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Chapter 12 Brothers for a lifetime

Early the next morning, the door was opened. Zhou Wen sat on the ground against the wall and opened his eyes. He saw two soldiers, one carrying two large bowls and the other carrying a wooden bucket. After entering, they put the things on the ground.

He turned around and left, then closed the door again.

It seems that the two of them are notorious now! Zhou Wen thought mockingly to himself.

Seeing that Xu Dacheng was still sleeping on the bench, he didn't call him. He walked to the bucket and bent down and took a deep sip of water. Then he picked up the steamed buns in the bowl and ate them. He didn't eat or drink all day and night.

Now, are you not hungry?

In a big bowl, eight fist-sized steamed buns were eaten instantly, and I was half full. I took the empty bowl and scooped up two bowls of water and drank it. Only then did I feel my stomach felt better.

"Awen, what medicine did you give me last night? I feel numb and my body doesn't hurt anymore. It seems like there was a little mouse walking around in my body in my sleep. It's so warm and comfortable." Xu Dacheng

He said and climbed up from the stool.

Zhou Wen was overjoyed when he heard this. He had this conjecture last night. Because the Buddha's light penetrated Xu Dacheng's skin, it should also be able to transform his physique.

Zhou Wen looked at Xu Dacheng and said, "Come on, try your strength."

The two were used to wrestling with each other's right feet touching each other, their right hands holding each other's palms, and each exerting force to their left side.

Xu Dacheng looked at Zhou Wen with bright eyes and asked, "Is this the kind of energy boost you have?"

"Yes, that's the kind."

Xu Dacheng came over happily, and the two sides stood still and started wrestling. Zhou Wen didn't use all his strength at first, and was almost dragged over by him. It wasn't until he increased his strength to 60% that he dragged Xu Dacheng over.

"Good guy, it's at least more than double what you were before." "Is it really that much?"

"Go try that stool." Zhou Wen mentioned the solid wood stool before, weighing about ten or twenty pounds.

Xu Dacheng walked to the long stool, lifted it up with one hand, held it in his hand and lifted it up a few times, then suddenly started to swing it. Zhou Wen quickly squatted down with his head in his hands, only to hear the strong wind blowing above his head, and he cursed urgently: "

You are seeking death, stop quickly, don't be seen by others."

Xu Dacheng put down his stool, opened his mouth and was about to laugh out loud. Zhou Wen covered this idiot's mouth, and now he was really anxious: "Ancestor, I beg you, we are not out of danger yet.

, now is not the time to be happy, if someone sees through it, all the hard work will be wasted."

It was easy to calm down Xu Dacheng's overly excited mood. He was allowed to eat and drink water, and then the two of them washed themselves with the remaining water.

After the two sat down again, Zhou Wen said solemnly: "Dacheng, this ability of mine and some of the strange objects you will see in the future are all brought about by my resurrection from the dead. I can't explain it clearly.

What's going on, but I hope you promise me two things. One is to keep it confidential. Do not tell anyone, including your relatives, under any circumstances.

Second, don’t ask, because I can’t answer you even if you ask. You must remember, otherwise you will kill me, really kill me.”

When Xu Dacheng heard Zhou Wen mention the word death, his heart twitched violently, and an indescribable sadness welled up in his heart.

With red eyes, he looked at Zhou Wen and nodded solemnly: "Awen, I swear, I will never tell or ask. This time, it was all because of me that I almost killed you. I promise to listen to you,

We don’t want to die and we will be brothers for life.”

"Yes, we will be brothers for life." Zhou Wen held Xu Dacheng's hand tightly.

At this time, he felt that Xu Dacheng had grown up in an instant, and a seed called a sense of responsibility began to be planted in the young man's heart, which would sprout, bloom, and bear fruit in the future. This is a man.

At noon, two soldiers brought in another meal, and this time there was a small pot of vegetable soup.

After eating, Zhou Wen relaxedly crossed his legs and said, "Dacheng, our hard days are over. It is estimated that we will be separated from the army today."

"How did you tell?"

Zhou Wen explained patiently: "Think about it, if the director of the three-corruption department still wants to give us a hard time, how can he still deliver food to us on time? He is afraid that he will beat us to starvation and the impact will be too bad when we are distributed.

, it’s not good for his reputation.”

Sure enough, as Zhou Wen expected, towards the afternoon, someone opened the door and shouted: "Zhou Wen, Xu Dacheng, come out."

Zhou and Wen walked out of the house one after another. After staying in the room for a long time, the afternoon sun was a bit dazzling.

Zhou Wen squinted his eyes and saw at a glance a young soldier who was slightly older than himself standing upright in the sun. He had thick eyebrows and narrow eyes, a medium build, a bit dark skin, and a tall and thick figure. He wore an armed belt and was slanted.

He was carrying a shell gun on his shoulder and a Hanyang-made gun on his back. He was wearing leggings and cloth shoes. His whole body looked clean and neat.

As soon as he saw Zhou Wen and the others coming out, a sincere and somewhat honest smile appeared on his face, his eyes narrowed to a slit, and a row of small white teeth dazzled in the sun.

"Saipan!" Zhou Wen almost shouted. In his memory, the image of the black brother with the same sincere smile and the same set of white teeth overlapped with the soldier in front of him.

Seeing the kind look in Zhou Wen's eyes, the young soldier smiled even more.

He took a step forward without waiting for the introduction of the guard soldier next to him, grabbed Zhou Wen's arm, and said eagerly: "I have long been hoping that some students will be assigned to our third regiment, and now it's great, our regiment

There are also soldiers who can read."

After saying that, I realized that I was holding Zhou Wen's hand tightly, and hurriedly let go, took a step back, and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm a little bit like that when I'm happy. I didn't hurt you, did I?" After saying that, he wiped his hand on his clothes.

, and stepped forward to check Zhou Wen's arm.

Zhou Wen fell in love with this simple and sunny young man in an instant. Relationships between people are based on fate. Some people hate each other when they meet each other, while some people don't need to communicate and become lifelong friends with just one glance.

Zhou Wen stretched out his right hand to hold the hand extended by the young soldier. The other's hand was wider than his own, and there were thick calluses on the palm and the tiger's mouth, which he knew were from long-term practice with guns.

The other party may not know the handshake ceremony, so he allowed Zhou Wen to hold his hand without daring to use force, and looked at Zhou Wen blankly.

Zhou Wen smiled and explained: "Let's shake hands and we'll be acquainted. My name is Zhou Wen."

"Hello! My name is Xu Dacheng." Xu Dacheng also stepped forward to shake hands with him.

"Oh! Hello, hello. My name is Gao Xiaoshan. I was sent by our regiment leader to pick you up and bring you back to our third regiment." A series of "I"s knocked Zhou Wen into confusion.

Gao Xiaoshan was also very fond of Zhou Wen when he saw him. This student was fair and clean. Although his body was a little thin, he had an air that should not be underestimated. The look he looked at him and the smile he showed showed a kindred spirit.

, as if he and I have known each other for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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