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Chapter 1174 Picking up rags

James left with his body full of fatigue and haggard. Of course, he also took away the photos and film negatives in the envelope.

However, even if his head was caught by the door panel countless times, he would not believe that Zhou Wen only had these photos in his hand.

He could only pray to God in his heart to get rid of this demonic Chinese as soon as possible. It would be best if God could send down divine punishment and disappear all these abominable and terrifying Chinese people from his own world.

As for the Chinese guy who said he wanted to cooperate with him and make himself rich, he didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

He even deeply suspected that this Chinese man was still thinking of tearing off another piece of flesh from his already bloody body. Helplessly, he could only hope that Zhou Wen's appetite next time would not be as big as this time.

He has begun to consider whether to find some reason to apply to the company headquarters to leave Shanghai. It would be better to leave China and stay away from the guy who smiles on the surface but hides a devil in his heart.

It's just that this James doesn't understand Zhou Wen very well.

If Zhou Wen said he wanted to make him rich, he would definitely do it.

So, why did Zhou Wen let this scumbag, who had strong discrimination against Chinese people, get away and cooperate with him later?

If this James is not the executive director of Shanghai Qichang Foreign Company, given that James is an extreme racist and humiliated Zhou Wen before, Zhou Wen will not just propose a compensation of 135,000 US dollars this time, but

He will think of ways to bankrupt this arrogant American. Even after breaking his bones and sucking out his marrow, he will most likely not abide by the agreement and still leak the photos to a tabloid reporter, ruining James' reputation.

However, after Zhou Wen learned about the background and strength of Qichang Foreign Company, Zhou Wen changed his mind and decided to make good use of James' status as executive director.

Of course, it's not that Mr. Zhou is afraid that this American company will do him any harm.

It was from the mouth of Dennis, the military attache of the US Consulate who had become friends with young Henry, that Zhou Wen learned that this Qichang foreign company was not a simple one.

The American Guachang Company was founded in 1824 and is headquartered in Guangzhou. It initially engaged in the opium smuggling trade, and then promoted goods and purchased silk tea in China on behalf of American and European companies.

After the Opium War, its power extended into various trading ports, and its business expanded from opium smuggling to import and export trade. It established shipping companies, docks, warehouses, and opened machine reeling and roasted tea factories, becoming the most important force of the United States in China in the 19th century.

The largest company.

Qichang Steamship Company, which it operates, operates two major shipping routes, Shanghai-Guangdong and the Yangtze River, and once had a monopoly on Yangtze River shipping.

By the time of the Republic of China, Qichang Steamship Company had withdrawn from the Yangtze River shipping business and invested its funds and energy in the ocean shipping business, and became the largest U.S. trading and shipping company in Southeast Asia.

The reason why Zhou Wen valued Qichang Yangxing Company was because if Zhou Wen wanted to develop shipping business on the Yangtze River, he had to purchase a large number of cargo ships and recruit talents.

Zhou Wen knew that a full-scale war of resistance would break out in a few years, and knew that the shipping trade business would not last for a few more years, so he would not spend a lot of money to buy new ships. He only wanted to buy low-priced second-hand ships.

But since it was started from scratch, and Zhou Wen could not develop slowly on a small scale, he needed a large number of river ships with a cargo capacity of more than 500 tons from the beginning.

Just when Zhou Wen asked Mandel for help inquiring about the company that had a large number of river ships to sell, he learned from Mandel that Qichang Foreign Company had sealed up a large number of second-hand freighters.

It must be said here that the main reason why Qichang Yangxing Company wanted to withdraw from shipping on the Yangtze River was that the wars during the Republic of China led to the inability to guarantee the safety of river transportation along the Yangtze River. Moreover, in the early years of the Republic of China, due to the prevalence of domestic isolationism, the United States had no control over China.

Its influence has been greatly weakened, with few warships docking in China throughout the year, and naturally it cannot protect the business of Qichang Yangxing.

Some port cities along the Yangtze River change their flags almost every year. Many warlords can only care about today but not tomorrow. They are so poor that they don’t care which country your ship comes from.

Stopping a ship would cost you a small fee to cross the river, but I'm afraid some of the ships and cargo would be swallowed up in one gulp, even if you fly the American flag.

Even if you go to negotiate with the Beiyang government in name only, it will be in vain. After a few months of investigation, even if you really find out who did it, the warlord who snatched the goods may have been killed for an unknown number of days, and you still go

Are you going to find someone in the grave to claim compensation?

Coupled with the endless emergence of various water bandits and river tyrants, how can you make the managers and directors of Qichang Foreign Company feel so embarrassed?

Therefore, the board of directors considered it and simply quit the Yangtze River Shipping Company.

Moreover, this period was when Japan's navy was expanding at its fastest pace. No matter how isolationist the United States was, it still had to consider its own interests in the Pacific, and it was even less likely to spit out the meat it had eaten.

Therefore, after they felt the growing threat of the Japanese navy in the Pacific, they began to vigorously operate the Philippines, the main colony in the Pacific.

As the largest American company in Southeast Asia, Qichang Yangxing saw new business opportunities from this.

Therefore, Qichang Yangxing shifted its business focus to shipping and established a trading company in the Philippines.

Although Qichang Yangxing Company has withdrawn from the Yangtze River shipping business, it will not just dispose of the large number of idle ships suitable for river transportation. They do not want to take advantage of those former competitors in vain.

Therefore, among these idle ships, some that were already very old were sold to small Chinese companies at a low price, and a considerable part of them were relatively new. Those that were not used for a long time were all sealed up and regularly maintained for future use.

Just take it out and use it when needed.

What Zhou Wen is interested in is this batch of well-maintained second-hand ships, and they are all large river ships with a weight of more than 500 tons. After buying them, they can start shipping goods.

Moreover, this is not the only reason why Zhou Wen values ​​Qichang Yangxing. Another very important reason is that Qichang Yangxing is now involved in the construction and daily supply business of the US military base in the Philippines.

Zhou Wen saw an opportunity to purchase American arms, especially those weapons in the US military stationed in the Philippines that needed to be eliminated and replaced due to training losses.

Among them, there are two things that Zhou Wen values ​​the most, one is a small gunboat, and the other is the "Lao Ganma" heavy machine gun, which became famous in later generations and has been continuously modified by the American army and is still used today.

Some people may ask, why doesn't Zhou Wen just buy new ones? He has to buy weapons that have been worn out by the United States.

When did the wealthy Master Zhou become a rag picker?

This chapter has been completed!
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