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Chapter 1104 East-West Front Strategy

The principal knew clearly that elite troops like Zhou Wen's teaching corps, whose individual soldiers' quality and advanced equipment were difficult to find opponents in the world, did not need such tactics of seeking initiative in passivity, because they had always fought proactively.


However, this tactic is exactly what the Chinese army needs most at present, and with the example and record of the Model Brigade as a reference and verification, it is not difficult to promote it.

At this time, the principal looked more and more pleased with Zhou Wen, and then asked: "You just talked about the strategic analysis of the north, so how did you consider other aspects?"

You know, the principal has been concerned about whether he can finally defeat Japan. He didn't expect that a northern strategy alone would bring out so much useful information from Zhou Wen's mouth, and he became even more interested in his next point of view.

Zhou Wen smiled slightly and said: "Principal, I think that the strategy in the south is different from that in the north. The terrain of our country is less undulating from north to south. The terrain in the north is relatively gentle, with many plains, and the roads and railways are relatively sound, which is conducive to the mechanization of the Japanese army.

Attack and deployment of troops.”

"Another advantage for the Japanese army is that after the Japanese army occupied the Northeast and Jehol, the Northeast became an industrial and agricultural base for the Japanese army. Their logistics supply lines were greatly shortened, and the momentum and speed of the attack should not be restricted."

"Looking at our country, since our most elite Central Military Forces are deployed in the Yangtze River Basin, if we want to support the north, the mobilization of troops and the supply of materials require long-distance transportation of thousands of miles, which is not conducive to long-term operations."

"From east to west, our country is dominated by mountains and ridges, with rivers crisscrossing the land. If we want to offset the advantages of the Japanese mechanized troops, the best way is to direct the main Japanese attack force to the front from east to west."

When Zhou Wen said this, the principal had already stood up and walked to the map, pointed to the easternmost point on the Chinese mainland and said: "You are talking about Shanghai."

Zhou Wen looked at the principal with admiration and said: "The principal obviously sees that this humble position refers to Shanghai."

He drew a straight line on the map starting from Shanghai and going west, stopping in Hunan. He turned around and said: "Another consideration for me is that once the Japanese army takes action in the north, we will implement the resistance strategy in the north.

While blocking at all levels, we mobilized the elite Central Army to proactively attack the Japanese troops in Shanghai."

"It would be better if we could wipe out all the Japanese troops stationed in Shanghai in one fell swoop. Even if we can't take them down for the time being, we should force the Japanese troops to send more troops to Shanghai and draw the attention of the Japanese base camp to Shanghai."

"So the strategy of Beizhi in Shanghai is to attack first and then defend. After attracting the main force of the Japanese army to arrive in Shanghai, they will choose the opportunity to withdraw from Shanghai after fighting a few battles. Then they will set up defenses along the way, resisting step by step, and attract the main force of the Japanese army to attack China to the east-west line.


"Principal, I know very well the arrogance of the Japanese and their consistent contempt for China. They believe that as long as they can eliminate the main force of our Central Army and occupy our capital Nanjing, our country will no longer have the heart to resist Japan, and will only

can surrender to them and become a tributary of Japan."

"So, as long as our country's elite main force is assembled in the east, the Japanese army will inevitably mobilize a large army to swarm us in an effort to defeat us in a short time and solve the China problem. You must know that no matter how arrogant Japan is, they do not want to fall into a long-term war.

Being in a quagmire will slow down their efforts to compete with Western powers for hegemony."

The principal snorted heavily and said: "Humph! Little Japan too underestimates the Republic of China and the determination of its 40 million people to resist foreign aggression. It is wishful thinking to surrender to this great country after winning a few battles.


"The principal clearly sees that the sage Lao Tzu said, 'If heaven wants it to die, it will go crazy.' Let's let little Japan go crazy for a while, and use our vast land and long depth to spend ten or even two years on it.

Ten years, dragging it step by step is like the abyss of destruction." Zhou Wen followed the principal's words.

His coming today is actually to cheer up the future supreme commander of the Anti-Japanese War. It is also the best opportunity to change the historical direction of the Anti-Japanese War.

Zhou Wen is self-aware. Although he is a time traveler, he is a low-key person and cannot play any tricks in the ups and downs of the Republic of China.

Like in those online novels of later generations, the time traveler used the knowledge of later generations to build industry and build a strong army, became a prince, and then led hundreds of thousands of strong troops equipped with airplanes, tanks, and cannons to fight against Japan. He was

If you can't do it, you just don't dare to think about it.

For him to be in this situation today is the best he can do.

However, he can use his growing fame, his countless impressive achievements against the Japanese invaders, and his clean history that has nothing to do with politics to influence and convince those big figures who have the ability to change part of history.

For example, Marshal Yan from Shanxi, or the principal in front of me.

Only with Zhou Wen and his troops' outstanding reputation and outstanding military exploits in Songhu and the Great Wall will these big shots pay attention to you, and will you have the opportunity to show off your strategies to the principal face to face.


From the perspective of later generations, China's strategic layout in the Anti-Japanese War can be said to be very clever. There is almost nothing worthy of criticism. It is not a little bit better than those short-sighted little Japan.

But in terms of battle command and tactical selection, they lag far behind the little devils.

In particular, Marshal Yan and the principal of Shanxi Province, one was mainly responsible for the Taiyuan Battle, the largest battle in the north, and the other was responsible for the most tragic battle between China and Japan during the entire Anti-Japanese War - the Battle of Songhu.

First of all, Marshal Yan made countless mistakes during the Taiyuan Battle. The biggest mistake was not paying enough attention to Niangzi Pass, the most important pass from Hebei to Shanxi, and only deployed some miscellaneous troops for defense.

At that time, Marshal Yan's attention was entirely focused on the Battle of Xinkou.

Xinkou supports Taihang Mountain on the right and Yunzhong Mountain on the left. The terrain is dangerous and it is the last gateway to the north of Taiyuan.

To protect Shanxi, we must protect Taiyuan, and to protect Taiyuan, we must protect Xinkou.

Therefore, Marshal Yan gathered the most elite 6th and 7th Group Armies of the Jinsui Army, as well as the 14th Group Army of the Central Army and the 18th Group Army of the Eighth Route Army. A total of four armies with a total of more than 200,000 were the most elite in Shanxi at that time.

The troops fought a decisive battle at Xinkou with the main force of more than 70,000 Japanese troops moving south along the Tongpu Line.

This is the famous Battle of Xinkou in Taiyuan in history.

However, Marshal Yan Gu Xi ignored the east and did not have a correct understanding of the intensity and speed of the Japanese attack.

As a result, Shijiazhuang, an important town in Hebei that he thought could hold out for at least ten days, was captured by the Japanese army in three days. After Shijiazhuang was captured, Niangziguan, an important gateway on the eastern front of Shanxi Province, immediately faced an attack by the Japanese army.

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