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Chapter 1194 What a coincidence

Some people may say that since the Military Inspection Office is so professional, why not just let the Principal directly let the Military Inspection Office be responsible for Mr. Situ's safety? Why bother taking off his pants and go around?

It should be said here that although the Military Inspectorate has great power and capabilities, its manpower is not large.

The main reason is that the principal, in line with the idea of ​​not overfilling the vacancies, has set the selection threshold too high. There are very few people who can pass the various assessments. The current number of more than 200 people is already more than what the Military Inspectorate can do in a short period of time.

To the extreme.

And two hundred people are really responsible for the security work of the principal and the entire attendant's room. The manpower is already a bit tight, and how can we mobilize extra manpower.

What's more, Zhou Wen now wants to have a good relationship with the principal, and the principal doesn't want to win over the unparalleled combat power of the mercenary group.

And handing over Mr. Situ's security task to Zhou Wen is an opportunity to further enhance the relationship between the two parties and bring them closer, so the principal will naturally take advantage of it.

The time soon came to mid-July.

On this day, three bright black Buick cars drove up in front of the Chinachem Hotel, the tallest building on Nanjing Road in the French Concession. When the cars stopped in front of the hotel, a few people wearing black jackets walked out of the hotel door.

A capable man in uniform.

An old man in a Western suit was surrounded by them. Anyone with a discerning eye would know at a glance that it was a group of bodyguards escorting a big shot who came out.

However, judging from his expression, this big man didn't seem very happy, and he was still mumbling something.

But when he went out and saw a little girl who was as cute as a doll jumping out of a car, his worries turned to joy, and he laughed and hugged the little girl into his arms.

It turns out that today is the day that Nicholas leaves Shanghai for the United States.

Since the original agreement between the two parties was to settle the balance of the security fee before Nikolai left Shanghai, and in order to avoid Nikolai getting into trouble, Zhou Wen did something wrong with the payment, so early this morning, Nikolai

La's sweetheart Natasha disappeared.

Of course, Zhou Wen still liked this little girl with amazing musical talent, so naturally he would not use any rude methods. He easily took Natasha out of the hotel on the pretext of selling a gift to the little girl.

Although there are some tricks in the method, it is also an insurance measure that Zhou Wen has to take in order to get the final payment smoothly.

Then again, if Nicholas is really determined to jump over the wall and cheat, Zhou Wen actually has nothing to do with him. He can't really kidnap the lovely Natasha, right? It is even less possible to use violence to force Nicholas

The only way to do this is to consider yourself unlucky.

The Chinachem Hotel at this time was the most high-end hotel in Shanghai, and it was located on Nanjing Road, the most secure and prosperous area in Shanghai. The guests who could stay here were either rich or expensive, and ordinary people would not be seen even if they were rich.

Must be able to move in.

Moreover, during this period, many high-end places in the public settlement restricted the entry of Chinese people, and the discrimination against the Chinese was very serious. If Nicholas and his grandson were arranged to stay in a hotel in the public settlement, the access of the brothers in charge of security would be restricted.

Only the French Concession is slightly better. Except for a few French-owned entertainment venues such as the French Federation, most places do not restrict the entry and exit of Chinese. This is why many Shanghai tycoons and senior officials of the Republic of China, including Mr. Du, choose to stay in the French Concession.

One of the reasons for living in the French Concession.

Although the Chinachem Hotel is very expensive, it is located on Nanjing Road, the most prosperous area in Shanghai. It is a key area inspected by the police, and the public security situation is relatively good. Let Nikolay and the others stay here temporarily to avoid his good Belarusian neighbors to the greatest extent.

their interruption.

Besides, Zhou Wen doesn’t need to spend any money to stay at the Chinachem Hotel. All food and lodging expenses, including the security personnel, are paid for by Nicholas. It’s rare for Li Hu and his brothers who are in charge of security to open a high-end restaurant.

of foreign meat.

After little Henry went to Citibank to confirm that the check of 140,000 US dollars issued by Nicola was authentic and valid, Nicola and Natasha got into the security company's car and prepared to go to the Shanghai Customs Terminal to board the ship.

Of course, by this time, there would be no accidents, and there would be no need for Zhou Wen to escort him personally.

He said goodbye to Nicholas and Natasha at the entrance of the Chinachem Hotel, and then got into another car with Natasha's reluctant eyes and rushed to Fengyu Pier.

It is strange to say that it was not specially arranged by Zhou Wen, but several major events today were completely combined.

The contract for Fengyu Terminal was signed two days ago, but it would take some time for Qichang Company to fully withdraw from the terminal, so the handover time was coincidentally set for today.

What's even more coincidental is that after Lujiaqiao received approval from the Songhu Garrison Command, the migrant workers and construction teams recruited by Mingzheng for the mercenary group officially began to renovate the Lujiaqiao base today.

Fainting, several major events all rushed together, catching Zhou Wen off guard, and it was destined that today would be his busiest day since arriving in Shanghai.

But this kind of busyness is something Zhou Wen and all his brothers are happy to see, and they all enjoy it very much.

The first and second orders of Tiger Security Company were successfully completed, bringing a profit of 550,000 US dollars to the mercenary group, and it was still in cash. This basically satisfied all the funds Zhou Wen needed to invest in the early stage of starting a business in Shanghai.

There is still plenty.

If you wait until the Yangtze River Company's shipping business officially starts, you can just sit at home and wait to count the money.

How profitable is shipping on the Yangtze River?

You must know that shipping in this period provided both insurance and bodyguard services. In other words, the ship was fully responsible for the safety of the cargo on the ship before it was delivered to the destination designated by the client.

Ordinary small companies simply cannot afford this risk. Sometimes a shipment of goods is worth millions of oceans. If something goes wrong, the ship owner and shipping company cannot afford to lose even if they sell themselves.

But the greater the responsibility and risk, the greater the profit will inevitably be.

Zhou Wen had long known that during this period, long-distance shipping along the Yangtze River generally calculated freight as a percentage of the total local price of the goods.

Short-distance transportation is fine, but long-distance transportation across provinces or across several provinces is very expensive. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge profit.

This ratio is not just a few percent or even a few tenths of a percent, but more than ten percent or even tens of percent, a shipping price that will be unheard of by future generations.

And as long as you have this strength, you don’t have to worry about business not coming to your door.

You know, the level of logistics during the Republic of China can be described as appalling.

Not to mention the scarcity of roads and railways, transportation means are even more scarce.

This chapter has been completed!
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