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Chapter 1134 Chinese Kung Fu

Entering the door of the gun room, three walls are lined with tall gun cabinets extending from the ground to the roof. Now all the cabinet doors are open, and in the cabinets on the left and right, neat rows of Thompson Charges are hanging.

-guns, all loaded with fat drum magazines.

In the gun cabinet on the front are various pistols.

As the military attache of the consulate, Dennis was of course an expert in using guns. He recognized the models of these pistols at a glance.

There are Colt m1911 pistols, Colt m1903 pistols, Colt revolvers, and the latest German model of 20-ring mirror box rifles.

In the middle of the gun room are several rows of wooden gun racks, containing more than a dozen British 77 rifles.

The key is that on the two tables on the ground, there are two shiny Czech-style light machine guns.

These weapons are what Zhou Wen plans to use in public places and on the surface in Shanghai. Although they are not as advanced as the usual standard weapons of the mercenary group, they are more than enough for regular security work.

Of course, since it is a mercenary group, there will definitely be some entrusted business that is shady, and Zhou Wen also hides many weapons that are not convenient for public display.

And this is where Zhou Wen can really make a lot of money. If you think about it, ordinary personnel security and cargo escort can make a few small bucks. Only if others don't want to make it public, or even kill people for goods, can you negotiate the price?


Another reason is that many of the weapons used by the mercenary group on the battlefield are very uncommon, such as the Somi submachine gun and the P08 artillery pistol. There is only one mercenary group in the country and no other weapons.

If these weapons are used in public, it will not be difficult for the Japanese to discover and associate them. If it is revealed that the defense company was established by the party training corps that caused heavy damage to the Japanese army, the Japanese will inevitably be targeted in Shanghai.

This is not what Zhou Wen wants to see.

The purpose of his coming to Shanghai is just to make money by making secret remarks, not to show off his reputation.

Dennis was dumbfounded as he looked at these weapons that could equip a platoon of the U.S. Army. He cursed in his heart: "Fuck, what kind of defense company is this? It's enough to even participate in a small-scale regular battle."


Little Henry and the blonde beauty Nina looked at him with a smile as if this was a very normal thing.

Dennis shook his head to wake himself up, and frowned: "Mr. Henry, are you preparing to participate in a war?"

Little Henry quietly gave Nina a hint, and she saw Nina walking over with the most beautiful smile on her face: "Mr. Dennis, you know, this is in Shanghai, China. One year here

We have experienced wars before, as well as countless gangs, bandits and warlords, and of course, there are also various political forces hiding in the dark."

Nina gently took Dennis's arm and continued: "Our defense company must consider the various security needs of our customers, so of course we should be prepared for various responses. Our business is not just in the concession, sometimes

When you go to other places, you will inevitably encounter large groups of enemies. The better the weapons, the better the safety of your customers."

"Actually, if you allow us, we would like to purchase a few mortars..."

As soon as Dennis heard this, he hurriedly pulled his arm out of Nina's warm and soft arms. He didn't dare to enjoy this tenderness anymore. If this continues, are you going to buy a tank?

Dennis seemed unable to see the resentful look in Nina's beautiful big eyes, and quickly changed the subject: "Mr. Henry, we have weapons, but the key is to see who is using them. You know, if it is unprofessional

For people, these weapons will bring harm."

"Where are your security personnel? Why don't you see them in the office area?"

"This way, Mr. Dennis." Nina swayed her graceful figure again, smiling and leading the way.

When I came to the back of the office area, I saw a dozen Chinese people practicing bare-handed on the lawn.

Dennis snorted when he saw it and almost laughed out loud.

These Chinese were all wearing black jacket-style uniforms, and they were sparring in pairs, but their movements were extremely slow. The two people's arms were intertwined, and you were pushing and one was blocking, as if they were joking.

"Hahahaha, dear Mr. Henry, what are they practicing? Are they practicing pushing people? Hahaha..."

Dennis couldn't understand that this was brothers practicing Tai Chi Push Hands. When he saw their grandfather-like movements, they were actually very serious about it. It felt a little funny, and finally he couldn't help laughing and laughed out loud.

Now the only people in the defense company here are Li Hu and Sun Dazhu leading two groups of brothers to control the situation. When they heard Dennis watching them from a distance and laughing, they knew that this foreigner was laughing at him and others. But he had been tempered by the war.

They have developed a composure far beyond their years, so they don't care.

As the saying goes, summer insects cannot talk about ice. If you meet someone who doesn't understand, how can you care about him?

Little Henry didn't want Dennis to conflict with the brothers in the mercenary group, so he could only explain: "Mr. Dennis, what they practice is Chinese Kung Fu, which is different from our boxing fighting."

Dennis still laughed and said: "Hahaha, Chinese Kung Fu? Mr. Henry, stop teasing me, can this kind of slow pushing knock down the enemy?"

At this point, Dennis couldn't help shouting loudly: "Hey! Guys, let me show you what real fighting is."

You know, after so many years of continuous learning, the brothers in the first team basically understand a few words of English. Although their levels vary, they can still understand simple conversations.

Hearing Dennis's words, the brothers stopped what they were doing and looked at the foreigner with a frivolous smile on his face in surprise.

Li Hu and Sun Dazhu looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

Since arriving in Shanghai, the activities of these team members have been limited to this city. They can only do some simple physical training, and they have long been feeling depressed.

Now that someone is specifically coming to my door to torture me, I feel so happy.

Dennis smiled easily and approached the group of Chinese young men. Only then did he realize that these people were all very strong. Even though some of them were slightly thin, they all had a sense of strength and strength.

Moreover, what surprised him was that these people were different from other Chinese people from the middle and lower classes he had seen. They did not have the same flinching and inferiority complex as when they saw foreigners. Instead, they all looked at him calmly and curiously.

Dennis' surprise disappeared for a moment, because now he was standing in front of this group of people.

"Hi! Guys, let me introduce myself. My name is Daniel. I am the Second Class Military Attache of the American Consulate. I just heard your boss say that you are practicing Chinese Kung Fu. I also want to see it. Let's do it now.

Let's have a contest. You can choose the strongest among you to fight me."

This chapter has been completed!
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