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Chapter 1198 Local tyrants

Zhou Wen, on the other hand, once again enhanced his influence and status in the eyes of the principal through the Great Wall War of Resistance, and the conditions for taking back control of the Second Regiment were basically mature.

And now even if the principal wants to reach out, he must consider the balanced relationship in the military. This is because the military salary Zhou Wen promised to the second regiment was in accordance with the standards of the teaching corps.

The military salary provided by the teaching corps is something that no army in the country can afford.

Even the logistics soldiers can get 15 yuan per month, and the soldiers of the second regiment all served in the Songhu battlefield, and at least they started as non-commissioned officers. Corporal 20 yuan, sergeant 25, staff sergeant 30, warrant officer 40, second lieutenant

50, lieutenant 60, captain 70, major 150, lieutenant colonel 200, colonel 300.

When Zhao Xiaojin joined the mercenary group, because they belonged to the first detachment, there were no soldiers in the first detachment and all were officers. Therefore, Zhou Wen did not consider it as favoritism. Instead, he was awarded according to the lowest rank of the first detachment, which was also the standard for the rank of second lieutenant. But

Just like that, when Zhao Xiaojin took his military pay home in the first month, his wife was also shocked.

The Second Regiment has an establishment of 1,500 people. Not to mention other logistical supplies, the military salary alone costs nearly 40,000 yuan per month, which is over 400,000 yuan a year.

If the principal wants to take it, it's not impossible to get the money, but it will break the balance among other troops.

You must know that the world is not plagued by poverty, but by inequality.

Even in the most elite Central Army, an ordinary soldier's monthly military pay is only about 7 yuan. Moreover, some troops may be deducted at all levels, and the soldiers receive only about 5 yuan. If you insist on comparison,

The salary of soldiers and non-commissioned officers of the Training Corps is nearly twice as high as that of the Central Army.

If the principal takes over this army, what standard will be used to distribute military pay?

Hey, if you don't have enough military morale and sense of belonging, you will be greatly reduced. Who will do their best to work for you? If you have too much, what will your Central Army do? Also increase military pay? That's an astronomical figure.

So while the principal secretly scolded Zhou Wen for being cunning, he had no choice but to give up.

As for Zhou Wen's previous negotiation with the principal to move the Second Regiment of the Teaching Corps to Pukou, he was actually hinting to the principal that he wanted to take back control of the Second Regiment. The principal was also aware of this, but it was just a matter of face, so no one had any intention of doing so.

It just needs to be stated clearly.

Zhou Wen wanted to move the Second Regiment to Pukou and take back control, which was actually for the security of Yangtze River shipping.

As mentioned before, Zhou Wen wanted to develop in Shanghai, but he only made up his mind about shipping on the Yangtze River last year in Shanghai.

It was only after many discussions and consultations with Su Jixian and Mr. Du that he realized that this was an opportunity for him.

Haha, others who have money don't have soldiers, and those who have soldiers dare not do it for fear of being tabooed by the principal.

I have money and soldiers, and now I have actually jumped on the big boat of the principal and the Military Commission. What can I not dare to do?

Those water bandits and river tyrants directly drove the gunboats and transported troops to eliminate them, and at the same time maintained the combat effectiveness of the troops. As for the warlords and local forces along the line, who dares not to give some points to the principal of the Central Army who has millions


Besides, it's not that I don't pay tolls, but you also need to be a bit more confident, so don't be a lion and just open your mouth.

And once the scale of shipping becomes larger and larger, and the water flows down, it will be a big profit for these local forces. It is better than you are currently guarding the river with both people and efforts, and after all the troubles, maybe

I haven't seen a big ship of some tonnage for several days, so I can only exploit those poor small boat gangs. Isn't it better?

Zhou Wen believes that anyone who can become a warlord is not a fool.

Moreover, Zhou Wen did not plan to open up the entire Yangtze River at once. He just had to be able to reach Wuhan first.

Just because the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei that this route passes through are almost within the principal's sphere of influence, the local governments and garrisons along the way are either direct relatives of the principal, or warlords who are more obedient to the principal.

Zhou Wen believes that as long as he uses the banner of the Military Commission, no one will deliberately create difficulties.

The main obstacles are the water bandits and local wealthy people along the way.

During the period of the Republic of China, due to wars and warlord separatism, the government's management institutions were relatively sound at the provincial and municipal levels, but when it came to towns and even some remote counties, there was no management at all. As a result, although many remote towns and villages

There are also government personnel stationed there, but at most they are under the management of the Republic of China government in a symbolic sense. In fact, the people in charge are the local wealthy families.

In some places, the appeal of clans is much higher than that of the government, and clan rules are higher than national laws. And the patriarchs of those clans are the local emperors, who can decide life or death with a single word.

Such a wealthy family has a strong family name and is good at deceiving the local people. Their appeal is not low. Moreover, due to the war to protect themselves and resist bandits, these large families almost all have their own weapons, not to mention rifles and pistols, and some even

There are machine guns.

Su Jixian once said that in the past, there were occasionally merchant ships running across the river from Shanghai. In Anhui, local fishermen led by local tycoon clans set up jams on the river, demanding and blackmailing the merchant ships passing through. It is said that the river was densely packed with fishing boats, and guns and artillery were mounted.

On a boat, you don't dare to actually sail the boat and hit it, so you can only pay for it.

What's more, they work for the people during the day and are bandits at night. At night, the powerful clan leaders take the local people to openly rob the river, and then kill everyone on the merchant ship. You can't find any excuse, and

I was afraid that I would be held responsible for forcing the people to rebel, so in the end I had no choice but to let it go.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the local government's fist is not big enough and powerful enough, so it naturally lacks means of deterrence.

Moreover, during this period of the Republic of China, local county governments did not have enough public security forces at all.

Normally, a county should at least have a security team, right? However, most of the members of the security team are young and strong people who belong to the clan. If you dare to let the security team kill someone's own family, they may have your county magistrate's head moved that night.


If there happens to be a garrison around the county, it will be even more difficult to ask the garrison to take action. The sky-high opening fee is already prohibitive, and it is possible that these soldiers will be even more ruthless than bandits when they enter the city.


This is the real reason why many powerful and wealthy bosses dare not get involved in Yangtze River shipping. The situation along the way is too complicated and dangerous. If you have to bribe and persuade one by one, you don’t even know how long it will take.

Which year to go?

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