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Chapter 1113 Strategic Turn

"Principal, please don't forget that the strongest military forces deployed by the great powers in Asia are not Britain and France, but the United States, which has a powerful fleet in the Pacific. The United States' Pacific Fleet in Hawaii is the maritime power that can truly deter Japan.


"If Germany provokes a war in Europe, the interests of the United States will be limited and the United States can make war fortune. The possibility of them intervening in the European battlefield may not be high."

"However, if little Japan causes trouble in the Pacific, it will directly touch the bottom line of the United States. How can they sit back and watch Japan snatch oil and rubber resources in Southeast Asia, let alone allow little Japan's navy to directly threaten the U.S. colonies in Asia?

Philippines and Hawaiian Islands.”

"So, if Japan wants to seize resources in Southeast Asia, the United States is a hurdle they can't get around. This is an unsolvable proposition. Neither the United States nor Japan has any other option except war."

"Therefore, regardless of whether Britain and France can win the war against Germany, as long as Japan attacks Southeast Asia, the United States will inevitably intervene in the war. This is the basis for Japan's inevitable failure. I am afraid that the principal will not think that Japan can defeat the world's largest industrial production capacity

The number one country is the United States, right?”

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

The principal could no longer keep a calm expression and stood up from the sofa. He cheered repeatedly and reached out to pat Zhou Wen on the shoulder. However, he could not hide the excitement and admiration for Zhou Wen in his eyes.

He never expected that after this young monster's detailed analysis, he would actually find the theoretical basis for Japan's ultimate failure.

In this era, the most powerful country recognized in the world is still the British Empire, which is known as the country on which the sun never sets. However, many keen politicians in the world have noticed that the United States on the other side of the ocean has actually surpassed the United Kingdom in comprehensive national strength.

However, at this time, the United States is well versed in the art of forbearance. It does not care about the title of No. 1 in the world, but tries every means to strengthen itself.

The First World War was the first step in the rise of the United States. The United States, located on the other side of the ocean, did not have to worry about being affected by the war.

Therefore, the shrewd American government and businessmen began to use the war to make money. They peddled arms, promoted weapons, and made huge fortunes based on their strong resource reserves.

By the time World War I ended, European countries were in dire straits and their vitality was severely damaged, while the United States had made a lot of money.

After World War I, the United States was actually able to take over the right to speak on world events. While European countries were busy rebuilding, the prosperous and peaceful United States clearly showed its status as a new world hegemon.

However, due to the unique geographical location of the United States, they have no natural enemies on the American continent, which has led to the proliferation of isolationist ideas in the country.

Isolationists believe that the United States has a vast territory and that it can live and work in peace and contentment by developing its own country and there is no need to intervene in European affairs.

In addition, with the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as natural barriers, wars in Asia and Europe do not threaten the United States, so isolationism is prevalent in the United States.

This also led to the United States not being very proactive in participating in European and Asian affairs. It did not even join the League of Nations, which was composed of most Western powers at that time.

However, as the world's largest economic and industrial power, even if it does not speak out, no country dares to despise it.

In particular, when you threaten its interests, as an emerging capitalist country and an industrial power with a huge naval force comparable to the British Royal Fleet, it will inevitably show its sharp fangs to the provocateurs.

Moreover, the U.S. Navy has deployed its strongest fleet in the Pacific, which shows that its strategic center is placed in the Pacific region. In addition to the small fleets deployed by Britain and France, the largest naval force in the Pacific is Japan's combined fleet.

It can be seen from this that when the United States forms a huge Pacific Fleet, who is it trying to guard against?

During this period, the principal knew very clearly how strong the national power of the United States was.

According to a report by the famous British Times at the beginning of this year, comparing the national strength of the world's major powers in 1932, the United States' economic aggregate was more than seven times that of Japan, and its fiscal revenue was 10 times that of Japan.

And the outcome of the war depends on the competition of national strength between the two sides. Naturally, the principal does not think that Japan can defeat the United States. This is why he becomes excited.

"Do you think Japan will go to war with the United States sooner or later?" the principal asked, still a little worried.

"There is a prerequisite here, that is, we must resolutely withstand Japan's attack. Even if most of the country falls, we will never make peace with it. We will drag it down until it is exhausted, until it has no choice, or go north and fight the Soviet Union.

, or go to fight with the United States."

"But no matter which country it is, it will be our ally and support in ultimately defeating Japan."

The principal already fully understood what Zhou Wen meant. Neither the Soviet Union nor the United States were powerful countries that the Japanese could afford to offend. As long as they had either of these two countries as allies, defeating Japan would no longer be an illusion.

The principal has imagined in his mind that as long as Japan is at war with these two countries, then, in accordance with the law of war that the enemy of the enemy is a natural ally, these two countries will definitely not want to see China defeated by Japan. Those massive weapons and equipment and war

Supplies will be continuously transported into China, and the end of little Japan is just around the corner.

However, before that, I don’t know how long China will have to independently resist Japanese aggression? One or two years, or ten or eight years?

Thinking of this, the principal's brows furrowed again.

Zhou Wen naturally knows the principal's worries at this time. If he hadn't known the final direction of history, he might be like the principal, not knowing how long the darkness before dawn will be. Will China be unable to wait until some time?

Can't support it anymore?

But now, he wants to continue to encourage the principal, and at the same time, he wants to ask the principal to change the suppression and preventive measures he has taken against other warlords in the country.

"Principal, I believe that China should prepare for a solo war with the Japanese army in 6-8 years. Based on Japan's national strength, this is the only time that their finances can last. If time goes on, its financial expenditures will

It is out of proportion to the gains from war plunder, so it will have to find new targets for plunder."

"Because Japan's national conditions are different from China's, and its resources are extremely poor, it can only have the capital to compete with Western powers by embarking on a path of expansion. Therefore, when the war with China makes it unable to see the hope of short-term victory, the strategy

The turning point is an inevitable choice.”

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