiers are consistent, the Japanese army will inevitably pay a heavy price.


"Our requirements should not be too high. Take Hebei as an example. The defensive battles in big cities such as Peking and Tianjin aimed to kill or injure thousands of Japanese troops. The surrounding counties and important places aimed to kill or injure hundreds or even dozens of people.

As long as the target is achieved, the troops can evacuate to the next line of defense."

"This tactic can be used by troops including Shandong and Henan. Each troop demarcates its own defense area and sets up more than a dozen defense lines with a depth of hundreds of kilometers. Each line of defense does not require a holding time, only a requirement

The number of enemies killed. An inspection team is set up in each defense zone to be responsible for checking and identifying the performance of each unit in the defense zone."

"Both the officers and soldiers regard the number of enemies killed as the only criterion for meritorious service. This will inevitably mobilize the subjective initiative and enthusiasm of grassroots officers and soldiers, and everyone will brainstorm more ways to kill the enemy and create more

Many effective tactics.”

"Principal, I believe that since there are many uncertain factors in the outbreak of the war, the Japanese army must not have been prepared for full-scale war mobilization in the early stages of the war. Therefore, the troops they can use in the early stage can only be the existing 17

divisions and a small number of mixed brigades.”

"Taking into account the two to three divisions that the Japanese army must stay in the country to prevent domestic changes, as well as the troops ready to deal with Shanghai and other coastal areas of China, the Japanese army's troops attacking the north will not exceed 10 divisions, which is 300,000

People around."

"If the Japanese army had to pay dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of casualties when they captured every city and county in Hebei and Shandong, how much would their military losses be when they arrived in Shanxi and Henan?


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